Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 13, 1949, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Jan. 13, 1949
Page 5
Want Ads
We are not closed Just because
, the signs and flood lights are
not burning. We are cooperat
ing to save electricity. We are
open for busness as usual on
the Inside of our garage and
will do our best to keep your
car and truck rolling. Rosewall
Motor Company.
FOR SALE 30 weaner pigs and
4 sows. Harold A. Wright, Hepp.
nor. 42-43p
You have to drive the new 1949
Ford to experience the new
Ford Feel. We invite you to
take the wheel and give your
self a thrill. Rosewall Motor
Get your permanent type anti
freeze from Rosewall Motor Co.
and drive without worry these
cold days.
FOR SALE Registered Airedale
pups. Ph. Heppner 20F3. 42tfc
If your battery is weak from too
much night driving and using
the heater and radio bring it to
us for a boost on our fast
charger. Rosewa 11 Motor Co.
Don't be caught without tire
chains. We still have a few sets
left in the popular sizes. Rose
wall Motor Company.
FOR SALE Gas Wedgewood
trash burner range, water heat
er, used one year. Complete
with tank. Also kerosene re
frigerator. Can be converted.
All for $620.00. Don Campbell,
Lexington. 34tfc
Union Pacific offers improved
daily passenger bain schedules.
STREAMLINER "City of Portland"
Lv. Pendleton 9:30 p.m. Instead of 9:43 p.m. (Exam
ple Sunday)
Ar. Chicago 11:30 a.m. Instead of 11:50 a.m. (Example
Lv. Chicago 6:30 p.m. instead of 6:00 p.m.
Lv. Pendleton 4:25 a.m. instead of 3:55 a.m.
Ar. Portland 8:30 a.m. Instead of 8:00 a.m.
Lv. Arlington 1:09 a.m. instead of 12:19 a.m.
Convenient through service to Denver, Kansas
City, Omaha, and Chicago ... direct connections
for St. Louis, Texas, Southwest and East.
Lv. Arlington 2:20 a.m. instead of as now.
Ar. Portland 6:15 a.m. instead of 6:30 a.m.
Lv. Arlington 11:34 a.m. Instead of 11:30 a.m.
Fast schedule to Denver, Kansas City. St. Louis.
Through cars ... connecting with "City of St.
Louis'' Streamliner.
Lv. Arlngton 12:58 p.m. Instead of 2:25 p.m.
Ar. Portland 4:15 p.m. instead of 6:15 p.m.
with direct connections for Tacoma, Seattle and
Lv. Arlington 12:45 a.m. instead of 12:30 a.m.
For Complete Travel Information, Consult
Local Agent
Road of the Streamliners
1942 Oldsmobile four door Deluxe
sedan. This is the 76 series with
hydramatic drive, heater and
good rubber. Pay only $500.00
down. Rosewall Motor Co.
30 yearsof know how. We have
mechanics that have been tops
in t'icir trade for more than 30
yeais; See us the next time you
need service, Rosewall Motor
FOR SALE One Model A Ford
truck, good condition; one post
or shingle saw. Dan Bishop, P.
O. Box 394, .lone, Ore. 37tf
Wanted 100 cars to paint in our
DeVilblss spray booth. Rosewall
Motor Company.
Has your car had its RPM lubri
cation this month. Bring in at
once for prompt service. Rose
wall Motor Company.
Remember if your brakes are not
working a 100 per cent you are
only a foot from trouble. Rose
wall Motor Company.
Resolve now to drive carefully
and be courteous, but if you do
have a mishap with your car
bring it to us and we make it
look like new again. Rosewall
Motor Company.
Have you experienced the new
Ford Feel?
FOR SALE Harry Junes ranch 12
miles northeast of Heppner.
See Stella Jones Bailey, owner.
Gen'l Del., Heppner or phone
2502. 38tfc
Caught up. Some auto dealers
have caught up on their orders
to where they can make deliv
ery on certain models. The con
tinued heavy demand for the
sensational new 1949 Ford has
delayed the time in which we
can make immediate delivery.
