Want fid's FOR SALE One HD7 triictrjr, 1360 hrs.; one new 14-It Mas : gey-HarrU combine;"' one uolt ; of two 4-bottom 16". Massey : Harris plows with patent hitch; three 10-ft'Massey-Harrls disc ; drills with hitch; one KB7 In .ternatlonar truck, 2800 miles; 35-ft. springtooth weed hog and hitch; 45-ft. John Deere flex harrow and hitch; 12 ft. Rose heavy duty disc; one 8-ft. sub soiler; two units of 3 Cheney weeders and hitch; one new Holland baler; one new Calk--ins grain treater; one heavy duty Gallion road grader; one ? 24-ft. grain elevator, can be ' used for baled or chopped hay; one heavy duty 23-ft. air com' : pressor and 2-way grease unit; one 6-wheel drive GMC truck. ' Frank Holub, Heppner, Ore. - -- - - -. 35-37p We have Just received, a . barrel f of permanent type anti-freeze ' and a barrel of tire chains. See us for 'winter protection, Roue- wall Motor Company, ......... t...jw LOCK & KEY service for1 GM csrrs. Hodge Chevrolet Co. FOR SALE-T-1941 Plymouth 4 , passenger coupe. Priced reas- onably. Charles O'Connor, lone. ' 36-37p 1941 Chevrolet coupe. Pay down $450.00. Rosewall Motor Co. .. FOR SALE 1947 Combination , RCA Victor radio and phono- graph. Phone 312. 1910 Ford convertible club coupe. . Pay down $365.00. Rosewall Mo tor Co. FOR SALE 1930 Ford model- A coupe, good rubber, motor In fair condition. Dan Way, Lex lnglon, Ore. - ' ' 37-3Sp Fords and Friends is our busi ness. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE"Everhot automatic roaster and table. Charles O' 5 Connor, lone. 36-37p We have truck flares and clear ance lights. Rosewall Motor Co. WANTED Reliable lady to look ;. after 2 children days. Vicinity of Case apartment" -Phone 2772. ' " ' - 37p Let us give your car a lOOO mne" tiine-un so vou can eniov win- f tor driving. Rosewall Motor Co,, FOR SALE "40" CtieV : 4-doOr H ! dan, In very good condition with excellent rubber, priced I reasonable. See Llndell L. Broadfoot or call 2242, Hoppnei) I 3G-'40f 117,. Unxta InolallnH a noUtl hi paint booth and can do a palritijj" K r, t;nnr inr that urill makf I J your friends think you .have a new cat. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Monarch rang in good condition, with water res ervoir. $65.- Lonni- Ritchie, ' Heppner. ' 37p Let us Install a new floor mat In your car to keep uufwUitet cold and dresa up the interior of your car. Rosewall Motor fO. FOR SALE Davenport and mat ching chair. Like new. Recent- ly purchased. Forced td sell be cause of allergy to wool. Tele phone 2383. L. L, Pate, Hepp ner. 37p Rosewall i& nover. undersold. FOR SALE First and second Jcron alfalfa Chay-sHynd Bros., Cecil, Oregon. 37-39p We have new and rebuilt Ford vand Mercury motors In stock ;for Immediate ; installation. Rosewall Motor Co. WANTED-jCoujOe to -llvei in my house In lone, rent free, for taking card of one-year-old ba--by. Earl Bailey, Morrow County Grain Growers, lone, -36-37c Vou can have your motor over hauled and a new paint Job 'on your Caf and pay for it on our convenient monthly terms. Rosewall Motor-Company. TOR-SALE One Model A Ford truck, good condition; one post or shingle saw. Dan Bishop, P. O. Box 394, lone, Ore. 37tf We have hot water heaters to fit "pickup -trttcksund- rmfwertfrer cars. Ride in comfort tnis win ter. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALEFirst grade aUaiTi hflv haled. First, second, third cuttirtSs. $32 per ton. 