i Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Dec. 16, 1948 Christmas Gifts Zenith Vacuum Cleaners-Upright 69.95; tank 59.95 complete with fittings Glasswore - Pressure Cookers, well known makes in practical sizes Revere Wear-fine selection Your Friendly Marshall-Wells Store OWENS HARDWARE Misses Nylon Men's Wool Cardigan Sweaters Sweaters Misses Rayon Marathon Slacks Felt Hats 5-pc. Dresser Set Men's Wool Shirts Misses Rayon Men's Pajamas Crepe Blouses Boys' Wool Women's Nylon ki , Swaters Slips s FresGreen Cavalry Women's Rayon Twill Pants Jersey Knit Gowns Magic Skin Dolls Lace Trimmed Men's fur lined Rayon Satin Slips Leather Gloves Misses Rayon White Sheet Crepe Blouses Blankets Girls' Print Dresses Penco Sheets Girls' Skirts . J0" Women's Wash f nnt JabJe Frocks ace Tab,e C,oths . c . Cannon 7-pe. Vanity Set Guest Towels Infants Blankets Towncraft Chenille Crib Dress Shirts Sheets Military Brush Sets Plastic Diaper Bags Juv. Boys' Sweaters Infants' Sweater Roller Skates Sets Magic Skin Dolls Toddlers' Boys' Broadcloth Print Dresses Sport Shirts Girls' Blouses Boys' Red Ryder Sheer Nylon Hose Sweat Shirts Misses' & Girls' Tots $tee, Rockers Fur Mitts Sfee S i.l t i Wheelbarrows Bath Towels . ,, , - Cannon Towel Sets AM Steel Scooters Boys' Plaid Boys' Slippers Flannelette Mens' Unlined Sport Shirts Dress Gloves Wool Knit Headsquares Women's Boxed Handkerchief 2 pr. Women's Rayon Panties Nylon Brassiers 2 pr. Girls' Rayon Panites Towncraft Ties Towncraft Belts Towncraft Suspenders Towncraft Dress Shirts 2 pr. Men's Dress Socks 4 Men's Handkerchiefs Williams Shave Set Men's Razor Sets Men's T Shirts Scrap Books 5 cakes Novelty Rosebud Soap Boys' Boxed Handkerchiefs Boys' Western Belts Boys' Suspenders FREE Ask for Your Merchandise Certificate Numbers STAR REPORTER Admtsatoa prices afternoon ud snliia;, Baku spe cifically advartisad to b otharwlaal Ghudrani Bit Prim .17, Fed. In .03, Total Mo Qrada UJ Hla;b, School Stud.nt II yasrs ul owl Eat, Prlos .40, Fed. lu .10, Total 60c; Alaltai Bat. Frola M, Tti. hi 10, Total 60c Eyery child oeeupyln( a seat must bar a ticket. Sunday ahowi oontlnnous starting; at 1 p.m. AU other ahowa atarat at 7:30 p-m. BoxoiUce open evenings nntU p-m. Do you know the right answer? Every week we call 10 residents oi the commun ity and ask WHAT IS PLAYING AT THE THEATER TODAY? If you can answer correctly in 20 seconds you receive a FREE TICKET to the show. Read our newspaper ad and hang this program near the phone so you'll hare the right answer I Thurs.-Fri.-Sat- December 16-17-18 DEEP WATERS Dana Andrews, Jean Peters, Ceaar Bomaro, Dean Btockweu, Anne Beret, Ed Bag-ley, Leona Powers. The memorable saga of one small boy who be longed to the sea . , . performances so human and heartwarming, backgrounds so natural and wholesome, it seems to be true. Outdoor scenes were filmed in the locale on the coast of Maine. PLUS Desperadoes of Dodge City Bocky Iane, Eddy Waller, Mildred Coles. Good western entertainment. Sunday-Monday, December 19-20 Miss Tatlock's Millions Barry Fitiffarald, Monty Wooloy, John Lund, Wind Hendrix. Ilka Chu. Robert Stack. Iseif Erlckaon. This fast and furious farce is designed to keep audiences in an upnwr. It's dHitfhtful enter tainment. Tuesday-Wednesday, December 21-22 CHRISTMAS EVE George Baft, Joan Blondell, Bandolph Scott, Ann Harding', George Brent, Virginia Field, Beg-. inald Denny, Clarence Kolb, John Lltel, Dong las Dnmbrille. The interest-holding story of an eccentric, weal thy old woman whose call for help brings her foster sons back from far places for CHRISTMAS EVE. LATEST ISSUE OF THE MARCH OF TIME. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL from the Management and Stalf of the Star Theater. SPECIAL NOTICE: This theater will be closed CHRISTMAS EVE, Friday. Decem ber 24th, so that we and our employees may enjoy the evening with our families. The program advertised below will start at 7:30 on Thursday and Saturday. for your SPECIALGIFT for those SPECIAL PEOPLE - shop at Humphreys A few suggestions from our Large Assortment , Jewel lie Ensemble sets Mir ror, comb, brushes, tray Books for all ages Stationery Correspondence cards, Folded Notes and Pap erteries In white and colors Trays, Candle Holders, Bowls, Flower holders in Copper, Brass and Hand-wrought Al uminum Toiletries Cara Nome, DuBar ry, Tussy, Herb Farm, Old South, Old Spice, Yard ley, Stag, Sealorth Games Rubber Dolls Stuffed Animals Candy Whitman, Gales, Rog ers, Brown & Haley, Lyons Candied Fruit 8 atf 8 I? LSI M Humphreys Drug Co. Penney's lectneal If m ? if m Sift 5 Sunbeam Coffee Master - 32.50 Electric Corn Popper - 4.95 G. E. Automatic Coffee Maker - 17.95 Electric Percolators - 3.95 Electric Waffle Iron-17.27 Sandwich Maker & Waffle Baker - 18.00 Round Waffle Baker - 12.95 and 14.25 General Electric Clocks For Kitchen 4.95 - For Living Room 1 7.55 TREE LIGHTS and EXTRA BULBS Heppner Hardware & Electric Co. 5k- 5 (a Mgr. ft m ft i5 4:30to6:W"" every vorkday BamaBBasasaaiaaaaaaaaaiiaaav Vja & pi 'r w O 0 O O O POO or i n 6 Grandfather knows the wisdom of saving. He knows, too, that electric savings are urgently needed between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m., when all power systems are overloaded. They're overloaded because it now gets dark early, and lights go on everywhere while businesses and industries are still operating. Winter days will cause a serious peak-hour problem until big new power plants can be built. Every electric saving helps. Bake in your electric range before 4 :30 . . . turn off lights and appliances not actually in use. ..shut off electric heaters during the critical hours... wash dishes and take baths after 6 :30. Protect your own electric service, keep industries going. Please save electricity during the critical hours, 4 :30-6 :30 every workday afternoon. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY cooperation with NORTHWIST UTUITliS CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Give a Gift the Entire L Ok Family Will Enjoy ! ill fa hAX I k Wit K i aHl a S MOT" A thing of beauty is a joy forever . . . and what can be more beautiful than TIFFIN CRYSTAL It's sparkling beauty will enhance the Christmas table and reflect your own fine taste in gift selection. Stemwear . . . Plates . . . Pitcher and matching Glasses Sets Also a complete line of Club Aluminum GILLIAM and BISBEE , n I V 'i 'Jill'. V '- ,. v. v.; i 1 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL MQ9J No. 2210. (on Sania'i shoul der). Combines V-matched New Guinea Wood with Zebra Wood and American Walnut. Hal Lane'i patented automatic tray. Only a Ultls Dsw Choose from our complete collection of gorgeous Lane Cedar Chests. All have Lane's exclusive, desirable qual ity features. Every Lane Chest backed by moth insurance policy when proper application is made. Hurry, Buy now on easy terms. SPECIAL CLEARENCE ON TOYS Discount up to 50 percent on some toys. An excellent opportunity to finish your Christmas toy purchases at a great saving to you. CASE FURNITURE CO. BUY TODAYI TAKE YOUR TIME TO PAYI AT If