However, present plans call for
an increase of production to the
point where you can have the
car of your choice within a
reasonable time. Rosewall Mo
tor Company.
We have Ford and Mercury mo
tors to fit 1928 to 1948 cars and
trucks. Bring your car in for an
immediate installation. Rose
wall Motor Company.
bate Court of the. Stute of Oregon for
the County or Worruw, arm eaiu ourv
ha net Monday, the 24th duy of Jan
uary l'J49, an the time and the Morrow
County Court Jioue a the plai.e for
hearing on and Itnal etttlt-rnetil of Haul
account. All peiuorw having objection
to eald final account are. hereby re
quired to file the name with said Court
on or before the date act for eald hear
ing Dated and firat published thi 23rd
day of December, 1948.
.1 f) Turner. Attorney. 40-44
Now is the hour to have your
truck overhauled for next sea
son's work. Phone 1092 for an
appointment. Rosewall Motor
WANTED Anyone having tur
keys or chickens for sale pierce
contact the Victory Cafe. lone,
Ore. 22tfc
Acts like a sponge. Put a can of
Drout in your fuel tank to ab
sorb the water in your gasoline
and prevent freeze ups these
cold mornings. Rosewall Motor
FOrFSALE-One RB-4 Caterpillar
tractor with cab and lights.
Walt Seale, Condon, Ore. 4.'k
FOR SALr55 1 i ternat io nal TD-3 3
! crawler tractor. Eryce Logan,
Condon, Oregon. 43c
1 KOti " RA1.K -1947 Plymouth 5-
passenger coupe wlih radio,
heater and other accessories.
See Everett Keith ley or call
Heppner 912. 43-41p
FOR SALE-One Kimball organ.
Arthur C. Keene, lone, Ore.
1 Notice la herd y plvcn tint the un
dersigned, administratrix of the estate
of Fred J. Nlchoson. dsicused, h;,.--flled
her final account with the l'rn-
Notice 8 hereby given that tlie un
derpinned a'liiili.iHtnitrix of the estate
of WILLIAM T. DOHKltTy, Deccawu,
has filed with the 1'robate Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow County,
her Final Account of her administra
tion of the estate of said deceased, and
Bald Court has fixed Monday, th 24th
day of January. 1949. at the hour of
ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day
at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon
an the time and place for hearing ob
jections to said Final Account and the
settlement of said estate, and all per
sons having objections thereto are re
quired to file the same with said Court
on or before the time fixed for said
hearing. ,
Dated and first published this 23rd
day of December. 194S.
Jos. J. Nys, Attorney,
Heppner. Oregon; 40-44.
the undersigned, as Administratrix ot
the Estate of COY S. THOKNBURO,
deceased, has filed her Final Acount
and report in the said estate with the
Clerk of this Court and that the Judge
thereof has fixed Monday, the 17th day
of Junuary. 198. at the hour of 10:0u
o'clock A M., in the County courtroom
In the courthouse in Heppner. Morrow
County, Oregon, as the place for hear
ing objections to the said Final Ac-'
count and the settlement thereof.
Administratrix of the Estate
of Coy S. Thornburg. deceased.
P. W. Mahoney
Attorney or the Administratrix,
Heppner. Oregon. 30 43
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, The Fiist National Honk ol
Portland (Oregon) was duly appointed
by the Probate Court of the state ot
Oregon for Morrow County, the ad
ministrator of the estate of ARTHUR
L. HUGHES, deceased, and all per
sons having claims againt the estate of
said deceased are hereby required to
present the same to the undersigned
administrator with proper voucher duly
verified at the law office of Jos. J.
Nys. at Heppner, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 6th
day of January, 1949.
42-46 Administrator,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Lola, E. MeCabe, deceased, filed with
the Probate Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County, his final ac
count of his administration of the es-1
tate 01 saia deceased, ana sniu i.oui'1
fixed Monday, the 7th ilav of Febru
ary 1949. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock of
said day at the Court House at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as the time and place for
hearing objections to said final account
and the settlement of said estate, and
all persons having objections thereto
are hereby requred to file the same
with said Court on or before the time
fixed for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 6th
day of January 1949.
