Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 09, 1948, Image 1

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    'J P. L I C A 'J D IT 0 h I U :
Heppner Gazette Times
Volume 65, Number 38
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, December 9, 1948
Wasco Man Chosen
Wheatgrower Head
For Ensuing Year
Paulen Kaseberg
To Head New State
Producer Group
Paulen Kaseberg, Wasco, will
head a new state wheat produc
ers group for the coming year.
The three day meeting of the
Eastern Oregon Wheat league ad
journed in Condon Saturday, and
with adjournment became a new
organization at least in name.
Despite considerable opposition
to a name change, the wheat
league became the Oregon Wheat
Growers league as a result of a
standing vote in Condon's Mem
orial hall where all general ses
sions of the twenty-first annual
meeting have been held.
Membership In the new organ
ization is now open to any wheat
producer In the state of Oregon.
Western and southern Oregon
will receive representation on the
board of directors by the appoint
ment of two additional directors
to represent those areas.
Kaseberg succeeds Ralph Mc
Ewen Jr. Haines as president.
Other officers for the coming year
are: Henry Baker, Heppner, vice
president; LcRoy Wright, Moro,
secretary-treasurer, and Roscoe
Roberts, The Dalles, assistant sec
retary. Heppner Bid Accepted
The wheat growers voted to ac.
copt the invitation of Heppner to
act as host city for the 1949 an
nual meeting of the wheat grow
ers league.
Among speakers who appeared
before the wheat growers session
during the final day of their
meeting was F. L. Ballard, asso
ciate director, OSC extension ser
vice. He commented on develop
ments in Oregon's agriculture
during the past 25 years.
He emphasized specifically that
the eastern Oregon wheat variety
map has changed twice during
the past quarter century. He said
ranchers are now generally plow
ing their summerfallow early in
comparison to the feeling 25 years
ago that the job could be done
"any old time."
Ballard also commented on the
increased interest that has devel
oped In soil conservation with
emphasis on erosion control and,
maintaining fertility throughout'
the wheat belt.
Among resolutions considered
and rejected by the league this
year was the application of two
Washington counties, Klickitat
Kittitas, to allow their 4-H club
members to participate in the
wheat league sponsored 4-Hjfat
stock show at The Dalles. Oregon
FFA participation in the show
was considered favorably.
FFA joins in Stock Show
A committee will be appointed
to make recommendations for
FFA participation. In the past
show facilities in The Dalles have
been the bottle neck to inclusion
of this senior group in the league
sponsored fat stock show and
Dr. C. E. Rist from the North
ern Regional USDA research lab
oratory, Peoria, 111., said that
wheat had occupied a position of
some importance in the indus
trial manufacture of starch dur
ing and since the war. Use of
wheat is now tapering off, he
Rist pointed out that wheat
competes with corn for starch
manufacture. Corn he said, has
a high percentage of oil as a by
product in starch manufacture.
The oil is worth about 40 cents In
every bushel processed. Wheat
must have new uses developed
for the protein and bran by-products
if it Is to compete.
New Wheat Uses
At the Peoria laboratory, wheat
is showing promise as a raw ma
terial for use In making indus
trial alcohol for fuel. Work along
this line Is being continued, Rist
League members passed a res
olution favoring the sponsorship
of a bill in the next legislature
requiring the enrichment of light
bread flour sold In Oregon. They
also expressed the desire that
property taxes be reserved to lo
cal governments for tax purposes,
The federal programs and land
use committee endorsed the fed
eral crop insurance program
They also passed a resolution fa
voring more local farmer commit
tee administrative powers In fed-
oral agricultural programs. Les
ter King, Pendleton, and his con
servatlon and research commit
tee was commended for their
work In bringing about the soil
conservation research project
which is headed up at the Pen
dleton branch experiment station
by Merrill Oveson,
The league expressed a wish
for re-negotiatlng an internation
al wheat agreement similar to
the one that failed to pass the
last congress.
Progress Reported
E. J. Bell, Pendleton, made a
report to the convention on pro
it JK.
Random Thoughts...
