Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 27, 1949, Image 1

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Heppner Gazette Times
$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, January 271949
Volume 65, Number 45
Reviews the
By Giles L. French
The legislature- which went
bouncing along for the first week
like a sprinter ttt the start of a
dash slowed to' a more sedate
pace in its seconfl week. The first
week bills were introduced for
political effect in a haste to get
a name on some legislation that
may be sufficiently popular to
make a campaign on next year.
Whether it passes or not is im
material. As a general rule It
might be said that the earlier In
the session a bill is Introduced
the less chance it has of passage.
From now on there will be more
thought in new bills and more
earnest desire for them on the
part of the sponsor.
A group of house members par
tlcipated in a radio broadcast
Thursday night, the first that has
been tried In Oregon as a sort of
public forum. KOAC wanted it as
a feature and the house taxation
committee was the trial horse.
Six members of the eleven man
committee were assigned to sub
jects with Chairman Ralph Moore
acting as moderator for his part.
Reports are that the broadcast
was received very well and it
may lead to more such forums
as a means of acquainting the
public with legislative problems
and procedure.
The picture painted by the tax
ation committee was very black
Indeed and leports that taxpay
ers missed a nights' sleep after
listening will not be surprising.
The budget Is big and does not
include everything wanted, the
resources are well used up and
the proposals are few and mea
ger, the surpluses tied up. The
state already sends nearly $70,
000,000 a year Into smaller gov
ernmental units and the need for
economy Is most apparent.
Oregon will have to spend less
or tax more. Around Salem dur
ing a legislative session one can
talk to many who would follow
the tax more theory for these
people who come to walk up and
down these marble floored halls
want something and pursue
many methods to get them. When
legislators return home and chat
on the village or city street or
across the line fence they will
meet other citizens who follow
the spend less theory.
These last can make them
selves effective by not waiting
until the session Is over to speak
their wishes. If there Is demand
for economy let it be heard now.
There's snow in Salem nearly
every day and the natives shiver
and complain. Little girls and
big grown women walk sleepily
Into the state house In the morn
ing with snow sticking to their
open -toed shoes and they look
most unhappy. They hate it. But
so far as is known it is doing
no harm to crops although trans
portation is badly upset some of
these mornings when roads and
streets are Icy.
Some of the bills recommended
by the tax study committee of a
session ago are being introduced
again. Interest is greater In It
and the demand for reports and
the booklets Is very great. None
are available and where they
went no one seems to know. In
troduced to date is a bill to al
low cities and towns to collect a
license fee from tavern operators
in addition to the tax. Where po
licing is a problem this bill will
be popular.
The business tax bill that has
been favored by the wheat lea
gue Is another one. If It passes
the personal property tax will be
repealed. But perhaps it won't be
passed this time for Oregon is a
conservative state that changes
slowly unless emotionally arous
ed or uninformed. Like other new
ideas it may draw the fire of
those who would pay more and
not get the support of those who
would pay less. ,
The first division in the house
was made Friday and it indi
cates a 40 to 4!) vote for the side
favoring less radical change. The
division will not remain the
same, of course, but the house at
least Is not going to be a very
wild bunch ot citizens this time
It Is less conservative than In
1947 and there are enough cltl
zens this time. It Is less conserv
alive than In 1947 and there are
enough who desire change to im
press their less drastic views on
the whole and keep the more
drastic views alive. That, per
haps, is the way it ought to be
to slow progress until it is pop
We have ulrcady gone far in
the suppression of liberty and the
achieving of security and will
probably continue on that road
but haste Is not necessary. At
the end of 11 we will probably
find that there was more security
at the start of the Journey than
at the end and then we will be
too old to retrace our itepi.
Planning Council
On Rural Living
Formed Tuesday
Plan Conference
Group Preparing
Active Campaign
In one of the most Important
agricultural meetings of the year,
agricultural planning sub-committee
chairmen, representatives
of the home extension committee,
4H club council, county court
and county livestock association
met Tuesday at the court house
and discussed acompllshments of
the recommendations made at
last year's agricultural planning
conference. William Barratt, gen
eral chairman of the conference,
called and presided over the
During the day, cacn of the
sub-committee chairmen gave a
review of progress and actual ac
complishments of the recommen
dations of their committee. Re
porting this progress were Mrs.