'Vft'G. Tucker, Stanfleld, Ore. 37-3p Now Is the hour to have' a new T, battery, Installed In youwar to irlve the-motor a realplnMhesc cold mornings. Rosewall Motor iCompsny. FOR SALE Two months old Airedale pups, Phona 30Fg. j3ft WANTED Rough ..ironing to do in mv homo iuv lone. Irene Dalzeil. v 37p If your front tires show excessive wear let us check the caster and camber ori youf front wheels. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED Anyone having tur keys or chicken lot sale plcaw contact the Victory Cafe, lone, Ore. . . - ... 22tXfl-,. . We have a Brady cooling system icleanet that will clean out tne .nr,lW avsterrf (ln'vdtif Car aria make It run 31ke- rww.1 seeus .'fnl a nlonnlntf 1nh at once. : RosewalLMotor Company Wc have alcohol and permanent Avoid "Annoyart And0 Disc omfbrfc due to a clogged sepcPrfeVortesSpboh I have purcKaseda.tankpump.and am,.in position to give prompt,,, efficient service. ; type anti freeze. See us early , and prevent a freeze-up. Rose wall Motor Company. Don't send out of town for any. thing automotive until you first try Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Gas Wedgewood trash burner range, water heat er, used one year. Complete ; with tank,. Also kerosene re , frlgerator. Can be . converted. All for $G20.00. Don Campbell, Lexington. ' 34tfc Keep your eye on our used car lot "fwyour'transportatton needs. Rosewall Motor Company. Wanted 100 automobiles that need painting. Rosewall Motor Company, , :- Legal Advertising TOTIOB OF mu HBABIHd ' . NOTICE IS UKltKUV U1VKN that th nnilrilKKKl.HU! AilmlntirtniKw WMh H will Anni-xeil of the Kntute H HAN NIB L. KELLER, deceaoed. tms fllwi hlB Final Account and report in tlie said eatate with the Clerk of thlo Court mid that the Judge .thertot haa nirea Monday, the 3rd day of January. law. ai me nour ol iuhui oftoi-K a.m.,' & the time, In the County Cuurtrovin in the Courthouae In Heppunr. Marrow County. Orwn. aal the, plana tiv QivkT--Inn obJectlonB to the said Final . Ae OUAI and the nettli-niMit trirwf ' ..a ... P. W. MAHONEY,.,. '' AdmtnWralor With a Will An . .i itextnl of the Eatate of Nannie L. Keller, deceased. P. W. Mahoney. Attorney for the AdminlSfraTor, Heppner. OreKon. 37-41 OTICB 07 FINAL ACCOUNT Notice 11' hereby Kiven ttiat the un deraiKned Lxecutor of the eaiate of JKKS1E H. FKUYN, dt-r-ajr li.w fifed With .the .Probate Court of the Slate of OreKon. for Morrow .County, its Final Account of lie administration of the eetat tic. aald deceaaed and said Court haa fixed Monday tiie 8rd day of January. 11H9. at the hour of ten o'clock In the foreaonn of aaid day at the Court 'Houae at Heppner, Oregon aa tne lime and place lot ht-ariiitr oo jectlona to aaid Final Account and the aettlement of aald eatate. and all per aona having objectiona thereto are re quired to file the aame with iald Court on or before the time fixed for aald hearing. ' Dated and first published iu M day of December, ly-la. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND IOREGON). Joa J. Nya. Attorney, Heppner, Oregon, , 87-41 OTICB OP BAX.B OF BEAL FBOP EBTT BT ADKINISTKATBIX , ' IN THE I'HOHATE COUKT OF THE OTATB OF ORiXiON FOR THE COUNTY" OF MORROW. In the matter of the KHTATE OF S. J. Bertn. Deream-- Notice la herebv aiven. that pursuant to an order made and entered, in said Court and Cauae. on the 8th d;ty ot Novenjbah 1948. bv'llie H.,n Ben lohn oni autkorliing and directing id ad- muiisEramx to aeiiT.