It's too bad that Jarvis Chaffee
didn't put an Identification tag
(perhaps it would be appropriate
to call it a frog tag in this In
stance) on that now world fam
ous "suspended animation" frog
that workmen dislodged from the
courthouse basement last sum
mer. As keeper of the grounds
and buildings on the county's
property where the courthouse is
located Jarvis would have an op
portunity to set up a museum,
beginning with the frog. But since
there is no identification tag or
mark it will be difficult for him
to round up the right specimen
of the genus Rana.
Since this subject has been
brought up it is pertinent to re
port that this newspaper has re
ceived communications from
some doubting Thomases in
widely separated parts of the
country, people who rate promin
ence in the fields of science, and
who want more definite informa
tion about Heppners famous frog.
Now, if the prominent specimen
can be corraled, or if it can be
produced upon demand, it may
be possible for the scientists to
ueierraine jusi wnai manes a
from remain in a state of sus
pended animation over a period
of 46 years and return to a nor
mal life again upon being freed
from imprisonment in such close
All this claptrap was prompt
ed by an article In the American
magazine section in Sunday's
Morning oregonian. No doubt
millions of readers of that mag
azine have hunted up Heppner on
their maps since the American
Weekly got into circulation the
past week end. Heretofore Texas
has had a corner on stories of
frogs coming to life after being
imprisoned in church corner
stones and other public buildings,
and people in all sections of the
United States and perhaps a large
part of Canada will want to know
where this upstart place is that
dares horn in on the Lone Star
state's specialty line.
A release of "Current Business
Trends in Oregon" taken from
Oregon Business Review" treats
on the population growth of Ore
gon during the 12 months from
July 1947 to July 1948. During
that time an additional 81,000
persons were added to the popu
lation of Oregon. This is at the
rate of almost 7,000 a month, or
10 for each hour of the day. The
Bureau of the Census now esti
mates Oregon's population to be
1,626,000. Two counties rate over
100,000 Multnomah with 570,291
and Lane 114,307.
Morrow county shows some
gain in population since the war
days. During the OPA period the
count was estimated at 4,142 (this
may not be correct, but is close)
based on the rationing registra
tion. Present figure is 4,770, or
approximately 600 more than
along in 1944 and 1945. Most of
this increase has been in the
towns, since the tendency is still
towaVd bigger land holdings in
the rural areas.
This column would like to see
more citizen participation in civ
ic affairs. Take the chamber of
commerce, for instance.. There are
some 60 active businesses in the
town and approximately 25 of
these places are represented in
an active way. It ill behooves the
stay-aways to frequently repeat
the question, "Why doesn t the
chamber of commerce do some
thing about it?" the "it" refer
ring to any one of many things
that come up from time to time
having a bearing on community
activities, when they are not will.
Ing to devote a little of their
time towards helping to make the
wheels turn. After all, chamber
of commerce, service clubs and
other organized groups are effec
tive to the extent that their mem
berships are willing to work.
Somewhat illustrative of the
foregoing paragraph is an inci
dent of days gone by. It was
about 2:30 a.m. and the firebell
roused a sleeping populace Into
feverish action. From the light
on upper Main street it looked
like all of the south part of town
was on fire. Members of the vol
unteer fire department had re
sponded quickly and had dragged
the two fire fighting hosecarts to
the scene where the late O, E.
Farnsworth's barn was rapidly
going up in flames. There was a
call for more water and this
meant there had to be more hose.
Three stalwart young citizens,
gress made during the last year
by the Oregon Wheat commis
sion. He said the commission,
by contributing $22,497.55 of Its
funds, has started the ball roll
ing on more than $125,000 worth
of projects designed to alleviate
the northwest wheat problem.
These projects, according to
Bell, Include research on wheat
quality, assembling basic statis
tics, freight rate adjustments and
educational activities to show the
value of Oregon wheat, Bell made
known that his discussion was
taken from the commission's
first biennial report to Governor
elect Douglas McKay.
Jens Terjeson, Pendleton, is
chairman of the Oregon Wheat
Most expenditures, Bell report
ed, are being spent for research,
education and publicity areas of
Continued on Pgt Two
Remember Those
Rosewall Ho tor Co. Growth
Recognized By Ford Motors
An event of unusual signifi
cance is scheduled to take place
in Heppner Friday evening of this
week when a representative of
the Ford Motor company will pre-,
sent a Four Letter Award to Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Rosewall, own
ers of the Rosewall Motor com
pany, Morrow county Ford deal
For this special event, Mr. and
Mrs. Rosewall have arranged a
dinner for their entire working
organization at the Elkhorn res
taurant, to be served at 7 p.m.
