Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 13, 1949, Image 1

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Heppner Gazette Times
Volume 65, Number 43
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, January 13, 1949
County Red Cross
Set-Up Revamped
During Past Week
William Richards
Succeeds O'Connor
In Chairman Spot
The Morrow county Red Cross
organization underwent some re
vamping last week when Miss
Betty Bogle, representing the Am
erican Red Cross society spent
several days here assisting In
setting up the year's program.
Miss Bogle worked with the nom
inating committee, in selecting
the following officers and com
mittee chairmen:
President, William Richards;
vice chairman, James Driscoll;
treasurer, C. A. Ruggles; secre
tary, Mrs. Robert Wagner. The ex
ecutlve committee is composed of
Mrs. Claude Graham, Mrs. Tom
Wilson and Rev. J. Palmer Sor
lien. F. W. Turner is the 1949
fund campaign and disaster
chairman; Mrs. R. B. Rice, home
service chairman; J. J. O'Connor,
In charge of water safety pro
gram, and C. J. D. Bauman, first
aid chairman.
Richards succeeds J. J. O'Con
nor who has headed the organi
zation for three years, which he
says is enough. Aside from suc
cessfully heading the rw"i r
ship drives each spring, O'Con
nor has devoted much time each
season to promotion of the Red
Cross water safety program, and
his Interest In this activity led
him to consent to take the chair
manship during 1919.
Production Credit
Group lo Ballot on
Stock Retirement
Action to permit retirement of
capital stock held by the federal
government will be proposed at
the 15th annual stockholders
meeting of the Pendleton Produc
tion Credit association in the V.
F. W. hall at Pendleton, January
31st, tt is reported by Waller
Moore, secretary-treasurer.
A complimentary luncheon will
he served at noon for members
and their wives, which will be
followed with a business meet
ing. While all hut $75,000 of an or
iginal $165.'i00 investment al
ready has been returned, mem
bers are expected to take favor
able action lo expedite payment
of the remaining amount and
thus become entirely farmer-owned.
The boaid of directors and
advisory committees of three
eastern Oregon counties in which
the association operates, have al
ready approved the plan. .
The association now has capital
and reseves of over $190,000 ex-
elusive oi me goveiiimciii. ,
ment, representing "lv,:""" '"
In capital slock ny memners "u j
reserves DUlll up irum u1-.al..,6
The coming meeting will mark
15 years of service by the associ
ation to farmers and stockmen
located in Morrow, Umatilla, Un
ion, Wallowa and Grant counties.
During this period nearly $15
million has been loaned for pro
ducing crops, livestock and fot
other farm operating expenses.
Two direciors are to be elected.
The terms of Ralph I. Thompson,
Heppner, and C'has. F. Lltch, En
terprise, will expire this year.
Holdover directors are James K.
Hill and Glen K. Storle, Pendle
ton and Mvron C. Hug, Elgin.
Otto F. Allgaier, treasurer oi
the Production Credit Corporation
of Spokane, will be the guest
speaker at the business meeting.
P. W. Mahoney received a mes
sage Thursday of last week tell
lug of the death of a cousin, R. T.
Mahoney, in Spokane on that
date. Deceased, who was about
54 years of age, had been in 'poor
health the past two years. Mr.
Mahoney will be remembered by
Heppner residents In the era 1910
M. He worked in the First Na
tional bank here when his uncle,
T. J. Mahoney, was cashier.
Known as "Terah," he was pop
ular with patrons of the bank as
well as among the younger set of
the lown.
Readers of this newspaper may
have wondered why the dollar
signs and zeros were In the Pet
erson ad lust week. It was be
cause the prices on the articles
were not Inserted in their siean.
The prices in each instance
should hnvc read $22.50, federal
tax Included.
Frank Wilkinson, son Dick and
daughter Shirley went to Portland
Wednesday where they are at
tending the annual convention of
the Oregon Woolgrowers associa
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomp
son and David Hynd had planned
l aim wnviu "J"" .
to attend the meeting dui com
weather caused them to change
their mlncis.
