Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 20, 1949, Image 1

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Heppner Gazette - Times
Volume 65, Number 44
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, January 20, 1949
Order Placed For
V.F.W. Sponsored
Public Ambulance
Group Hopes For
Delivery Within
60 to 90 Days
The committee in charge of
the fund drive for the Veterans
of Foreign Wars placed an order
early this week for a Superior
Cadillac ambulance which, when
it comes, will be placed at the
disposal of the people of the
county as an emergency car. De
livery Is expected in from 60 to
90 days and will be received
by the VFW at a point in Ohio
and driven to Heppner.
The car ordered will come fully
equipped to meet all kinds of em
ergencies and will be large en
ough to handle four persons, In
case of a car wreck or some other
accident where several persons
might be Injured. It will contain
a cabinet with about everything
needed for first aid service, en
ough of everything to handle
calls requiring up to two hours
of duty.
Members of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars are preparing to
take lessons in first aid and it
has also been suggested that
courses In ambulance driving
will be In order.
Dr. A. D. McMurdo, chairman,
today submitted a list of names
6f donors to the fund up to the
present. These include:
Frank Wilkinson, Fred Mankld,
Mankln A Bush, Tum-A-Lurn
Lumber Co., Miss Lulu M. Hager,
Mary Van's Flower Shop, Elk
horn Restaurant, Heppner Clean
ers, Frank M. Adklns, Joe Sny
der, Howard Keithley, Turner &
Van Marter, Heppner Garage,
James Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Duvall, Al Troedson, Newt
O'Harra, George N. Peck, Alex
Hunt, Terrel Benge, Harold Er
win, Gordon McGough, Wight
man Bros., Heppner Market, Wal
ter Luckman, John Hlatt, Central
.Market & Grocery, Homer Hugh
es, Case Furniture Co.
"We want to express our ap
preciation to the people who have
so willingly responded to the
good cause of getting an ambu
lance for the good people of Mor
row county, ' Dr. McMurdo said.
"There have been no turn downs
but a few postponements until
after the income tax is settled.
There you are, government Inter
fering with private business
Two more homemakers Join
the ranks of the new 411 club
leaders this week. Mrs. Garland
Swanson of lone Is leading the
newly organized home wood
working 4-H club at lone. This
young club will meet for their
work In the school manual train
ing room to learn the use and
care of common tools, and to
make their five required articles.
There should be many good look
ing, well-made, serviceable ar
ticles come from the hands of
the following club members:
Haul Wentworth, Larry Riotmann,
Denny Swanson, Dick Eckstrom,
Garry Brenner, John Mason, Sam
Barnett, Wayne Gollyhorn, Alvln
McCabe, Clyde Ritchie, Ernest
The other club leader Is Mrs.
Oscar Breeding of Lexington who
Is starting the breakfast club for
future homemakers. This will be
a fresh start for Lexington did
not have a 4-H club Inst year.
The five cnrollees for this cook
ing club are Joan Breeding,
Yvonne Breeding, Eileen Breed
ing, Patricia Steagall and Dean
na Steagall.
These new clubs need much en
couragement and obvious Inter
est. The parents and friends of
these members of 411 club work
are Invited to attend any of the
club meetings. Two clubs still in
the embryo stage are at Irrlgon
and lone. Parents, let's help give
them birth.
The lone 4-H clothing club met
last Saturday at the home of
Ingrld Hermann to learn how to
make different types of dress
closings. These girls have had
lessons on how to select patterns
and material for Individual types
and after taking their measure
ments and altering their patterns,
they will bo ready to cut out
their garments the next meeting'.
Mrs. L. A. McCabe leads this club
of 10 girls. Betty Graves and June
Van Winkle nro two new mem
bers of this club.
The lone 4-H Livestock
Club News
The lone 4-H livestock club mot
at Hermann's ranch the 8th of
January, There were nine mem
bers present, the leader, E. M.
Baker, and Mr. Anderson. The
discussion was on how to fill In
record books, Mr. Anderson had
Random Thoughts...
This week, January 16-22, is
being observed by printers thru
out the land as "Printing Week."