Jos. J. Nys. Attorney. 42-46
ERVISORS. To all owneis of land lying with
in the Boardman Soil Conser
vation District:
Notice is hereby given that on
the thirteenth- day of January,
1949 the annual meeting and el
ection of one supervisor of the
Boardman Soil Conservation Dis
trict'will be held under the pro
visions of the Soil Conservation
District Law of this state, Chap
ter 3, Section 109, O.C.L.A. as
amended by Chapter 318, Oregon
Laws, 1945.
The place of meeting will be at
he Boardman Grange hall be
tween the hours of 1:00 o'clock
p.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m.
Every person, firm and corpor
ation, state, county, or munici-
Schedule of services:
Mass in Heppner on the Is
and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30
Mass in lone on the 1st and
3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd
and 4th at 9 a.m.
Mass on the fifth Sunday one
mass only in Heppner at 9 a m
on the 2nd and 4th.
Holy days of obligation: Mass
in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass
First Fridays of the month:
in lone at 9 a.m.
Mass in Heppner at 7:30.
CHURCH (Episcopal)
Holy communion, 8 a.m.
Church school, 9:45 a.m.
Morning prayer and sermon, 11
Vesper service and instruction,
5 p.m.
These instructions will be bas
ed upon the Bible, the Prayer
Book, and their use as an aid to
complete and joyous living.
Junior Y P.F., 6:15 p.m.
Senior Y.P.F., 7:30 p.m.
Weekday services: Wednes
days, holy communion, 10; Fri
days, holy communion, 7:30.
J Palmer Sorlien, minister.
Sunday, January 16: Morning
worship and sermon at 11 a.m.
with special music by the choir.'
Paul McCoy, director. Also nur
sery for small children during the
church hour, Mrs. Vernon Bohles,
director. Sunday church school at
9:45 a.m. Adult Bible class, aiso
Youth Fellowship class and a
class for every age.
7 p.m., Methodist Youth Fellow
ship, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bohles,
The annual conference of Ore
gon agricultural conservation
i association committeemen will be
held this year at the Columbia
j Gorge hotel near Hood River on
! February 3, 4 and 5. E. Harvey
jMilier, Portland, chairman of the
! state PMA committee, has an
nounced. Approximately 200 com
mitteemen, secretaries and as
sistant secretaries are expected
to attend.
Ralph Trigg, PMA administra
tor, and W. b. Crowley, assistant
administrator for production, will
participate in the three-day pro
gram, said Miller, Both are of
ficials of the U. S. department of
agriculture, Washington, D. C.
The county agent is attending
the National Western Stock show
at Denver this week and part of
next. Others in the party attend
ing from Morrow county are Frank
Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sme
thurst and Mr. and Mrs. John
Graves. "Gold Dust," the fat Here
ford steer fed out by John Graves
and Bill Smethurst, is also mak
ing the trip to compete against
the corn fat tteers of the mid
west. These livestock men hope to
be able to purchase a herd sire
or two to bring back to Morrow
county. We will give you a re
port on our return.
Newly elected officers of the
Boardman Extension unit are:
Chairman, Mrs. Russell Miller;
vice chairman, Mrs. Tannehill;
secretary. Mrs. Jack Mulligan.
New meeting date is the fourth
Wednesday of each month.
Mrs. Marie Clary and Henry E.
Tetz will attend a planning com
mittee meet'ig of the Eastern
Oregon Teachers association at
La Grande Saturday. The conven
tion will be held In La Grande
next fall. Mrs. Clary ts president
of the group.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, In compliance with Section 110 1207
DCLA as amended by Chapter 393 Oregon Law 1913 and Chapter 345
Oregon Law 1945 as amended by Chapter 591 Oregon Laws 1947. to
the legal voters of the Rural School District of Morrow County, Ore
gon, that a meeting will be held at the Courthouse in Heppner, Ore
gon, on the 27th day of January, 1919, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. for the
purpose of discussing the budget of the Rural School Board for the
fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1949 and ending June 30, 1950, here
inafter set forth.
