Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Jan. 6, 1949 Page 5 Want Ads Put a can of Drout In your gas tank and prevent the gas line and carburetor from freezing up these cold mornings. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED Anyone having tuT keys or chickens for sale please contact the Victory Cafe, lone, Ore. 221 fc There is no place like home for Kord service. Kosewall Motor Company. KOIt SALE Hairy" Jones rancli12 miles northeast of Heppner. See Stella Jones Bailey, owner. Gen'l Del., Heppner or phone 25G2. 3l fc Wanted i)0 cars to paint iii our DeVilhiss spray booth. Kose wall Motor Company. FOit KENT 3-rootn apartment" bath; fuel, lights, water includ ed. Cecil Hicks, Lexington. 12p 1 Fords and Friends is our busi- ness. Kosewall Motor Co. i FOR SALE 30 weaner pigs and I 4 sows. Harold A. Wright, Hopp- ner. . 42-43p We have 20 year coverage in Ford and Mercury motois V.tM to 1948. Phone 1092 for an ap pointment to have your car put in top shape for more pleasant motoring. Kosewall Molor Co. FOR SALE Registered 7Aire(lafe pups. Ph. Heppner 20 K3. 421 f c Smart peopie are having their cars and trucks overhauled now. Phone 1092 If you need service. Brake relining and mo tor rebuilding is a specialty. Kosewall Motor Company. WehaveFord "'rad7osloflt i94G to 1919 cars in stock now. Rose wall Motor Company. We still have a few sels of tire chains. See us before you need us. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Income property consisting of 4 room apartment with bath on first floor; 2 ap partments consisting of 3 rooms with bath; 6 rooms with bath unfinished; gas furnice. 2 extra kitchen gas ranges. Lo cated on 2 lots each 65x120. Al so garage. $7500. Mrs. Artl.l Shamblyn, Phone 323. 42c We base Polar Grip tires In 000 x 10 and ('!) x 10 .si.iM. Ask about the tire tread that can't slip on ice. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE One M wWA Ford truck, good condition; one post or shingle saw. Dan Bishop, P. O. Box 394, lone, Ore. 37U Now is the hour to have your truck overhauled for next sea son's Work. Phone 1092 for an appointment. Rosewall Motor Company. We have rear fender shields lor the new 1949 Ford cars. Bring your Ford in and let us dress it up for you. Rosewall Motor Co. Don't send out of town for any thing automotive until you first try Rosewall Motor Company. LEGAL NOTICES LOST One blackface Suffolk buck, last seen on Alder creek during ellt season. Also one roan Durham 3 year-old bull, no brand, no earmark, tattoo In one ear. Last seen on Skin ner creek. Good reward. Frank Wilklnwn. 41-42p We repair all makes of cars and trucks. The name on the radia tor does nol make any differ ence. You get the same prompt courteous M'rvice at Rosewall Motor Company. Foil SALE 1937 (5mc truck, long wheelhase. 8 1. 4 tires, mo tor Just overhauled. Raymond Batty, Kimbcrley, Ore. ' 41tfc If we don't have what you need we will get It for you If lis available. Rosewall Motor Co. KOI! SALE Gas Wedgewood trash burner range, water heat er, used one year. Complete with tank. Also kerosene re frigerator. Can be converted. All for $020.00. Don Camj bell, Lexington. 34tfc tfOTICE OP FINAXt ACCOUHT Nutlt-p I herfby trivial thiit Hip un tiereiKiMMl, urlim 0 1 Htratrix of tlifi entitle or J'rcd J, NIchOKun. ii.-c eanwl, liu filed her fiiml Mcr-ount wilti I'm l'.,,. Irale Court of the .State of Onfall for the Comity of Morrow, am! H.tnl Court ha 8ft Monday the 24lh day of Juu uary 19-ia. an the time and the Morrow County Court House an the plan: toi heariliK on and final Hetth-inent of Maid account. All peruana having .,lJi- lion.-' to aald final account are lion-by re quired to file the name with Haul Court on or hefore the date Ret for wild h'u IllK Dated Hlid firnt published tiiH :j, d day of December, VMH. EDITH I'. NICHOPON. Administratrix 1. O Turner. Attorney 411 tt NOTICE OP FINAL HEAKINO NOTICE IS HKKKHY i;VKN that the undermined, rh Administrator With a Will Annexed of the ht.,tp of NAN NIE L. KKLLKR, dneiuu-it. hM filed hla final Account and report in the aid eslnte with the Clerk of this Court and that the Jddtfe thereof haf fixed Monday, the 3rd day of January. 