Norman Nelson, Lexington, farm
home and rural life; R. B. Fer
guson, Heppner, livestock; Lloyd
Howton, Heppner, farm crops;
Henry Tetz, Heppner, public ed
ucation, and W. W. Weatherford,
Heppner, conservation. Mrs. L. A.
McCabe, lone, president of the
county 4-H club council, reviewed
progress of the 4-H club program
for the past year, while Mrs.
Ralph Thompson, Heppner, chair
man, home economics extension
committee, represented that
group. Harold Erwin, chairman
Morrow County Livestock Grow
ers association, reported on the
progress of that new organization.
Judge J. G. Barratt represented
the county court.
County extension agents Mabel
I. Wilson, home economics, and
N. C. Anderson, agriculture, re
ported on accomplishments of the
extension program during 1948.
During the meet of the agri
cultural planning chairmen def
inite action was taken by the
group to organize a rural life
planning council. The group felt
that such a step would be help
ful In carrying through recom
mendations of each of the com
mittees which were approved at
the planning conference held at
Lexington grange hall In Janu-
ary 1948. Further sub-committee'
meetings were planned by the
chairmen to bring the recommen
dations up to date.
Chairman Barratt appointed
committees to draw up constitu
tion and by-laws for the rural
life planning council and a group
to investigate further the possi
bilities of having the agricultural
planning conference reports pub
lished in booklet form.
Appearing on the program dur
ing the afternoon was Chas. W.
Smith, assistant director, exten
sion service, Oregon Slate col
lege, who reviewed some of the
agricultural accomplsihmonts in
the stale of Oregon brought about
through agricultural planning
committees. Mr. Smith slated that
in making the accomplishments
the extension service was con
cerned in its assistance with sev
eral things: First, that a farm
program was aimed at not help
ing the farmer with agricultural
problems to grow more crops, to
buy more land, to crop larger
crops, to invest in more land, but
to have a high standard ot living
and conserve the farm so that it
would continue to produce; sec
ondly, that farm families make
the dollar stretch as far as pos
sible and spend It In the most
Intelligent manner. This should
be done to establish a home ra
ther than merely a place to live;
third, that the outcome of the
world is entirely based on the
manner in which our youth are
brought up and their thinking.
4-H club work is encouraging the
right thinking in the youth that
are enrolled.
These and other problems are
what agricultural planning com
mittees are active in solving, it
was pointed out.
Monday, Fehruary 7 Is the date
and the Rhea Creek grange hall
will be the locale of the bi-month
ly meeting of the Morrow, County
Farm Bureau, according to E.
Markham Baker of lone, presi
dent, who was a Heppner busi
ness visitor Monday.
Rural telephones will 'be dis
cussed by a visiting speaker, Bak
er said,- and he didn't know what
olher arrangements had been
made for a program. John Graves
of Heppner Is program chairman.
Householders who are having
dfficulty with freezing water
pipes are advised by Supt. Pat
Mollahan to leave the faucets
lightly open during the coldest
periods. So many pipes have
been frozen that several thaw
ing outfits have been unable to
cope with the situation and the
uperintendent says the only
recourse it to let the water run
Just enough to prevent freezing.
Retirement of Veteran Ranger of
Rugged Wallowa Forest Announced
Gerald J. Tucker, ranger in
charge of the Pendleton district
of the Umatilla National forest Is
to replace veteran Ranger Wood
fred Grady of Enterprise, who
will retire from the forest service
next month.
Grady Miller, as he is known
to the residents of eastern Ore
gon, has. been in charge of the
Imnaha-Snake River district of
the Wallowa National forest for
some 30 years during which time
his name has become almost
synonymous with the U. S. Forest
service in that spectacularly rug
ged territory.
