Heppner Gaicttc Times, Heppner, Oregon, Jan. 27, 1949 Page 5 Want Ads Blacked out in front only. We have turned off our sln and flood lights to savd electricity lor the power pool, but we are still open tor business on the inside with 12 men ready to serve you. Rosewall Motor Co. I L.. ftALiv 1942 Chrysler ltoyal; radio, spotlight, heater, Pres ume. Ituns like a top. See Heppner Garage. 43tfc KOK SALE--lleKistered Airedale pups. Ph. Heppner 20F3. 421 fc 1942 bidsmoblle sedan. Good paint and rubber. Pay down $500.00. Rosewall Motor Co. New 1949 Ford Bonus Built 158 inch wheel base cab with chas sis truck equipped with heavy duty frame, auxiliary springs, oil filter, oil bath air cleaner, 11 Inch clutch, heavy duty fan, heavy duty radiator, twin tail lamps, dual windshield wipers and 750 x 20 tires, 100 horse power V-8 motor, serviced and ready to go to work $2026.00, delivered In Heppner. Rosewall Motor Col FOR SALE One Kimball organ. Arthur C. Keene, lone, Ore. 43-45p 1941 Chevrolet 34 ton pickup with stock rack. Pay down $345. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE-Fordson tractor and 2-bottom plow, $100. 25 square red composition shingles, $5 a square. N. D. Bailey. 44c Wanted 100 cars to paint in our DeVilblss paint booth. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Four-wheel trailer, Bruce Bothwell. 44-46p If you need a new or rebuilt mo tor trade your old motor in to Rosewall Motor Company and put your car and truck In tip top shape for more pleasant driving. FOR SALE Frigidaire refriger ator and Frigidaire range; 5 piece dining set, 1 unfinished dressing table, 1 bed, 2 sets springs, upholstered chair and rocker, 1 dresser, 1 radio. Jack Whittle, phone 2495. 45c Keep your eye on our used car lot for your transportation needs. Rosewall Motor Co. ALTERATIONS I will call and deliver. Phone 1013. Linnie Lou don. 45-6p FOR SALE 1941 Chrysler Roval 4-door. Excellent condition, low mileage. Also brass bed and mattress. Phone 312. Billy Buck num. 45p FOR SALE Army Dodge Decon, four-wheel drive, excellent con dition, new motor and trans mlsslon. Bruce Bothwell. 44-40p You can have your car painted and motor overhauled and put it on one ticket. Pay on our convenient budget plan. Rose wall Motor Company. WANTED Anyone having tur keys or chickens for sale please contact the Victory Cafe, lone, Ore. 22tfc We have those famous Polar Grip tires that can't slip on Ice. Rosewa 11 Motor Company. FOR SALE 1948 6-cyIi'ndor super de luxe Ford; 6:50 6-pl rubber; radio and heater, seat covers, spotlight, low mileage, and clean. Call 2242, Lindell Broad foot. 44Uc If your gears are hard to shift these chilly mornings bring your car to us and let us drain out that old worn out summer grease and refill the transmis sion and differential with fresh winter grade RPM gear lube. You will be glad that you did. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 22-33 12 16-foot Har ris combine; good shape, priced reasonable. E. M. Baker, Phone 35F22, lone, Oregon. 45-47p Don't send out of town for any thing automotive until you first try Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 15 tosn alfalfa hay, rained on. S28 ton. Jack Caven der, phone 35F15. 45p You have seen the new look now try the new ride in a 1949 Ford Custom car. Rosewall Motor Co. We have alcohol base anti freeze to prevent freeze ups these cold mornings. Rosewall Motor Co. DON'T WAIT until winter comes again to have storm windows installed. I make any size and install them. Also repair vacu um cleaners. N. D. Bailey. 44tfe Get behind the wheel and try the '49 Ford feel. LEGAL NOTICES CALL FOR BIDS School District No. 12, Lexing ton, willtsreceive bids on a 1937 Plymouth seven-passenger sedan, suitable for making into a pick up, up to and Including February 7, 1949. Mail bids to Mrs. C. C. Carmichael, Clerk of School Dist. No. 12, Lexington, Oregon. Same will be opened February 8, 1949. That They May Walk FOR SALE Three-room size oil heater with circulating fan, $25. Jack Van Winkle. 45-4Sp FOR SALE two four-bottom 1G Inch Oliver tractor plows. Gil liam & Bisbee. 45c Pi 1 The theraneutls facilities of the Corona, Calif., Naval Hospital were made available to victims of the 1948 polio epidemlo In Los Angeles County after the con tagious stafre was passed at the County General Hospital where fiatients were first ordered for reatment. Photo shows Navy hospital corpsman aiding a pa tient at Corona Hospital to walk all over again. (Ottchl Htry PbotottMpb) Going Home Via U. S. Navy In the post-war repatriation of exiled Korean civilians and Japan ese troops to their homelands, V. B. Navy LST's made seven trips to accomplish that mission of mercy. Photo shows crew mem bers of USS LST 10G9 watching Korean civilians as they prepare to board the vessel prior te the last trip. (OSeiti vrr porj FOR YOUR $jaon E Y 1 rnn for? ii i r i iiiiWWi .A K k fell! Ill WASHES ) ' ! fl W an RINSES, DAMP-DRIES HERE E AMI C431 SPINDRIER with AUTOMATIC SPIN-RINSE trnv snlnrirler with the Automatic Spin Rinse limited quantity-while they. last $179.95 (Was 1199.95) Pork Chops on the Hoof in Guam inin r--.-" ..e - 1 "lag-- On farms established by the U. 8. Naval Government en Guam, American sailors Instruct natives In modern agricultural meth ods. The produce from the farms Is need for Naval personnel and the rehabilitation of the natives. U abet above, a seaman, Brit class drives some plrs to (eed. (Oaw wn .