Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 16, 1948, Image 1

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Heppner Gazette Times
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, December 16, 1948
Volume 65, Number 39
Masonic Bodies To
Install Officers
Saturday Evening
Other Lodges Elect
And Will Install
Early Coming Year
Lodges of Heppner have re
cently held annual elections and
the next activity In line for those
who have not already done so is
the ceremony of installation. One
fraternal group, the Degree of
Honor, has already held installa
tion. Saturday evening, December 18,
is the date chosen for the annual
Joint installation of officers by
the Masonic bodies, including
Heppner chapter No. 69, A. F. &
A. M., the Royal Arch, and the
Eastern Star. The festivities will
open with the serving of turkey
dinner, which this year, due to
the lire which seriously damaged
the kitchen, is being served at
so much per plate, with the ob
ject in view of applying any net
proceeds to the building repair
Officers to be installed by
Chapter No. 69 include Harold
Becket, worshipful master; Har
ley Anderson, senior warden;
Harry Van Horn, Junior warden;
C. J. D. Bauman, secretary; R. B.
Rice, treasurer; Paul Jones, sen
ior deacon; Millard Nolan, Jun
ior deacon; Dr. Clyde Dunham,
senior steward; William Cox,
Junior steward; Walter Becket,
tyler, and O. G. Crawford, chap
lain. W. R. Wentworth of lone heads
the Royal Arch list of officers
and will be installed as high
priest. Other elective officers In
clude Harry Van Horn, King; Dr.
C. C. Dunham, scribe; Harry Tarn
blyn, secretary; C. J. D. Bauman,
treasurer, and Paul Jones, cap
tain of the host.
Ruth chapter No. 32, Order of
the Eastern Star, will Install the
following officers: Mrs. Frank
Wilkinson, worthy matron; O. G.
Crawford, worthy patron; JVlrs.
Harley Anderson, associate ma
tron; Dr. Clyde Dunham, associ
ate patron; Mrs. Frank S. Parker,
secretary; Mrs. C. C. Carmichacl,
treasurer; Mrs. Floyd Worden,
conductress; Mrs. Frank David
son, associate conductress; Mrs.
C. C. Dunham, Adah; Mrs. How
ard Kelthley, Ruth; Mrs. Carl
Bergstrom, Esther; Mrs. William
Cox, Martha; Mrs. Roy Quacken
bush, Electa; Shirley Wilkinson,
organist; Mrs. James Hayes, mar
shal; Mrs. Harold Becket, chap
lain; Jean Hanna, warder, and
Howard Kelthley, sentinel.
Both the Oddfellows and the
Rebekahs have elected officers
but will not install until some
time in January.
The Oddfellows will install
Harold Hill as noble grand; J. C.
Payne, vice grand; Durward Tash
secretary, and Charles Barlow,
treasurer. Names of appointive
officers were not released.
Mrs. N. D. Bailey has been cho
sen as noble grand of the Re
bekahs; Mrs. Donald Robinson,
vice grand; Mrs. Frank Davidson,
secretary, and Mrs. Pearl Devlne,
treasurer. Appointive officers will
be named later.
Kate Young lodge, Degree of
Honor, at the last meeting in
stalled Mrs. Ted Plerson as pres
ident; Mrs. Carl McDaniel, pasl
president; Mrs. J. R. Farra, first
vice president; Adelle McAllister,
second vice president; Mrs. Wal
ter Barger, usher; Mrs. Gordon
Grady, assistant usher; Mrs. Wm.
Cunningham, inside watch; Mrs.
A. R. Shamblyn, oulslde watch;
Clara B. Gertson, secretary, and
Mrs. Harold Hill, treasurer.
At the Initiation ceremonies
held Tuesday evening, two junior
members were elevated to the
senior lodge, Gerald Bergstrom
and Robert Cunningham. Adult
Initiates were Mrs. Loyal Hart,
Mrs. Creston Robinson, Mrs. J. P.
Sorlien- and Mrs. J. C. Payne.