Gerald Tucker, born and rear
ed In the Grande Ronde valley
and successively in charge of the
old Meacham district, the Pom
troy district and more recently,
the new Pendleton district of the
Umatilla National forest, has
been selected for promotion to
ths important post. Mr. Tucker
is a superb horseman and moun
taineer. In addition, he is rec
ognized by both stockmen and
conservationists as an able range
manager, thoroughly familiar
with the livestock industry, and
incidentally, an historian of some
note. Mr. Tucker's family has re
mained In La Grande during the
past two years where his daugh
ters have attended high school
Random Thoughts...
Since weather is the chief sub
ject of discussion these days, the
writer is tempted to tell a little
incident at Joseph a good many
years ago. The region had been
undergoing one of those occasion
al cold snaps, such as the one
currently holding this neck-o'-the-woods
In Its grasp, and for a
full tw oweeks the mercury stay,
ed at 20 degrees and more below
zero. Finally the break came. and
on the 15th morning the writer
passed by the telephone office
and was somewhat surprised to
see the door wdie open and the
windows raised. The operator,
who was likewise office manager
and charged with the duty of
building superintendent, was
busily engaged in "swamping
the joint." A remark was passed
about spring being near at hand,
or a similar inanity, and the op
erator replied that she looked at
the thermometer and found the
mercury had moved up to two
below zero and she couldn't stand
the oppressive heat so she de--j
elded to air the place out As a
matter of fact, she was seething
inside because the overworked
coal heater had blown up about
two hours earlier and she really
had a mess to clean up.
Such spells are not uncommon
In that part of the state, but it
is seldom that uhdue hardships
are suffered. Once in a long time
it may happen that ranchers run
short of feed but in the main it
is a thrifty, self-maintaining
country. The writer spent three
years of his boyhood there and
15 years later returned to Enter
prise with his family. Five years
were spent at Enterprise and sev
en years at Joseph. In that 12
years we experienced three ex
tremely cold snaps. There may
have been times when an abnor
mal spell was peculiar to that
section alone, but that is seldom
the case. And We know from ex
perience that the lower tempera
tures recorded in a higher alti
tude are little less endurable than
those obtaining at the same time
in the lower levels.
Coming down to local condi
tions, if and when this weather
breaks, it may well be recorded
as the "big winter of '49" 1949,
that is. It is a type of weather
that seldom visits this region. We
usually look upon a cold snap as
something to be endured for two
or three days and nights, a week
at the longest. Yet here we have
been looking for the break-up to
come almost any time for the last
six weeks. As this is written snow
is falling in earnest . . . Ground
hog day is not far distant. The
situation is indeed baffling to
the weather prophels.
The Gazette Times is pleased
that it is able to give its sub
scribers good coverage of the
Oregon legislature. In addition
to the Weekly Capitol News Let
ter, we again have the privilege
of presenting the viewpoint of
Rep. Giles French. His long ex
perience In Doth law-making and
news reporting combine to make
his column of varied and unus
ual interest.
Through the efforts of the Mor
row county committee of the
Eastern Oregon Wheat league
and at the Invitation of the Hopp.
ner chamber of commerce, the
Oregon Wheat league will hold
Its annual meeting In Heppner
early In December. That leaves
about ten months in which to
prepare for this Important con
vention and there are reasons
why farm groups and the cham
ber of commerce should be get
ting together at an early date to
discuss plans. There is little to
worry about In the matter of
housing visitors but the annual
banquet Is something of a poser.
Available facilities are limited to
a few hundred at the most and it
Is expected that upwards of 800
Contlr'ied on page 6
and the Eastern Oreeon College
of Education. After commence
ment they will join Gerald at tne
new location in Enterprise.
Ranper Tucker will be replaced
on the Pendleton district by Jo
seph O. Gjertson, who ior two
years was assistant to Ranger
Parsons on the Heppner district.