BUDGET 1949-1950
1. Estimated available cash on hand at beginning of the
year for which this budget is made NONE
2. Estimated receipts from delinquent taxes NONE
3. Amounts received from other sources NONE
Total NONE
Several Morrow county home
makers are taking advantage of
their husbands' hunting results
and are serving luscious meals
from game at home. Mrs. Beth
Clark, Heppner, and Mrs. Russell
Miller, Boardman, have asked for
two publications enabling them
, t . . , j
Thursday, choir practice at 7:30 tl" ""c vvi e-
r I thus make full use of its food
value. These are "Game Foods,"
by Arthur Einarsen. and "Wild
Game Cookery Recipes."
for 1949-1950
1. Personal service:
(A) District Superintendent salary $ 5,600.00 $ 5,000.00
(B) Clerical and legal 2,400.00 1,800.00
2. Supplies, printing 500.00 150.00
3. Postage, telephone and telegraph 150.00 150.00
4. Elections and publicity 125.00 125.00
5. Board expenses, travel, etc. ... 1,000.00 825.00
6. Office equipment 500.00 885.00
7. Other miscellaneous expenses 225.00 320.00
8. Emergency 500.00 745.00
Total estimated expenditures 11,000.00 10,000.00
Womans Society of Christian
Service meets first Wednesday of
each month.
News From
C. A. Office
Did You Know
1. That usually an 18" space is
left between margin and wall?
Less for small rooms, however.
2. That lining of rugs extend
only to 1 12" from edge of rug?
3. That the average American
eats 1 1. 5 lb. nut meats per year?
There are lots of delicious re
cipes to use them in, too!
4. That apples cooked rapidly
in a covered pan have better
color and flavor than those cook
ed long and slowly?
5. That a "too large" drawer f
may be made useful by adding a i
tray same width of drawer but j
only 13 or 12 as long? Put most j
used articles in the tray, of j
6. That your "not -to-white"
1. Total estimated expenditures $11,000.00 $10,000.00
2. Deduct total estimated receipts and avail
able cash balances 0.00 0.00
3. Amount necessary to balance the budget 11,000.00 10,000.00
4. Deduct deficit forwarding to next fiscal year 0.00 0.00
5. Balance to be raised by taxation 11,000.00 10,000.00
6. Add estimated amount of taxes that will
not be collected during the fiscal year for
which this budget is made 0.00 0.00
7. Total estimated tax levy for the ensuing
fiscal year 1L0O0.0O 10,000.00
Meeting at the county agent's
office Monday afternoon. O. W.
Cutsforth. chairman Heppner Soil
Conservation district; Kenneth
Smouse, chairman Lexington
Blow Control district, and Terrel
Benge, chairman Lexington Oil
Cooperatives, laid plans for the
program of the annual meeting
of these organizations which are
held . together at the Lexington
Grange hall. The date for these
annual meetings is set for Tues
day. February 8.
Scheduled for the program arelinSerie can be made new aSain
films on conservation, with Wm. b? tinting them a soft blue or
puiK. it taKes only iu minutes ior
the whole process.
7. That a top quality man's
1. Amount of warrant in-
indebtedness on war
rants issued and endors
ed not paid for want of
funds $0.00
2. Amount of other indebt
edness 0.00
3. Total indebtedness (sum
of lines 1, 2) 0.00
Dated December 20, 1948.
Signed: HENRY E. TETZ, Clerk;
J. J. NYS, Chairman Board of
Approved by the Budget Com
mittee December 20, 1948.
Secretary, Budget Committee;
man, Budget Committee.
L. Teutsch, assistant director of
Oregon State college extension
service, to speak on Oregon agriculture.
dress shirt has six buttons down
the front?
Do You Have Enough
Check with
Heppner Phone 723
America's most exching sjrrs car
Invites you lo experience a new driving thrill
meet the
Robert W. Every, O.S.C. exten
sion entomologist, says there are
800,000 known insects in the
world that have been classified.
That is. 800.000 have been named.
Authorities believe, however,
there are actualy between two
and three milion different insects.
pality being the record owner of
or holding under contract of pur.
chase, ten acres or more of land
lying within the said district are
eligible to vote.