Special emphasis is being placed
upon the fact that Benjamin
Franklin's birthday occurs dur
ing the week, the inference being
that the industry has come a
long ways since the "patron
saint of printing" put his Poor
Richard's Almanac into circula
tion. The writer was somewhat sur
prised to learn that the industry
has grown to such great propor
tions. Look where It ranks in
Oregon: Third In number of man.
ufacturlng establishments; fourth
in number of employees; fourth
In annual payrolls (over $15,000,
000). In the nation (1939 census)
printing, exclusive fo publishing,
ranks first in number of salaried
employees; first in amount of sal
aries paid; second In number of
One printing plant for ev
ery 3000 of our population. One
in 75 business establishments
in United States is a printing
plant. For every 220 United
States population, one is an
employe of the printing indus
try. Printing is better than a 4 bil
lion dollar Industry in its own
right . , . Closely allied with It
is the 2 billion dollar paper in
dustry . , . Together they are the
sparkplug of the nation's econ
omy, producing goods and ser
vices estimated at 165 billion dol
lars at 1942 price levels."
It is a far cry from the old
handset days to the modern print
ing establishment. The time has
long since passed when a printer
with a hatful of type and a small
foot-power press could come
along and set up a print shop for
a few hundred dollars. Printing
equipment nowadays runs into
real money and hand composi
tion as known in days past is
rapidly becoming a lost art. The
larger volume of composition re
quired calls for machinery and
the average linotype operator
will put up about six lines of
jtype to one by a hand composi
tor. Automatic job presses are
gradually replacing, or supple
menting, the hand fed presses.
This type of machine, designed
to turn out a bigger volume of
work, also runs into what is fre
quently referred to as "big dough."
but as time goes on more and
more of the smaller shops thru-
out the land wil go in for faster
service and larger volume. It is
the trend of the times in the bus
iness world and the printer must
keep abreast of the general pro
gress. It would be a valuable contri
bution to the thought of the
world If E. G. Harlan would put
Into pamphlet form that section
of his speech delivered here Wed
nesday evening relative to the
lack of understanding existing
between the people of America
and the peoples of Russia, Ger
many and France. Briefly, he dis
covered through contact with
people of high standing in the
aforementioned European coun
tries that everything done in
those war-stricken lands is either
directly in preparation for a fu
ture war or having a bearing up
on defense against an aggressor.
It is not to the credit of the Uni
ted States that we have fought
two world wars and still don't
understand why we are now
fighting a cold war with the pros
pect none too bright for keeping
us out of a third shooting war.
We believe a general circulation
of Mr. Harlan's viewpoint would
lend a certain amount of Informa
tion of value to the public that
appears to be lacking, particular,
ly In America. The Russians
would not believe anything issu
ing from America that did not
agree with their beliefs, and it
is Just as well that more of our
people understand why this Is
the case.
Mr. and Mrs. John Healy an
nounce the approaching marri
age of their daughter, Rosotla
Joan, to Albert Ted Palmateer of
lone. The wedding will take
place at 2 o'clock p.m.', Saturday
February 5, at the St. Patrick's
Catholic church In Heppner. An
Invitation has noon extended to I
all relatives and friends. Mr. Pa!,
mateer is the son of Mrs. Echo
Palmateer of lone.
James Patrick McNamee paid
a fine of $100 and $-1.50 costs In
the court of Justice J. O. Hager
Monday morning on a charge of
giving alcoholic beverage to a
minor. McNamee signed a writ
ten statement of his conduct to
Officer Gordon Grady.
Mrs. Ida Grimes left Tuesday
morning for Portland where she
will visit for some time at the
home of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lea
thers. Her daughter, Mrs. Allen
Case, drove her to Arlington to
catch a bus to the city.
weighed all the 4-H club calves.
The next mooting will be held
at Ekstrom's on February 12, with
a demonstration.
Mrs. Hermann served refresh
ments. Malcolm McKlnney, reporter,
The minutes of the November,
1948 term were read and approv
The Court ordered the sale of
the following property: Commen
cing at a point 100 feet North of
the S.E. corner of Lot 8 in Block
1, Ayers' Fourth Addition to the
City of Heppner, thence West on
a straight line parallel to th
South line of said Lot 8, 130
feet, thence North 12 feet, thence
East 130 feet, thence South 12
feet to the place of beginning;
also known as Tract 212; for the
minimum price of $20.00 cash.
North half of Northeast quar
ter less the right of wav in Sec
tion 7, Township 1 South, Range
24 East of the Willamette Mh
ldian; for the minimum price of
$200.00 cash.
The Court ordered the follow
ing Bangs' Disease Claims paid:
Luke Bibby $304.00; Homer D.