Since his graduation from the
University of Minnesota eleven
years ago, and excepting his ser.
vice in the Air Force, Joe has
profited by unusually broad ex
perience on forests In Minnesota,
Tennessee, Montana, Utah, Ida
ho, Washington and Oregon. He
is a member of Xi Sigma PI and
Alpha Zeta honorary forestry and
agriculture fraternities. Last June
Mr. Gjertson was chosen to con
duct a reeion-wlde study of me-
thods most successfully used in
the revegetation of lands ana
skidways disturbed in the process
of logging timoer lands east oi
thf Cascade mountains. This
study was conducted jointly by
the Pacific wortnwest f orest ana
Range Experiment station and by
I the regional division of Range
and wildlife management.
I Mr. and Mrs. Gjertson and their
little daughter, now living in
Heppner, will move to Pendleton
las soon as they can secure a
home here.
This Week's Contribute
Red 4 White Grocery
Ralph I. Thompson
Bert Mason
Mary Glavey
Mrs. W. C. Hofen, Portland in
memory of her father, the late
Thomas Quaid, pioneer sheep
man of Morrow county.
Statement From Committee
Some people thought the VFW
committee should have purchased
the ambulance through a Hepp
ner dealer. We had hoped that,
too, as some dealers had offered
to give the entire commission,
which was wonderful, we thot,
but on thorough Investigation it
was learned this could not be
done as a letter from a dealer to
the factory is Immediately refer
red to a salesman to handle, and
he in turn takes charge of the sit
"For fear some of my friends
may feel the ambulance will in-:
terfere with my business I want
to say that I am for it 100 per
By Margaret Phelps.
The fund is approximately
12 12 percent subscribed. Dona
tions are being received by the
following people: Dr. C. C. Dun
ham, Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Mary
Van's Flower Shop, J. C. Hagan
(at Columbia Basin Co-Operative
office), LaVerne Van Marter, and
Jack Van Winkle, all of Heppner,
and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael at Lex
ington. o .
Heppner and lone
Catholic Churches
Get Extension Aid
The St, Patrick's church in
Heppner and the St. William's
church in lone have benefitted
from gifts from the Catholic
Church Extension society, along
with other churches in Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, Montana and
Alaska. St. Patrick's church re
ceived $1,500 from the society in
1941 and the church at lone, re
cently completed, has been as
sisted in the amount of $5,000.
St. William's church will be ded
icated some time in February.
The Most Reverend Edward D.
Howard, Archbishop of Portland,
and the Most Reverend Leo F.
Fahey, Coadjutor Bishop of Bak
er, representng the Most Rever
end Joseph F. McGrath, Bishop
of Baker, along with bishops from
Montana, Washington and Alas
ka, attended the annual meeting
of the Catholic Church Extension
society in Chicago at which his
Eminence, Samuel Cardinal
Stritch, chancellor of the society,
presided. It was revealed that the
missions of these states and Alas
ka received a total of $114,937.40
In gifts and grants during the
past fiscal year.
All this was made possible by
the charity of friends of extension
society and subscribers of Exten
sion Magazine which regularly
publishes the urgent need of
home missions and commends
them to the charity of Catholics
throughout our country.
Harold Erwin will be guest
speaker at the chamber of com
merce luncheon Monday noon,
February 1. He will discuss the
proposed brand law which the
stockmen's organizations are fos
tering and which will be, or is,
up for consideration in the cur
rent session of the state legisla
ture. C. J. D. Bauman, chairman of
the legislative committee of the
chamber of commerce, will be In
charge of the meeting.
Mustangs In Stride
As Wheat League
Season Advances
lone, Fossil and
Hermiston Victims
Of Heppner Squad
Coach Vernon Bohles' squad
of Mustang casaba tossers is at
last hitting its stride and during
the past week chalked up three
victories against hot competition,
taking lone 46-36, Fossil 32-30,
and Hermiston 43-40.
The hitherto undefeated Fossil
team battled right up to the last
second to save its reputation but
the Mustangs would not grant the
lone was met on the 18th, Fos
sil on the 21st, and Hermiston the
Bohles will take his squad to
Arlington Friday evening to take
the measure of the Honkers, if
possible. Moro will play the "lo
cal squad here February 4, and
the Mustangs will meet lone
there next Tuesday.