Farmers Urged To
Shield Wheat Price
Farmers of Morrow county
should protect the price of their
wheat by obtaining a govern
ment loan or by signing a pur
chase agreement, stated Henry
Baker, chairman of the Morrow
county ACA. December 31, 1948 is
the deadline for signing a pur
chase agreement or obtaining a
loan. Farmers are urged to take
advantage of these programs In
the very near future so as lo
avoid the last minute rush.
Anyone desiring a farm stored
loan must apply at the county
office by Dccpmber 22, 1948. If
you desire Information concern
ing these programs, call at the
county office, Baker advises.
Miss Margaret Glllis, county
health nurse, drove to Port land
this morning. She was accompan
ied by Mrs. Joe Hughes who was
en route to McMinnvllle for a
short visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Marshall. Return
ing, Mrs. Hughes will be accom
panied by her daughter, Mary
Olive, and her son Tom who is
a freshman at Llnfleld college,
Vows Spoken At
Morning Ceremony
On Sunday morning at 10:30 o'
clock at St. Patrick's church oc
curred the marriage of Miss
Mary Kelley and Mr. Russell O'
Donnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry T. O'Donnell. The church was
crowded with relatives and
friends to witness the double ring
ceremony performed by Rev.
Francis McCormack, pastor.
The bride, in a beautiful gown
of white slipper satin and finger
tip veil of net held in place by
a coronet of seed pearls, was es
corted to the altar by Mr. James
Healy. Her attendants were Mrs.
James Healy, matron of honor,
who wore a gown of blue organza
with net cap and carried an old
fashioned nosegay, and Miss Ro
setta Healy, maid of honor, in
pink taffeta with matching cap
and hand bouquet.
Serving as best man was the
groom's brother, Harry O'Donnell
Jr. Ushers were Bud Combs of
Condon and William Padbcrg.
A reception in the church par
lor followed the ceremony. Pre
siding at the coffee table were
Mrs. Agnes Curran and Mrs. J.
D. Palmer. Mrs. Grace Nickcrson
finished cutting the cake after
the bride and groom cut the tra
ditional first piece. Mrs. Harry
O'Donnell was in charge of the
guest book.
Following a wedding journey
the young couple will reside in
Heppner where both are employ
ed. The bride, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Finley Kelley of Seneca,
has been employed as bookkeep
er in the Heppner branch of the
First National Bank of Portland.
Mr. O'Donnell is associated witli
his parents in the O'Donnell cafe.
Boardman Teams
Lose and Win From
Heppner Invaders
The Boardman Yellow Jackets
met the Heppner Mustangs on
the local floor Friday, Dec. 10,
and lost with a score of 28-27 in
a very exciting game all the
way through, and a game which
was anyone's contest until the
last whistle blew. The B team al
so played a very exciting game
which our bovs won with a score
of 1815.
E.' A. Knopp who was owner
and operator of the Black Dahlia
cafe for the past 18 months has
sold to Mr. and Mrs.. Kenneth
Akers, formerly of lone. Akers
has taken possession and will be
open for business in a few days.
The Knopps moved to Arlington
The youth missionary workers,
Miss Frances Foster and Miss
Vadis Koonst, who have been
here the past two weeks, closed
their meeting Sunday night with
a program review of the past two
weeks. Miss Foster will return to
her home In Nyssa, until after
Christmas, while Miss Koonst
will aid in the missionary work
at Umatilla for two weeks before
returning to her home in Port
land. The Greenfield grange held an
old fashioned basket social Sat
urday night. Many were present
and all reported a good time.
Friends were sorry to hear of
the passing away of Mrs. John
Yonger December 6 at Christine.
Texas. Mrs. Yonger had been ill
for many months with cancer of
the mouth, leaving Boardman in
September with Mr. Yonger to be
with her only sister, Mrs. Barnes
in Texas. Mr. Yonger plans to
return to Boardman for awhile.
The ladies of the community
enjoyed their "Mystery Sister"
Christmas party at the Commun
ity church, Wednesday, Dec. 15.
At this time the name of each
mystery sister was revealed. The
afternoon was spent with a pro
gram of games, and a short bus
iness meeting and lunch. Both
the program and lunch were
taken care of by two finance com
mittees, with Mrs. Florence Root
and Mrs. Adeline Baker as chair
men. The Christmas program at the
Community church will be at 8
p. m. Wednesday evening, Dec.
