Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 30, 1948, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Dec. 30, 1948
Look For the Silver Lining
As the old yoar draws to a close and we look
forward to tlie new there is naturally some spec
ulation regarding the immediate future. This is
particularly true regarding the political picture,
since the partisan complexion of Congress has
been materially changed, and that change brought
about largely through the efforts of labor to kill
any further movement in the direction of curbing
socialistic legislation.
The interim between the pre-Christmas busi
ness boom and the opening of the state legisla
ture, and the presidential inauguration and sub
sequent opening of the Congress, is a period for
reflection, or at the least a time for watchful
waiting. It is likewise a time for inventory taking
and setting the house in order for the ensuing
months, for business must continue whether on
the high plane of recent years or on a lower level.
There will be readjustments in different lines,
and there might even be a tendency to reduce
some of the subsidies that have helped retain the
new deal in power, but it remains to be seen
how far the administration will be willing to go
In granting more support to labor on the one
hand and curtailing support to agriculture on the
Up to the present there has been no happening
to cause gloom and it is easy to believe that the
President, although not able to meet quite all the
campaign promises, will make an earnest effort
to keep the ship of state on an even keel and In
order to do that may have to put a check rein
on the labor bosses and at least make them stay
within reasonable bounds.
In the meantime it is not profitable to prophesy
gloom but it is wise to counsel more moderation
in living, to keep one's bills paid to live within
one's income. That is the best way to retain credit
and just about the best way to forstall a depres
sion. It is the belief in many quarters that a reces
sion is inevitable but that a general depression
is unlikely. The recession will be due to the read
justmer.t period, during which time some com
modities, manufactured and otherwise, may ex
perience a curtailed market This is apparent
now and has been for several weeks in the lumber
industry and in real estate. There is no slacken
ing in the housing shortage, but at the same time
there is less lumber moving as well as a notice
able slowing down in home buying and building.
A recession, if such is in process at present,
is not expected to last long in the Coast states.
Migration from other sections of the country con
tinues to these states and developments here of
one kind and another will stimulate home buying
and building. A fourth campaign for higher pay
for organized labor could retard activity in the
building lines but where necessity demands it
means will be found for financing both labor and
Heppner Gazette Times,
January 2, 1919
Charles Hoy, aged 47, died of
influenza December 30, just
three weeks following the death
of his wife from the same mal
ady. Mrs. E. D. McMillan died Tu
esday night, December 31, at her
home in Lexington as a result of
Sam Turner returned from the
naval training station at Mare
Island on Christmas evening and
was entertained in a royal man
ner by the members of the Tur
ner family at the home of the
Frank Turners.
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Davidson of
lone celebrated their 25th wed
ding anniversary on. January 1.
According to J. C. Ballinger, in
charge of Red Cross collections at
Boardman. that community has
subscribed 100 percent. He has se
cured 94 members and will try
to pick up enough transients to
round out an even 100.
Sam Devine is up from Portland
to spend a couple of months vis
iting at the home of his son, Joe
Devine, near Lexington.
minute appeal
Mrs. Ben G. Buschke was brot
to Heppner Sanatorium Tuesday
where she underwent an opera
tion at the hands of Dr. C. C.
Chick for appendicitis.
Harold Stiles of the coast artil
lery arrived Saturday for a visit
with his wife who is spending the
winter with her mother, Mrs.
Josie Jones.
Arthur McAfee returned home
Saturday from Camp Lee, Va.,
where he has been stationed
since going into the service last
Henry Peterson writes his sis
ter Esther that he recently made
a trip into Germany for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engkraf
of Nampa, Idaho, passed through
Heppner Monday en route to Fos-
sil, having been called there by
the death of Mrs. Engkraf's fa
ther, Mr. Fouts, garageman of
that place. They planned to take
the body to Nampa for burial.
Jim Crawford is spending the
week here with his father, J. V.
Crawford, who brought him from
Portland Sunday after spending
Christmas in the city.
We Extend Our Cordial Wishes for
Happy and Prosperous New Year
. . . . .
Housing has been a problem in Heppner the
past few years and although numerous new dwell
ings have been built there is still a demand for
more and better housing. The current cold snap
is about all the evidence needed to prove that
the average house is not well enough built for
year round comfort
It is to be hoped that something may be done
towards realizing a community center hall before
the first of next December. The town will be host
at that time to the Eastern Oregon Wheat League
and it would be a fine thing to have a comfortable
well appointed building for the visitors to meet in.
The town could also stand some new buildings
for business establishments. Something may be
done in this connection before the season is too
far advanced. There are some businesses looking
for quarters but investors are not apt to sink cap
ital in buildings unless rentals will cover the
excessive costs of construction.
