Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Jan. 6, 1949 P"" " " C "0 New nnUttVMW FRIGIDAIRE ) 'v W s " y -v I With all then teaturtsl lodtantub. 5-Speed Svrfoct Units Twin-Unit, Ivan-Heat Oven k Double-Duty Thermaer De-Wll Cooker High-Speed trDr, wobt high k Ufetim Porcelain -Inthi and out Acid-rwbtlngparctlabicoeMng-toF k Large wtwuB storage drawar fun 40-lndi cablntt Many other yea should see! Model RK-10 $99.75 I Cnktaf-Ta I aW (MtJtaM On Oxt band k. MM at atiaM Malitaaoi MtL Heppner Appliance Co. STAR ED REPORTER Maala ,rto tfmn -1 rln. aata- 1 iT-iLrJS 0,1114 ec ctfloall? ulTtirtu4 to V. ataorwlsai Chateau Eat. rrla at, Pf. to M, Tatal Ko; and ml Hlh 904,7 afcowi rxmttnnoiu itartln at 1 p-m. all othur oaaol Btadanta It yaan ul mci Bat. Trio .40, abowa atarat at T: p-m. Boxolllca opaa araalngl Tt. Tu JO, Total Me; Adaltal M. Prosa M, Pad. aatU t pja. Do you know tho tight answer? Every week we call 10 reeidenti of the commun ity and ask WHAT IS PLAYING AT THE THE ATE B TODATT If yon can answer correctly In 20 seconds you receive a FREE TICKET to the show. Bead our newspaper ad and hang this program near the phone so youll hare the right answer I Thursday-Friday-Saturday, Jan. 6-7-8 Under California Stars oj ftofara, ajidy Dovlna. Jana Fraxao, Bob olaa and tha Sou of tha Ptoaaara. Action entertainment with pleasing musical num bers and color photography. , PLUS BIG TOWN SCANDAL Fillip Bead, Hilary Brooke, Stanley Clam an ta, Darryl WiriTnaa, Alfalfa Bwitxer. Tour "Big Town" radio favorites are back again, fighting the force of evil : Fopeye Cartoon in Technicolor Sunday-Monday, January 9-10 Two Guys From Texas Dennia Morgan, Jack Canon, Dorothy Halona, Penny Ed war da, Forrest Tucker. Color by Technicolor. They're a riot on the range a panic on the prairie . . . wide-open entertain ment full of song! Alao a choice selection of short subjects: MY OWV T.Sj a Technicolor special showing Am erican national parks, cities and villages, Deaches and mountains, from coast to coast and border to border: Bewsreel of world areata, "positively fresh"; Porky Pig cartoon in colon Sunday ahowi oonttnuons from 1 P. M Tuesday-Wednesday, January 11-12 THE VELVET TOUCH BosaUnd Bussall, Ifeo Olaaua, Claire Trevor, Sid nay Greenstreet, Leon Ames. Excellent ... and smartly different. You ll like it. Also. Technicolor adventure story of Lelaad Scott who Uvea with lions and leopards even though he never knows what they will do next; Borrah Minnevitch musical. Boosts to Your Food Budget for Friday-Saturday-Monday IN THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT Snowdrift- Shortening, 3 pounds for- 1.19 Steinfeld's Kraut, No. 2 tin, 3 for 40. LaVora Peas, No. 2 tin-6 for .57 Kitchen Charm Wax Paper-1 25-ft. roll 23 Hunt Solid Pack Tomatoes, Buffet tin-6 for 63 Hunt Purple Prune Plums, No. 1 tin-3 for 32 CHB Tomato Catsup, 14 oz. bottle-3 for 53 Canned Milk, any brand-3 for 43 Kraft Velveeta Cheese-2 pound loaf 89 IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT Oriole Sliced Bacon-Pound 59 Swift's Hockless Picnics-Pound 49 Swift's Premium Skinless Franks-Pound .53 Pure Lard-Pound 27c; Premium, 12 oz. tin 49 Steer Beef Pot Roast-Pound 49 Court Street Market News From C. A. Office Another year is gone. The coun ty agent wishes everyone a hap py New Year. We hope you have all kept good farm records dur ing the past year so Income tax reporting will be easy and will not mar your happiness at the beginning of the year. Those of you who have keot farm records during the past vear will appreciate them and those of you who haven't kept records will want to do so in '49. Those who have started the New Year with purchasing rec ord books at this office during the past week are. Irvin Rauch, Lexington; Harold Evans, Hepp ner; Mrs. Claud White, Heppner; John Ransier, Morgan; Julian Rauch, Lexington. Why don't you stop at the office for a record book? e In the 1920's Oregon's lamb crop averaged 88 lambs per 100 ewes. For 1946-47 the avenge was 95 lambs. a a a These cold winter days make rats seek shelter and look for something to eat. That is the reason that many of you have seen more rat damage lately. Buildings full of trash and grain bins that are open and ac cessible are sure to invite rat infestation. Now is the time, while rats are hungry, to make a killing. First of all