Page 2 Heppner Gazette Time,s Heppner, Oregon, Feb. 3, 1949 EDITORIAL NATIONAL EDITORIAL -T - A. . r2. Piiushf. ioi association Democratic Press Dubious II is Interesting 1o pet the slant of editors thru out the lfnd following the inaugural ceremony and the President's message. That this column may not be accused of prejudice or bias, we beg the privilege of submitting excerpts from a few of the Democratic editors who have "spoken their pieces" since January 20. The Ft. Lauderdale (Florida) Daily News (Ind. Dem.) warns: "If President Truman's 'State of the Union' message to Congress is indicative of what the next four years has in store for this country, then the United States will have'pro gressed farther along the socialistic path than the original New Dealers ever dreamed of doing." St, George tS. Carolina) Dorchester Eagle-Record (Dem.) says: The country as a whole accepts the fact that much of the New Deal legislation passed during the depression of the '30's was beneficial. No doubt it helped recovery to. a great extent, but there is no positive proof that it, instead of Hitler's war, was responsible for the prosperity of the '40's. Donna (Texas) News (Dem.) says: The Taft Hartley act makes murder, destruction of property and "gimmie-everything-for-nothing" programs illegal.The Wagner Law legalized murder, destruc tion, theft if by union strikers declares employ, ers wrong all the time, that labor only has any rights, and all of that. Truman promised to restore the Wagner act with its blood and arson. He got the votes. Harlem and other negro centers were promised the white folks in return for votes. And the Reds must have been promised red herring radio programs. We hate to think the farm vote was delivered in return for subsidies for raising crops to be destroyed. And the Whitehouse (Ohio) Standard (non-partisan) says: . . A candidate may be elected on the basis of his promises, but he can not be re jected for not keeping them until the next elec tion. It may be possible that Mr. Truman now finds himself in a position where, in order to save face, he will ask for legislation that he se cretly hopes he will not get, and that is food for thought On the same sheet were editorials from several Republican papers, but none of them was more critical indeed, they were not .as caustic than the comments by editors of the deep south. The labor press, naturally, is all for the proposed program. As a closing shot, here's a quotation from one Republican newspaper, the Somerset tPenna.) Daily American: President Truman has drunk too deeply at the Kremlin fountain. His message to Congress is an appeal to the ignorant and the infamous to support him in his assaults upon the intelligence and virtues of the American people. 30 YEARS AGO Heppner Gazette Times, February 6, 1919 Another hotel company has been organized in Heppner for the purpose of erecting immedi ately a first class hotel of mod ern construction in this city. J. W. Beymer, Jeff Jones, J. F. Vaughn and W. G. McCarty are announced as the incorporators. The Slocum property on the southwest corner of Main and Center streets has been purchas ed, and an option taken on the property of Aithur Smith now oc cupied by Wm. Haylor, and it is the announced intention of the new company to begin clearing the ground for the new structure just as soon as the present ten ants can be cared for. which will be about the first of March. The new building will be three stor ies and have a frontage on Main street of TO feet and extending a depth of 132 feet on Center street. (Editor's note: For some reason the building did not materialize, perhaps due to the fact that the incorporators may have come to the conclusion that one hotel would serve the community. The property acquired for the purpose is still vacant and now owned by a Pendleton capitalist.) Frank Turner has ordered a 10- j machine shearing plant which he expects to have here and ready for work when the season opens, about the loth of March. He plans , to run two Dlants this season. I ! The purchase of the Slocum ! property by the newly organized I hotel company necessitates the 'removal to new quarters of the 'Morrow County Creamery. ! Lexington items: Churches and 'Sunday schools reopened at Lex ington last Sunday after about I two months vacation enforced by the flu. ... A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George N. Peck last Sunday morning. . . Prof. Boit nott, principal of the Heppner schools, visited the Lexington school last Monday. . . . W. K. Corson, manager of the Burgoyne store, made a business trip to Hardman last week. . . . Oscar R. Otto, the music man of Hepp ner, was in Lexington