I Poge4 j Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Dec. 16, 1948 HiWays to Health by Ada R- Mayne cookios and the greater the var- CH1USTMAS PARTY FErRESHMENTS Chrintmag means so many dif ferent things to dificrent people holy the more npu!ar you will to rhlld-on It's Santa Clai;s. be as a hostess. Christmas cookies toys, and lots of excitement, to are not hard to make either. Se-teen-apers it s parties and sinp-ilect a good basic butter cooky Ing Christmas carols, and most I recipe and vary flavorings and crown -ups think of Christmas as ! decorations with each batch. The the time when thev renew old small fry in the family will en- aequaintances and entertain joy helping to decorate Christmas friends and neighbors. i cookies that's part of the fun! Most of the holiday entertain ) For a simple, quickly prepared ing problems fall on Mother's ca- j refreshment menu to use when pable shoulders, particularly the friends drop in, or for a planned refreshments to be served. One ; party, servo creamy spiced milk of the popular old standbys is punch, assorted Christmas cookies Christmas cookies chewy ones, land salted nuts. We have a re butter crisp ones, icea ones snap-iCipe lor tne miiK puncn union tire on December 31, after more ed like stars. C hnstmas trees aiut j is easily prepared ana aeiicious (tnan 35 years of employment bells, tvervone loves tnnsunas 10 sere. vur 1. iinsinwts coumo Timber Management Chief To Retire on 31st of December Oliver F. Ericson. chief of the division of timber management. Pacific Northwest region, will re- recipe is versatile it may be iced, sprinkled with colored su gar or served plain. Creamy Spiced Milk Punch t Serves 121 1 quart milk 2 tsp cinnamon I A 1 to hire John Deere tquipment serncea by REGIONAL TRAFFIC INSTITUTE. FIRST ON COAST. TO MEET AT BERKELEY Braden Tractor and Equipment Co. Your Caterpillar Dealer "TO, 1 gftjf It doesn't take a crystal gazer to learn it pays to hare John Deere tquipment serncea I your John Deere Dealer ...by Mr shop. Why? For three important reasons: (11 Our mechanics are trained to service John Deere Equipment the may the factory recommends. (2 and 3) Vk'e've equipped our shop with precision tools . . . stocked it with only genuine John Deere Parts. No other shop in this community can match this efficient, economical service. See us for details the next time you're in town. ' E. 3J X'J' : Lia.l .!' wuiivie a.i, f i.inwetinmu.B-ni m IIIgro 1 ti m -:n H-ni it vr Tiw r 1 tsp nutmeg 18 tsp salt 1 quart vanilla ice cream 12 pt. whipping cream 1 tsp vanilla 2 Tbsp grated orange rind Pour milk into cold punch bowl: mix in seasonings. Add 12 of the ice cream, stirring until par tially melted. Whip cream until still and fold in vanilla. Place remaining ice cream, and whip ped cream, on top of spiced milk. Sprinkle with grated orange rind. Serve in mugs with stick cinna mon stirrers. Ginger Stars 13 cup butter 1 2 cup sugar 12 cup dark molasses 1 egg beaten 2 12 cups sifted flour 12 tsp nutmeg 1 12 tsp ginger 12 tsp soda Cream butter; add sugar and cream until smooth and light. Add molasses and beaten egg. stirring to blend. Sift together flour, salt, spices and soda. Add to cooky mixture and blend. Chill dough thoroughly about an hour. Roll out on well floured pastry cloth to 18 inch thickness. Cut with star cookie cutter. Place on buttered baking sheet and bake in a moderately hot oven, 375 de grees, for 12 minues. Makes about ' 4 dozen cookies. with the V. S. forest service, ac cording to an announcement by regional forester H. J. Andrews. A native of Kansas, Ericson re ceived his B.A. degree from Beth, any college, and his master's de gree in forestry at the University of Washington. His first assign ment was on the Whitman na tional forest as field assistant. iani in 191.? and served sueeesive- 'Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry. Ily on the Chelan, Crater (now Western traffic control special ists and officials will meet on the Berkeley campus of the Uni versity of California January 31 to February 11 at the first West ern Institute for Traffic Training, according to word received by Rogue River). Whitman and Ol ympic forests, becoming forest supervisor at Olympia, Washing ton, in 1920. Three years Mater he was promoted to a staff posi tion in the division of timber management in the regional of fice in Portland, and served in that capacity for 12 years, when he was advanced to the position of assistant regional forester in charge of the division. Commenting on Ericson s ap proaching retirement, regional The regional institute, first of