though, trash should be cleaned up around farm build ings and feed bins made rat proof. After this is done the rats will be hungrier still and they can be poisoned more easily. Red Squill is the recommend ed rat poison to use. It can be mixed with grain, dry bread crumbs, breakfast cereal, corn meal, meats or even sliced ap ples or carrots. a a NEWS FROM THE HDA'S OFFICE Myrtle Carter, OSC Clothing Specalist to Train Project Leaders Mrs. Myrtle Carter, OSC exten sion specialist in home furnish ings and clothing, will conduct an all-day training meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 12, at the home economics room of the Heppner high school. The lesson for the day will be Garment Finishes and Miss Ma bel Wilson, county home demon stration agent, will assist Mrs. Carter. Two women from each of the community home extension units will learn how to set in a concealed zipper and new method of treating a curved seam. These 14 women will actually make samples and then give the same training to their respective units for the regular February monthly meeting. The training meetings begin at 10:30 a.m. and delegates will eat in the school cafeteria for lunch. a 4 Available at the HDA's office are suggestions on selecting true linens. Since this is a major pur chase for any homemaker, care ful consideration should be given to the purchase. These hints tell easy methods of distinguishing the "true" from the "untrue." Anyone is welcome to read them. Secretary Newbry Cites Six Pointers For Winter Drivi Six "hot" tips on safe driving in the kind of weather that has been plaguing Oregon motorists recently are contained in a leaf let now being distributed by hts office in an effort to center at tention on the dangers of slippery highways, Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry has announced. "Freezing weather is invariably accompanied by a wave of 'skid ding' mishaps, most of them the result of unwariness or lack of know-how," Newbry declared. The leaflet, "Winter Winners," was prepared by the National Committee on Winter Driving Hazards. Results of numerous studies have been boiled down to simple safety suggestions design ed to help the average driver rec ognize and cope with the dangers of rain, sleet, or snow. In an effort to reach all who need reminders, Newbry suggest ed careful attention to the fol lowing pointers: 1. Get the "feel" of the road before you start out by trying your brakes while driving slowly and away from traffic. 2. Adjust speed to road and weather conditions. Slow down on wet, snowy and icy roads so you can stop when you have to. . Use tire chains on ice and snow. They cut down braking dis tances as much as 40 to 50 per cent. Not a cure-all for winter accidents, but they will help a careful driver. A Tfpon uinrlchiplrl nnH win Idows clear of snow and ice, fog tanu uusi. DC auic ucauiiguid, windshield wipers, and defrost lers are in good working order. . 5. When you have to stop, pump your brakes up and down jamming them on may lock them and throw your car into a skid. 6. Follow other vehicles at a safe distance remember it takes from three to twelve times as long to stop on snow and ice as it does on dry concrete. first eleven months of 1948. State gasoline taxes on Novem. ber sales were $1,867,401.53, of hich about 13 percent is norm- Uy refunded to non-highway users. Revenue from license fees is more than $1,700,000 below last year despite the increase In registration. This is due to the change in the method of licens ing commercial vehicles, Newbry explained. Trucks are now being taxed on the basis of road use. BOARDMAN The first annual soil conserva tion meeting will be held in the Boardman Grange hall Thursday, January 13, beginning at 1 p.m. On the program will be two speakers of Interest, Dr. Carl Lar son, Umatilla branch experiment station of Hermiston who will speak on "District Irrigation Me thods" and A. L. Hafenrichter, grass nursery division of conser vation service, Portland, who will talk on "Grasses and Legumes for Irrigated Pastures." Follow-" 1 ing these talks the annual report f will be given, and also in order j of business will be the election of supervisor for the Boardman district. I. Skoubo is the retiring vice president or supervisor. The Home Economics club will serve a charge dinner, $1.25 per plate, at 