-aa propurij, oi mt tttM vt 3. Devlou.'l eaJ. li:ii 1 III. on and afte rthe- ISth-dnv of I)e. cember, 1948, at the hour of 10:00 A M. at the office of J. O. Turner In Henp- r; Omtonalfer- lot jiale-auil- f'il t" the loltiwjrtl! t deactibed red proporfo-,. to-wM : I .. i ' MBirf abctlon 2. TOnshlp 1 itltUtanle 2S E.WH: S'-j tI W'4: Secrai-w of Sec. 35 r$"2 of NEV of Sec. 26. all In Tp. 1 N. R. 28 E W M. In Morrow County, Btt of OreC'l. ! The arimlniatratrlx n-aerxto the rierht to rejc iiy wl- all'tit.! ltil iH first publlalied this inn day oi No vember, 1948 MART PF.ARI. DEVINE. """"-AHmtntstratrlx of the estate 34 ot S. J. Devine, deceuacd. OTICB OP FIN AI. ACCOUNT Notice la hereby Kiven lliat tne un- deralcntd- F.xpcutnr of- the estate of CARL I'KTTKRfiON, deceaacd. haa filed with the 1'robate Court ol U'e aMaaa -i.Oraiotvtur" Jiurtvw 4JouuLt. hlB Final Account of Ins admmijilra- eatate of aald de,-eafel. nnu aald Court fixed Mond:iyi Uif 6Ui da of December. 1948. at tJa brnr of bm (101 oclock in the rorenoon of aaia any at the Court House at Heppner, Ortiton the tine and place for rearing. Ob jections to aaid Final Account and the settlement of said eatate and all peraone having objectiona thereto are hereby required to me the aame wiut aton court on or before the time fixed for aald hearing. r. ' i -. I . Dated and first nubltmipn "tms am nay of November, 1948. 38-g7 ' ; jos. j: its, sxeonor. BUatMONS Eqnlty No. 3779 IN THE Cllii't'IT -1'OI'RT OFi THE STATU f jaHBOON-ViB UK COTm of Morrow. 3. B. WALTON, , ... Plaintiff MORROW TitUKT?'. a public corpora tion. EMMA HIBRARD and JOHN DOE HIHHARD. her ImBlauid. ho- true name Is utl1tiitwrl to pllrliirtff. 1.. A. DORLE and JANE DOE DO RI.E. hU'wifn wllose true name It unknown to phrlirtifT. and the-un4 known heirs of said Emma Hihbard If deceased, and theunknowa heirs of sald'Ii. A. I.fcft.'1 rtecMSert Ao all other peraona or parties-unknown claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or interejH-ln the roni etwtt dea.-uU ed In the complaint herein. , Defendants TO: EMMi HIBliARD and JOHM DOE HIRrtAHD. her huaband. whoae true name la unknown to plaintiff. L. A. DOBLE and JANE DOE DOBIJ3, his wife, whose true name la unknown to plaintiff, and the unknown heira of aald Emma lltbbard.Jf deceased, and the iinxnown-TiMrs of a.ild L' A. no ble. If deceased. Also all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any UghV tlilft uits lleri or Interest ni' thf rwfl-fsmtr dearTlhe In tlie romnlnlnt herein Defendants. IN TILE, ft AM: VF THE STATE OF ORBfiOeV n -owfl eaeh- W you- are. hereby required to appear ann Hnswer nlalnUff s romnlnlnt filed airnln.lt you l. tTBVll.au, ejitltled Court a nil auea within four weeka from the dale nt tne first publication of thla atunnions.upon you. and If you fall tdj so appear ol' answer for want thereof plaintiff will ann v lo the above entitled t.oun ioi Ui raU(Hia4iu.iii Ula iuiuplaniL to-wlt: For a decree quieting line lo tne ,qllowlng described renl, property. sU itAt fiiviquavty'i Stflte. of - On gon, lo-wirt I ne soutn v& acres oi mu:. thlrty-Beven (37 wrat-and Lotstv-i en (7), all 1n rfivtroh Twenty-thi-ec (23), Township five (6), norlh, Range twentv-slx 126), Eaat fif (b and that It be adjuilged and