its kind to be held on the west coast, will consist of several short courses in the various fields of traffic control, ranging from stud ies of enforcement and engineer ing techniques to methods of de veloping public suport for traffic safety activities. Instructors will be drawn from top national ag encies active in each phase, New bry said. The western meeting is an ex pansion of the National Institute for Traffic Training, an annual Look over the want ads. You may be able to save considerable on some needed item. FARMERS! Just Arrived! Carload of Nitrogen Fertilizer for use on Wheat, Irrigated Pastures, New Grass-Legume Seedings for Pasture and Hay Nitrogen is still hard to get and there will be a shortage in the spring whendemand is heavy. Buy Your Needs Now and Avoid the Spring Rush ! Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc. Heppner Lexington forester Andrews stated that Eric. 1 activity held two years ago at as he is known to lumbermen Oregon State college, the secre throughout the northwest, had tary pointed out. It is chairman played an important part in the ' ed by Commissioner Clifford E. development of national forest Peterson of the California high timber sales into a $10,000.000 , way patrol with Newbry's office business in Oregon and Wash-! serving as representative for Ore ington, with a cut of one and gon. one-half billion board feet in fis cal year 1918. Under his leader ship, the present "patch" cutting method was inaugurated on the national forests in the Douglas- fir region. Ericson is a member of the Society of American Foresters, American Forestry association, and Xi Sigma Pi. Walter H. Lund, now staff as sistant in the division of timber management, will succeed Mr. Ericson, according to regional forester Andrews. Lund is a na tive of Oregon. He received his B.S. degree in forestry at Oregon State college in 1927 and was ap pointed to the position of forest ranger the same year. He served on the Olympic, Snoqualmie and Wenatchee national forests, be- in 1939. With the advent of the war and the tremendous increase in demand for national forest timber, he was transferred to the regional office in Portland in 1942 to assist in timber sales work. Regional Forester Adams said that Mr. Lund is especially well qualified to take charge of the division of timber management because of his wide experience in the forests of Oregon and Washington and his knowledge of timber sales. Lund is a mem ber of the Society of American Foresters and Xi Sigma Pi, a for- coming supervisor of the latter estry honorary fraternity. CHRISTMAS TREES At the Residence Place Your Orders Early! LEE HOWELL 406 North Gale Phone 1 453 MllllllllllllllllllMIMIIIIilllllMIIIIHIIIIIlllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl Snyder's Saddle Shop J. B. Snyder ' No. 11 North Court Street Heppner Anything for HORSE or RIDER iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Toastmaster Universal Toaster $21.50 20.95 Proctor Toaster . . . 22.00 Electric Blanket . . . 39.95 Universal Mixablend . 39.95 Universal Waffle Maker $17.95 Con-O-Mats 4.98 Electric Clocks 5.95 to 7.95 Cory Automatic Mixmaster . .' 27.75 39.50 Hotpoint Ranges, Refrigerators, Water Heaters, Disposals and Electric Dishwashers We Like to Help You Build Turn-A-Lum Lumber Co. Mew Ofts 70 LvNG TVfestinghouse Everything you want in a Refrigerator! louse 9.3 cubic ft.l PLENTY-PLUS REFRIGERATOR PLENTY-PIUS Convenience Long Life Storage Space Economy $24905 . . . Delight of Thrifty Women! Vsiinihouse commodore ELECTRIC RANGE By actual kitchen testi, the Westinghou.se Com modore saves time, work and money! Accurately controlled heats, in the exact amounts for every food, eliminate waste. No guesswork, worry, pot watching. Cook automatically, with the addition of accessory timer. Priced at only $199.95 3V Gau$ a tip. Suggest a Automatic Washer with famous live-Water action ! Only Frigidare Has All thai Features All porcelain Inside and out. Woihn 8 Ibt. of clothes In FUI. and empties automatically. I. than a half-hour. Clothes can be added or re movedany time. Neede no bolting down. (fa 329.75 You'll welcome a Frigidaire Automatic Washer this Christ mas and remember it for many Christmascs to come. With this washer all you need do is put in clothes and soap, set the dial. Atk obout convtnUnl farm and forget itl In s half-hour clothes are Live -Water washed cleaner, rinsed brighter. And the Rapidry Spin gets them so dry some are ready for imme diate ironing. Also see the Frigidaire Electric Clothes Dryer and the Frigidaire Electric Ironer. Heppner Appliance Co.