Green $16.00; Newton O'Harra
The County Court granted a
franchise to The Columbia Basin
Electric Cooperative, Inc., to erect
and maintain wires and other ap
pliances for the purpose of trans
mitting electricity over and
across streets and alleys in the
Town of Hardman.
Warrants Issued on the General
Sadie Parrlsh, Deputy $ 147.25
Frances Mitchell, Deputy 184.10
Leila J. McLachlan, Office
Clerk 113.25
Olive B. Hughes, Deputy 164.99
Margaret Gillis, Nurse 197.25
A. J. Chaffee, Janitor 176.00
Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phys.
Susie W. Miller, Court Re
porter 4125
A. B. Chaffet, Justice of
the Peace 59.40
J. O. Hager, Justice of the
District Attoiney Assoc.,
District Attorney
Bert Johnson, Gen. Assist.
$1125.00; Old Age As
sist. $1500.00; Depend
ant Children $586.00;
Blind $12.00
Margaret Gillis, Nurse Ex.
Tress McClintock, Court
Heppner Laundry, Court
S. C. Russell, Election
5.0 i
Bushong St Co., Clerk
Gazette Times, Official
Bushong & Co.. Sheriff
$2.59; Justice Ct. $15.35
C. J. D. Bauman, Jail ...
Frances Mitchell, Sheriff
State Dept. of Agriculture,
District Sealer
Lulu M. Hager, Emergen
cy (Health)-
L. W. Brlggs, Treasurer ...
West Coast Printing and
Binding Co., Assessor
$91.80; Circuit Court
$34.87 126.67
Inland Empire Water
ways Assn., Publicity &
W. O. Dix. Assessor Mile.
Pacific Telephone 4 TeL
Co., Current Exp
The Haloid Co., Clerk
Bancroft-Whitney Co., Co.
Law Library
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff
Heppner Laundry, Jail
$1.60; Ct. House $.90
Archie D. McMurdo, Cor.
Bert Johnson, Co. Court
L. D. Neill, County Court
Ralph I. Thompson, Co.
Court ...
Pacific Power & Light Co.,
Court House
Bushong A- Co., Tax Coll.
First Nat'l Bank of Port
land, Salaries
Slate Industrial Accident
Com., Sheriff $2.95;
Sheriff Sal. 30c; Deputy
Sal. 30c; Janitor Sal.
30c; Court House 85c
Luke Bibby, Bang's Dis
ease control 304.00
Umatilla County, Insane
Expense 10.00
Homer D. Green, Bang's
Disease Control
Gilliam & Bisbee, Court
House 18.80
Circuit Court: Edward Rice 12.
20; Howard Cleveland 10.80; Paul'
Ilislcr 12.50; Franklin Ely 14.60;
E. R. Schaffer 17.00; John J.
Wightman 17.00; Robert Grabill
10.20; Marlon Hnyden 10.20; II.
11. Hill 10.20; Wallace W. Mat
thews 13.50; Arthur Dalzell 13.60;
Oren O. Brace 6.90; Albert Con
nor 10.20; Jack Hynd Jr. 8.50; Ed
Thorpe 10.10; E. O. Ferguson 10 -
20; L. E. Dick Jr. 5.10; Kenneth K.
Marshall 5.90; Sylva Wells 5.10;
Herman Green 5.90; A. G. Ed
mondson 5.60; O. G. Hnguewood
5 60; John Monahan 5.10; Clar
ence Carmichael 5.90; Charles
Dillon 11.50; John W. Graves 6
90; John C. Ransier 11.80; Harold
Evans 11.80; Fred Parrish 5.10;
Louis J. Padhorg 6.80; Elma Illalt
5.10; N. G. Florence 5.75; Paul
Jones 5.50; John Farrls 13.60; Goo.
N. Ely 6.80; A. T. Harris
Lloyd Rice 8.80.
C. W. Barlow, Co. Clerk
Current Expense $3.00;
Eloetion Expense $2.10
Albert Schunk, Ct. House
Packer-Scott Co., Ct. Use.
