Page 2 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Dec. 16, 1948 EDITORIAL Business Outlook in 1949 A In year past, the Gazette Times will again publish Roper W. Bahson's business and financial outlook for the ensuing year. V'e are bringing this article to your attention because we feel that our readers deserve the best and most accurate material available. Because of Mr. Bahson's outstanding record for accuracy in hill annual forecasts we are publishing this fea ture to help you chart your course for 1949. Mr. Bahson's 1949 Outlook wil contain 50 fore casts covering such important topics as: General Business; Commodity Prices; Taxes; Retail and Foreign Trade; Labor; Inflation; Farm Outlook; Stock Market; Real Estate, and Politics. Mr. Babson, a pioneer in the field of business and financial statistics, enjoys a truly remark able record for accuracy in his annual forecasts. His score for 1948 was ninety-one percent correct. On January 1, 1948 Babson was the only com mentator who dared to predict that there would be no World War III in 1948; that "due to bung ling of the price controversy Mr. Truman has a fair chance of re-election;" that the Dow-Jones Industrial Averages would fluctuate between an upper ceiling of around 185 and a floor of around 165, and that commodity speculation would be curbed. Watch for Mr. Babson's Outlook in our issue of December 30. Mrs. Terrel Bonge entertained .Willow and Gale streets, in hon-1 served. The group later assem 36 guests Saturday evening at the jor of her husband's 3Sth birthday bled at the Elks building to par family residence, corner West ! anniversary. A buffet dinner was ticlpate in the smorgasbord party. S if a if if S if LSI if S3 if if S3 H if n SI if S3 if s if St y a i? si if 5 if St & S If st n st if st 30 YEARS A0 Dec. 8. 1918 At the meeting of the city coun cil on Monday night it was de-; cided to again enforce the influ enza ban in order to combat the disease which is causing much serious illness again. I A daughter weighing nine pounds was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jimmle Cowins on Dec. 17. Walter Eubanks, accompanied by his wife was transacting bus iness in Heppner Saturday. Wal ter has recovered from a serious attack of typhoid fever which kept him confined to his home north of Lexington for about three months. J. T. Ayers went to Hot Lake Saturday with his son Frank who will remain there for a while taking treatments for rheumat ism. Willie Whitney, a young Irish man who has been in the em ploy of John Kilkenny was taken sick early last week with influ ienza! It quickly went into pneu I monia and the young man died Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McCabe of Rhea creek are rejoicing over the arrival of another heir last Sun day but failed to say whether it is a boy or a girl. Mrs. Charles Hay of Monument passed away in Heppner Dec. 8, leaving an infant son who was born Nov. 30. There is a serious epidemic of flu on Butter creek in the Lena neighborhood and scarcely a family has escaped. Among those most seriously afflicted are Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Vincent and Per cy Hughes. ft 5 5 1 Many Books Added S t i f i ci .i io uiDrary aneives Jills in a Jeep, Landis; Cabin Fever, Bower. Mysteries Easy to Kill, Toirot Loses a Client, Christie; The Dra gon's Teeth, The Dutch Shoe Mys tery, The Pent House Mystery, The Tragedy of Y, Ten Days Won der, Queen; Charlie Chan Car ries On, House Without A Key, Biggers; Murder Up My Sleeve, Gardner; Death In Ecstasy, Marsh; A Puzzle for Fools, Quen tin; Strong Case of Lucilc C'lery, Shearing; Margaret Travels South, Simonen; Edgar Wallace, Reader, Wallace; Mahatma Gan dhi, Jones; Hollywood Without Makeup, Martin. In the juvenile division we find The Littlest Angel, Tazewell; Tell Me About God. Jones; Cheer Leader, Singer; King of the Wind, Henry; I'll Take Cappy, Fagan; Jibby, the Cat, Salten; Rennet Dessert is Nice, Kunhardt. CHRISTMAS PARTY 19TH The annual Rhea Creek grange Christmas party has been sched uled for Sunday evening, Decem ber 19. Beginning at 7 o'clock there will be program and gilt exchange as the evening's entertainment. Mrs. Marvin Wightman and children, Jimmy and Peggy, drove to Portland today for d short business visit In the city. The Most Welcome Gift of All Is JEWELRY The last issue of the Gazette Times failed to sum marize jewelry as gifts. We wish to emphasize that jewelry is one of the oldest and most cherished of gifts and we are proud to present a complete stock of Silverware in sterling and plate also Diamonds, and complete