Poge 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Dec. 9, 1948 Alien War Brides Muri Wait 2 Years Before Naturalixation Two year of residence with thplr husbands in the United Stale Is the prime requirement for naturalization of alien war brides, the Orepon Department of Veterans' Affairs was informed this week. Cheeking wi:h the Bureau of Immicration and Naturalization, the state veterans' agency learn ed that uar brides who entered this country under Public Law HollylVreaths $3.50 and up Holly Wreaths and Mistletoe mailed anywhere . in the United States. Mary Van's Flower Shop n r J IONE NEWS the point where the salmon were not biting. i iV rrr TV 271 of the 79th congress, which quota basis of women who mar authorizes the entry on a non ried American servicemen over seas, have a two-year waiting period before they may apply to become citizens. They must, however, be mar-1 ried and living with their hus-1 bands during this time. Divorce, or separation because of death i or for other reasons, will cause i another year's extension of the waiting period, the immigration bureau said. Citizenship is not compulsory, it was pointed out The so-called war bride act ex pires this December 31. as does the alien fiancee act. Wives or fiancees of servicemen or veter ans actually must be on United States soil to meet the deadline. The two-year waiting period for citizenship for fiancees starts after the date of marriage and the presentation of necessary doc uments to the immigration bu- F. F. A. have Christmas Trees for sale on lot by Loyd Saddle Shop ON SATURDAY or phone the boys at the school-No. 32 Large trees or small trees . . . look them over and take your pick. REASONABLE PRICES P -. mm nnfjn ii i i ! The lone auxiliary of the Am erican Legion met Tuesday eve ning. A shower was given the kitchen at the hall, also gifts were brought for their hope chest. Refreshments were served by j Mrs. Eldon Padberg and Mrs. Walter Corley. Mrs. Harlan McCurdy Sr. left j by plane last week for Eureka, Cal., to attend the funeral of her ' nephew, Jesse Ray Beesley, who I was killed Nov. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mason and family of Condon and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter were Thanks giving guests at the Ed Buschke home at Morgan. Mr. Mason is a nephew of Mrs. Cotter and Mrs. Buschke. N. C. Fancher of Troutdale was a Heppner visitor Tuesday eve ning, coming up to attend a meet ing of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. i F. & A. M. to assist in giving the MM degree to his brother-in-law, A. A. Scouten. He left for Ar lington after the lodge session to make an early train for Trout-dale. Is your car hard to start these cold mornings? Give your bat- FISHING NOT SO GOOD Dr. J. D. Palmer, P. W. Mahoney and 0. G. Haguewood returned the first of the week from Flor ence where they spent a few days trying their luck at salmon fish- ling. The luck was not so good, the waters of the Siletz stirred to The Ideal Gift for Christmas A GIFT CERTIFICATE from your friendly Marshall-Well's store will look well hanging on the Christmas tree . .. in any amount . . . good for 60 days after Christmas . . . let the recipient choose any item at leisure. OWENS HARDWARE Here's how you can enjoy Faster, Easier, Better cooking ! New Deluxe Frigidaire These pictures represent the Rosewall Motor company plant in Heppner and the reason for the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rosewall of the Four Letter Award, more expli cit information about which will be found on page one. The Ford Motor company has so far recognized 20 such dealers in the Pacific Northwest and the local plant is the first to gain the recognition in eastern Oregon. automatic electric range reau to establish legal entry. At the end of the waiting per iod the applicant for citizenship reports to the naturalization bu reau, where her legal entry will be verified, and tests given re garding her knowledge of the English language and of Amer ican history and civics. The war bride then is sent to court for a final naturalization hearing. Attention Livestockmen Morrow County has been declared a Bangs Compulsory Test Area. Under the law it is necessary that all cattle be tested for this disease. Veterinarians are available to begin work So that this testing can be completed as soon as possible we ask that you contact the County Agent's office in or der that we may know when your cattle are ready for testing. Morrow County Livestock Control Committee Those concerned are advised to see their local county clerks for application blanks and necessary instructions. CHURCHES Best Of Christmas Gifts! General Electric Automatic Blanket in four colors Rose - Blue - Green - Cedar Meets General Electric safety standards . . Approved by Underwriters Laboratories. Double bed one control 72 x 86 inches . . $411.95 Heppner Hardware & Electric Co. ft ft ft & ft & ft & urn U01 k ft m ft & ft ft ss ft ft METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, minister. Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. Special music by the choir, Mr. Paul McCoy, director. We have a nursery for small chil dren during church hour; Mrs. Vernon Bohles. director. Sunday church school at 9:45 a.m. A class for every age. Adult Bible class, also Youth Fellowship class. 7 p.m., Methodist Youth Fellow ship. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bohles, counsellors. District Methodist Youth Fel lowship Council meeting at Hepp ner Sunday afternoon, 3 p.m. Wednesday choir practice at 7 p.m. Womans Society of Christian Service meets the first Wednes day of each month. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11. Junior Y.P.F., 6:15 p.m. Senior Y.P.F., 7:30 p.m. Week-day services: Wednesdays, holy communion, 10 a.m. Fridays, holy communion, 7:30 a.m. Wednesday evenings at 7, con firmation instructions. Choir practices: Girls, Wednes days at 4; boys, Thursdays at 4; adults, Thursdays at 8. CHURCH OF CHRIST John D. Runyan, minister, phone 993. Bible school, 9:45 a.m.; C. W. Barlow, supt.; Mrs. Gertson, pri mary supt.; Robert Walker, jun ior supt. Classes and qualified teachers for all ages. Morning worship and commun ion, 11 a.m. Sermon subject, "Proofs of the Divinity of Christ." Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. Ser mon subject, "When God Said No'." Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m., for all young people. The minister has his office in the church building and keeps hours every morning from 8 to 12 o'clock. He is ready at all times to render any service of comfort or helpfulness for any person re gardless of whether they are members of any church. The min istry of the church is extended to all. It is a good thing to give thanks. ASSEMBLY OF COD Pastor, Shelby E. Graves. Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday school. Mrs. Ora Wyland, supt. 11 a.m., worship hour. 7 p.m., youth for Christ. 7:45 p.m., Dick Colsen Youth for Christ evangelist will be speak ing. Mon., Tues., Thurs. through Sunday, 7:45, Youth for Christ evangelistic meetings. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m., Evan gelist Colsen will speak in lone. Everyone invited. LEXINGTON CHURCH Geo. Harris Hatch, minister; Bible school with classes for all ages meets each Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Communion and worship service at 1 o'clock. Topic for pastor's message this Sunday morning will be "The Mind of Christ." The 8 o'clock evening service will feature half an iour of songspiration, follow ed by the sermon, "The Net Drag, gers." The pastor will make an interesting announcement- at the close of the morning service. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOUC CHURCH Schedule of services: Mass in Heppner on the Is and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: in lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. 4V 0 Mod! tX-M $309.75 CHhort from l6o.7J Heaters to fit Jeeps, trucks, pick ups and passenger cars. Drive in comfort this winter. Rose wall Motor Company. Do Your Cooking Automatically! You aon t have to watch over your cooking when you hove a Frigidaire Electric Rang. Roasting, baking and even deep-well cooking art done au tomatically In the new Frigidaire Electric Range; FASTER EASIER BETTER than ever before. New styling new fea tures ... to give Safe Clean Coo) cooking summer ond winter. See the new Frigidaire Electric Ranae tnrWi All these Features I All-porcelain cabinet Acid-resisting porctlrin cooking-top Full-width Storage Cook-Master Automatic Oven Clock Control Fluorescent Cooking-Top lamp Automatic Time-Signal Automatic surface unit Signal-light and many others you should seel Till Rodlantubo 5-SpMd Surfocc Units Thoso xduslva Radiantubo cooking unttl giv you steady, instant hoot ovary llm, all thn time! Only Frig idairt bat thonl Evn-H lore jllu rptfcc4 - ferc1aln. Eaiy la clean: Extol thick 'insulation. HMeJ 'lir baking Umporo tura In 5ft mlnutas. Waitl high broiler. Tnonntur Dmo-WoK Caofcor It's 4. quart dp-wll cookr wIMicndUo-Matlc iwltck. Can d kMigact to an xfra Radiantuba cook ing nil In a jiffy. Cook-MathK Ovm Control Nils Mai, tot th clock for starting and finishing timo ... ond forgot It. Cooks a wholo inoal whiio Heppner Appliance Co. Heppner, Oregon Phone 1423 f r- mi i I Gifts She Can Use and Enjoy P ft mc v mem twiiUaJ kw k ... lace trim in tea rose and Corduroy Bathrobes H 5? white FLUFFY KNIT Pandora Gowns . plain an dprint lace trim Sweaters Short sleeves and Cardigans Corduroy Bathrobes . . . pink, aqua, red BED JACKETS Chenille Robes ... in assorted pastels Costume Jewelry a sparkle and a dash right just SI Wool Gabardine Skirts and Glens Plaid Wools tf New Arrivals of Gabardine and Tweed Coats SSI I NORAH'S SHOP Don Campbell, supt,