last week looking after business interests. It is announced on good auth ority that the Heppner Hotel com pany is pushing plans for the new hotel building per announce ments as made last week. Stock in the new company is being rap idly subscribed, and as fast as possible arrangements are being completed to start construction work. Rain, snow and frosty weather have held up construction work on several different buildings go ing up in Heppner this week. Dempsey Boyer and wife were visiting for several days in Hepp ner this week from their home in Monument. John Boyd was at Parker's Mill recently getting some repair work done on his woodsaw. He was driving his mule team which, he SESSION WARMS UP For he past two weeks freezing storms loafed around the capitol. This week they moved and things warmed up, outside and inside the legislative halls. For the first time this calm and purposeful session urew us battle lines. This week a group of effervescent bills furnished the punch we have been waiting for. From now on anything can happen. The Columbia Valley Authority proposal is not new but it's po tent. Other proposals would sanc tion a privately owned dam on the Deschutes river; reapportion the state's legislative set-up; give agricultural board power to ap point director of agriculture; cre ate a commission on uniform state laws; eliminate liens against property of persons re ceiving old age assistance; ap propriate $1,818,740 to continue Oregon Vocational school at Kla math Falls; reallocate gas tax revenues, motor license fees, etc., to small counties, and create full time liquor control director. SPEAKER'S APPRAISAL "Confronted with requests to taling $175,000,000 and having a possible income of $150,000,000, members of the state legislature have been brought face to face with an outstanding fiscal prob lem," says Representative Frank J. Van Dyke, speaker of the house. 'The difference of $25,000, 000, should it be appropriated would necessitate a tax levy of 18 mills in addition to the load already being carried by real es tate. The legislators take the at titude that the vote last Novem ber on the welfare measure is a says, are not to be trusted as they will run away at the drop of the hat They are aged respective ly 76 and 106 years. John Olden left for Hillsboro Monday where he was called on business in connection with the estate of the late M. A. Olden, his father. Cecil items: Mr. and Mrs. T. H Lowe were visiting at Butterby Flats on Thursday. . . . Walter Pope and his little old Ford went down to Willows on Thursday, re turning by way of Arlington. .. John Bryson of lone, the car doc tor, was called to Cecil Saturday morning. John thinks he had bet ter build a garage down Here, then he would always be on the job. The oAmerkan Way i n WMarr, . i. i .... lead Leaders of unions representing rail road engineers and firemen seek to force railroads to add extra, needless men on diesel locomotives. This is sheer waste a "make-work" program which would mean fewer improvements and higher costs for vol ! Railroads uae modern dirwel locomotives be cause they are one of tlie means of giving faster, better service to you. Two men compose the crew of a dieseL They occupy a clean, comfortable cab at the front. The enKinoer handles the throttle. The firpmao wU and watches the track ahead. With no coal to shovel, he has practically nolliing else to do. No Benefit To You Now the leaders of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Knginoers and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen want to use Uie diesel locomotive as a means of forcing a feather-bedding soheme on the rail roads. The eitxa men tliey propose to add to tiie dieeul ciewa are not needed. There is no work for them. Tlie union leaders are fighting among them alv about which union should furnish these antra, needless men. Tlie Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers have even threatened a strike. You nmy nut be interested in this d la put of Ulnae two unions, but you would be vitally comwned if these groups succeed in putting through this feather-bedding scheme, bawauaa it would mean a slowing up of tlie improvement program of tl railroads of which tlx diesel is the outstanding symbol. W u- Lrwf thr Ir.hest paid ers or two unions railroad employes real aristocrats of labor! Their pay is nigh by any standard. Granting of these demands, therefore, would mean that the railroads would be paying out millions in unearned wages to those in tha very highest pay brackets. We'd Like To Spend This Money On You You know how much tha diesel has meant to you in increaaed speed, comfort and conven ience. The railroads have many