Page 10 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Dec. 9, 1948 GRACE C MILK PERMITTED IK SHORTAGE AREAS BUT MUST MEET STANDARDS ConiiurTiTu In a number of sec tions fo Orrgcm will be using grade (' milk for the next several month because the supply of grade A milk is not nearly ade oiiate to take care of the demand, O. K. Bcala, chief of the division of foods and dairies of the stale department of agriculture, said today. At the same time Bonis declar ed that the grad" C milk now en tering the market in various places in Oregon is wholesome and that actually It is far better than considerable ot the market it milk that was used during the war. The use of C grade milk on Oregon markets is now permitted under regulations promulgated by the department and which went into efect on November 1. The regulations were drawn fol lowing hearings last June. The department official points out that under the new slate reg ulations, when grade A or grade B miik is materially short of supplying the needs of any given market as it now is in the Lane county area and In a number of other sections ot the state the department will permit grade C milk to go on that market Grade C milk, however, must meet certain definite require ments set up by the department. These standards are considerablv higher than the standards used for milk entering the factory channels. Moreover, grade C milk must be pasteurized. Mr. Beals points out that In ef forts to see that there is a suffi cient supply of healthful miilk for Oregon residents, the depart ment has now permitted the sale of three grades of milk, grade A, grade B and grade C for fluid use, but each bottle or container sold must be marked with the true grade of the milk. Require ments for grade C milk are not as stringent at the dairy level as it sa it x it 2 it m it 32 it 3 ? SI sat T)TnTTTTTnO 1 I Reservists "Take-off" for Training I Lvr s p-3lj " -jjj "" I Each summer "Cttiien Marines" from cities throughout the country go back into uniform for their annual two-weeks' of active duty training at posts of the regular Marine Corps establishment A Brooklyn unit of the Organized Marine Corps Reserve Is pictured above embarking for Camp Lejeune, North Carolina for summer training. are those for grade A milk. But grade C raw milk for pasteuriza tion must be produced on dairy farms approved by the division, must have a bacterial plate count of more than 500,000 per milli liter, must be free of off flavors and must meet a sediment re quirement. quirement. When this milk is pasteurized it must contain not more than 50,000 bacteria per mil liliter and must bear a grade C label. WOMEN'S LUGGAGE Luxuriously finished luggage at an amazingly low price. Sturdy canvas construction. Pyroxylin finish. Top grain leather binding. Rich rayon linings. Plus Federal Tax 9.90; Weekend Cum SI iff St 13.75; Pullman Cm 16.75; Wtrdrobe Cm 4 PIECE DRESSER SET So pretty and useful, too! Gold colored metal on the nylon bristle brush, hand mirror, powder jar and comb. 4.98 QUESTION OF THE WEEK Q. I have a service-connected disability rated at 20 percent. Am I entitled to the compensation in crease now authorized because of dependents? A. No. Your disability must be rated 60 percent or more before the VA may authorize additional compensation for dependents. o Look over the want ads. You may be able to save considerable on some needed item. STAR on REPORTER prloes afternoon and Mralnv. nalM. ana. cHlaally adrartuwd to fca oUurwUsl OhUdrui Bat, a"rtos at, Fed. Tax .03, Total Mo) (trade, and Kirn oheol Btudeats It rears and overt Bit Mm .40. tal too; Adultst Bit. Froi. .60, red. Tax .la, Total Me. Every child oogapvinf a seat mast hare a tleket. tanday shows oonttnnous starting at 1 p-m. AU other shows starat at T:30 p.m. Boaotfloe op.ii evenings aatll P-m. Do you know the right answer? Every week we call 10 residents of the commun ity and ask WHAT IS FLAYING AT THE THEATER TODAY? If you can answer correctly in 20 seconds you receive a FREE TICKET to the thow. Read our newspaper ad and hang this program near the phone to you'll have the right answer 1 Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. December 910-11 NIGHT TIME IN NEVADA Boy Sogers, Adele Mara, Andy Devlna, Bob Ho. Ian and the Bona of the Pioneers. The same western Ingredients but better mixed than usual. Photographed In good color. PLUS HERE COMES TROUBLE William Tracy, Joe Sawyer, Beverly Loyd, Emory Parnell, Betty Compson, Joan Woodbury. It's time to laugh again! Here Is pure, unadult erated slapstick comedy entertainment Sunday-Monday, December 12-13 Romance On The High Seas Jack Carson, Janis Paige, Son SaFore. Doris Day, Osoar Lavant, 8. I. Sakall. Erie Blore, Fortunlo Bonanova. The sunniest, songlest cruise In history ... In color by Technicolor. Tuesday-Wednesday, December 14-15 WALL OF JERICHO Cornel Wild, Llnd Darnell, Ann Baxter, Kirk Douglas, Ann Dvorak. Marjorle Bambeao, Hen ry HnU, Barton MaoLane, William Tracy. A ureal cast in the foremost best -seller by Paul L Wellman , . . the unforgettable story of a cour ageous woman. Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., December 16-17-18 DEEP WATERS Dana Andrews, Jean Peters. Cesar Bomero, Dean 8tookw.ll, Anne Severe, Ed Begley, Leona Powers, The memorable saga of one small boy who be longed to the sea . . . performances so human and heartwarming, backgrounds so natural and wholesome, It seems to be true. Outdoor scenes were filmed In the locale on the roant of Mulne. PLUS Desperadoes of Dodge City Bocky Lane, Eddy Waller, Mildred Coles. Good western entertainment. 2.98 SHIMMERING SATIN SLIPS Sizes 32 to 42 Lavishly lace trimmed and embroidered. She'll love one of these under the tree. Lace Trimmed Nylon Slips 3.98 a 35! it it s a si s? it if s 93! it a & m if S it it 1007. All Wool BLANKETS 6.90 Treated with Amuno to re sist moths a warm 3 lb. wool blanket for double bed. 72" x 84". JLie' GIVE ACHENILLE SPREAD Give one to a friend or treat yourself to a Christmas gift! In white or pastel colors ac cented with floral designs. Double or twin size. 7.90 Extra long - 72" x 90" All Wool BLANKETS in weight t t Vr Made of 1007. Virgin WooL Rcryon satin binding. Treated to resist moths LACE TABLE CLOTH Fine sturdy cotton woven Into a delicate pattern to highlight your Christmas table. to wash resists shrinkage. 72" x 90" sire. 2.98 PRINTED TABLE CLOTH Give one and still save en ough to treat yourself! Sturdy cotton with gay printed designs. to tub, too! 52" x 52". Thrift-priced. 1.98 Throws Speaks I jjG,N WIND-UP TRAIN 3.98 Railroad fans! Penney's price is mighty low on this nufhanlcal freight train wt locomotive, tender, grmdol !,, caboose and 12 rvtioni of track. REMOTE CONTROLI ELECTRIC TRAINS 11.75 Streamlined locomotive with piston rod action, headlight and die cast wheels. Dad, too, will love it. Fun for young and old. A oinfiisifinb iminiyinic As of January i, 1949, the Subscription Rate to the Heppner Gazette Times will be Per Year We find this change necessary due to the continued rise in the cost of pro duction of the newspaper. All subscriptions, new or renewals, re ceived between this date and includ ing Friday, December 31, 1948, will be accepted at the current price of $2.50 per year. ... The home town newspaper makes a nice Christmas present for the whole fam ily. Why not send in your order now, under the old price, for one or more subscriptions! Heppner Gazette Times Morrow County's Newspaper i