Candidates to fill the board va- j
cancy of one supervisor may be
made by petition signed by ten :
landowners. If no candidates are j
nominated by petition to fill the ,
existing vacancy, nominations j
may be made from the floor dur- ;
ing the annual mooting j
By N. C. Anderson, Secretary. 1
Dated this 5th day of January,
19 19. 42-43 i
School District No. 45 hereby
calls for bids for the transporta
tion of school children to the lone
school for 1 he balance of the
1948-49 term, on the route from
lone on the gravel road to the
Davidson ranch and south on dir;
and gravel road to W.G. Seehaf
er's and south on dirt road to
Ray Heimbigner's and on into
lone, being approximately thirty
miles round trip, and six children
to be transported. Driver to fur
nish his own car, operation ex
penses of car and insurance.
Bids' to be in hands of clerk of
School District No. 45. Olex, Ore
gon, not later than January 6th,
to be opened at school meeting i
on January 7th. The Board re- i
serves the right to reject any or j
all bids. ' j
Effie D. Kami, j
Clerk District No. 45. ;
Olex. Oregon. '
nev relet
Mile after mile they put it through its paces . . .
proved its speed, its acceleration, its economy!
Prcvd on the toupht
grodoi . . . new Chev
rolet rokes hilii in n stride. K'
Irt power will thrill you -;
Got ready for a grand new sensation when you
meet the Jeenstcr. You'll enjoy looking at this
new car with its long, low body and smart
continental styling but the real thrill roines
when you feel the power of its 'Jc-ty engine and
sense the balance with which the Jecpsler lings
the road. Most exciting of all is the 'flouting'
sensation that comes when yon slip into over,
dm and the Jeepstcr slims along as if on .
You'll like the Jerpstcr's quick maneuverability
and easy-to-park compactness and you'll be
surprised at the remarkable gasoline mileage that
comes from the car's low weight and thrifty
high-compression engine. As for comfort, the
.Iccpslcr lias independently-sprung front wheels
thai 'step over' humps while super-cushion tires
and airplane-type shock absorbers soak up road
clocks lo give a smoolh, floating ride.
Caspersen p Hildenbrand Co.
128 S. E. Second Pendleton, Oregon Phone 146
Noth-e is hereby given thai i
sealed bids will be received by
Morrow County at the Clerk's Of-;
fice in Heppner. OreRon for ap- j
proximately 30.000 gallons, more
or less, for Moi row County require- j
ments, of first structure gasoline,
delivered in County tanks at the
'ounty Simp in Heppner, Oregon, ,
and 10,000 gallons of Diesel fuel.
Maximum price per gallon re- j
quired for the period January 1. !
1949 to December 31. 19-19. Said ;
gasoline and Diesel Oil to be j
used by County for road work, j
Bids to be opened January 19,
1919. County Court reserves the
right to reject any or all bids or
to accept bid or bids most favor
able to County. -42-43
Morrow County Court.
The ounithina
at anttt
bkxii of thil "tortwf troHM
PROVED ChvroUt'i ability
to obiorb punithmvntl
TMi ii whr Chvrolt fof
1949 wol PBOVSO lo b
wtotlitrptoof and water
At the General Motors Proving Ground there)
are. men who are experts at wining cors
"Find the flaws . . . get the facts" Is their
motto. And so, when Chevrolet for 1949 was
delivered lo their "tender"
mercy, they put If through Its
paces so vigorously and so
thoroughly that Ihere was
no chance for basic weak
nesses to go undetected.
What a break for the buyer
.flaguf 1
. . . Instead of an txptrimtntal or unfned
car, he gets a car that has PROVED econ
omy, PROVED stamina, PROVED comfort,
PROVED handling-easel Only Chevrolet,
In the low-priced field, has
passed through the rigors of
the "World's Toughest Prov
ing Ground" and comes
to you thoroughly TESTED,
thoroughly PROVED and
thoroughly APPROVEDI
Hodge Chevrolet Co.
Main and May Phone 403 Heppner, Ore.