From all information to be gathered, the hos
pital project is not dead but just resting. Not
wishing to place the county court on the spot, it
is safe to say that actual construction of the
building will be one of the major activities of
the new court
In conclusion, let us not forget that we are in
line for a flood control dam and that we must not
let an opportunity pass for getting this important
project underway at the earliest possible moment.
Every season is a potential cloudburst hazard in
this region of big rolling, rocky hills and deep,
narrow valleys. What has taken 45 years to re
build after the big flood can easily be washed out
in less than one-half of 45 minutes.
It Should Be 100 Percent
For the first time since the Community Chest
has been an annual activity, this county has not
met its quotr.. We are almost 15 percent short of
the goal, or $300 or better, speaking in terms of
money. It is too late to finish this campaign before
the new year rolls around, but this is a last-
to the generosity of Morrow county
citizens to make up that balance so that the
chairman can file his report with the state head
quarters early in January.
A good many counties have completed their
drives and there are others that are not as far
up the ladder as Morrow. For this important ag
ency it should be-the objective of every county,
of every citizen, to meet the quotas that the sev
eral beneficiaries depending upon the Oregon
Chest may not be handicapped in their efforts.
Surely there are a lot of people who would give
something if they understood the importance of
the Community Chest. If any of our readers have
not contributed, permit us to urge you to make
out your check today and mail it to the chair
man, Dr. C. C. Dunham, or the treasurer, J. R.
Huffman, or to the First National Bank of Port
land, Heppner Branch. Thank you!
Deputy collectors from the of
fice of Hugh H. Earle, collector of
internal revenue, will be in the
field by next Monday to assist
farmers with the filling of their
Forms 1040 ES, and declaration
of estimated tax for the calendar
year 1948.
A deputy collector will be at
the courthouse in Heppner Mon
day, January 3 to assist farmers
of Morrow county, according to
announcement from Mr. Earle's
Fred William Mankin, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin of
Heppner, who is attending Hill
Military academy in Portland, is
home for the Christmas holidays.
He attended the- recent annual
Christmas formal and Christmas
play at the academy. President
Joseph A. Hill announced the
Christmas vacation would end
January 3, 1949.
Among those corning to Hepp
ner for the holiday vacation were
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Nikander and
family of Scottsburg, who visited
the Case families over Christmas.
Gus visited chamber of commerce
Monday and said he was mighty
thankful for the eastern Oregon
sunshine, even if the weather
was a little chilly during their
Remember last spring a
group of Heppner chamber of
commerce members visited
Monument on road matters and
to see how the Heppner Lum
ber company's new mill pro
ject was coming along? This
reprint of a picture taken at
that time will refresh your
Most outstanding event of
northwest history in 1948 was
the Columbia river flood, re
sulting in hundreds of thou
sands of dollars property loss
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Through the courtesy of
Heppner Lodge No. 358, B.P.O.E.
this picture taken December 5
on the occasion of the Annual
Lodge of Sorrow I being pub
lished locally before being sent
to the Elks Magazine, Chorus
members, left to right, front
row: Mrs. Willard Warren,
Mrs. Charles Ruggles, Mrs. J.
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memory. Machinery of the Big
Four Lumber company is be
ing moved to Monument and
installed in the new building
erected by the Heppner Lum
ber company. Louis Lyons
caught quite a bit of the terri
tory in his effort to include the
millsite, the change in the John
and claiming numerous lives
and acomplishing the destruc
tion of Vanport.
This picture, taken by Louis
Palmer Zorlien, Mrs. Jack O'
Connor, Mrs, Al Bergstrom, Mrs.
R. B. Ferguson, Mrs. Merle'
Becket. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers; sec
ond row: Mrs. J. O. Turner, ac
companist; Mrs. Walter Barger,
Mrs. Fay Bucknum, Mrs. Ver
non Munkers, Mrs. Trina Par
ker, Mrs. C. C. Carmichael, Mrs.
Clyde Dunham, Mrs. Orville
--"T V.".
Day river channeL and the
town itself. It is expected that
lumber from the new mill will
start moving out to the dry
kiln here early in the spring.
" The Broadfoot brothers, op
erators of the Big Four Lumber
company, have recently com
pleted a two-year cutting on
the east fork of Willow creek.
1 ry-JL"
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Lyons of the Heppner Photo
Studio, is a reminder of the
situation at Umatilla at the
height oi the flood.
r: 1 :l
Smith, Mrs. E. O. Ferguson,
'Mrs. Norman Nelson, Mrs. O. C.