During the course of the dinner
hour, J. R. Davis, vice president
in charge of sales will, through
his representative, Chester Cook,
Ford zone manager for this dis
trict, present to the local dealers
the special award, the signifi
cance of which is explained in a
release from the Ford news bu
reau: The Four Letter Award, a new
form of recognition recently de
veloped by Ford, signifies that
two of whom weighed in around !
125 pounds and the other about
135, seized the ribbons on the
racing cart and started for the
fire. The going was easy from
the "engine house," then located
on the corner now occupied by
the Terrel Benge residence, to the
Masonic building corner, but
when the upgrade on Main street
was encountered the young he
roes began to lose their heroic
ambitions, for that old racing cart
with its six-foot wheels was not
built for such light motive power.
But we received great encourage
ment when the middle of the
block was reached for there in
front of one of the saloons were
five or six gamblers who took
time off from their labors to come
outside and urge us to speed up.
The late Sheriff E. M. Shut!
was the fire chief. He had no lik
ing for the soft handed card
sharks. As he approached the
slow moving cart to lend a hand
he took time out to dress off the
curbstone Johnnies' with some
choice terms usually associated
with mule drivers, following
which the knights of the green
cloth meekly returned to the task
of dealing the pasteboards.
Tragedy struck the Gazette
Times office Wednesday evening
when Koko, the family dog, be
came violently 111 and had to be
relieved of his suffering In a fin
al manner, It was painful to the
family to see him suffer and was
equally painful to have to reach
a decision to give him up, but
it was for the best and all are
resigned to his fate. Although
Koko belonged to Dr. and Mrs,
C. C. Dunham, he had lived al
most as much with Mrs. Dun
ham's parents and was as much
at home one place as the other.
His rare brown color and neatly
marcelled coat set him aside
from the regular run of cocker
spaniels and his gentle and
friendly disposition made him a
favorite with the family and most
of those with whom he came in
Good Old Days?
the dealer has done an outstand
ing job during the past year in
complying with the four princi
ples of automobile dealership op
eration which the Ford Motor
company considers most import
ant to good "industrial citizen
ship" and proper service to cus
tomers and community. These
four principles are: Financial
stability, progressive manage
ment, competitive spirit and ade
quate facilities. All of these key
management aims are Intended
to insure the finest type of auto
motive sales operation and to of
fer customers dependable and
courteous service.
In his wire to Mr. Rosewall an
nouncing the award of the certi
ficate, Arthur S. Hatch, manager
of the Western Region of the Ford
Motor company, emphasized that
the new program is part of the
Ford Motor company's riational
plan for leadership in the auto
motive industry. 'The fact that
you have achieved this outstand
ing recognition, the' wli effaced,
"is indication that we at Ford
know we can depend on you to
keep 'Ford Out Front' in your
The certificate will be mounted
on a plaque for display in the
Rosewall Motor company's show
rooms and leadership in all prin
ciples of the Ford Four Letter
program must be maintained to
have it renewed on an annual
The local dealership is the first
in Eastern Oregon to be given
the Four Letter Award, and one
of 20 to gain this recognition in
the northwest. Of the 6400 Ford
dealers in the United States, 1500
have received the award and the
aim of the Ford Motor company
is to get all of the dealers on the
award basis.
Christmas Spirit
Pervades Program
The holiday motif prevailed in
the program presented at the
monthly meeting of the Heppner
Parent-Teacher association at the
school house Wednesday evening.
Due to illness, some of the num
bers had to be omitted, those of
the school instrumental group
coached by Robert Collins band
John Runyan pastor of the
Heppner Church of Christ, was
the principal speaker, and Mrs.'
C. C, Dunham sang two num
bers, Brahms Lullaby, and bl
lent Night, accompanied by Mrs.
C. C. Carmichael.
Mrs. Grace Nlckerson is in Pen
dleton today to be near her dau
ghter, Mrs. Richard Hayes of Ar
lington, who was scneauied to
undergo a major surgical opera
tion. contact. He will be missed by pa
trons of the Gazette Times be
cause of his habit of always be
ing on the wrong side of the door,
causing a repetition numerous
times dally of the question, "Do
you want your dog to go out or
is it alright to let this dog in ."
as the case might be. .
