Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 20, 1949, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Jan. 20, 1949
Pi lis i
There Is A Power Shortage
As the Pacific Northwest remains in the clutches
of a "most unusual" winter it becomes more and
more apparent by the hour that there is a power
hortage. Evidence is found in the frozen streams
where the normal flow is curtailed, causing a low
ering of pressure at the dams where power is gen
erated. Not alone is the picture confined to the
larger streams harnessed for the purpose of de
veloping electric power. Every creek and rivulet
pouring into the larger streams is frozen over,
with their flow lessening each day the freeze
continues and their sources remain encrusted in
snow and ice.
The appeal from power companies at first was
to conserve use of lights and power current for a
stated period in the early evening. That the sit
uation has not improved enough under that plan
is seen in the almost frantic appeal the compan
ies are now making for 24-hour conservation.
It is better to be penny wise than pound foolish.
If we every one of us, rich and boor alike give
heed to the warning and cooperate with the power
companies It may be possible to avert a power
failure. A little inconvenience now may prevent
unlimited inconveniences and hardship in the
immediate future.
Read the power companies' advertising and give
heed to the warning contained therein.
Emergency Ambulance On Way
Good news broke in the community this week
when the Veterans of Foreign Wars announced
that an order has been placed for an ambulance
for emergency service throughout the county.
Aside from being an elegant specimen of the
automobile builder's art, the car will be a minia
ture hospital on wheels, equipped for almost any
While publicity relative to the fund campaign
has only gotten underway in recent weeks, re
sponse to date has been such as to warrant the
committee in ordering the ambulance. It is safe
to say that when it is brought here and the
people are given an opportunity to inspect it and
understand more about its efficiency the funding
campaign will be less of a chore. More than
likely more people will want to have it said, or at
least to have the satisfaction, that they helped
to buy this fine piece of equipment.
A Good Risk
Through the enterprise of its citizens and a cer
tain amount of help from other communities in
the county, the little town of Lexington has built
an airport. Planes have been using the field the
past three years and numerous of the county's
citizens have received pilot licenses from training
received from the Forsythe Flying school located
at the airport.
Use of the airport facilities and continuous sup
port given the venture by the people of the Lex
ington community have established the enterprise
on a debt-free status. Any funds earned or sub
scribed will be applied on improvements, a num
ber of which are needed to bring the airport up to
the standard desired. This is a fact well worth
consideration by those who may be inclined to
support the project, for it is more satisfactory to
know that your money will be used to buy some
thing rather than to pay existing debts.
Needs of the airport improvement program call
for an expenditure of approximately $11,000. Of
this amount, the local community is called upon
to put up about $3,700, the balance of $7,000 to be
supplied by the federal government. The state
aeronautics board did some $1,800 worth of sur
vey and engineering work at the field which has
been credited to the community, reducing the to
tal amount to be raised locally from $5,500 down
to the above figure.
That the port is needed and has a definite place
in the community is seen in the fact that nine lo
cal planes are based there and it is expected that
by the time the facilities can be enlarged, the
basing capacity of 16 planes will have been
reached. The list of activities which has given the
airport a place in the county and those that will
develop with the added facilities is long and will
not be enumerated at this time, and it must be
remembered that aviation is growing, that its im
portance to the daily routine of business and
commerce is so well established that there is :
direction to go except ahead.
The Lexington airport is a three-community
service. It is unique in that respect. It is the obli
gation of Heppner and lone as well as of Lexing
ton to see that the work at the port is completed
and that its facilities are such that it will give
the very best possible service to the county.
The oArnerican Way
By DeWitt Emery
(Editor's Note: DeWitt Emery
is president of the National Small
Business Men's Association.)
In 1937 it took all of the income
of all of the people in two states
t Pennsylvania and Missouri) to
pay the cost of our federal gov
ernment for one year. Ten years
later, in 1947, it took all of the
income of all of the people in
twenty-five states to pay the cost
of our federal government for
one year.
These twenty-five states are
Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Ar
kansas, Louisiana, North Dakota.
South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas,
Oklahoma, Montana, Wyoming,
Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho,
Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Washing
ton, Oregon, New Hampshire,
Connecticut, Alabama, Mississip
pi and Maine.
Think of it! The- cost of our
federal government increased in
ten years from all of the income
of all of the people in two states
($7,910,000,000 in 1937) to all of
the Income of all of the people in
twenty-five states ($42,505,000,
000 in 1947). How much farther
can this go before the government
takes over everything and every,
Creeping paralysis? It certain
ly is, and if the cost of our fed
eral government continues to in
crease year after year as it has
in the past, in another few years
I don't believe it will take
more than three or four there
won't be any freedom left in this
country. And if we lose freedom
of enterprise, we will soon there
after lose all of our other free
doms: freedom of speech, free
dom of the press, freedom of as-
Heppner Gazette Times,
Thursday, Jan. 23, 1919
Dr. H. T. Allison has received
his honorable discharge from
military duty and is preparing to
move to Astoria where he has
found an opening that has more
appeal to him than his practice
Mrs. Vera Sweek McDaniel,
wife of Edward McDaniel, died
at her home near Hardman on
Saturday afternoon of pneumonia
following an attack of influenza.