1948. t the hour of 10 :00 o'clo,k AM., a. the time, tn the County Courtroom In the Courthouse In H ppner. Morrow County, On-Kun, a the place for hear ing; objections to the suid Final Ac count and the setthmcit Uiei-if. I'. W. MAIIDNliY, AdmlnlKtnitor With a Will An nexid of the Kstate of Nunnie L. Keller. deceased. P. W. Muhoney. Attorney for the Administrator. Heppner. Oregon. 37-41 NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice la hereby given tnat the un deritned Kxecutor of the e."trtte of JKS.stK II. I'HUY.N, dwelled, has filed with the 1'robate Court of tin' Ht.itc o( Oreon, for Morrow County, ite KinaJ Account of Ita administration of Mie estate of 8tld deceaacd ami said Court has fixed Monday the 3rd rl ,y of January. liM9. at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of eaid hay at the Court House at Heppner. Or.-e.,n lis the time and place for hearing ob jections to sajd final Account and the settlement of said estate, and all per sona having objections therein are re quired to file the same with Hani Court on or before the time fixed for said heaririK. Dated and first published Oils 2nd day of December, liH. THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF PORTLAND (OKKGON). Job J. Nya. Attorney, v . . Heppner, Oregon. 37-41 CITATION IN TUB COUNTY COURT OK THE HTATE OF OlttitiON FOK 'lilt COUNTY OK MOHKOW. In the Matter of the Adoption and change of Name of KI.A1NK KAYfc. JOHNSON, a minor. To: KdKar A. Johnson. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OHKGON, you are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in the above entitled Court pruyintc for the adop tion of Elaine Faye Johnson, the ubove named minor child by Donald Jinnee Kemiey, and ttie change of tile nuine of the Bald minor child to Elaine Fayc Kenney, YOU ARB THEREFORE required to appear before the above entitled Court within four weeks from the date of the firut publication of this Citation upon you to bIiuw cause, if any exists, why the prayer of the Petition should hot be granted. WITNESS, the Honorable Bert John son, Judge of the above entitled Court, and seal of the above entitled Court affixed this 9th day of December. IMS. First published December 9, 1948. C. W. BARLOW. County Clerk and Ex officio Clerk of the above entitled 38-42 Court. CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. In the Matter of the Adoption and Change of name of RICHARD IVAN BNYIiElt a minor. To: VERNE D, SNYDER: IN THE NAME OF THE STTE OK OREIION. you are hereby notified tloit l Petition has been filed In the above entitled Court praying for the adop tion of Richard Ivan Snyder, the abov named minor child, by Wilbur R. Akers and the change of the name of thi said minor child to Richard Ivan Akers. YOU ARE THEREFORE required to uppear before the above entitled Court within four weeks from the date of tin first publication of this Citation upoi you to show cause, if any exists, why the prayer of the Petition should not be granted. WITNESS, the HonoraWe Bert John son. Judge of the above entitled Court and seal of the above entitled Court affixed thle 9th dav of December. 194a. First published December 9. 191H. C. W. BARLOW, County Clerk and Ex Officjon Clerk of the above entitled 38-42 Court. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated De cember 1, 1948, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Commencing at a point 100 feet North of the S.E. corner of Lilt 8 in Block 1, Ayers' Fourth Addition to the City of Heppner, thence West on a straight line parallel to the South line of said Lot 8, 130 feet, thence North 12 feet, thence East 130 feet, thence South 12 feet to the place of beginning; also known as Tract 12; for the minimum price of $20.00, cash. North half of Northeast quar ter less the right of way in Section 7, Township 1 South, Range 24 East of the Willam ette Meridian; for the min imum price of $200.00. THEREFORE. I will on the 8th iday of January, 1919 at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at the front door 'of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon, FRANCES MITCHELL, 3S-42 Deputy. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of WILLIAM T. DOHERTY. Decease.! has filed with the Probate Court of the State or Oiegon for Morrow County, her Final Account of her administra tion of the estate of said decreased, and said Court has fixed Monday, th 24th day of January. 1949, at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon as the time arid place for hearing ob jections to said Final Account and the settlement of said estate, and aaj per sons having objections thereto are re quired to file the same with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 23rd day of December, 1948. ROSE DOHERTY, Administratrix. Jos. J. Nys, Attorney, Heppner. Oregon. 40-44. NOTICE OP FIN Alt HEABiMO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, as Administratrix of the Estate of COY S. THORNBURG. deceased, has filed her Final Acoui.t arid report In the said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed Monday, the 17th day nl January. 1918, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M.. in the County courtroom In the courthouse In Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, as the place for hear ing objections to the said Final Ac count and the settlement thereof. RUBY BECKET. Administratrix of the Estate of Coy S. Thornburg. deceased. P. W. Mahoney Attorney for the Administratrix. Heppner, Oregon. ' 89-43 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned. The First National Bonk of Portland (Oregon) was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, the ad ministrator of the estate of ARTHUR L. HUGHES, deceased, and all per sons having claims againt the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the tinder;. ig-.cfl administrator with proper voucher duly verified at the law office of Joe. J. Nys. at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this CO, day of January, 1949. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON). 42-46 Administrator NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Lola E. McCabe deceased, filed -villi the Probate Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, his final ac count of his administration of the es tate of said deceased, and said Court fixed Monday, the 7th day of Febru ary 1949. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock of said day at the Court House at Hepp ner. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said firral account and the settlement of said estate, and all persons having objections thereto are herebv reoured to file the name ' with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 6th day of January 1949. EARL FRANCIS McCABE. Administrator. Jos. J. Nys. Attorney. 42-46 NOTICE CALL FOR BIDS School District No. 45 hereby calls for bids for the transporta tion of school children. to the lone school for the balance of the 1948-49 term, on the route from lone on the gravel road to the Davidson ranch and south on dirt and gravel read to W. G. Seehaf -er's and south on dirt road to Ray Heimbigner's and on into lone, being approximately thirty miles round trip, and six children to be transported. Driver to fur nish his own car, operation ex penses of car and insurance. Bids to be in hands of clerk of School District No. 45, Olex, Ore- gon. not later than January 6th, i to be opened at school meeting 1 I THESE ARE THE 60 BANKS IN THE FIRST NATIONAL CROUP PORTLAND BRANCHES MAIN BRANCH SIXTH AND MORRISON BRANCH UPTOWN BRANCH AST PORTLAND BRANCH HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD BRANCH LIVISTOCK-KtNTON BRANCH MONTAVILLA BRANCH ROSE CITY BRANCH SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH UNION AND RUSSELL BRANCH BRANCHES OUT OF PORTLAND ALBANY RRAKCK ASHLAND BRANCH ASTORIA BRANCH BEND BRANCH CENTRAL POINT BRANCH CONDON BRANCH COOS BAY BRANCH COOniLI.R BRANCH ENTERPRISE BRANCH POSSIL BRANCH CRANT1 PASS BRANCH CP EH HAM BRANCH HEi'pvra mmcH HTLLSnORO BRANCH HOOD RTVER BRANCH -KLAMATH FALLS, , MAIN BRANCH ' TOIfH K1XTH BT. TtRANCH LA CRANDB TiRAnrH I.AKEVIEW BRANCH 1 'tim-ORD BRANCH MERR'LL BRANCH MCI.AI.LA BRANCH riEWilLIRO BRANCH NORTH ETD IIKA ;CH V','inA TKANCH OAKRIDtlE BRANCH OUEOOTJ CITY BRANCH PEUDLETON BRANCH SALE ' BHANCH ! HERMAN COUNTY BRANCH ri'.'