Miss Leta Humphreys is also
grieving over having to be separ
ated from her wonderful old Col
lie, Mac by name. He was given
the name of MacDuff, which nat
urally became Mac as time went
on. Mac had attained the ripe
old age of 14, which In dog life
Is the equivalent of about 98 hu
man years, and his infirmities
became so acute that it was nec
essary to have him sent to the
happy hunting ground. Miss
Humphreys at first said she
would never have another dog,
but after a few days changed her
mind and will probably be train
ing another younger one along
the lines that made Mac such a
fine old canine gentleman.
Plans Underway lo
Form State Assn. of
S. C; D. Supervisors
More Land Leveling
And Grass Seeding
Completed Here
Plans to form a state associa
tion of soil conservation district
supervisors was explained by
Claude Meyers, district supervis
or from West Umatilla Soil Con
servation district, at a supervis
ors' meeting of the Heppner dis
trict held Monday evening in the
county agent's office in the bank
The action was taken by the
conservation section of the Ore
gon Reclamation congress held in
Grant Pass the first part of No
vember in order to strengthen the
conservation activities of districts,
throughout the state, Meyers ex
plained. . -An
organization meeting to se
lect a director from the Columbia
basin work group will be held
December 29 at the Vendome ho
tel in Arlington Meyers announ
ced. Supervisors from districts in
the Columbia basin area will at
tend. Land leveling on 40 acres in
the Heppner district was complet
ed this month, R. T. Meador, con
tractor, reported. This included
20 acres on the Lewis Halvorsen
ranch, six acres on the Earl Mc
Kinney place and 15 acres on the
Howard Cleveland ranch.
Twelve acres of logged -off land
were seeded to pasture grasses on
the E. J. Blake ranch, the month
ly progress report showed. Other
seedings were made on the Bert
Peck, Paul Brown, Don Campbell
and Orin Brace places.
New farm plans were approved
by the district board on the How
ard Cleveland, W. W. Bechdolt &
Sons, W. A. Heath & Sons and
Sam McMillan ranches.
Soil consevatlon surveys were
completed on 2,240 acres during
the month.
Mrs. A. E. Pickering
Dies at Pendleton
Funeral services were held at
2 o'clock p. m. December 6 at the
Folsom Funeral chapel in Pen
dleton for Mrs. A. E. Pickering,
a former resident of Heppner,
whose death occurred December
2 at the Eastern Oregon State
hospital after a long illness. Bur
ial was in the Olney cemetery,
Mrs. Pickering is survived by
her husband and five children,
Ralph D. Pickering of Redwood
City, Cal.; Gladys R. Creager of
Menlo Park, Cal.: Merl C. Picker
ing and Georgia M. Taylor of
Couer D'Alene, Idaho, and Ross
, A. Pickering of Lone Rock, Ore.
She was 59 years, six months
and six days of age at the time
of her passing.
Fellowship Group
Meets in Heppner
Twelve ministers of the Assem
bly of God faith met in Heppner
Monday in an annual sectional
fellowship meeting. Sessions were
held afternoon and evening In
the Church of Christ.
Principal speaker at the after
noon session was the Rev. Hos
kins of Mitchell. Rev. John Run
yan, pastor of the Heppner
Church of Christ, addressed the
group at the evening meeting.
A news reelase from Stephens
College, Columbia, Mo., Informs
us that Miss Dorothy Cutsforth
will spend the Christmas holideys
at home with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. W. Cutsforth, north
of Lexington.
Heppner Merchants Well Prepared
To Meet Holiday Trade Demands
, lflT7)H If
: iTAL
Bangs' Tests To
Start In County
Monday Morning
Veterinarians are ready to be
gin testing cattle of the county
for Bangs disease, according to
announcement from the office of
Nelson Anderson, county agri
cultural agent. The work will
continue until all cattle are test
ed, he states.
This work is the result of a
meeting held last June conducted
by the county court for the pur
pose of determining the need for
Bangs testing in the county. Af
ter hearing the opinions of live
stockmen on the subject the court
declared Morrow county as a com
pulsory Bangs test area.