The Wheat league lineup now
consists of Fossil, Condon, Arling
ton, Moro and Heppner. Competi
tion is plenty tough among these
teams and will grow hotter since
the Mustangs have hit their
Power Companies
Propose Plant On
Deschutes River
Stirring wide interest through
the power-short Pacific northwest
is the proposal, filed at Salem
with the Oregon hydroelectric
commission, for a $12,000,000 pro
ject to produce 75,000 kilowatts
of power from waters of the Des
chutes river.
The proposed plant, to be built
on federal lands, would be high
ly important to the regional pow.
er supply, it was pointed out, be
cause it could be brought into
production long before major fed
eral power developments on the
Columbia river. This would help
carry the region through its crit
ical power shortage until McNary
dam can be completed by the
To be known as the Pelton pro
ject, the proposed plant would be
built by the newly organized
Northwest Power Supply com
pany. The plant would be oper
ated by Pacific Power & Light
company, which already has two
hydro plants on the Deschutes,
and the entire output would be
bought and distributed by Paci
fic, Portland General Electric
company and The Washington
Water Power company. .
President of the new company
is General Thomas M. Robins, re
tired army engineer who directed
Bonneville dam construction.
Vice-president is Howard W. Tur
ner of Madras, a leader in devel
opment of the North Unit irriga
tion project in Central Oregon.
Secretary-treasurer is Hillman
Lueddemann, "first citizen" of
Portland and past president of
the Portland chamber of com
merce. Active attention is being given
to conservation and protection of
fish life in planning the project.
General. Robins said. Subject to
approval of conservation agen
cies, a modern fish -hatchery be
low the plant is included in plans
for the project. It would be state-
operated under the plans for the
The damsite is in an 800-foot-deep
canyen about six miles
f " - ' ' ' "
rtl "v " .''"""I..
r v. ' , a
A number of years ago Nor
ton Lundell built a service sta
tion on the corner of May and
Chase streets. The little plant
was set about center oi the lot
acquired for the purpose, leav
ing room for expansion on eith
er side. After changing hands
several times, the property was
Oddfellows. Rebekahs Install
New Officers Friday Evening
By Ruth F. Payne
Over a hundred Oddfellows,
Rebekahs and guests attended
the joint installation ceremonies
of Willows lodge No. 66 and San
Souci Rebekah lodge No. 33 at
the local hall Friday evening.
Preceding the installation of of
ficers, a banquet was served by
the Rebekahs. Officers installed
for Willows lodge No. 66 were,
noble grand, Harold Hill; vice
grand, J. C. Payne; secretary, D.
R. Tash; treasurer, C. W. Barlow;
chaplain, Manuel Easter; war
den, Roy Quackenbush; conduc
tor, John Wghtman; inside guard
ian, Pirl Howell; outside guard
ian, Ted Pierson; R.S.N.G., Ralph
Beamer; L.S.N.G., Lee Howell; R.
S.V.G., A. J. Chaffee; L.S.V.G., Cor
nett Green.
Officers installed for San Souci
Rebekah lodge were, noble grand,
Maude Hughes; vice grand, Mer
lyn Robinson; secretary, Delia
Davidson; treasurer, Pearl De
vine; warden, Jeanne Dobbs; con
ductor, Adelle Hannan; chaplain,
Julia Hill; inside guardian, Ruth
F Payne; outside guardian, Ella
Benge; R.S.N.G., Mary Bailey; L.
S.N.G., Florence Green; R.S.V.G.,
Letha Archer; L.S.V.G., Margaret
Thomas. Installing officers were
deputy district presidents Cornett
Green and Letha Archer, and
deputy grand marshals, Lee How
ell and Florence Green.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gjertson made
a business trip to Pendleton Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Van
Marter Jr. entertained at a fam
ily dinner Sunday afternoon hon
oring Mrs. Van Matter's mother,
Mrs. Archie Ball, on the occasion
of her birthday. Guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hall of Camp
Five, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mahon
ey and family and Mr. Ball and
the children.