Plans To Revive
Left in Hands
Plans to revive activities at the
youth center, or more properly
speaking, to revive the youth re
creational program, were discuss
ed by a group of representative
citizens meeting with the Junior
chamber of commerce at the com
munity building Wednesday eve
ning. The meeting was called at
the Instance of the Jaycees since
it was their organization which
fostered the program in the be
Representatives were present
from three of the churches, Meth
odist, Catholic and Episcopal; the
Elks and Royal Arch Masons, the
Heppner chamber of commerce,
the Soroptimist club anJ Ameri
can Legion. There was no repre
sentation from the high school
student body, a fact that was
somewhat disappointing to other
members of the group.
Shamrocks Go On
Rampage To Win
Twice Past Week
Heppner's rampaging Sham
rock basketeers strengthened
their victory string this week as
I hey bowled over opposition from
Hermlston and Pilot Rock by size
able margins.
Thursday night the Shamrocks
took the measure of the highly
touted and previously unbeaten
Valley Builders Supply Co. team
of Hermsiton by a score of 60 to
37. Both teams battled evenly
throughout the firsthtrifwTth
Heppner leading as the period
ended 26 to 20. The second half
found the Heppner boys reaching
peak form with their ball hand
ling, passing, and shooting as
they steadily Increased their lead
and won going away. Clarence
Greenup, Shamrock forward, led
all scorers with 20 points. The
Heppner "B" squad dropped the
preliminary game to the Hermls
ton American Legion team by a
score of 39 to 29.
Monday night the Shamrocks
entertained the townies from Pil
ot Rock by setting a scoring mark
for the season thus far as they
poured 70 points through the
hoop while their opponents were
able to garner only ft paints.
The Kemp Brothers, Inc. were the
siege guns of Monday night's
same as brother Stan dunked in
22 points and brother Junior can
ned 18. The Heppner "B" boys
won the opener from Lexington,
50 to 42.
Box scores for the games:
Heppner, 60 Hermiston. 37
Ulrich, 10 f 4, Shanafelt, B.
Greenup, 20 .... f 13, Barboletos
Kemp, S., 9 ... c a4, Piercy
Scrivner, 11 . g 2, Sunney
Campbell, 2 .... g 2, Kipp
Kemp, J.,
s 10, D. Shanafelt
s 2, R. Shanafelt
Scott, 2
Heppner, 70
Ulrich, 10
Pilot Rock, 41
f 5, Casteel
f 8, Wilson
c 2, Rugg
l Greenup, 12
S., 22 ...
;crivner, 4
g 13, P. Kopp
Cam.)beu, 2
g 11, C. Kopp
s 2, Irvin
s Glasgow
Kemp j jgg
Ferguson, 2
Random Thoughts..!
Are you the type of person who
never has time to go across the
street bv the regular crossing? If
so. take time to read the secretary
of state's report on pedestrian
traffic in Oregon the past year
and lliat for 11 months, since
December checking could not be
reported at this time
Eighty people lost their lives In
Oregon traffic accidents the first
11 months of 1948. This was tnree
fewer than were reported for the
same period In" 1947. Whether or
not 1948 will show less tramc
deaths than 1947 depends upon
the final December count.
Now we come to the stern real
Ities. "Crossing streets between
Intersections is one of the largest
single factors In pedestrian acci
dents, accord ne to a study cov
iTinir the first six months of
1918," the secretary of state re
vealed. In 1947, 14 pedestrians
killed while walking in the
roadwav in the same direction
as the flow of traffic, compaieu
to one killed while facing on
online traffic,
Secretary Newbry offers thli
llmelv advice: "These facts prove
,iuce again that the simple rules
for safe walking, if followed, w
shamlv cut hack needless trag
edy. Your life literally depends
on following these rules, parttc
ularly after dark and when road
surfaces are slippery."
With more than one half of all
pedestrian fatalities in Oregon in
vo ved in violations oi law or un
anfi. action on the Dart of the
walker, it seems the time has ar
rived for people to give some
heed to the advice offered by
traffic officials.