. TO"! BRANCH THE DM.LE8 TtRANCH Til.I.AMOOK BRANCH TJ'IION BRANCH WOOUntlRN BRANCH OTHER BANKS IN THE FIRST NATIONAL GROUP Carlton Stat and Savinoi Bonk Bnton County Stoto Bonk (Corvallii) Philomath Branch (Philomath) Tha Flrit National Bank of Cottagt Gro Tht Pint National Bank of fuaant Tha First National Bank ot Forait Oroya Tht Flrit National Bank ot Lebanon Monro Star Bank Moraland-Stllwood Bank (Portland) Tha Pint National Bank of Prlnivlll Selo Stat Bank Clariop County Bank (Stailda) Coolldqa and McClalnt ISIIvtrton) Bank of Swtat Hama Yamhill Stohr Bank A REPORT TO THE PEOPLE OF OREGON Nineteen hundred and forty-eight marked a continued healthy growth for the State of Oregon. In this growth the First National Bank has shared, thanks to the confidence of thousands of friends throughout the state who have given us the opportunity to serve fully their banking needs. This confidence has enabled the sixty banks of the First National Group to return ever-increasing financial benefits to Oregon's communities, industries and individuals. STATEMENT OF CONDITION... FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND DiCEMBEK Jl, 194S Membor Faderol Dtposlt Iniuronco Corporation RESOURCES Coh In youll ond In F.darol Utiar. Bonk ... ( 7,99, 644.90 Do. from Banki 37,434,930.83 TololCo.h $117,433,577.11. Unlltd Statot Government Obligation!, Dirtd and Fully Guaronlaod 193,363,165.74 Statt, County ond Municipal Bondi ond Warronli 43,763,t95.B Oth.r Bondi and Sacurltl.t 1,160,102.11 Stock In Fad.rol Itti.rva Bonk , , 4"'??? ?? loan, and Di.counl ' Accru.d Inlarail Htcoivoblo Bank Promlioi, Furnilura and Fiilural and Sola DtpotH Voulll 4,734,216.74 Othar Real Eilalo ownad ' '" Customers' Liability on Account! of lettart ol Credit, Acceptancei, and Endon.d Silts 4,103,745.43 Othar Resource. .' - a44 y04.4Z TOTAL RESOUKCES $527,882,079.23 ' LIABILITIES Capitol 4,500,000.00 ' Surpu, 10,300,000.00 Undivided Profit! and Reierv 15,520,735.86 1 Total Capital Fund 30,520,733.86 , DEPOSITS D"","d w?.3MJ 490,523,422.73 DEPOSITS j Say.ngi ond T,m, 1 47,458,1 87.48 Liability for Letters of Credit ond as Acceptor Endorser or Maker of Acceptances ond Foreign Sills ',0'IiMt Inter.. 1 Received In Advance ! l is Reserve for Interest, Taxes, Etc , '..J'.l. Ii Other tlabilille. 1 L!5Zi TOTAL LIABILITIES 1527,882,079.23 In addition to Its 45 branches throughout Oregon, 15 other Oregon banks are members of tha first National Bank Qrovp DEPOSITS ,,.,,,. The Flrsl National Bank of Portland and 43 Branch.! J490,323,23.-ll . 15 olher Oregon banki in th. finl National Group 103,154,468.00 $593,677,890.78 LOANS AND DISCOUNTS ...,., The First Notional Bank of Portland and 45 Branch.! ! ilnaa 15 other Oregon banki In th. First Notional Group 22,225,190.82 $183,909,404.39 TOTAL RESOURCES Th. Flrsl Nollonol Bank of Portland and 45 Branches $327,B82,079.23 15 other Oregon bonks in lh. First National Group 109,001,938.60 TOTAL RESOURCES OF THE 60 BANKS IN THE FIRST NATIONAL GROUP. . . !,iiLy First National's colorful 16-page Annual Report to stock, holders for the year 1948 is now being printed and will be available on Jan. 20. You may call for copy at any bank In th. first National Group, or we will be happy to send you one. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF INTEREST EARNINGS FROM JAN.1 Javlngi deposits made up to and Including Jon. 10 draw Interest from Ion. 1. Opa v.urconl novel There"! no lubslllut. f.r cosh In th. bonk. ml iff on January 7th. The Board re SPtves the rij,'ht to reject any or all bids. Effie D. Baird. Clerk District No. 45, Olex, Oregon. BOARDMAN SOIL CONSERVA TION DISTRICT NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION OF SUPERVISORS. To all owners of land lying with in the Boaruman Soil Conser vation District: Notice is hereby given that on the thirteenth day of January, 1949 the annual meeting and el ection of one supervisor of the Boardman Soil Conservation Dis trict will be held under the pro visions of the Soil Conservation District Law of this state, Chap ter 3, Section 109, O.C.L.A. as amended by Chapter 348, Oregon Laws, 1945. The place of meeting will be at the Boardman Grange hall be tween the hours of 1:00 o'clock p.