Newton O'Harra, Bangs'
Disease Control
Warrants Issued on the General
Road Fund
Donald Munkers 141.32
Robert Wagner 10.68
William Scott 19S.K2
Jack Slocum 212.59
Bud Wilson 74.77
II. Sherer 293.45
Fred Harrison 238.30
William C. Heath ,. 228.74
Cooperation Of
Public Sought In
Conserving Power
More Curtailment
Advised to Ward
Off Breakdown
An emergency 15 to 20 per cent
cut in use of electricity to help
conserve the dwindling supply
resulting from reduced river flow
is being requested of all power
users throughout the Pacific
Nothwest, effective ta once, ac
cording to J. R. Huffman, local
manager for Pacific Power &
Light company.
He appealed to all customers
of the company to join Immedi
ately in the concerted power-sav.
ing drive, which is being carried
on by all power agencies, public,
prviate and federal, serving the
whole shortage area.
The saving is vitally needed,
he declared, to carry the region
through the present critical short
age period without danger to es
sential seryices or threat to in
dustrial employment
Savings must continue to be
made over the peak use period
each evening and in addition
must be extended wherever pos
sible during other hours of the
24.75 day or n'8ht to reach the neces
sary over-all cut from normal
The new conservation drive be
came necessary because the con
tinued cold wave blanketing the
Columbia river valley is making
the power situation steadily
worse. Water to turn the genera
tors at the region's hydro plants
is falling to dangerously low
levels, while the sub-freezing
weather is keeping power loads
high, explained Huffman.
Critical nature of the power
situation is shown by the fact
that the Northwest Power Pool,
which interconnects all parts of
the Pacific Northwest, has lost
300.000 kilowatts of continuous
generating capacity because of
the low water and ice conditions
This is more than 15 per cent of
the average power load carried by
the pool.
It was emphasized that the
savings must be made through
out the entire region and by ev
ery customer to meet the emer
gency. o
Legion Sponsoring
Junior Set Party
Heppner post, American Legion
is sponsoring a St. Valentine's
party for the high school young
people on the evening of Satur
day, February 12. It is being des
ignated as a "Sweetheart ball"
and will be a formal affair.
A feature of the party will be
the music. This will be provided
by the "Blue Dreamers," an all
girl orchestra composed of high
cnhnnl ntiH morp rpcentlv prad-
uated girls.
! o
Glenn Jacobs of Enterprise was
a Heppner visitor Wednesday. He
(reported that the temperature had
been hovering around 10 below
zero up there, with snow to the
depth of two feet in the valley.
In the northwest part of the
county, Powatka rdge is credited
with drifts to the depth of 25
feet, making travel conditions ex
tremelv difficult.
Louis Lyons of the Heppner
Photo Studio was a visitor in
Monument today where he hop
ed to get some good pictures of
the new gymnasium, particularly
the interior. He accompanied one
of the Broadfoot trucks which
was hauling some lumber over
from the mill here to be used
in completing the plant at Mon
ument. A minute saved in traffic
sometimes means a lifetime lost.
The right of way may be yours,
but it isn't worth dying for.
Careless driving may wreck a
fonder or a family.
Chas. Williams "
Casper R. Warmuth
W. Cunningham
Lewis Ball
Fred Booker
Darold Ham 221 29
Ralph Scott 216.00
Harold Wilson 197.61
Simpson Holley 170.76
Westland Equipment Co. 26.28
Russell Service 2i.Zn
Rosewall Motor Co. 1837.15
Padhorg Tractor Repairs 229.09
Sam Forman 28.00
C. J. D. Bauman 2.25
S. C. Russell 3.00
Builder's Supply 55.60
Sunset Motor Co. 216.30
Hennner Lumber Co. 286.62
Union Oil Company 501.45
Farley Pontine Co. 18.20
Jones Scott Co. 24.00
The Texas Company 5.00
Walter Gtlman 175.13
Warrants Issued on Miscellan
eous Fund
Mrs. Vester Hams, Coyote
Bounty 3.00
B. Stover Crablll, Taylor
Grazing Fund 30.00
Needs of Airport Cited at
Lexington Meeting Monday
The several phases of airport
building were portrayed to a
small company of interested cit
izens Monday evening at the aud
itorium in the Lexington school.
A film from the state board of
aeronautics was shown by Wil
liam C. Hill, airport engineer for
the board, an dAl Froman, con
sultant for the board.
Beginning with the decision of
a medium sized city to build an
airport, the film carried through
the steps taken to obtain federal
aid, the federal agency's assist
ance in obtaining the proper site,
the drawing of plans, the actual
construction, and the eventual
dedication of the port.