Mr. and Mrs. Con Adkins of
Colfax, Wash., were week-end
houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Isom were
over from their farm near Pendle
ton Tuesday to spend the day
looking after business matters in
Bert Mason of lone was a bus
iness visitor in Heppner Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Murdock of
Kahler basin were business visit
ors in Heppner the first of the
Mrs. William Rawlins motored
to Pendleton Wednesday. She was
aeompanied by her brother, Tom
J. C. Payne motored to Pendle
ton Monday to attend a three-day
conference of soil conservation
service engineers.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sluyter and
Morgan Connor motored to Port
land and Beaverton Saturday for
the week end. Mrs. Sluyter will
remain in Beaverton for a time
with her parents.
The aurora borealis (northern
lights) was clearly visible Mon
day night and it was evident to
those courageous enough to brave
the sub-zero temperatures to
watch the view, that it was one
of the most magnificent demon
strations of the aurora to be seen
in this section in quite some
L. E. Dick is here from his
home in Helena, Mont., for a
brief visit with his sons, Ed and
Kemp, and their families.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan
and son and Mrs. William Mor
gan who operate a farm in the
northwest of Madras. It would
have two 37,500-kilowatt gener
ators, with provision for a third
later to bring the project to full
capacity of 112,500 kilowatts. Ul
timate output of the plant into
the network of the Northwest
Power Pool is estimated at 400,
000.000 kilowatt hours annually.
acquired by Jimmy Farley and
operated as a service station to
sell Shell products. He later ac
quired the Pontine agency (or
the county and needing more
space built a wing on the Chase
street side. During the past
year another wing was added,
this time on the west side.
Monument section were business
visitors in Heppner Wednesday.
Mr. Morgan reports that weather
conditions in that section are very
similar to those of Morrow coun
ty except that it may be just a
little colder there. They came over
by way of Uie Spray highway and
report road conditions to be very
good considering the type of win
ter thus far. The supply of hay
and other feed is becoming some
what short at this time and is
becoming something of a provo
cation to stockmen, according to
Mr. Morgan.
Among business visitors in
Heppner Tuesday were L. L. How
ton, Lexington; Kenneth Smouse,
lone; E. E. Rugg, Rhea creek;
Leonard Carlson, Gooseberry, and
Mrs. Floyd Worden of Eight Mile.
Joe Pedro braved the elements
Wednesday to make a business
trip to town. Mr. Pedro resides
on Butter creek near Vinson.
According to word received by
the Hynd family Wednesday, Mr.
and Mrs. T. H. Lowe of Portland
who have been seriously ill are
much improved. Mr. Lowe has
been discharged from the hospi
tal and is convalescing at his
home in the city.
Mrs. P. W. Mahoney entertain
ed her sewing club Wednesday
afternoon at her home on Balti
more street. Present were Mes
dames Orville Smith, Stephen
Thcmpson, Henry Tetz, J. D. Pal
mer, Tom Wilson, Raymond Fer
guson and Edward BurchelL Re
freshments were served.
Future Farmers,
Dads,. Friends Meet
At Banquet Table
Upwards of 50 Future Farmers
of America, their dads and other
invited guests assembled at the
school house to participate in the
annual FFA banuet and program.
The dinner was served in the high
school cafeteria room by Miss
Mary Lou George and girls of her
Home Economics club.
Bob Bergstiom, president, pre
sided and welcomed the guests.
A harmonica number by Harry
Green opened the program and
this was followed by the guest
speaker, William F. Barratt. The
speaker divided his talk into two
parts, preparing for farming and
getting established for farming,
which might well be considered
his subject. He commended the
members of the FFA for their
choice of study course and urg
ed that they follow up and em
brace agriculture as their voca
tion. Following ceremonies in which
Harold Erwin and Merle Becket
were inducted as honorary mem
bers of. the FFA, the group ad
journed to the projection room
where an educational film on
FFA was shown.
Invited guests included Judge
J. G. Barratt, Frank Turner, hon
orary mem'ors; Edwin Dick, pres
ident of the Junior chamber of
commerce; O. G. Crawford, pres
ident of the Heppner chamber
of commerce; Supt. Leonard Pate,
Coach Vernon Bohles, Rev. J. Pal
mer Sorlien, and Becket and Er-
Until warmer weather comes,
the Heppner Public library will
remain closed, announces Mrs.