22. The public is Invited to at
tend. The community Christmas pro
gram will be at the school audi
torium at 8 p.m., December 23.
The grade teachers are putting on
an operetta, using all the grade
Saturday Pendleton shoppers
were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gronquist, and
Miss Nancy Hands.
John D. Runyan, phone 993.
Bible school, 9:45; C. W. Bar
low, adult supt.; Robert Walker,
Junior supt.; Mrs. Clara Gertson,
primary supt.
Morning worship and commun
ion, 11 a.m. Sermon subject, "The
Whole World Goes to Bethlehem."
Christian Endeavor, 6:30; Miss
Mabel Wilson, sponsor.
Evening services, 7:30. At this
time the choli will present "An
Hour of Song," directed by Mrs.
Wlllard Warren.
Choir rehearsal Wednesday, 7
Bible study Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Random Thoughts...
Weather is a touchy subject
and something about as predict
able as a national election, but
the people of this section have
experienced none of the hazards
reported thus far from other sec
tions of the state and nation.
There is time left for what is
commonly termed a hard winter,
but up to this time the "spells"
we have had have been on the
profit side of the ledger. Moisture
has been acquired and to date
there have been no hard freezes
so that the ground is more or less
mellow. This condition can
change within a few hours, and
that frequently happens, but un
til it does, let us enjoy each good
day, or each one that is not too
Of course, you have seen the
decorative lights at the Intersec
tions of Heppner's Main street.
You can thank the chamber of
commerce for financing the dec
orations temporarily, that is
but credit is not due the member
ship as a whole for getting the
decorations in place. A small
group of energetic younger mem
bers, headed by Jack O'Connor,
retiring president, put the holi
days greenery and lights in place.
To them go the orchids for this
week. It has not been an easy
task to go to the mountains and
cut the greenery, bring it to town
and string it on wires and then
swing the festoons from pole to
pole across the Main street inter
sections. Neither was it a minor
or pleasant task to get the strings
of lights ready and string them
along with the greenery. It takes
civic pride to ftirry such projects
to fruition and it goes without
saying that this small group of
citizens has an abundance of that
This column, started Monday
evening and discontinued before
snow started falling, was not in
tended to discuss the weather
any more than that included in
the opening paragraph, but since
by Tuesday morning there had
fallen about six inches of the
"beautiful" the natural inclina
tion is to talk about weather as
that is the main item of interest
as this is written.
Right above the editorial desk
hangs a wonderful piece of pho
tography, a panoramic view of
Heppner taken by the late B. G.
Sigsbee in 1929 when a heavy
fall of snow completely blanket
ed the region. Not even a rock is
visible on the steep hillsides.
Climbing to a point where the
camera would include the length
and breadth of the town, as well
as surrounding hills for several
miles, was no easy task for Pho
tographer Sigsbee and Clarence
Hesseltine who helped break
trail, but the intrepid camera man
knew there was a rare picture in
the making and he was not one
to permit obstacles to stand in
the way of his art. In the inter
vening years, the picture, 56 inch
es long by 9 inches deep, has
elicited words of praise from peo
ple from near and far who are
both surprised and delighted with
its completeness.
If you were in Heppner Sat
urday you must have heard
chimes pealing out some of your
favorite Christmas songs. And
more than likely you did not
have to look far to find where
the musical notes were original
ing. Just up there on the corner
of Main and May streets where
Charley Hodge's little church sits
jaunlily on stilts a replica of a
little country church, such as
Valby, for example. With the
Christmas lights burning, and
chimes pealing for tunes usual
ly associated with this season of
the year it can not be said that
Heppner is Indifferent or lacking
in appreciation of the finer
The Christmas spirit is also
manifested in the windows of the
business houses. Tempting gift
articles are displayed tastefully.
inviting prospective customers in
side to see the carefully selected
lines of merchandise, purchased
with a view to giving local peo
ple as fine values as can be
found in larger places.