Just how far reaching was the
big Columbia river flood last
spring? You no doubt remember
what the physical damage am
ounted to in round numbers the
i , ... . h,it rilri
u '"''"' j ...
you know that the flood waters
I Continued on page six
Youth Center
of Committee
Many angles of the youth
movement were discussed but
there was a lack of definiteness
which all recognized and it was
finally voted to have the chair
man of the meeting, Edmond
Gonty, name a committee of six
to meet at an early date and set
up a program that would have
the backing of organized groups
of the community and set out the
type of recreation most desired
by both the sponsors and the
young people. A paid supervisor
met with the approval of all pre
sent and the committee will be
charged with the duty of arrang
ing for a director.
Henry Tetz has accepted the
chairmanship of the committee
and will be assisted by Mrs. Wil
liam Rawlins, Rev. Eldon L. Tull,
Rev. Francis McCormack, Gordon
Grady and Dr. C. C. Dunham.
Tickets On Sale
For Chamber of
Commerce Dinner
Tickets were placed on sale to
day for the get-together dinner
sponsored by the Heppner cham
ber of commerce and to be held
at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, January
19 at the American Legion hall.
The dinner will be a public af
fair, open to anyone who wants
to. pay the price for a ticket, and
a special invitation has been ex
tended to city officials, grange,
farm-bwtniu, and school officials
of the county.
The chamber of commerce has
been fortunate in securing E. G.
Harlan, president of the chamber
of commerce at The Dalles, pr,
the principal speaker. Mr. Harlan
has long been engaged in cham
ber of commerce work and at one
time edited the Heppner Herald
when It was published by his
brother, the late L. K. Harlan.
Henry Tetz is program chair
Short Section Of
Power Line Reset
A short secton of the 22,000-
volt Sherman transmission line
has been relocated near De Moss
Springs by Pacific Power & Light
Company crews, according to J.
Huffman, local manager for
the power company.
Customers in Gilliam
and wheeler county areas served
by the line were unawareef the;
change, however, as the work
was done while the lines were
To give more clearance to the
highway, a new section of line
was built and tied to the trans
mission line by linemen using
hot sticks." These are specially
designed long-handled tools with
which the linemen can make the
necessary line connections with
out danger. The old section of
the line was then removed.
U 'if . j r; 1, FjiHU vVA L Sifvjjli. I J h
It was Monday, January 3 when these pictures were taken.
Photographer Louis Lyons was on hand with his trusty camera
and caught County Clerk C. W. Barlow administering the oath of
office to Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman, Russell Miller and Garnet Barratt,
commissioner-elect and judge-elect respectively. When that part
of the ceremony was over. Judge Barratt swore Barlow in as clerk.
Left to right: C. W. Barlow, county clerk; Russell Miller, com
missioner; Ralph Currin, district attorney; J. G. Barratt, County
judge; L. W. Briggs, treasurer; W. O. Dlx. assessor; Ralph I.
Thompson, commissioner; C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff, and Henry
Teti, school administrator. All except Mr. Tetx are elective officers;
he Is appointed by the rural school board. L. W. Briggs, 89, is
probably the eldest county official In the state.
William Driscoll
Answers Summons
Of Death Tuesday
Was Resident of
Heppner From 1913
To Spring of 1945
While family and close friends
were not surprised, news of the
death of William Driscoll Tues
day evening at Corvallis came
as a shock to his many friends
and acquaintances in this com
munity. Mr. Driscoll was the vic
tim of a heart attack.
Funeral services will be held
at 10 o'clock a.m. Saturday at
the St. Patrick's Catholic church
in Heppner, with Rev. Francis
McCormack officiating and ar
rangements in charge of the
Phelps Funeral home. Interment
will be in the Heppner Masonic
cemetery. Rosary will be held at
8 p.m. Friday at the church.
William Driscoll was born
March 17, 1875, in Dublin, Ire
land. He was brought to the
Province of Ontario, Canada, as
a child by his foster parents, lat
er settling in Calumet, Mich. His
early life was spent in that area
and in 1902 he was married to
Cecelia King of Calumet. He first
came to Oregon in 1913 and the
following year returned east for
his family. Nearly all of his res
idence in Heppner was spent as
janitor of the school. He entered
upon this duty in the winter of
19171918 and served until the
spring of 1945 when advanced
years and failing health compell
ed him to resign. He and Mrs.
