Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 20, 1949, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Jan. 20, 1949
Page 3
lone Cooperative
Church Chooses
Officers For Year
By Echo Palmateer
A potluck dinner was hold at
the Congregational church Sun
day after which a business meet
ing and election of officers were
held. The officers elected were:
Superintendent of the Sunday
school, Mrs. Frank Engelman;
secretary and treasurer of the
Sunday school, Mrs. Noel Dobyns
with Patricia Drake, assistant;
board of directors, E. M. Baker,
Mrs. Omar Rletmann, Mrs. Frank
Engelman, Mrs. Dale Ray, Mrs.
Mary Swanson, Mrs. Delia Cor
son; alternates, Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Palmer, Mrs. Wm. See
hafer. The finance committee Is
Kenneth Smouse, Milton Morgan
and David Rietmann. Deacons
are E. M. Baker, Mrs. Frank En
gelman, Mrs. Dale Ray and Ron
ald Baker. Deaconesses are Mrs.
Alfred Shirley, Mrs. Delia Corson,
Mts. Victor Kietmann, Mrs. Cleo
Drake and Mrs. Echo Palmaleer.
Plans for organizing a letter
man's club was discussed, and
using the Congregational church
as a meeting place.
Jan. 21 HEC of Willows
grange at the home of-Mrs. John
Ransier with potluck dinner at
noon. , '
Jan. 21 Ball game here with
Boardman In evening.
Jan. 26 lone P-TA meeting at
school house.
Jan. 27 School meeting at 2
p.m. at school house.
Jan. 27 Card party at Rebekah
hall, 8 p.m.
Jan. 28 Meeting of Three
Links club at Mrs. Sam Esteb's.
Willows grange held its regu
lar meeting Saturday evening.
Mrs. Hershall Townsend had
charge of the program and Fred
Ely was installed at gatekeeper.
Refreshment of clam chowder
was served by Mrs. Wate Craw
ford. Arthur Crawford Is expected to
leave the Good Samaritan hos
pital In Portland this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns
left for Portland Monday morn
ing where they attended funeral
services of Florence Peterson,
wife of Elmer Peterson, Tuesday.
Mrs. Peterson was a sister-in-law
of Mrs. Dobyns and Henry Peter
son. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stefani Sr.
entertained at a birthday dinner
Saturday evening in honor of
Mrs. Arthur Stefani Jr.
Mrs. Clarence Brenner gave a
party Friday afternoon at the
Greater Strength and Clearance
,jA WMniiiitiimiiiMrmii ft.Swv-
Strength ad clearance iheM are
he two outstanding plow raluei that
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ict. They're youra in a deptnJMt
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ere extra clearance if necessary.
result performance you'll really
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extra value of genumt John Deere
:toms . , , exceptionally high lift for
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any others. You'll choose a John
)cere! See us for complete details the
next time you're in town.
Braden Tractor and Equipment Co.
Your Caterpillr Dealaet
1 rtrTrro&
school In honor of her son Gary
iwho was 10 years old that day.
I The 5th and 6th grades were the
guests. Cake and jello were serv
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Tom White re
turned home from Portland last
week. They report their son Dale
as improving at the veterans hos
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eubanks
were seriously injured when their
car collided with a truck between
Fossil and Spray Saturday. Mrs.
Eubanks received lacerations on
the face which required 35 stit
ches, and a shattered leg. Mr.
Eubanks had three ribs broken.
They are in The Dalles hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brenner
went to The Dalles to be with
them Saturday and Monday.
The Harvey Ring residence was
damaged beyond repair by fire
Saturday afternoon. The fire
broke out In the kitchen. Every
thing in the kitchen was lost but
articles in the front part of the
house were saved. The house was
partially covered by insurance.
The Rings are living In the apart
ment recently vacated by Mrs.
Louis Bergevin who has moved
to Milton.
Gary, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Brenner, cut his lip on a
barbed wire Saturday at the Her
bert Ekstrom ranch. He was tak
en to a physician. One stitch was
required to close the cut.
Nephl Combs, ornithologist,
gave a very Interesting lecture
on birds at the school house on
Monday morning, using slides
and charts. He imitated different
birds and explained the value of
predatory birds such as crows,
owls, hawks and eagles and that
these birds as well as many other
birds should be protected. Mr.
Combs is a former salesman.
Mrs. Keith Hendrickson I Mary
Lund) arrived in lone Sunday
evening to resign her position as
music instructor in the school.