more of them on order for even greater improvement in service to you. But needless drains of money, such as this present demand of the unions for needless men on diescls, reduce the ability of the railroads to spend money on better serv ice for you. . . Proud as the railroads are of the diesel, it is only a small part of their improvement pro gram. Since the War, literally billions of dol lars have been spent on improvement of tracks and stations, on new passenger and freight cars, as well as on diesel locomotives, and on the many other less conspicuous de tails of railroading that contribute to im proved service. Feather-Bedding Means Less Service To You But brazen feather-bedding schemes like the one now proposed would, if successful, divert large sums of money from our present Im provement programs. Even worse, they make improvements like the diesel worthless, by ma king the cost of their operation prohibitive. These demands are against touh interests as well as those of the railroads. They are schemes to "make work". Neither you nor the railroads should be forced to pay such a penalty for progress. That's why the railroads are resisting these "make work" demands to the Inst ditch and why they are telling you about them. 11 WEST ADAMS 8TB E IT e CHICAGO I. ILLINOIS We are publi hing this and other advertisements to talk with vou at first band about matters which are important to everybody BLASPHEMY DELUXE By Dr. Alfred P. Haake (Edtor's Note: Alfred P. Haake, Ph.D., Mayor of Park Ridge, Ill inois, is a noted economist, busi ness consultant, lecturer and au thor.) Only those who deny a Su preme God could handle Jesus of Nazareth as He is handled in a recent issue of the communist paper, 'The Worker," Illinois Ed ition, December 26, 1948. Underneath the laws' of econ omics and other man-articulated sciences and arts, are the basic laws that govern all life as im plemented by God himself. The Universe would long since have fallen apart and man have per ished, had there not been eternal laws which held the one togeth er and enabled the other to pur sue his destiny. Atheists have sneered at the Christ, but the worst of them has never prostituted Jesus as a bait to lure men down the primrose path to collectivism and com munism. To use Jesus as a communist, to compare His sufferings with the machinations of modern com munists, is the cheapest and most blasphemous form of sacrilege. But, that is exactly what 'The Worker" does on its front page of December 26, 1948. A quarter page mock advertise ment calls for the apprehension of the criminal Jesus Christ. He is shown with a bitterly hopeless face, lined with suffering. Under neath a legend states that He is wanted for sedition, criminal anarchy, vagrancy and conspir ing to overthrow the government. The less informed reader may swallow the nasty cynicism. But anyone who really knows the story of Jesus knows that He was not seditious, was not considered a criminal anarchist even by His enemies, and that He made no efforts to overthrow the govern ment. He recognized the rights and place of Caesar as He did those of God. It is bad enough that commun ists should blaspheme the Re deemer, while at the same time seeking the support of church groups with their humanitarian scented 'Program of atheistic ma terialism. But our real menace does not come from the openly-confessed communists. It comes rather from them who we know as respected leaders in various places, many of them invoking the aid of God in their collectivlstic activities, who lend front to the collectlvist movement under the sanction of religion. It is not surprising that communist Earl Browder is quot ed as boasting that the commun ist movement, more than any oth er, has succeeded in setting up a common front with religious groups and in bringing commun ist non-religious ideas to the re ligious masses. It does take strength to stand by the teachings of Jesus. It takes fortitude and faith to support the basic doctrines of Christianity, and perhaps we should not be too surprised that some ministers, unable to stand up to their relig ious professions, lend willing ears to these men who would change social institutions to solve the problems of sinful man. It is eas ier to. change laws on statute books than to reform sinful men. That is what has been wrong with the church for hundreds of years. Someday a real crusader may arise within the church and persuade people to become Chris tians, and give the teachings of Jesus real opportunity to demon strate the power-behind and in them. Such a man would restore faith in God, and find solutions for our social problems by attack, ing their roots in man himself. Jesus