Driscoll moved to Corvallis that
spring and "Dad," as he was fam
iliarly known to all his acquaint
ances, made occasional visits here
to visit his children and their
families and, as he put it, Just to
see if everything was running
Nine children were born to Mr.
and Mrs. Driscoll, seven of whom
survive. These include Mrs. Fred
(Mary) Pointer, Corvallis; Mrs.
Blaine (Martha) Carney, Phoe
nix, Ariz.; Mrs. Howard (Lucille)
Zimmerman, Okanogan, Wash.;
Clifford Driscoll, Grants Pass;
Charles Driscoll, Corvallis; Wil
liam C. Driscoll, lone, and James
H. Driscoll, Heppner. There are
also seven grandchildren. A bro
ther, Thomas Driscoll, lives in
Detroit, Mich.
Billy Cochcll has asked the Ga
zette Times to convey to the peo
Morrow pie of Heppner and vicinity his
deep appreciation for the many
nice things that have been done
for him and his family since his
hospitalization. The many re
membrances at Christmas time
brought cheer and a welcome
change to the dull hospital rou
tine. He considers his friendships
and associations priceless and his
fondest hope is to resume former
(For Billy's benefit, it may be
added that his friends join with
his relatives in pulling for his
speedy recovery.)
i i im J v i i hjrin MMMin ii.iiii. .J i hmmitim 1 " "
Army of Oregon Volunteers To Lay Down
Initial Barrage In Gigantic Polio Battle
$uL .o w - wh
Pretty polio victims from
widely-scattered Oregon points
are shown in the solarium of
Portland's Holladay Park hos
pital as they do their bit for the
March of Dimes by stuffing en-
An army of Oregon volunteers
whose numbers will eventually
total between 15,000 and 20,000
will lay down the initial barrage
of the 1949 polio battle tomorrow,
opening day of the annual March
of Dimes which this year will
run through January 31.
C. A. Ruggles, Morrow county
March of Dimes chairman, said
that the impending campaign
shapes up as "the most inten
sive" in the 11 years that the or
ganized drive for infantile paral
ysis funds has been conducted.
And, he added, "It certainly. Is
the most crucial."
Emphasis was lent to his warn
ing by polio case figures for 1948
as compiled by the United States
public health service. The crip
ling disease struck down a record
27,658 Americans during the year
just ended, according to the fed
eral bureau. The compilation
gave Oregon 219 cases, compared
to 110 in 1947; California 5,560
nd Washington 386, and it rep-
resented a 600 per cent case in-1
ase over the 1947 total for the
Lexington Store
Looted By Thief
A thief, or thieves, gained en
trance to the Yarnell store in
Lexington Tuesday night and
made away with about $500 in
cash and a small check for cash.
The juke box provided the $500
but apparently nothing but the
small check was left in the till
by the proprietor.
Officers investigating the case
found that entrance was gained
at the back of the building and
from the way things were handl
ed has the appearance of being
(he work of someone acquainted
with the premises.
Here we find former commissioner L. D. Neill wishing the new
commissioner the best of luck. Mr. Neill retired after serving as
commissioner for three terms Miller, Boardman rancher, is the
first person elected from what is termed the "North End" to serve
on the county court He is adapting himself readily to the task
and is showing an eagerness to become an efficient public servant
Left to right: Mrs. Fred Parrish, deputy county clerk; Mrs. Tom
Wilson, assistant to the school administrator; Miss Margaret
Gillis, county health nurse; Mrs. Frances Mitchell deputy sheriff
in charge of the tax department; A. J. Chaiiee, courthouse janitor;
Mrs. Joe Hughes, deputy assessor, and Leila McLachlan, tax de
partment clerk. Careful selection of deputies has given the officials
a capable clerical force.
velopes for the campaign that
starts tomorrow. They are, left
to right Mrs. Louise Mittit As
toria; Joan Nelson, Independ
ence; Mrs. C B. Neeley, route
one, box 763, Oregon City; Mrs.
three states.