decreed woiamciin mpr n mi . that the piatnttrr is me owner in m simple of said real property and that whatever Interest, or title you may claim to has 1ir talri tfldl - proparhf .fa null and void and that each ana all ot you and. all. poranna or parlies? clnim nig' PF. -tbrnttfrtj or mtwter . you te, fur ever barred and restrained of and from all rlnlnv rteht. title and Interest in in -tl aaa fl..pfuaaety ami livery pari inereiu, ana ior bucm oim.r anu ftirlher relief aa mny be Just and equitable. - i 1 Thl BiUnWOlSfi 1 SerM jntViU you by fmw micreialva. week.Tliv .Uw-Baiiuiinr taazettn limes, a newnpnper oi at'nerin Iri-ulatlon publtshetl in Morrow i.dttn- ifeiMTff ifht ly rotirt nr Morrow i:ouniy, ureKon. CHURCHES ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL , CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Holy communion and sermon, : 11 a.m. Junior Y.PF., 6:15 p.m. . Senior Y.P.F., 7:30 p.m. Wpek-dfty services: Holy com munion, Wednesdays, 10. Holy communion, Fridays,, 7 ;3u. Con firmation instructions, Wednes day, 7 p.m. , Choir practices: Gins, Wednes days, 4-4.nv' ?oys, Thursdays, 4 p.m. Adults, Thursdays, H p.m.. ASSEMBLY OF GOD - Pastor, Shelby E. Graves'. Sunday, 9:45 ' a.m.,. Sunday school; Ora Wyland, supt, We teach the whole Bible: 11 a.m., worship hour. 7 p.m.rYoung peoples service, 7:45 p.m;, Kva;n gelistic meeting. ;-s '. Monday (Dec, 6).2:30.ajid 7:30 p.m., a big fellowshipmeeling; Potluck dinner at 6 p.m) Wednesday,' 7:30"p.fn.J, Bible studyand' prayer meeting in lone, t Thursday! 7:3a,, prayei- meet ins and Bible study. vm i , You are invited lO;all thdse meetings. i Would -you-rike- 4o be rich? Psalm 119:72 "The law of thy mouth is better unt-tne than thousands of gold and silver." ' - f .t. , .t -.I I ? METHODIST CHURCH ; 3. Palmer Somen, miiuster. Sunday, Dec. 5: Morning wor ship and sermon at 11 a.m. Spe cial music by the choir. Paul Mc Coy, director. Sunday church school at 9:45 a.m. Bible class, also high school class. A class for every age.' 7 p.tn) Youth Fel lowship at the church, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bohlen, counsellors. Wednesday: Choir, practice (at 7:30 p.m. . . , , ' The Womans Society ot l nris- tian Service meets the first Wed-' nesday of each month. i .,..,T Li tvV ' ' HI ST. PATRICK'S CATHOUC v s CHURCH & w . uutume Mta Schedule of services: Mass in Heppner on the lsi and 3rd Sundays at 9 p.m.; 10 :3(J r Mass In Ion tinfthe 1st andir lots rprpivpri strnno cnnrlpm. Jra bunaays;at iu.j a.m., nuj.tion by the America Auttimo and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday oneSi mass-only in Heppner at 9 a.m on- the";2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass in. Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; masa - First Fridays of the month in lone at 9 a.m. t Mass in Heppner at 1:30. -.' : .. .01 .' ! ' ' l ti ' BLUEPRINT SYMBOLS' MADE ! PLAIN IN NEW BULLETIN i Many persons who suffer "from j "blueprint blues" when they at-' tempt to make "hvads ot tails' out of a house plan may find some assistance In a new. public ration hist released at Oregon State colleger'"'" It's entitled "How to Read a Housr''Plan" and i9:V.titten by John C. Campbelh extension spe- ciaiist in rural housing.' The pub-,itainlng program to provide bet licalrdn'iS an cgllir-"pae circular 'ter-trained mechanics for the na which explains