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m. Every person, firm and corpor ation, state, county, or munici pality being the record owner of or holding under contract of pur chase, ten acres or more of land lying within the said district are eligible to vote. Candidates to fill the board va cancy of one supervisor may be made by petition signed by ten landowners. If no candidates are nominated by petition to fill the existing vacancy, nominations may be made from the floor dur ing the annual meeting. BOARDMAN SOIL CONSER VATION DISTRICT, By N. C. Anderson, Secretary. Dated this 5th day of January, 1949. 42-43 CHURCHES ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of services: lr..n T i .1 1 itiona ill nejiiJiici uis sue 13 and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 1 Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: in lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. NOTICE FOR BIDS ON GASOLINE AND DIESEL OIL Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received hv Morrow County at the Clerk's Of fice in Heppner, Oregon for ap proximately .30,000 tjallnns, more or less, for Moirow County require ments, of firs! structure gasoline, delivered in County tanks nt ih County Shop in Heppner, Oregon, and 10,000 gallons of Diesel fuel. Maximum price per gallon re quired for the period January 1, 1949 to December 1, 1949. Said gasoline and Diesel Oil to be used by County for road work. Bids to be opened January 19. 1949. County Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept bid or bids most favor able to County. 42-43 Morrow County Court. COMPLETES HANGAR To accommodate his new Cess na 195 four-passenger plane, Or- ville Smith is completing a build ing at the Lexington airport or iginally designed for a machine shop. Nineteen states require a voter to pass a li'eracy test. ASSEMBLY -OF GOD Pastor, Shelby E. Graves. Sunday9:45 a.m., Bible school. A class for every age. 11 a.m., worship hour; 7 p.m., Youth for Christ; 7:45 p.m., evan gelistic service. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Bible study and prayer meeting in lone. Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Bible study and prayer meeting. Psalm 34:6 says this poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his trou- bles." church in Gooseberry at 1 o'clock Sunday morning, January 9. A cordial invitation has been ex tended the public to attend. o MORE'LIBRARY BOOKS New books received at the Heppner public library this week include, fiction: Elizabeth, Cap tive Princess, by Irwin; Meek Shall Inherit, by Kossak; East River by Sholem Asch; Old Beau ty and Others, by Cather, and Circle C Carries On, Rider. Non fiction: Zulu Woman. Ray ber; Stars in Our Heaven. Lum. and A Man Called White, by White. Juvenile: Swamp Boy. Cormack. and Sally Tail, Sawyers. The Army Air Force now cepts married men as cadets. The number of hunters this year is estimated to be near 12 million. NOTICE OF RURAL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUDGET HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in compliance with Section 1101207 OCLA as amended by Chapter 393 Oregon Law 1943 and Chapter 345 Oregon Law 1945 as amended by Chapter 591 Oiegon Laws 1947, to the legal voters of the Rural School District of Morrow County, Ore gon, that a meeting will be held at the Courthouse in Heppner, Ore gon, on the 27th day of January, 1919, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of discussing the budget of the Rural School Board for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1949 and ending June 30, 1950, here inafter set forth. BUDGET 1949-1950 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, minister. Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. with music by the choir. Nursery for small children. Sunday church school at 9:45 a. m. A class for every age. Youth Fellowship class, also adult Bible class. outh Fellowship rally at the First Methodist church at Pen dleton Sunday at 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bohles, counsellors. Thursday, choir practice at the church at 7:30 p.m. The Womans Society of Chris tian Service meets the first Wed nesday of each month. 