Crawford, director.
Rear row: Rev. J. Palmer Sor
lien, Frank W. Turner, Harold
Becket, Jack O'Connor, Willard
Blake, E. O. Ferguson, Harlan
D. McCurdy Jr., Terrel Benge,
Milton Morgan, Tom Wilson
and Frank Connor.
"mrx i
'Twas the night before Christ
mas Governot John H. Hall and
Governor elect Douglas McKay
sat in the consultation room of
the governor's quarters in the
Not a job-hunter was stirring
The governor and the governor-to-be
were deeply absorbed in
their literary talents.
Each is scheduled to deliver an
important message to the 45th
Oregon legislature on the open
ing day of the session.
The messages have to be writ
ten and printed days before their
They were endeavoring to clear
the subject matter so they won't
be stepping on each other's toes.
They must check on the comedy
relief, too, so they won't be tell
ing the same jokes.
They went 'round and around
ultimately in the same direction.
Tapping the grapevine it came
. . . oo
"I have advised bigger and bet
ter appropriations for higher ed
ucation, Doug that's my baby."
Okay, John, state development
is mine."
"I have given them a picture of
a one-man liquor commission.
Want any of that, Doug?"
"Nope, you can have it. Shall
we give 'em a duet on state fin
ances?" "Sure; I've composed my lulla
by: you sing 'em yours, Doug."
"How about old age relief,
"Ouch; that's a hot potato. Let
the legislature pitch that one
back to the voters . . ."
And so far into the holy night
the Christmas spirit of peace on
earth and brotherly harmony en
shrouded the pilots of the ship of
Eight of the holidays in 1949
will cost the state of Oregon $80,
000. They fall on regular working
days of the employees of the state
on which they will do no work
but will be paid their regular sal
aries. Only two of the 10 holidays reg
ularly observed in Oregon fall on
days on which the state's em
ployees do not work. They are
New Year's day and Lincoln's
birthday. Both fall on Saturday
in 1949. There will be no general
election days in 1949 unless a
special state-wide election . is
called. Washington's birthday
will be on a Tuesday, Memorial
Day, Independence Day and
Christmas fall on a Monday and
of course Labor Day is always
on a Monday, Thanksgiving Day
is always on a Thursday. Armis
tice Day comes on a Friday. The
state payroll is over $10,000 a
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Strip farming and land leveling are two conservation practices
receiving attention in Morrow county.
Party-goers Urged
To Act Sensibly
Secretary of State Earl T. New
bry has joined stale and local
law enforcement agencies in urg
ing holiday party-goprs to save
lives by eliminating drunken
driving and walking from the
New Year's traffic hazard list.
"It Is our great American cus
tom to mar our holiday celebra
tions with totally unnecessary
traffic tragedies," the highway
safety official declared. "The
drinking driver is always a men
ace, and he tops the list during
the New Year holiday."
He pointed out that one of the
great difficulties in combatting
the alcohol problem is the refusal
of motorists to accept the fact
that very little liquor is enough
to affect their driving ability.
The man who has had "only a
few" is frequently more danger
ous than the drunkard because
he does not believe his faculties
are affected. Reaction tests and
accident record will prove other
wise, the secretary said.
He suggested that celebrants
cooperate with police by keeping
off the streets and highways if
their plans for the holiday in
clude drinking.
"One slip is enough to destroy
a life which no amount of future
sobriety will ever bring back,
was Newbry's reminder to nor
mally thoughtful drivers who
think "just this one time" should
be harmless.
day, according to Harold Phillip
pe, manager of the state's ac
counting division, who writes the
state's employment checks.
The state boacd of control is
contemplating an addition to the
stale house on the State street
side to provide badly needed of
fice space. A suggestion by Ar
chitect Francis Keeley, who has
been employed to make tentative
sketches, would extend a stubby
south ell.
Unless you wore the seventh
son of a seventh son how could
you know if you would like tne
job of being governor of your
There are many individuals
who would be willing to take the
job, even as ievolting as duty is
in these boom days. However, af
ter having a good try at it they
might not like it.
Governor Hall doesn't like the
After 15 months as governor,
he is overweight 20 pounds and
he doesn't feel as fit as usual. He
says he misses the hours of put
tering around the house and the
exercise of mowing the lawn. Be
fore he became governor he could
manage his own affairs, now the
governor's job manages him. He
misses the thrill of ducking his
law office to go fishing.
After Governor Hall delivers
his message to the legislature
and hands the job over to Governor-elect
Douglas McKay, he
will pack up for a good vacation.
On January 15, he and Mrs. Hall
will sail for Hawaii.
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