Along this line it might be per
tinent to mention that some of
our merchants report an unusual
ly heavy sales volume, with em
phasis on last Saturday's busi
ness. Several have been heard to
declare the present holiday buy
ing Is in excess of 1947. Two
week ends remain for Christmas
shopping and it may be that
trade In general will be better
than one year ago.
J. Palmer Sorlien, minister.
Morning worship and sermon
at 11 a.m. with special Christmas
music by the choir. Mr. Paul Mc
Coy, director. Sunday church
school at 9:45 a.m. We have a
class for every age. Youth Fel
lowship class, also adult Bible
7 p.m., Methodist Youth Fellow
ship. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bohles,
Thursday choir practice at 7:30
Womans Society of Christian
Service meets the first Wednes
day of each month.
Christmas program by the pu
pils of the church school Sunday,
Dec. 19, at 7:30 p.m.
Women's Chorus to Give Vesper Concert at
From left to right: Standing
Mrs. J. O. Turner, acompan
1st; Mrs. Walter Barger, Mr.
Fay Bucknura, Mn. Vernon
Munkers, Mrs. Trina Parker,
The Women's Chorus has ex
tended an Invitation to the pub
lic to attend the annual vesper
service which this year will be
held in the Legion hall. The date
chosen is Sunday, December 19,
and the hour is 4 o'clock p.m.
The chorus has prepared a well
balanced program of serious mu-
sic and there will also be an op
portunity for the audience to Join
Mrs. Orval Brown
Laid To Rest Here
Wednesday P. M.
Services were held at 2 o'clock
p.m. Wednesday at the Heppner
Church of Christ for Mrs. Orval
Brown, who succumbed to a
heart ailment Sunday, December
12, at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Kenneth Mendenhall, in
Portland. John D. Runyan, pas
tor, officiated and Mrs. C. C. Dun
ham sang "In the Garden of To
morrow" and "Beautiful Isle of
Somewhere" for the church ser
vice and 'The Old Rugged Cross"
for the Rebekah service which
followed. Interment was in the
Heppner Masonic cemetery.
Mrs. Brown had spent the past
three months in Portland where
she went for the purpose of tak
ing care of her son Marvin's chil
dren. On November 4 she suffered
a heart attack and was placed
in Emanuel hospital where she
remained several weeks. She had
sufficiently improved to permit
removal from the hospital about
two weeks ago, and was prepar
ing to return home Monday. In
her absence, her husband had
redecorated the interior of the
house in preparation for her
Anna O. Parker was born April
12, 1884 at Gold Hill. With her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.
Parker, she came to Lexington
in 1898. Four years later, July 2,
1902, she was married to Orval
Brown of Heppner, the wedding
taking place in the Palace hotel.
She had made her home here
since that time. Three children
were born to the union, Velma
Huebener of Heppner, and Mar
vin Brown and Viola Mendelhall,
both of Portland, who with the
father and four grandchildren
survive. She is also survived by
two sisters and a brother, all of
Portland, Rose Frye, Alta Perry
and Charles Parker. All of these
relatives, including Mrs. Perry's
husband, Otis, and Kenneth Men.
denhall, were here for the funer
al. Mrs. Brown was a cousin of
Frank E. and Loyal Parker of
She was a member of the Hepp
ner thurcri of Christ, and the
Rebekahs and the Degree of Hon
Mrs. Beach Aboard
Special Train To
Farm Bureau Meet
Among Oregon delegates to the
National Farm Bureau conven
tion at Atlantic City is Mrs. Elsie
Beach of Lexington. Mrs. Beach
went to California to make the
trip east on the California Farm
Bureau Federation's special train.
The run through the California
valleys, the stops at Phoenix,
Ariz., New Orleans, and the visit
to the Tennessee Valley are
bringing the delegates in contact
with other farm leaders across
the nation, and a brief but im
pressive visit to thousands of
farms where the products may
differ but the problems are much
the same.
Others from Oregon attending
are President Lowell W. Steen
and H. R. Weatherford, national
committeeman and state field
crops chairman.
Past presidents of the Ameri
can Legion auxiliary will serve as
nostesses for the annual Christ
mas party to be given at 8 o'
clock p.m. Tuesday, December 21,
in the Legion hall.