The disease control committee
appointed by the Morrow County
Stockgrowers association is work
ing on the program to make
schedules for the testing. Tney
are asking that all livestockmen
cooperate in the program and
each livestock grower is asked to
contact the county agent's office
and arrange for a date to have
his cattle tested. There will be
two veterinarians working in the
county and it is important that
enough cattle be lined up for
them to test Anderson states.
Chorus to Present
Vesper Program at
Legion Hall 19th
The Christmas- vesper service
which has been an annual ac
tivty of the Woman's chorus the
past five years will be given this
year at the American Legion
hall. Four oclock p. m. is the
hour chosen and the day wilt be
Sunday, December 19.
Several old favorites and some
new songs are being rehearsed
and the program gives promise
of holding unusual interest
Bible reader for the service will
be Mrs. William (Jane Huston)
Rawlins, whose talents in that
direction are distinctive and al
ways add quality to any program
upon which she appears.
Following the service tea will
be served to all in attendance.
A communication from Mrs.
Jerry Bolman (Harriet Heliker)
states that the earthquake in the j
Los Angeles area on December 4
shook them up a bit but no dam
age was suffered in Huntington
Park where she and Mr. Bolman
live. However the stores had can
ned good all over the floors, a
fact confirmed in news pictures
the following day.
At the annual election of offi
cers Tuesday evening, Heppner
Lodge No. 69, A.F. & A.M. ele
vated Harold Becket to the post
of worshipful master, Harley An
derson to senior warden, Harry
Van Horn to junior warden; re
elected R. B. Rice as treasurer
and elected C. J. D. Bauman as
secretary. Other officers will be
announced at the time of instal
lation, which will take place the
night of December 18.
Stanley Minor has returned
home after a visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Minor at Dal
lesport, Wash. The men are cou
sins and Mrs. Minor is a sister
of Mrs. Mary Stephens of Hepp
ner proprietor of Mary Van's
Flower Shop.
Harold Arbogast victim of se
vere burns about his face during
season when a lantern he was
lighting exploded has been taken
to Portland for plastic surgery.
The lantern had been filled
with gasoline by mistake.
I. Skoubo of Boardman was
among visitors from the north
end of the county transacting
business In Heppner Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mulligan of
Boardman were business visitors
in the county seat Saturday, hav
ing matters at the courthouse to
claim their attention.
Dr. L. D. Tibbies and family
were Portland visitors the past
week-end. The doctor attended
a Shrine ceremonial and also
took in the football game be
tween the Grants Pass and Jef
ferson high schools when the
southern Oregon team won the
ttate championship..
Additional Storage
Space Planned By
M. C. Graingrowers
Plans have been completed by
the Morrow County Grain Grow
ers, Inc., for the construction of
a new elevator at Heppner. Space
just north of the present elevator
will be utilized according to Ted
Smith general manager.
The new structure will be 26
feet square and attain a height
of 55 feet, being of the crib type,
and will have a storage capacity
of approximately 23,000 bushels.
Estimated cost of the improve
ment is $25,000.
Memorial Service
Honors Deceased
Brothers of Elks
The absent brothers, those who
respond no more when their
names are called, were memor
ialized in a fitting manner Sun
day afternoon when Heppner
lodge No. 358, B.P.O.E. held its
annual Lodge of Sorrow. The im
pressive ceremonial work of the
officers and the address by Rev.
J. Palmer Sorlien stressed the
lesson of brotherly love which is
a cardinal virtue of the order.
A feature of the program was
the Woman's chorus, which sang
three numbers to the delight of
all present.
School Boards Of
County To Meet In
Heppner Dec. 20
The Rural School Board of Mor
row county, in session at the of
fice of Supt Henry Tetz Wednes
day, set December 20 as the date
for the official presentation of lo
cal school district budgets. All
board members of the Irrigon,
Boardman, lone, Lexington and
Heppner schools have been invit
ed to this meeting. Each school
will present its "budget with such
explanations and comments as
are necessary, announces Mr.
The rural board feels that each
school should get the over-all pic
ture and to have a mutual un
derstanding of each other's prob
lems. A dinner will be served at the
Heppner school at 6 o'clock.
'The educational program of
Morrow county is of vital import
ance to the people of the county,"
Tetz said. They are especially in
terested in the financial support
of that program and that of
course will be the important part
of the meeting," he concluded.