1. Estimated available cash on hand at beginning of the year for which this budget is made NONE 2. Estimated receipts from delinquent taxes NONE 3. Amounts received from other sources NONE Total NONE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Item Estimated Expenditures for 1949-1950 1948-1949 ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy communion, 8. Church school, 9:45. Morning prayer and sermon, 11. Sunday evening at 7:30 the sen ior Y.P.F. will hold the Epiphany service of the Feast of Lights. This is one of the great mission ary services, sotting forth in sym hnlic ritual the snread and mani. festation of the Eternal Word. 1 from the altar, through the t church, and out into the world. Week-day services: Wednes day, holy communion, 10; Friday, holy communion, i:30. Choir practices: Girls, Wednes day at 4; boys, Thursday at 4; adults, Thursday at 8. 1. Personal service: (A) District Superintendent salary .... $ 5.600.00 $ 5,000.00 (B) Clerical and legal 2.400.00 1,800.00 2. Supplies, printing 500.00 150.00 3. Postage, telephone and telegraph 150.00 150.00 4. Elections and publicity 125.00 125.00 5. Board expenses, travel, etc. 1.000.00 825.00 6. Offioe equipment 500.00 885.00 7. Other miscellaneous Expenses 225.00 ' 320.00 8. Emergency .. . 500.00 745.00 Total estimated expenditures 11,000.00 10,000.00 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES. RECEIPTS, AND . AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE & TAX LEVY SERVICES AT VALBY Rev. Henry Hokenson of Port land, regional director for the Columbia Conference, will hold services at the Valby Lutheran 1. Total estimated expenditures 2. Deduct total estimated receiots and avail able cash balances 3. Amount necessary to balance the budget 4. Deduct deficit forwarding to next fiscal year 5. Balance to be raised by taxation 6. Add estimated amount of taxes that will not be collected during the fiscal year for which this budget is made 7. Total estimated tax levy for the ensuing fiscal vear SI 1,000.00 $10,000.00 0.00 11.000.00 ' 0.00 11,000.00 0.00 0.00 ,000.00 0.00 ,000.00 0.00 11,000.00 10,000.00 Indebtedness 1. Amount of warrant in- indebtedness on war rants issued and endors ed not paid for want of funds SO.OO 2. Amount of other indebt edness 0.00 3. Total indebtedness (sum - of lines 1, 21 0.00 Dated December 20, 1948. Signed: HENRY E. TETZ, Clerk; J. J. NYS, Chairman Board of Directors. Approved by the Budget Com mittee December 20. 1948. Signed: RUSSELL K. MILLER, Secretary. Budget Committet!; OSCAR E. PETERSON, Chair man, Budget Committee. ."",. I III' JLSi. .-'a. (Chevrolet 4 7 , . 0 7 on the world's toughest Proving Ground v s& Vfc- 1 ? ITS ECONOMY ITS (IDINO COMFOT f J hvAC .envrn ucee i. ITS DURABILITY WAS PdOVED HERE t Tf!M?V N M ivy . ' T-M- WAS ,.OVED HERE M , h0Jk ITS StABILITY " V - V " i i i ' 1" fl i n Hiii,-Mg!JrirA3'ggf-t :: ITS DEPENDABILITY Sj ws MOVIO HERE : WHEN you see the 1949 Chevrolets, o glance will be enough to tell you they're new all new in line and contour, in beauty and style. And when you look inside, and under the hood, and beneath the chassis, you'll see that their newness is not merely in outward appearance, but in design and engineering and construction as well. But; to a lot of people, the 1949 Chevro let is already old. They know what it will do, and how exceedingly well it will do it they know all about its performance, its comfort, itt power, safety, durability and economy. They are the engineers and tech nicians of the General Motors Proving Ground the largest, most completely equipped, outdoor testing laboratory in the automobile world. Here, before a single new 1949 Chevro- STRlKEsfj let went into production, experimental models were tested made to show that they possess, in greater measure than ever, all those qualities on which Chevrolet has built its leadership. In short, the General Motors Proving Ground tests are your assurance that your new-model Chevrolet has proved its worth through many months and many, many thousands of miles of rough handling. Soon you will see the new Chevrolet and when you do, you will see a car not only new, but tried and true. Hodge Chevrolet Co. Main and May Phone 403 Heppner. Ore. t