The financial plight of the Na
tional Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis and its chapters was
described as "desperate" by
Foundation President Basil O'
Connor in a nationwide broadcast
to March of Dime workers. He
said that the Foundation's Epi
demic aid fund which stood at
$6,000,000 at the start of 1948,
wound up the year $520,000 in the
red, and that the 1949 drive must
bring in $30,000,000 "if we are to
meet our obligations." I
Dr. E. T. Hedlund of Portland,
1949 Oregon March of Dimes
chairman, recalled that eight
counties in the state had polio of
epidemic Incidence in 1948. He
said that the treasuries of these
county chapters and several oth-
ers in Oregon have reached the
vanishing point."
'If we re not now ready for the !
great effort immediately ahead.
than w.o novcr Will h ' Tr HPfl.
lund said today on his return
from Polk and Benton counties
'where he cheeked Into campaign
We, the committee, appreciate
the whole hearted spirit the peo
ple have shown where contacted.
One lady sent a check from Port
land. ,
Beginning in next week's issue
will appear the names of the
donors so the people will know
the progress. Let's have a banner
week for a good showing.
The government has no hand
in this ambulance.
V.F.W Committee.
Otto Ruhl of Lexington became
seriously ill Tuesday night and
was taken to the hospital in Pen
dleton at an early hour Wednes
day. It was thought he might
have to undergo a surgical operation.
Mary Jane Wilson. 1115 James
St, Salem; Sharolyn Wolfe,
McMinnville; Aileen Lattin,
Empire, and Mrs. Jean Scrivner,
Burns. Seated at the table is
Patricia Fuchs, route three,
organizations. Dr. Hedlund and
Felix Montes, state representa
tives of the National Foundation,
have been busy for three months
assisting in the setting up of
March of Dimes machinery in 36
counties, and they estimated to
day that an unprecendented 15,
000 to 20,000 Oregonians will
have lent a hand before the drive
The complete memberships of
civic and fraternal groups in
many cities will participate, they
reported. Granges are planning
special basket socials; the 168
American Legion posts in the
state have planned a variety of
benefit events; high schools and
colleges are scheduling benefit
athletic contests; labor unions
are issuing special appeals to
.their members, and many thea-
ters contemplate basket collec-
In addition, there will be hun
dreds of volunteer-manned col
lection booths throughout the
state, and a record number of coin
collectors has been distributed.
Moro Huskies Too
Speedy For Local
Basketball Squad
Moro's speedy Huskies Jumped
the gun early and piled up a
1-4 first period lead against the
bewildered Mustangs. But it was
no walk away the Mustangs al
most pulled the game out of the
fire in the dying moments. A fin
al burst by the Huskies gave
them a close 44-39 decision.
In the secmd period the Mus
tangs slightly tamed down to out
score their white clad opponents,
9-6. The count at half-time fav
ored the Huskies, 1813.
The last half of the ball game
was a wide open affair with the
Huskies nevei relinquishing their
lead until the final two minutes
of the game when the desperate
Mustangs went on a scoring spree
to tie the score at 37-all. But
again the Huskies could not be
stopped as they went on to pour
in three quick buckets to the
Mustangs one. In the final sec
onds a Huskie free throw brought
the final count to 44-39. Jim
Sumner, Mustang center, took
scoring honors for the night with
14 points. Harvy and Thompson
shared honors for Moro with 11
each. The lineups:
Heppner. 39 Moro. 44
Bennett, 8 f 11, Harvy
Manners, 6 f 3 May
Ruhl c 9. Wilson
Waters, 10 g 11, Thompson
Gunderson, 4 g 11, Kniehten
Substitutes, for Heppner: Sum
ner 14, Jones; for Moro: Rust,
Heppner, showing their worst
orm of the season, ran into
tougher than expected opposition
from the Lexington Jackrabbits.
They finally succeeded in down
ing them 32-26 In the rough af
fair. Paplneau of Lexington took
scoring honors with 15 points.
The lineups:
Heppner, 3- Lexington, 26
Bennett 1 f J. Edwards
Ciunderson 7 f 8, Padberg
Ruhl, 2 c 13. Papineau
Waters. 9 g 2. Messenger
Sumner. 3 g 1. Way
Substitutes, for Heppner: Man
ners 8. Connor 2. Smith; for Lex
ington: Breeding. Sawyer. Bloods
worth, Buchanan, Fahl.