Following the showing of the
film. Hill and Froman answered
questions relative to financing,
most of which was known to
those more closely connected with
Home Made Radio
Broadcasting Set
Enjoyed at Kinzua
By Elsa M. Leathers
Kinzua people have been en
tertained the past week by home
talent on the radio. The Hugh
Samples family have built a
broadcasting set, and have per
fected it so their music and songs
can be heard in Kinzua. Don
Brock, who has an electric steel
guitar, and Sonny Matteson who
plays the guitar and sings, also
are on the programs. The out-
Contirued on page t
Bonds Sale Exceeds
Redemption In '48
Chairman Reports
Total sales in Oregon for De
ppinhpr wprp X3 711. 382 aocnrrtinp
tn Coi.ntv S.-vines Bond Chair-i
man Mrs. Elaine George. Redemp-
tins over the state at large ex- eu. ey auKgieu uiai n ue
ceeded sales for the second month held in abeyance pending furth
ln a row, but for December this er study of the youth problem
excess was a comparatively small wh tne nPe tha the "kids" wU1
amount of $158,195. The Treasury
Department report quoted by the
countw chairman indicated that
redemptions in Oregon exceeded
.-.ales for the year 1948 by $3,720,-
The Treasury Department fig
ures are a good indication of the
fact that for many people and a
good many businesses In the
state, 1948 was a much different
year than 1947. The cold and
late spring of 1948 climaxed by
the Columbia River flood, follow
ed in turn by a three months'
longshore strike and this in turn
succeeded by a very marked
slow-down in the lumber market,
all tended to decrease Savings
Bonds, sales in Oregon and to in
crease the cashing of bonds. How
ever, the county chairman in her
statement pointed out the fact
that actually the holdings of
these bonds by individuals in
Oregon total more at the end of
1948 than ever before because
the accrued interest coming to
Oregon citizens on the ownership
of one-half a billion dollars
worth of savings bonds more than
made up for the excess of re
demptions over sales.
Mrs. George further pointed out
that the sales picture in Oregon
is in direct contrats to that of the
nation at large. The treasury sold
in 1948 approximately 7 and 1'4
billion dollars of savings bonds,
with sales exceeding redemptions
by about 2 billion 151 million
New Chevrolet To Be Shown Saturday
"I fwx
foil tuir
1 J fmm
The Hodge Chevrolet building
at the corner of Main and May
In Heppner will be the focal
point for the new-car minded folk
of the county Saturday, January
22, for on that day the brand
spanking new 1919 Chevrolet will
be on display. The display room
is being all "dolled up" in pre
paration for the event, says Char
ley Hodge, who returned the first
of the week from San Francisco
whore he with other dealers of
the coast states previewed the
new model the past week.
Hodge returned with a lot of
the Lexington airport but which
it was felt should be made more
specific for the benefit of others
less well informed.
It was found that the fund to
be raised could be divided over a
three-year period, with the feder
al agency matching on a 56-44
basis. However, the SBA officials
counselled against this to some
extent and urged that the port
officials try to raise the full am
ount in one drive.
It was finally decided to call
a meeting of the directors and
formulate a plan for gathering
in the money all of it at this
time, if possible, or as much as
can be obtained.
The directors, or committeemen,
are Mayor Conley Lanham and
Frank W. Turner, Heppner; Clif
ford Yarnell and Archie Munkers,
Lexington, and Milton Morgan
and Kenneth Smouse, lone.
Council Frowns On
Putting Curfew
Law Into Effect
Ordinance Will Be
Held in Abeyance
For Further Study
Proposal to invoke the curfew
ordinance which has lain dor
mant on the city statute books
for a numbei of years did not
meet with full approval of the
council at the mid-monthly meet,
ing Monday evening. The propo
sal was made with a view to
putting a check on some of the
reported nocturnal practices of
the town's younger set and while
most of the city dads conceded
that some corrective measures
should be taken they did not
give their approval to putting it
into operation at this time. In-
' lae u upon uiemseiyes l0 ,ieau
,lor nmu a ""e tamer.
The council listened to the first
two readings f the proposed
sewer ordinance, which sets up
the method of collecting the
funds for financing the project.
Bonding companies interested in
possible purchase of the bonds
must have specific information
relative to the city's financing
plans before approval can be ob
tained to invest.
This information can be given
as soon as the ordinance is pass
ej and the council will now move
. to obtain passage.