(n. Oris Padberg, Chairman, School District No. 12, 45-46 Lexington, Oregon. HEPPNER SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT NOTICE OF ANNU AL MEETING AND ELECTION OF SUPERVISORS. To al owners of land lying with in the Heppner Soil Conserva tion District: Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of February, 1949 the annual meeting and election of one supervisor of the Heppner Soli Conservation District will be held under the provisions of the Soil Conservation District law of this state, Chapter 3, Section 109, OCLA as amended by Chapter 348, Oregon Laws, 1945. The place of meeting will be at the Lexington grange hall be tween the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Every person, firm and corpor ation, state, county, or municip ality being the record owner of or holding under contract of pur chase, ten acres or more of land lying within the said district are eligible to vote. Candidates to fil the board va cancy of one supervisor may be made by petition signed by ten landowners. If no candidates are nominated by petition to fill the existing vacancy, nominations may be made from the floor dur ing the annual meeting. HEPPNER SOIL CONSER VATION DISTRICT, By N. C. Anderson, Secretary. Dated this 25th day of January 1949. 45-46 CHURCHES ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of services: trOTIOB TO CKEDITOM Notice Is hereby Ktven that the un dersigned. The Klrst National Bonk ol Portland (Oregon) waa duly appointed bv the Probate Court of the State of Oiregon-for Morrow County, Oie ad ministrator of the estate of ARTHUR L. HUGHES, deceased, and all per sona having claims againt the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned administrator with proper voucher duly verified at the law office of Jos. J. Nys. at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 6th day of January. 1948. THE r IHM NATlUINAL. HAPin. OF PORTLAND (OREGON), 4J-46 Administrator NOTICE Or FINAL ACCOTJHT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Lola E. McCabe. deceased, filed witli the Probate Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, his final ac count of his administration of the es tate of said deceased, and said Court rixed Monday, the 7th day of Febru ary 1949, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock of said day at the Court House at Hepp ner. Oregon, as the time and place for neanng onjeciions to ssja iinai account and the settlement of said estate, and all persons having objections Uiereto are hereby requred to file the same with said Court on or before the Ume fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published tnis em day of January 1949. ttAKL, f KAlNWis aa Ana. Administrator. Joa. J. Nys, Attorney. it-it Mass In Heppner on the Is and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass In Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: In lone at 9 a.m. Mass In Heppner at 7:30. see METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, minister. Sunday, January 31: Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. with special music by the choir, Dr. Paul McCoy, director. Church school at 9:45 a.m. Mr. T. W. Allen, superintendent A class for every age. Adult Bible class, also Youth ' Fellowship class, Mr. Vernon Bohles, counsellor. Thursday: Choir practice at 7:30 p.m. The Womans Society of Chris tian Service meets the first Wed nesday of each month. Mrs. Douglas Drake, president. The church board of education meets the first Thursday of each month at the church at 8:30 p.m. Next meeting is February 3. see ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11. Evening prayer and instruction, 5 p.m. Junior Y.P.F., 6:15 p.m. Senior Y.P.K, 7:30 pm. Week-day services: Wednes days, holy communion, 10 a.m.; Fridays, holy communion, 7:30. Choir practices: Girls, Wednes- days at 4; boys, Thursdays at 4; adults, Thursday at 8. Mrs. Edward Burchell is here from her home in California to visit for a time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Healy. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hill made a business trip to Portland over the week end. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptom f Distress ArMnf Irena STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FrM BeakTafls f HajaaTl ajiajltM Mast Help er It mu Cat Tea NetMag rin-lwnnnilne hoMlaaafahainUABD TRBATMBNT have beavaoM far nasjfajf symptom era mrm ansnkfl iiuse Fl owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP and DuaJanal Ulesrs to Pea? BlaasMsn. Sew r Viaae Oaartwesa, llssslhsiil, ffSssyNsaasMM, due to Ism AeM. Sold oa IS ears ml Ask for "WinatWs M, Saager's Pharmacy Transferring fir Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Do You Have Enough FIRE INSURANCE? Check with BLAINE E. IS0M AGENCY Heppner Phone 723 Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phont 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY M as IS A GOOD TIM to check over your office supplies and make up a list of your PRINTING NEEDS No matter what they are, we are pre pared to handle them for yon . . . From the smallest calling card to a double truck-poster Letterheads Envelopes Society and Wedding Stationery Cards and Tickets - Placards Blotters - Business and Profes sional Announcements- Dodgers Broadsides Circulars - Folders Programs Envelope Enclosures and Folders Booklets - Catalogs Checks Voucner Checks Receipts - Etc. Tell us what you want We'll help you plan it ! We Handle- Sales Books and Rubber Stamps Good Equipment: and Skilled Workmanship Combine to give you Satisfactory Printing Heppner Gazette Times Printing Department Phone 882 Case Furniture Co.