She and Mr. Hendrickson were
married at Idaho Falls, Jan. 7.
He is a student at the Univer
sity of Utah in Provo.
The study meeting of the Top
ic club met at the home of Mrs
Echo Palmateer Friday, Jan. 15,
with twenty members and three
guests present. Plans were made
and committees nnnointed fnr a
Smorgasbord to be held February
1 12 for the benefit of the IMIA.
.Mrs. Charles Carlson, secretary
of the IMIA, reporled that the as
sociation plans on starting the
swimming pool as soon as pos
sible. I An article on undulant fever
was read by Mrs. B. C. Forsythe.
z I J I .IF"""
o U Lyi! o
Big Car Comfort! Seats as wide as sofas... up to 60.9 inches wd
Plenty of hip and shoulder room for 6 Big People.
Yes, a real "Mid-Ship' Ride in the smooth
Front Springs
BigT Car Visibility? 'Picture Windows' all around.
Rear window alone 88 farcer.
Big Car Safety! "Ufeguard'Body
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Brakes that operate 35
easier... lower center of gravity to
hold the road without
wander, even in a
cross wind.
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Will, iMwtK r.l V I ,
... M I Big Car Power! Your choice of 100 h-p. V -S
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lake the wheel...
try the Feel f
kYwJT Ford OMier Invitss you to lliten to (h Fred Allen Show, Simriny EvsnlnffS- NBC Network.
Utltn to tru Ford Ihtatit, Friday Evfrtingi-CBS Nitwoik. Set youi ntwipapfi for tlmi ind itatlon
1 T U 1 ) 1 1 M
Rosewall Motor Co.
The book, "Red Plush," by Guy
MeCrone was reviewed by Mrs.
Clifford Carli-on. Refreshments
were served by the hostesses,
Mrs. Francis Ely, Mrs. Clifford
Carlson and Mrs. Palmateer. The
book, "Red Plush," is now avail
able at the public library.
Announcements were received
of the birth of a daughter, Judith
Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Billie Eu
banks of Portland, Jan. 10.
Scores of parries last week: At
Lexington, Friday, the girls vol
leyball, 60-16 in favor of lone.
The boys first team won in a
basketball game, 29-21. and the
second team, 3010. The girls
went to Rufus Thursday evening,
but lost in a volleyball game.
Pilot Rock won both games here
Saturday night. The score of first
team, 33-35, and second, 36-38.
The grade school won in a bas
ketball game with Heppner one
day last week.
Mrs. Dale Ray, assisted by Mrs.
Alfred Shirley and Mrs. John Bry.
son. entertained the Maranathas
at the Otto Rietmann home Wed
nesday of last week. Installation
of officers was held as follows:
President, Mrs. Marion Palmer;
vice president, Mrs. Earl McKin
ney; secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
Wallace Matthews. Mrs. E. M.
Baker was installing officer. The
Maranathas are planning to have
tables made for the churches. Ke
freshments were served by the
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Troedson
and Mrs. Anne Smouse were lone
visitors Sunday.
Mrs. Lee Beckner took Mrs. Eu
gene Normoyle and chil'lrn to
their home in Portland Sunday.
Dale Ray has purchased a new
school bus.
Linda Hoover, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Hoover of Pen
dleton is staying with her aunt,
Mrs. E. M. Baker. Mrs. Baker re
ports . that her brother-in-lpw
underwent an operaton on his
leg Monday to repair an injury
he received several months ago
when he was accidentally shot
with a revolver.
Sherry, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Corley, underwent a
tonsilectomy at The Dalles hos
pital Thursday of last week.
Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Casselman
of Toledo were lone vsitors Mon
day evening,
The Legion and its auxiliary
held a meeting Monday evening.
They plan on meeting at their
hall January 30 and put the
built-in in the kitchen. A potluck
dinner will be served at noon.
The social meeting of the Topic
club will be held at the Masonic
hall Saturday evening, Jan. 22.
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November
18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $3.00 a year;
single copies, 10c.
Publisher and Editor
Your Sunday
Dinner Problem
Is Solved
Drive down to the
Victory Cafe at lone
and eat a wholesome
Chicken or Turkey
your choice from the
Good Food
Courteous Service
' You are always welcome
at the
Victory Cafe
Roy and Betty Lieuallen
lone, Oregon
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It takes more than a single protein to keep cattle gaining
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Order Larro Cattle Supplement today.
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