line of Watches, simulated Pearl Necklaces, Ladies' and Men's Rings, and other Miscellaneous Jewelry. Stop by today . . . Something from the Jewelers is always something special. PETERSON'S JEWELERS 55 A quantity of new reading has been added to the shelves of the yr-! Heppner library during the past fpw wpelfQ 9nH Jncpnhino T.fa . honey, librarian, has prepared a I list of those now available to pa trons. In the fiction division are to be fjund The Cleft Rock, Hobart; The Tower of Terzel, Van Paas sen; Chinatown Family, Lin Yu jtang; The Loved One, Waugh; tis j West of Texas Law, Tompkins; jlThe Fire Balloon, Moore; The Big T: I Fisherman, Douglas; Shake Well 'Before Using, Cerf ; Westward Ha! M Perelman; Claudia, Granken; 25j Call the New World, Jennings; For My Great Folly, Coslain; Four ft ft m ft ft ifizm'jz&wz if st sat if if if 3 H SI if if 52 if 2 if ft ft ft ft m ft a ft ft m ft m ft ft 2 HOW YOU CAN EARN ON YOUR SAVINGS WITH Federally Insured Safety Use Portland Federal Savings' convenient SAVE BY MAIL service. You get a good return. Your savings are Federally In sured for safety up to $5000. Withdrawals are promptly paid, without fees or deduc tions of any kind. lat in sand you complt Informa tion about our SAVE-BY-MAIL i.rvk. now. Writ (odor- PORTLAND FEDERAL" Comr, 5th and Stark Portland 4, Ortgon 35 "Say, Santa's Only 7 Days Away!" If you've forgotten someone on your list and here it is almost time for Santa's arrival . . . don't despair . . . we've been expecting you here in our great Christmas Store and we're all wreathed in readiness for any last minute shoppers. Our Gift Aisles are still packed with wonderful gift items from which to choose. hf Whatever those last minute needs, we're on the job from now till the first Chrismas bell tolls Christmas Day and ready and anxious to help you ! You'll find everything from toys to trimmings here. . . The choices of candies . . . A perfect gift to a gracious hostess, or a pleasant surpise for the family circle. SAAGER'S PHARMACY A 1 ill v YaV ft ft ft ft m ft ft ft MS ft ft m ft m ft ft ft Mar. k ft . ft & ft ft ft ft Telegraph Flowers This Christmas The holiday is only days away, but you can still please distant friends and relatives with floral gifts. Step in today and place your order. We'll wire it to any point in the continental United States. . . . Delivery absolutely guaran teed to be satisfactory and in time for Christmas. BIG VOICE IN A TINY PACKAGE How a new voice booster the length of a shoelace tip may , , , ... ii i II 1. Iff a mighty mite, that tiny cylinder. Tests helD With yOUr telepilOne Call have shown it can amplify sound at least 100 times . . . just like the vacuum tubes in your radio. It is a brand new invention from Bell Telephone Laboratories. It's called a "Transistor" . . . and is so small you could hold a hundred in one hand. I I I ' lift I if f liU i I uMp: px 2. A giant model lets you look inside the Transistor ... it contains only two tiny wires or "cat's whiskers" . . . touching a bit of the rare metal germanium. It is much simpler than a vacuum tube and does not require continuous heating ... an important item in the 24-hour-a-day service we render. 3. It will take some time for engineers to perfect this invention. They're working ahead at it and some day it may be used in central offices and repeater stations up and down the Coast. It's one example of how research helps improve serv ice .. . making your telephone a better buy year after year. Van's Mary Flower Shop 4. Such Inventions as the Tran sistor and coaxial cable ... as well as better day-to-day operating methods and more efficient equipment. ..are developed for Pacific Telephone and other Bell System companies by a centralized lab oratory and engineering group. This has been working successfully for years. Com bining efforts and sharing costs in this way have proved to be much more eco nomical and effective than if Pacific Tele phone tried to make such developments alone. developments which have steadily improved service and have resulted in a saving of untold mil lions of dollars to Pacific Coast telephone users. The Pacific Telephone (A) and Telegraph Company More than 70,000 peoplt working together to fur nish ever -better telephone service to the West MAYFLOWER Begins On The Farm! Mayflower Milk comes to you fro mthe finest herds and the cleanest dairy farms in the Northwest. Mayflower methods protect its purity at every step from the dairy to your refrigerator. AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR V lAW7TPri Li U wmmi HEPPNER, OREGON PHONE 2682