John Day Man To
Run Taxi Service
At the regular meeting of the
city council Monday evening the
application of Jim Lyons of John
Day to operate a taxi service In
Heppner was given favorable
consideration. Lyons is now
awaiting word from the state
public utility commissioner rel
ative to his application for a
PUC license.
A rate schedule was submitted
by the applicant, who stated that
his car will be available for both
town and outside service. It is
thought that a car catering to
this type of business will not
only enjoy considerable patron
age in town but that it will also
be called upon to haul people to
and from main line points.
Little but routine business was
taken up at Monday night's meet
ing. The outgoing members of the
council are retraining as much
as possible from entering upon
new measures, desiring to leave
such matters to the new council
to be seated January 3.
Work of repairing the rear end
of the upper floor of the Masonic
building damaged several weeks
ago by fire is underway this
week, with Howard Keithley in
Alterations at first contempla
ted have been abandoned by the
building committee and the kit
chen walls will remain the same
with the exception that an open
ing will be made for the purpose
of serving directly into the din
ing room.
A complete new electric kit
chen will be installed as soon as
the repairs to the walls and ceil
ing have been made and the new
arrangement will make for more
efficient work when the cooks are
called upon to work In the kit
chen. It is expected that everything
will be in place by the 18th Inst,
when the big annual Joint instal
lation banquet will be served.
Christmas shopping is being
made easy for the people of this
section by the merchants of
Heppner. By that is meant that
stocks of merchandise are plenti
ful and selections are of a wide
variety and the quality is of a
high order, embracing many na
tionally advertised brands.
As the season advances Main
street is taking on more of a hol
iday atmosphere. Street decora
tions are in place (and the Christ
mas trees are scheduled to go up
this week end) and merchants
are making their windows attrac
tive with alluring gift merchan
Holiday gift shopping, which
got off to a slow start, seems to
be getting "in the groove" now.
The postoffice reports a pick-up
in package mail, although this
business has not developed to the
fever stage as yet. Incoming mail
Is much heavier, a lot of it due
to shipments of merchandise thru
this channel. Gift packages
should begin to arrive in earnest
within another week. The same
rule should also apply to outgo
ing mail by that time.
But back to merchandise. There
is everything one could wish for
whether it be something to wear.
something for the home, or the
many little things that go to add
zest to living, including electric
trains for daddy and big brother
Electrical appliances are much
in the foreground, what with at
least seven stores carrying these
lines. Almost anything in the
appliance line makes an accept
able gift to a person or family
not now possessing certain items.
Clothing stores, both women s
and men's, have many beautiful,
practical items that make gift
choosing an easy matter, and the
drug stores are fairly alive with
articles that rate high in the list
of the Christmas shopper.
So the slogan for this years
shopping is: Try Heppner first
and you will not have to go else
Wranglers Enjoy
Dance and Supper
Members of the Wranglers
Club and their families to the
number of approximately 75 en
joyed a dance and midnight sup
per at the Lexington grange hall
Saturday evening. Dancing started-
at 9 -4 -alternated between
modern steps and square dances,
with music provided by Harold
Erwin with his guitar and Mrs.
Linnie Loudon at the piano.
The midnight supper consisted
of hot dishes and pies.
Heppner lodge No. 358, B.P.O.E.
has extended an invitation to all
Elks and their ladles to attend a
party at the hall Saturday eve
ning, December 11, the outstand
ing feature of which will be din
ner smorgasbord style.
A smorgasbord dinner was
served by the lodge a few weeks
ago and proved so popular with
those attending that it was
thought well to repeat.
Due to the death of a relative
in Portland the Gazette Times
correspondent in Lexington, Mrs.
C. C. Jones, was unable to send
in her usual grist of news this
week. It is hoped she will cover
the more important events of the
past week in next week's issue of
the paper.
This Week
In History
to Dm. 11
A distinguished but unhappy
man died 52 years ago this
week on Dec. 10, 1836. Hli name
Alfred Nobel. NobeL a Swediih
scientist dereloped dynamite,
blasting gelatin and several
types of smokeleH powder. His
inventions brought him great
wealth but also ill-health, tor
the use oi his work lor pur
poses of death and destruction,
sickened him. In his will, he
left about 110 million to pro
Tide 5 annual print for the
moet outstanding cieaturts and
persons contributing most to
world peace.