Pinochle and contract will be
the diversion of the evening and
there will be a gift exchange.
Refreshments will be served.
Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Dick took
their oldest son, Dennis, to the
hospital in Pendleton Monday for
medical treatment,
Mrs. C. C. CarmichaeL Mrs. C.
C. Dunham, Mrs. Orville Smith,
Mrs. E. O. Ferguson, Mrs. Nor
man Nelson, Mrs. O. G. Craw
ford, director. Seated Mrs.
in singing several familiar Christ
mas songs.
Mrs. William Rawlins has been
asked to read the story of the
Nativity from the Book of Luke.
The program as arranged by
Mrs. O. G. Crawford, director, in
cludes the prelude, Christmas
Music, by Mrs. J. O. Turner; The
First Noel, all; Beautiful Savior,
Reigger chorus; Listen to the
Lambs, Dett chorus; Bible read-
School Christmas
Program Set For
Wednesday Night
Heppner schools will present
their annual Christmas program
Wednesday evening, December
22 in the school auditorium. Set
ting of the Christmas story is
found in St. Luke's gospel. As
the program is musical, the band,
high school and grade school
choruses will participate.
The principal scenes of the
story are in tableau. The program
is scheduled for 8 p.m. and the
public is cordially invited to at
tend. Highway Washout
Delays Return Home
Of Kinzua Teams
By Elsa M. Leathers
The high school boys and girls
basketball and volleyball teams
.Ufint to Mt Vernon to play Sat
urday evening. Both teams were
victorious, the boys winning by
48-24, the girls, 21-25. Due to
the extremely heavy rains Sat
urday evening the John Day
highway was washed out about
five miles from Spray. Several
of the cars returned to Spray
and came home by the Heppner -Spray
highway via Rhea creek
and Condon. Forest Graham who
had several of the girls, got home
at 7 a.m. and Jack Owens, who
had the boys, stayed at Spray
and got home Sunday evening
it 5.
It was noted in the daily Ore
gonian this week a picture of the
plane carrier, Tarawa, at anchor
at Tsingtao. On board this car
rier is Frank L. Adams, SA, bro
ther of Harlan Adams of Kinzua,
and son of J. B. Adams of Hepp
ner. This carrier has been in that
vicinity for several months.
Vernon Perry who underwent
ah operation on his elbow some
time ago at The Dalles returned
to Kinzua Monday. He will re
port back on Saturday at the hos
pital. About eight inches of snow fell
here Monday night and Sunday
It is reported that Harve Allie,
who lost his thumb in the fac
tory last week by a saw, is at
The Dalles hospital where he is
having skin grafted on the in
jured hand.
The Kinzua Masons attended
lodge at Fossil Thursday evening
when their Most Worshipful
Grand Master Lloyd K. McRae of
Helix was present. Mr. and Mrs.
McRae came to Kinzua for the
night and Andrew A. Staig, right
worshipful deputy grand master,
also spent the night here.
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Baker left
Thursday for a vacaton trip into
Mexico. The Bakers plan to re
turn to Kinzua some time after
the new year.
Mrs. Alice Prock of Alice and
Jeanne's Beauty shop and Robert
Wagner were married Friday,
December 10 at Hermiston. They
will make their home In Hepp
ner. o
Mrs. Burton Winters is nursing
a broken arm as the result of a
fall at her heme in north Hepp
ner Tuesday evening.
Dr. J. D. Palmer has been trou
bled with a lame arm for several
days which has made it impos
sible for him to carry on his den
tal practice. He hopes to be able
to resume practice shortly.
Mrs. R. A. Thompson returned
Saturday from Walla Walla
county where she spent three
weeks at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Webb Jr. near Pres-
cou. one neipea tane care oi ftirs.
Webb, the former Kathryn
Thompson, and Meredith Rita !
Webb, born November 12, when
they returned home from the hos-
pital in Walla Walla.
Legion Hall
Willard Warren, Mrs. Charles
Ruggles, Mrs. J. Palmer Sorlien.