12 noon in the dining room. All Irrigon and Boardman mem- ' bers are urged to attend. The HEC will meet at the I. i Skoubo home Wednesday, Jan. 12, with a potluck dinner. All ' members are urged to attend. This meeting was announced to be at the Nathan Thorpe home but has been changed to meet with Mrs. Skoubo. Grangers, remember this Sun day, January 9, will be the in stallation of your officers for the Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 1 12 The Dalles Phone 2635 114 E. 2nd St Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "We Go Anywhere.Anytlme" Licenses, Gas Tax Reach New Peak, Though Revenue Off STATE'S STREETS 14 Oregon's streets and highways were busier than usual in Novem ber as gasoline use rose 14 per cent over the same month a year ago, Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry has reported. Sales total ed 37,348,030 gallons, he said. At the same time, the secretary announced that motor vehicle registrations may have reached the 600,000 mark by the end of 1948. Licenses had been issued to 597,812 vehicles at the end of No vember, with December figures incomplete. The state first topped the half million mark in registrations in July, 1947, and has been steadily adding the next hundred thou sand, he said. The rate of increase is approximately 12 percent, am ounting to 64,792 vehicles in the coming year. There will be a pot luck dinner at 12 noon sharp, fol lowed by the installation at 2 p m., with grangers attending church in a group that evening The installation is open to the public. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FmBookTallsofHoiiMTraatniMtthat Must Hlp or It Will Cost Yon NftthJng Orer two mil Hon bottle of the WILLI BD TREATMENT hare been lold for relief of symptoms of dlstreM arising from Stomach and Duadenal Ulcers due to bceee AcM Peer DlaestJen Seur or Uptet Stomach. tineee, Meanourn, sfeepieasneaat eta. doe to Excese Acid. Sold on IS dayi' trial) Aak for MWlllara"e Meseaie" which full Saager's Pharmacy 2 HOW YOU CAN EARN ON YOUR SAYINGS WITH Federally Insured Safety Use Portland Federal Savings' convenient SAVE - BY MAIL service. You get a good return. Your savings are Federally In sured for safety up to $5000. Withdrawals are promptly paid, without fees or deduc tions of any kind, e lat ut (and you camplata Informa tion about our SAVE-BY-MAIl lorvlc. now. Wrlla today. PORTLAND rEDERAl SAVINGS KK! Comor, 5th and Stark Partland 4, Oragon 'The safe, efficient movement of the heavy traffic we are now experiencing demands the coop eration of all drivers, whether professional or occasional. That means better, more careful driv ing," Newbry declared, pointing out that greater travel on the same roads means greater danger to all. Mrs. Florence Hughes writes from her home at Centralla, Wn., that she fell and broke two bones In one of her ankles on the 22nd of December and that the num ber will have to be in a cast for seven weeksShe is having quite a struggle getting around with the aid of crutches. The accident happened when she slipped on the bottom step of a set of stairs. Look over the want ads. You may be able to save considerable on some needed Item. Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged se'ptic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY Look Your Loveliest Always ! See Us for Expert Dry Cleaning Service You'll never know how lovely your clothes can look until you send them to us for reliable, thor ough dry cleaning care. Whether you've a fragile silk crepe or a lovely wool suit you've no need to worry when your garments receive our expert dry cleaning service. Free pickup and delivery. HEPPNER CLEANERS m i A GR E AT VA I U E i - IN THIS BIG JANUARY SHOWI Pemco 8uio8 Thrifty, quality minded housewives all over America know Pencos as luxury muslin sheets at budget-low prices! Now they're here tagged lower than-ln-years just in time to help replenish your sl'cet supply and save you money! Tested to prove their long-wearing quality and years of dependable service! Pencos are here in the size you need! 42" x 36" NATIONWIDE PILLOW CASES 49c NATIONWIDE 81" x 99" SHEETS 2.19 NATIONWIDE 81" x 108" SHEETS 2.49 9-4 UNBLEACHED SHEETING 69c yd. WHITE'SHEET BLANKETS 70" x 95" 1.98 USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN AND SAVE ON THESE NEW LOW PRICES Pemey's AT