We are Informed by City Attor
ney Nys that he is in receipt of
a communication from H. V.
Gates and he turned down the
offer of $15,000 made him recent
ly by the city council for the wa
ter plant.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beamey re
joice over the arrival at their
home on Tuesday, January 31, of
a fine daughter. Jeff feels pretty
near as big as Claude Cox now.
Oscar Keithley was in town
from Eight Mile on Friday.
Chance Wilson, Monument
stockman, was in Heppner sev
eral days the first of the week.
Theo. Anderson, Eight
wheat raiser, was doing business
in this town on Friday last.
W. O. Hill, cashier of Bank of
Lexington, was a business visitor
in Heppner yesterday afternoon.
Rain and snow, following the
heavy winds of the past week,
have made the roads leading into
town from every direction almost
impassable for autos.
Glenn Jones arrived home from
Mare Island, Calif., navy yard on
Thursday last, having received
his honorable discharge from the
Spencer Crawford returned
home from Camp Lewis, Wash.,
on Thursday last, carrying with
him his honorable discharge
from the services of Uncle Sam.
Ira N. Gabrielson of the Bio
logical Survey of the Department
of Agriculture, arrived at Hepp
ner last week and has been en
gaged in giving demostrations as
to the proper procedure in the
poisoning of rabbits.
Snrinp-like wpather has pre
vailed in the Heppner country for
the past week.
A stock company has been
Governor Douglas McKay has
confidence in the present legisla
ture. He believes it will be able to
solve the complex financial enig
ma of the state in a business-like
His inaugural message could
be his last advice to this legisla
ture. He believes people who are
on the job should be left alone.
The message was free from dec
lamatory dictum, demarcations
and weight throwing. It focused
a clear light on his character and
policies. It is evident he bases his
policies on the intended functions
of the three departments of state,
legislative, executive and judi-
foremd to build a hotel in Hepp
ner. Plans call for a 50-room
structure estimated to cost $60,-
000. Incorporators of the new
company arc W. P. Mahoney,
Frank Gilliam, J. G. Thomson, W.
O. Minor and Phil Cohn. (Of these
only J. G. Thomson is alive to
Something New
....Has Been Added
Efteppne? Taxi
( In Front of Hotel Heppner)
Phone 3232
We meet
Planes - Busses - Trains
Anywhere - Any Time
sembly, and freedom of oppor
tunity and all of the others. Note
what is happening in England.
It's absolutely impossible to
overestimate the importance of
this great and grave danger. It's
absolutely essential for the peo
ple of this country to know what
is happening and that if this
trend continues, the only thing
they can look forward to is com
plete and absolute regimenta
tion, that is, being told by the
government what you'll eat and
wear, where you'll live, where
you'll work and how much you'll
be paid.
It means also getting permis
sion before a bureaucrat before
doing any traveling in your own
car or otherwise, and full and
complete governmental control of
all newspapers, magazines, radio
programs and moving pictures.
If you doubt this I again refer
you to what's happening in Eng
land, also to your history books
which show that every great na
tion which has gone down since
the beginning of recorded history
fell because the cost of govern
ment grew and grew until it got
so heavy it was impossible for
the people to carry it. i
It can't happen here? It is hap
pening here I almost said it has
happened here but there is still
time to stop it if you and I and
millions of others like us want it
stopped. We can force our repre
sentatives in congress to make
the drastic reduction in the cost
of our federal government which
is the only thing that can save
the situation.
I've said before and I say again
with all the emphasis at my com
mand, it's up to you, and I do
mean you.
Ralph Beamer has purchased
the Clyde Nutting place in north
west Heppner and plans to move
to town to make his home. The
Nuttings will move to Prinevlllc
where Mr. Nutting will work for
Frank Holub who has acquired a
5,000 acre ranch on the Ochoco
east of that place. The Nutting
place here consists of seven and
one-half acres.
A drivers license examiner will
be on duty in Heppner between
the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Tuesday, January 25, and per
sons wishing licenses or permits
to drive are asked to get in
touch with him well ahead of the
scheduled closing hour in order
to assure completion of their ap
plications with a minimum of
Frank W. Turner was a busi
ness visitor In Hermiston Monday
where he transacted business
with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hirl who
have moved there to make their
permanent home. They have been
residents of the Lena district for
many years.
cial, without overlapping of juris
diction. Those who have served in the
legislature with the governor (64
per cent of the members of the
present session have) and those
who have worked with him in his
many state-wide and home town
activities know he will keep his
powder dry, welcome conferences
and decline to lobby.