Leaks in the water system, due
to the unusual weather, have
kept the city work crew busy the ted gtat forty.ive years ater
past week or two. Pressure be- the f , of he Wrj nt Brothers
came so low last week end that ln their Kiu Hawk The Wri ht
it was necessary for the city to Brotners p,ane lraveled at tne
obtain water from the county re- rate of 4Q miles an hour Todfw
servoir. A break in a connec ion airplane speed nas reached 3i00o
where the new transite pipe line miles an houf
crosses Hinton creek was the i Q
chief cause of the loss of Pres- ' HEALLY SEEING SOUTH
sure. There have been breaks in Berf telephoned the lo
other, sections and one or t North , RA , a f d bofk
Court street necessitated shutting jfrom Florjda on h
oit me pressure on uiai line . me
the crew was making repairs.
School was dismissed because of
the lack of water.
Never mind who's
sure you're left.
right. Be
A driver's hand out makes
good turn.
enthusiasm for the new model,
which he says is just about a
new car throughout. It is the
product of three years of engin
eering research and design de
velopment. Begun immediately
after V-J day. experimental work
has Included 1,068,000 miles of Hodge Chevrolet will he open
test driving over the roads of the 'from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. for the con
General Motors proving ground venionee of the public,
and arid highways of the south- ! "All of the changes of seven
west. I years will be found in this now
Hodge said that dealers, like I model," Mr. Hodge said, "and I'm
prospective buyers, have been 'tolling you it maintains the
held in suspense regarding the Chevrolet tradition of rugged, re
new Chevrolet and that the deal- i liable transportation at the low
ers at the preview weren't disap- est possible cost."
County Volunteers
Aim at Reaching
Dimes March Quota
Determination of Morrow coun
ty volunteers to make the current
March of Dimes an unprecedent
ed success was ncreased today
with receipt for figures showing
that five polio cases were report
ed in Oregon last week.
Dr. E. T. Hedlund, 1949 Oregon
March of Dimes chairman, in
formed Charles A. Ruggles, head
of the campaign in this county,
that all five patients are being
treated in Portland hospitals with
local chapters of the National
Foundation for Infantile Paraly
sis financing care.
Two of the victims were sisters
from route 3, Corvallis, and the
others were young boys, one from
Mill City, another from Salem
and the third from Seaside. There
were no cases of polio reported
in Oregon the first week in Jan
uary. It was the first time since
July that the state had been with
out at least one new case a week,
and the brief lapse gave prema
ture rise to hopes that northwest-,
ern Oregon's alarming incidence
of cold-weather infantile paraly
sis was on the wane.
"It is too early in the year to
tell whether last week's outcrop
ping means that 1949 will be a
severe polio year in Oregon, a
state board of health official
advised Dr. Hedlund today.
The official, Dr. G. D. Carlyle
Thompson, state director of pre
ventive medicine, pointed out,
though, that "our polio season
certainly fell off slowly this win
ter." Dr. Thompson recalled that
last January was unusual, too,
there being more than a dozen
new cases reported in the state
during the month. He observed
that incidence in Oregon coun
ties in the ensuing months made
the year the fourth worst in Ore
gon history from the polio stand
point. Two hundred twenty cases,
in all, were reported in 1948.
National Capital
Jottings . . .
It is estimated that $100,000,-
000 will be needed for public
works throughout the United
States. You don't happen to think
that the public roads are all
built, do you? Highways top all
new public works calling for SbO
billion dollars. Sewers and wat
erworks will likely need more
than $9 billion dollars. Hospitals
will call for appropraitions of
more than $8 billion dollars. That
its only a part of the sad-sad
If costs of living continue to
fall it seems possible that prices
and wages will join the down
ward trail. Some of the Washing
ton correspondents assume that
that is what's going to happen.
But if we are going to save any
of our money we will have to
quit giving it awray by the mil
lions and billions to foreign na
tions. The Wright plane has been re
turned to the capital of the Uni-
gtat Qf (he nat!on.. down ,hat
s0 far as the Sco-uten famiI
.vac,on is conccnled. He stated
that ne had been to Havana Cu.
!ba and other ooints of interest
and ne and (ne family are having
la grand time. He also stated thai
his stomach condition is some-
a what improved and he is begin
ining to feel more like himself.
A, v
pointed, rather they wve highly
elated, as the public will be
when given an opportunity to
see It.