Mrs. J. J. O'Connor, Mrs. Alfred
Bergstrom, Mrs. R. B. Ferguson,
Mrs. Merle Becket, Mrs. Lucy E.
ing, Mrs. Rawlins; Prayer Per
fect, Speaks chorus; Oh Little
Town of Bethlehem all; Lo Now
a Rose, Praetorius chorus; Cher
ubim Song, Tschaikowsky cho
rus; It Came Upon a Midnight
Clear all; Hark, Hark My Soul,
Shelley chorus; Silent Night,
chorus; Benediction, Summay
Folowing the program the cho
rus will serve tea to the guests.
Mustang Quintet
Makes Poor Start
In Earlier Games
Heppner high's Mustangs open
ed the 1948-49 season by losing
to the highly touted Heppner
Townies (now the Shamrocks),
33-24. For three quarters the Mus
tangs kept pace with the Sham
rocks. The score at half stood 14
14. Waters of the Mustangs was
high scorer for the game with 12
counters. Kemp led the Townies
with eight.
In the preliminary the Sham
rock B squad trimmed the Hepp
ner seconds 32-17. The lineups for
the main game:
Mustangs: Orwick 1, Bennett 0,
Sumner 7, Waters 12, Gunderson
0; Townies: Bucknum 0, Greenup
6, Kemp 8, Scrivner 7, Padberg 2.
Substitutes Mustangs: Manners
4, Ruhl, Jones, Smith, Piper.
Townies: Bothwell 2, Kemp 2,
O'Donnell, Ferguson 2, Campbell
Heppner's Mustangs lost their
second straight counter of the
season to the strong Echo quin
tet. The final score, 42-25. In a
preliminary the Echo grade
school edged the Heppner Ponies.
The lineups for the main game:
For Heppner: Bennett 1, Manners
3, Sumner 6, Ruhl 7, Gunderson
6, Piper '2, Jones, Smith, Green,
G. Connor. For Echo: Abercrom
bie 1, Wiggglesworth 1, Snow 25,
McAttee 0, Lelly 4, Pamas 5, Col
lingsworth 4, Reece 0, Bowman 2.
Heppner won their first game
of the season by edeins the
Boardman Yellowjackets at
Boardman, 28-27. Graham of
Boardman took scoring honors
with 17 counters. The Heppner
B's were defeated, 18-14. The line
ups, for Heppner: Bennett 4, Man
ners 4, Sumner 7, Waters 10, Gun
derson 1, Ruhl 2; for Boardman:
Graham 17, Ball 2, Earwood 3,
Miller 5, Hug, Eads.
Heppner's hard luck Mustangs
lost their second encounter with
the Echo Cougars, 33-17. Manners
of Heppner and Ramos of Echo
tied for scoring honors with 8
counters each. The lineups: For
Heppner: Manners 8, Bennett 2,
Sumner 5, Waters, Gunderson 1.
Ruhl 1, Smith, Piper, Green, G.
Connor Jones. For Echo: Ramos
8, McAtee 5, Snow 7, Lilly 6, Wig
glesworth 3, Abercrombie 4,
Keese, Young, Bowmr.n, D. Bow
man, Collingsworth.
Friday, Dec. 17, the Mustangs
entertain the exceptionally strong
Arlington Honkers in the local
gym. The Honkers are said to
have one of their best teams in
years, but the Mustangs are prim
ed for an upset. The tilt marks
the first league game of the year.
Christmas Party
On Rebekah Slate
Sans Souci Rebekah lodge has
set Frday evening. December 17
as the date for the annual Christ,
mas party, to which all Rebekahs
and Oddfellows and their wives
are invited. The party will follow
the regular lodge meeting.
Instead of the usual exchange
gifts brought to the party will be
sent to orphanages and other
children's homes, and the com
mittee in charge of the party
would like to see a generous of
fering. Mrs. Alex Green, Mrs. N. D. Bai
ley and Mrs. Elwyn Hughes com
prise the committee.
Mrs. Arnold Piper reports that
tier mot nor, Mrs. Mary Frad
whose condition has been serious
is improving and that she is ex-
pected to be sufficiently recovered
In a short time to be taken to
her home in Portland.