Josephine Mahoney, librarian.
Due to this decision on the part
of the library board, no fines for
overdue books will be assessed
during the closed period.
where the shop Is located. The
plant now includes gas and oil
service, tire service, shop and
display space.
The 1949 Pontiac will be on
display at the Farley Pontiac
Co. Monday, January 31. Mr.
and Mrs. Farley went to Port
land Tuesday to bring a car
for that purpose.
Court Working On
Details Setting
Up Road Program
First Consideration
Is Replenishing of
County Equipment
While freezing weather has
rendered the county road crew
hors de combat so to speak, it
has not prevented the county
court from considering road mat
ters. Since taking over the reins
of county government on Janu
ary 3, the members of that body
lave been in session several times
to act on matters claiming their
immediate attention and to study
and formulate plans for setting
up the road program.
In stating what the court Is
working on, Judge J. G. Barratt
said that everything is based on
a five-year plan. This includes re
placement of road equpiment as
well as laying out the work to
be done. Equipment must be re
placed, quite a bit of it at least.
before effective road work can
be accomplished, either new con
struction or repairing. Due to this
fact, a considerable amount of
the first- year's funds for roads'
will be invested in patrols, pick
ups, trucks, and: possibly a new
rock crusher. The crusher, a rub
ber tired rig meeting reuirements
of the state highway regulations,
is being given serious considera
tion by the court as a piece of
euipment not only needed but de
sirable from the standpoint ot
greater efficiency in operation
and productive capacity.
Harold Sherer has been retain
ed as county road foreman. The
work will be divided into three
units, with one crew at Board-
man, one at lone and one at
Heppner. This will remove the
necessity of taking equipment
from one end of the county to
the other, except in cases where
one piece is designed to serve
the entire county.
Another problem confronting
the court is the eventual clearing
of all county equipment and
buildings from the property trad
ed to the city for land in the Ro
deo park. There will have to be
some construction work at the
new site and this is something
that will have to be worked out.
The court on the 19th awarded
the gasoline and diesel require
ments for 1949 contract to the
Union Oil company. The com
pany will deliver gasoline at 19.2 -cents
per gallon and the diesel
at 12.7 cents per gallon, deliver
ies to be made to the county
shops. Six major oil companies
submitted bids.
It is the belief of the court that
all lands held by the county un
der tax foreclosure should be put
up for sale.
Judge Barratt reported that un
til freezing weather stopped op
erations, the road crew was en
gaged in rocking the Hale Ridge
road leading to the Scrivner ranch
near the Gilliam county line.
Work will be resumed on this
stretch as soon as weather con
ditions permit.
An office schedule has been
set up by the judge. He finds that
it will be necessary for him to
devote practically all of his time
to the duties of the office and
will be there all day Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays, leaving
time for field work on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays, with
part time in the office on those
days. Judge Barratt says he wants
the people to feel free to come
to the office with their county
problems as the only way the
court can help them is to get
first hand information.
"We are here to serve the pub
lic and can give good service only
through cooperation of the peo
ple," he said.
The special youth recreation
program committee named at a
recent meeting of representatives
of various organizations in coop
eration with the Junior chamber
of commerce, met Tuesday at the
office of Henry Tetz. chairman,
and formulated a tentative plan
which will be reported back to
the larger group at an early date.
While it is too early to reveal
the program. Tetz believes this
committee has, hit upon a prac
tical solution for providing a
youth center, more about which
will be discussed after the report
has been made.
Joe Delamrter was release. I
from custody of the sheri'f 'he
first of the week after posting
bond in the sum of S7."0 demand
ed after a hearing before Justice
J. O. Hagor. Delameter was ar
rested by lUtieer Gordon Grady
who filed two counts aainsi him
operating a motor vehicle while
under the intluenee of alcohol,
which violated the order of Inter
diction Imposed upon htm some
lime ago.
Word received from Port land
by Dr. McMurdo Is to the effect
that Ralph Barton will sutmiil to
a surgical operation uti his jaw
Saturday at hmanuel hopltul.