1 The showing in Heppner will
run concurrently with the show-
ling all over the country and the
If 1 f"rft
Large Crowd Turns
Out For Chamber of
Commerce Dinner
Weather Compels
Change of Plans
At Last Moment
A crowd estimated at 110 per
sons gathered at the Elkhorn res
taurant in Heppner Wednesday
evening to participate in the an
nual dinner of the Heppner
chamber of commerce and to
hear the guest speaker, E. G. Har
lan, president of the chamber of
commerce at The Dalles.
Due to frozen water pipes at
the American Legion hall, it was
necessary to make a change of
plans at the last minute and Mrs.
Velma Huebener, proprietor of
the Elkhorn restaurant, gracious
ly consented to turn over her
eatery to the chamber of com
merce for the evening. This
change likewise caused some
cancellation of program numbers,
all musical, because there wasn't
time to move a piano to the res
taurant Judge J. G. Barratt was master
of ceremonies and kept the inter
est at a high pitch. Guests from
lone and Lexington, and one
from Moro were introduced. These
included Mr. and Mrs. E. Mark
ham Baker, lone; Mr. and Mrs.
Lonnie Henderson. Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Yarnell and Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Cutsforth, Lexington, and
Vernon Flatt, Moro.
Following guest introductions,
the emcee introduced Mrs. J. Pal
mer Sorlien who read two num
bers, "Strap By the Door," and
"The Club Supper."
Frank W. Turner as a past
president of the organzation, was
accorded the honor of installing
the officers chosen by the board
of directors. These included O. G.
Crawford, president; Louis Lyons,
secretary, and Merle Becket,
treasurer. Orville Smith, vice
president, was unable to be pre
sent, but Turner declared him
Following the installation the
new president read his selection
of committee chairmen for the
year, as follows: Orville Smith,
roads and highways; Frank W.
Turner, membership; John Saa
ger, civic Improvement; Judge
(J. G. Barratt, publicity; Henry
Tetz, education; Glenn Parsons,
recreation; Floyd Tolleson, trans
portation; 0. J. D. Bauman, leg
islation; Dr. L. D. Tibbies, hous
ing; J. J. O'Connor, projects, and
Allen Case, merchants committee.
The assemblage was then fav
ored with three songs by Sandra
Davidson of the second grade at
Lexington, who sang strictly solo,
inasmuch as there was no accom
panying instrument and with
her true ptich she needs no ac
companiment. Chairman Barratt
stood her on the table and with
her teacher, Mrs. Sorlien, giving
her the pitch she went through
her three numbers like a veteran
.In introducing the speaker of
the evening, Judge Barratt recall
ed that back in 191416 he and
Kenneth Binns, who later was ed
itor of the sports page of a Ta
coma newspaper, used to fold pa
pers for the Heppner Herald ev
ery press day. Mr. Harlan was
editor of the Herald and his bro
ther. Leslie K. Harlan, was pub
Mr. Harlan's subject, had he
titled his speech, could well have
been "Know one another." He
pointed to the fact that individ
uals and communities are unable
to work together unless they get
acquainted and learn each others
needs and desires. As an example,
he told of the time Klamath Falls
was split ov?r the courthouse is
sue. The town was divided into
several factions, hut mainly those
who lived north of a certain street
and those on the south side. Dur
ing that period a young clothing
merchant visited the town and
decided it would be a good place
to sot up in business. He rented
a roomy space on a prominent
corner and began moving in his
goods. A delegation from the
north side of the line called upon
him and invited him to Join with
them inasmuch as his place of
business was in their territory.
A sign painter come in during
this visitation and when the del
egation had left took up the mat
ter of painting a sign over his
doorway. The merchant was non
plussed over this strange state
of affairs, a town divided against
itself, and felt he wanted to be
a friend to everybody, something
he realized ho could not be if he
joined with any faction. He folt
he should have a sloean that
would indicate to all passersby
that ho was a citizen of Klamath
Falls and asked the painter if h
had anything In mind that would
moot the problem. The painter-
replied that if he were doing It
ho would say, "I ain't mad at
nobody." Mr. Sugarman, (or It
was K. Sug.innan, ordered the
iijjn painted and It became one
of the most famous business slo
gans in all the land. Not alont
did It become fatuous for It
quaint construction, but It led the
(actions to consider the light In
which they had placed their corn
Continued on page six