C. of C. Chooses
Five New Directors
At Monday Meeting
Chrstmas street decorations
and election of directors were tM
principal items of business com
ing before the chamber of com
merce at Monday's meeting.
President Jack O'Connor report
ed on the work accomplished by
his committee on decorations, re
porting that the chamber had ad
vanced funds for the purchase of
lighting materials in order to get
the work of installing lights and
greenery done promptly. It is pro
posed to ask donations from the
business houses to aid in defray
ing purchase costs of the light
ing fixtures and these will be
retained for future use.
Each December the chamber of
commerce elects five members of
the ten-man board of directors.
This year, due to resignations, it
was necessary to elect six. Mrs.
Lucy Rodgers, finding It impossi
ble to attend the meetings and
to function a3 a regular member,
withdrew from the board of di
rectors. She had another year to
serve. John Saager was elected to
fill out her term.
The board of directors will
meet the evening of December
22 to choose the presiding offi
cers for the ensuing year.
Elected Monday were Glen
Parsons, Garnet Barratt, Frank
Turner, Orville Smith and O. G.
Crawford. Holdovers are Henry
Tetz, John Saager, C. J. D. Bau
man, Floyd Tolleson and Dr. L.
D. Tibbies.
P-TA Program At
Lexington Yields
Xmas Treat Fund
By Mrs. C. C. Jones
The P-TA of Lexington had a
benefit show at the school aud
itorium Friday night of last week.
A good crowd was in attendance,
with the proceeds going to buy
the treats for the school children.
The Lexington school band play
ed several numbers at the be
ginning of the program. The pro
gram was anounced by Charlene
Jones, dressed in a blue formal
and Carrol Messenger, dressed in
a white suit The climax of the
evening were pictures shown by
Clifford Yarnell with his motion
picture machine, of the 4th of
July parade last year, and a com
edy for the youngsters, Andy
The city of Lexington held its
annual election last Wednesday
night Those elected were, may
or, George Peck; two councilmen.
Leonard Munkers and Red Leon
ard; recorder, Laverne Henderson
and treasurer, Eileen Padberg.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Steagall
have gone to Virginia to spend
the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peck are
the proud parents of a baby
daughter born Friday in Eugene.
This is the granddaughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Peck.
Mrs. Trina Parker received
word Monday of the death of her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Anna Brown,
in Portland.
Mrs. Kenneth Palmer under
went a major operation in Pen
dleton one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra mo.
tored to The Dalles Monday
where they visited with their son
of Klamath Falls and their
daughter, Patty Darnielle, of The
Glen Griffith took possession of
the local cafe one day last week.
Mr. Griffith tecently purchased
the cafe from Ed Grant Mrs.
Merle Cornellson who has been
running the cafe is taking a
much deserved rest at her home.
Miss Katherine Carty of Klam
ath Falls is helping Mr. Griffith
at the cafe.
The small son of Mrs. Marjorie
Houck is much improved and is
home after a time spent in Pen
dleton. Mrs. Sam McMillan who has been
visiting in Kansas met her hus
band in Portland last week where
he had gone to visit his father,
S. G. McMillan. Mrs. Earl War
ner accompanied him to Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones re
turned Saturday from Portland
where they were called to the
funeral of Hank Caven Jr. of that
Friends of the Rev. and Mrs.
Hatch are sorry to learn of their
plans to leave Lexington for a
better position in Portland.
The Lexington rental library
is open every Saturday at 2:30.
The library also is carrying a line
of balloons to sell.
CHURCH (Episcopal)
Holy communion, 8 a.m. The
Bishop's committee and men of
the church will meet in corporate
communion at this hour.
Church school, 9:45 a.m.
Morning prayer and sermon at
11 o'clock.
Christmas pageant in the
church, 7 p.m., followed by Christ
mas tree and refreshments in the
parish house.
Week-day services: Wednes
days, holy communion, 10 a.m.;
Fridays, holy communion, 7:30 a.
Choir practices, girls, Wednes
days at 4 p.m.; boys, Thursdays
at i p.m.; adult choir, 8 p.m.