The Heppner "B" squad trim
med the Lexington reserves. 25-9.
In the Moro game the Heppner
reserves were edged out 23-27 af-
ter holding a 10 point lead at
: halftime.
Heppner plays two Karnes at
jhome next week. Tuesday, Jan.
18, lone plays here and on Frl-
day, Jan. 21, the opponents will
b Fostll.
Becket Residence
Burned To Ground
Late Sunday Night
Low Temperature
Hampers Work of
Fire Department
The moaning of the fire siren
about 10 p.m. Sunday called the
fire department to the Harold
Becket residence on South Court
street where a fire originating in
the furnace room was rapidly
spreading throughout the struc
ture. The fire laddies got one
stream into operation from a
nearby hydrant and employed
the pressure tank on the fire
truck, but there was no stopping
the blaze and the entire building
was consumed.
The family, consisting of Mr.
and Mrs. Becket and daughter
Sharon, escaped with what they
had on and managed to salvage
a few personal effects as well as
saving a few pieces of furniture,
otherwise everything was con
sumed in the fire.
The Becket house was unique
in that Mr. Becket did just about
all the construction work on it
He stated that he started in on
it in 1932 and he believed he had
fitted in every stick of lumber
and every piece of brick and
stone. Only Sunday he did some
work on it.
Insurance coverage was ample
for the time the house was built
but will not be sufficient for re
building now. The Beckets have
taken quarters in the Case apart
ment building.
To assist the unfortunate fam
ily in setting up housekeeping
again, the ladies of the Elks have
planned a shower for Elks and
their ladies this Saturday eve
ning. It has been learned that
other groups are planning affairs
of like nature.
City Clamps Down
On Gambling And
One Arm Bandits
The city made a surprise move
Wednesday in ordering the slot
machines taken out- of the var
ious places in which they were
operating and in ordering a shut
down on gambling.
Authority under which the or
der was issued was based on Sec
tion 23-939, O.C.L.A. which reads
as follows:
"Regardless of whether their
operation requires an element of
skill on the part of the player,
all games of chance such as
slot machines, dart games, pin
ball games, andor similar -de
vices or games, when operated
or played for a profit, either in
cash, merchandise or other ar
ticle of value, hereby are declar
ed unlawful, and their licensing,
possession, display, operation or
play hereby are prohibited."
The attorney general made the
following comment on the law:
A perusal of the above section
clearly indicates that not only is
the licensing and taxing of lot
teries and games of chance such
as slot machines, dart games
pinball games, and similar de
vices or games operated or play
ed for money or merchandise de
clared to be unlawful, but suci
licensing and possession is pro
hibited. This removes any excuse
that a municipality or city coun
cil has the right to license such
games by ordinance.
Grand Jury Indicts
Velma Hughes On
1st Degree Count
The Morrow county gTand Jur
meeting in special session, Tues
day, returned a true bill agalns
Velma Hughes to an indictmen
of murder in the first degree. Or
arraignment before Circuit Judg
Homer I. Watts, the accused wc
man entered a plea of not guilty
She appeared in court in thi
custody of Sheriff C. J. D. Bau
man and was represented b
Charles Peterson. Pendleton ai
torney. Ralph E. Currin. distrii
attorney for Morrow county, d
clined to comment on the ma
While no date for (he trial ha
been set, Mrs. Hughes is holr
held without bail in the wumei
quarters of the I'matilla conn
Jail at Pendleton.
Main line L'P schedules wer
thrown out of gear yesterda
when a west bound freight w
wrecked at Messner. Eight i
nine cars weie derailed and latf
when the wrecker was trying i
lift them back on to the track,
too upset. The City of Portlai
was obliged to stay In Arllngto
overnight, according to Agei
Floyd Tolleson of Heppner.
i Mrs. J. O. Rasmus returned o
'Wednesday morning from Poi
land where she spent several da
on a buying trip for her lao
ready-to-wear, Norah'i sho