Bills of signal interest intro
duced during the first week of
the present session of the legisla
ture would
Repeal withholding of income
tax from wages and salaries by
Permit parents' names to ap
pear on child's birth certificate
without court action.
Repeal community property
Regulate and license fortune
Remove reforestation lands
from tax rolls.
Provide for state junior college
in Multnomah county.
Create emergency fund for state
forestry department.
Provide for safe operation of
school busses.
Provide permanent license
plates and numbers for motor
Stagger dates for issuing li
cense plates for motor vehicles
(except trucks).
Increase fee from 50 cents to $2
for certified copies of birth certi
ficates. Provide for issuance of bonds to
finance reforestation of state
lands implementing law passed
by people.
To provide for election of lieu
tenant governor (two rcsolu
To provide for joint committee
to investigate housing and create
interim committee to report.
To provide for use of senate and
house chambers for 3lst Annual
American Legion convention.
To provide for examination of
bills as to form before introduc
tion. Memorials
To petition congress to enact
legislation for holding advisory
Urging congress to proceed with
flood control and power develop
ment in the Northwest.
A surprising bright rift appear
ed in unemployment clouds this
week when the Oregon state un
employment commissioners dis
closed that 1948 payrolls exceed
ed $940,000,000 and were $75,000,
000 over the previous year. Lum
bering shutdowns and seasonal
shutdowns during November and
December were expected to break
the gains made during the first
three quarters of the year.
Although the state unemploy
ment commission paid $7,748,168
to unemployed workers in 1948,
the reserve fund of the depart
ment was increased to $84,624,
264 for an all-time high. This was
a gain of $8,096,773 over 1947.
Contributions from employers to
taled $14,186,914.
The booby trap all legislators
fear most is the people's refer
endum of any allocation of in
come tax surpluses that do not
relieve property taxes . . . The $50
a month minimum pensions for
the next two years will require
$2,750,000 of additional funds . . .
The legislature and taxpayers
could use a new branch of stale
government a Department of
Apprehension . . . Some kind of an
all-time record was broken by
the legislature this week when
a public hearing was called for
the second Wednesday of the session.
Peters Bldg., Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods
Watches, Clocks, Diamonds
Expert Watch & Jewelry
, Repairing
Heppner, Oregon
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Heppner, Oregon
Veterans of Foreign
Meetings 2nd & 4th Mondays
at 8:00 p.m. in Legion Hall
General Insurance
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
Saw Filing Cr
Picture Framing
Th perfect beauty of a quality
diamond . , . styled In distinction,
and given at the symbol of true
love. Genuine registered Keeptaltt
Diamond Rings ore proudly dis
played at this store . . , where only
the finest is found.
Engagement Ring 723.00
Alto $350 and 500
Afl ring illutfraMrf OvoiVsfeU in
wht n ot no tura) fold
f)ngt tnll'Dtd to ihow drolf
fft Pit Klud FaVol fax
' '111 'r'fl r Guramil fcyV
lltntllllt Ifl'llll Kill
Jack A. Woodhall
Doctor of Dental Medicine
Office First Floor Bank Bldg.
Phone 2342 Heppner
Turner, Van Marter
and Company
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician & Surgeon
First National Bank Building
Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492
Phelps Funeral
Licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1332 Heppner, Oregon
A.D.McMurdo, M.D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Heppner City
Cminril M' Tint Monday
council Etci, Month
Citizens having matters for
discussion, please bring them
before the Council. Phone 2572
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Office No. 4 Center St.
House' Cals Made
Home Phone 2583 Office 2572
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office In Feten Balldinf
C. A. RUGGLES Representing
Blaine E. Isom
Insurance Agency
Phone 723 Heppner, Ore.
Morrow County
Cleaners Heppner, Oregon
Phone 2632
Superior Dry Cleaning
& Finishing
Dr. J. D. Palmer
Office upstairs Rooms 11-12
First National Bank Bldg.
Phones: Office 783, Home -932
Heppner, Oregon
Call Settles Electric
for all kinds of electrical work.
New and repair.
Phone 2542 or 1423
Cabinet Shop
Lawn Mowers Sharpened
Sewing Machines Repaired
Phone 1485 for appointment
or call at shop.
First National Bank Bldg.
Phono 2632
Walter B. Hinkle
Farms, Buslnes, Income Prop
erty. Trades for Valley & Coast.
Income Tax Returns
Arlington, Oregon
See the
Most Beautiful Buy
Sat'day Only
Chevrolet Co
Main at May Heppner