has been crucified many times. God has often been -blasphemed. But no derision of the Master or contempt for God has ever approached the depths of degredation to which both have been subjected by this effort to make Jesus a communist. mandate to supply each pension er at least $50 a month. This, in effect, means an additional $3, 000,000 contribution to the wel fare fund," said Van Dyke. LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS NORMAL Those who deplore that Ore gon's legislative sessions are steadily growing longer and more expensive are not completing the story. Population increase with extended state business, higher salaries and general expenses should be taken into considera tion. The session of 1927 cost $160,540. Since then the popula tion of the state has about doub led. The 1947 session, 20 years later, which was the longest on record, cost $310,915, less than double the cost of the 1927 ses sion. THUNDERBIRDS A-WINC The less populated counties of Oregon vision Portland as dicta torial in the legislature and dom ineering the state, If the Neuber ger bill becomes a law. The bill would provide for legislative rep- $12-50 (FED. TAX INCL) BONBON AND CANDY DISH Fiye inch length. An Exquisite Gift of Sterling Silver! Peterson's Jewelers CLEARANCE SAL! of Odds and Ends Numerous Electrical Appliances, some Lamps and Shadse, Radios and other items will be offered for immediate clearance A Tableful of Real Bargains! Starting Friday, Feb. 4 A. itmJ HEPPNER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC CO. resentatlon solely by population with reapportionment after every 10-year census. The measure has sparked one of the hottest battles of the ses sion. Eastern Oregon counties and those adjacent to Multnomah county and some others would ldse many senators and repre sentatives under reapportion ment. Multnomah county would have a third of the membership of the senate and the house. The county, outside of Portland, would be outvoted by the city which would in turn control the Contirned 'on page 6 Jot YOUR ' ; I'-; ... to be loved and treawred ill j ? ijf her life. Ill be con.tant j y , 1 f fA reminder of your thoughtfulneaa j f JL" '' 9 't y and good u.te. And I ' W ' Jf j H the bride', uble Jg iV, !K ',! I V three timet t day. every d.y. '"' NUs ' iV-l'' I'll grow lovelier . . . never f 4 how we.r. For I'm Heirloom JrtS ;! Rf,j,S' Sterling aolid diver all fcf j y " the way through; made to last ijNt f ' i , m a hundred year.!" Ark Jrnt " ' f - ertr mj f;murt pfan. ' mansion Hovm or y2K' , ' !'&Cwfl ' " ' Damask Roso WlM i h'A K ..PWI. Sotting rll'll'S $22.50. 1 fMrm Federal Tax Included M l , l J& ' i J jWi fill 8i!i''1'1'" 'Jjj i Peterson's ' bvAo lewelers PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon J.O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon Veterans of Foreign Wars Meetings 2nd & 4th Mondays at 8.00 p.m. In Legion Hall P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY AT LAW General Insurance Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance Saw Filing Gr Picture Framing O. M. YEAGER'S SERVICE STORE Jack A. Woodhall Doctor of Dental Medicine Office First Floor Bank Bldg. Phone 2342 Heppner Turner, Van Marter and Company GENERAL INSURANCE Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492 Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Oregon A.D.McMurdo, M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Heppner City Cminril Meet, rtr.t Monday UUnt.ll Eaoh Month Citizens having matters for discussion, please bring them before the Council. Phone 2572 Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office No. 4 Center St. House Cals Made Home Phone 2583 Office 2572 Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Offloe in Fetori Building C. A. RUGGLES Representing Blaine E. Isom Insurance Agency Phone 723 Heppner, Ore, Morrow County Cleaners Heppner, Oreffon Phone 2632 Superior Dry Cleaning & Finishing Dr. J. D. Palmer DENTIST Office upstairs Rooms 11-12 First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 783, Home 932 Heppner, Oregon Call Settles Electric flt HEPPNEn APPLIANCE for all kinds of electrical work. New and repair. Phono 2542 or 1423 N. D. BAILEY Cabinet Shop Lawn Mowers Sharpened Sewing Machines Repaired Phone 1485 for appointment or call at shop. RALPH E.CURRIN ATTORNEY AT LAW First National Bank Bldg. Phone 2032 Walter B. Hinkle REAL ESTATE Farms, Buslncs, Income Prop erty. Trades for Valley & Coast. Income Tax Retumi Arlington, Oregon Morrow County Court Mt Tint Wednesday VUU" of Kaon Month Onnntv Jiidja Oftloe Hourai Monday, Wedneaday, Friday 9 a-m. to 6 p.m. Tuondny, Thnriday, Saturday Fori Hon only