Violent Quarrel
Leads To Fatal
Shooting Affray
Arthur Hughes of
Lena Succumbs
To Bullet Wound
Arthur "Art" Hughes is dead
and his wife, Velma (Jackson)
Hughes, is in the women's sec
tion of the Umatilla county Jail
at Pendleton following a violent
quarrel at the family residence
at Lena at an early hour Wed
nesday morning. Hughes died
from the effects of a gunshot
wound which, by his wife's ad
mlssion.'was inflicted by her.
The story as gathered by peace
officers called to the spot is that
Hughes spent most of Tuesday
In Pendleton on business. During
his absence his wife drove to
Heppner and purchased some gro
ceries, issuing a check on her hus
band. When he returned home in
the evening, he and Tom Loyd,
who had been at the ranch sev
eral days, came to Heppner and
spent several hours in town and
it was after midnight when they
returned to the ranch. Hughes
was angered about the check,
there having been an understand
ing that she was not to write
checks against his account and
upbraided her about it. A quarrel
ensued which quickly merged
into a fight.
According to the woman's
statement, she was knocked down
several times, the last time be
side her husband's hunting rifle,
a .32 caliber Winchester. He was
standing about 10 feet from her,
in the doorway between the liv
ing room and dining room, when
she seized the rifle and fired it.
The bullet lodged in the upper
ngnt breast, passed out of the
left side of the body and on thru
a panel of a dining room win
dow. Hughes lived about 20 min
utes, long enough for his brother
Edwin to be summoned from his
home, but his life ebbed away
too fast for him to be able to
make a statement
Officer Gordon Grady of Hepp
ner, who is also a deputy sheriff,
was called to the scene due to the
absence of Sheriff C. J. D. Bau
man, who was on official busi
ness to the Willamette valley.
Arriving at the Hughes residence,
Grady found that three men, Tom
Loyd, John Hof nagle and Fred
Bell had been in the house when
the shooting occurred, but that
none had been eyewitnesses to
the tragedy. Loyd and Hofnagle
had been present when, the quar
rel started but retired to another
part of the house. Bell, an em
ploye at the ranch, was in bed
Dr. A. D. McMurdo, coroner;
District Attorney P. W. Mahoney
and Ralph Currin, district attorney-elect,
visited the scene and
after an examination of the pre
mises arranged for the removal
of the body to the Phelps Funer
al home in Heppner. Mrs. Huehes
was brought to town and detain
ed until arrangements could be
made for her incarceration at
Pendleton. District Attorney Ma
honey said he would make a
thorough investigation of the
case before determinine the
charge to be filed against her.
Artnur Lee Hughes, son of Mrs.
Mabel Hughes and the late Ar
thur Percy Hughes, was born at
Lena December 4, 1913. He at
tended the grade school in Hepp
ner uniu tne lamily moved to
Umapine and took his high school
work at McLaughlin high school
in Milton. After the family re-
turned to Morrow county. Art took
up stockraising. He acquired the
l-ena ranch through purchase
from his mother three years ago.
A good handler of stock, he was
greatly interested in rodeos and
maintained a string of bucking
horses which were used in the
smaller shows in this territory.
He is survived by a son, James,
by a former marriage; his moth
er, Mrs. Mabel Hughes of Mil
ton; sister, Mrs. Lawrence Lutch
er of Milton, and a brother, W. E.
Hughes of Heppner.
Services will be held at 10 o'
clock a.m. Friday, December 17.
at the All Saints Episcopal church
in Heppner. with the Rev. Eric O.
Robathan of Pendleton officiat
ing. Interment will be in th
Heppner Masonic cemetery.
Child Welfare Gift
Box To Be Filled
Gifts of toys and stationery are
needed to fill a box which the
American Legion auxiliary is
sponsoring in the interest of the
Child Welfare Gift Shop main
tained at the veterans hospital
in Portland.
The box from Heppner, which
is at the Humphreys Drug com
pany store, will be mailed De
cember 20. Those interested in
helping this worthy cause are
urged to keep the date In mind
and turn in their gifts in time
to be included.
Gifts contained In these boxes
are for the hospitalized vets to
to send to their children.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkinson
returned this morning from Port
land where they spent several
days on business.