by diagrams and) jl)n's garages '''-' i j 1 rj " brif text-mWTittf -atl of the.j common symbols Xound, in house;j(j,re carl deSinnlnsi fi): give' more plans, -blUBfMtrtt atvhhey are commonly called. -C'airipbeu haa attwnPled to ex-: Dlaln such common architectural ter,ms as iiiur-iUuiSj yjevations, cross-sectional views, bcaie, uiiii- ensions and symbols. Copies of- the' putllicatidn, HE'7;W12, may! be obtained from the local covin-. ty extension office or- by wilting direct to the college. . . .o .., It was spring in the country. ; L "How's .sentiment ,.ottt here?" ' asked a visiting politician. ' "Still going strong,", pnsweretl a farmer, "There were eight cars parked in my lane la'fttnight." : John T: Singsapatighr ' t A- -retired Infldstfiaf tycoon, talking to his listless grandson said, "Why don't you-go wit and look for a job? Why, when 1 wa your age, I was working for $3 a week. At the end of five years, I owned the store." , . , - u'You cant tio that'.'now,' was the lackadaisical reply. "They have . cash 'reKistars.!'-01rfa J. Fert in the Louisville Courier Journal. ,.' : ":" I'i'i iiSb ..TllC diner wa.s a chronic com plainant,' and the waiter was at the end of his rope because of hot -unrasonftble demands. "Why is It," the customer bark' ed) ".thnt I, neyor ,Wat I ask for here?" , -I'porhnpi mndanVi the waiter replied, "it's because we are too 1!48. and Hie dnte of the first roll- vii t Ion -:cl this .suiniiiuiM. Is November Atlorlioy -for I'liiintiff. TteslrteiKe nfltl'Post Off If "Address. ' Heppner, Oregon. w irornra or prwai. aooowhi-. NOTH'K IS 1IKHKHY tilVKN. Thnt the undersltjiied. as Administrator c.t.a. of the eatate of Win. r.reener. dix'eiued. ha fllml tns Final .Aoeaunt and t0tort In the Cdtinljt Curt of Morrow t'oimty, Orsttdiu hint salj Court hint (ixrt De rnmlier 27. 194S, at ill uYlix-k A. M. In the Court Room of paid Court at Hepp-neit-Cretruib. Uia . tu tuiU place ror the hearltiK of nbjertioiiH Ihetelu mid the setllemont of said estate. KUW. H. KHKUDKNTHAL. H6-4Q Administrator c.t.n. NOTICE TO CREDITORS - NOTICE IH HKKKHV OWEN thai Hie uruttl?nf,ri him bfftiS hily appoint ed by the Probate Court of Morrow (Ymntv. Stato of Oreiron. ailmlnlslratrix ht. 4hP pMMfl of LAVVHKNl'K L., 'BEACH, deceuHcd, aud all poirtops huv- iiiK claimn fttfHlUH t nt Paul eHiaio oi the said dproiwetl are horvby ronuirod enprs uuty vrn umi ny law o hh fain adnilntHdalrlx nt the law offlre of l W. Muhoney, at Hcppnwr, Oitkoii. with in monthf frm th 4nto heroof. PfttM- wnt flirt tnbllr4hfd thla Ufith nrrrt- wiqj nn pnonwrn inn .ami AdinlntHU-alrix of the Rstate of day Lawrnnre U Beach, deceased. eppner, QozeTirries,. Heppner, Oregon,; Dec. 2, 1 Oregon 4-H'ers Win Special Recognition SUPERIOR records in 1948 National 4-irDoiry Production, Boll Con. ervation and Itecreation and Rural Arts programs won three Oregon club mem bora special recognition. The winners and Iri.f outlines of their records follow: .A " Lawrence Allen, 18, of Bend, has ben named a sectional 4 H ". inner aa a result ot his oulatand iiig achievements in the National i d Dairy Production awards pro n um. During 10 years in club work,' LawTence completed 10 dairy projects and developed a herd of 18 Guernsey dairy cattle. He also has learned much about judging and showing dairy cattle as proven by his; records which show a first fa" the' Heifer -rrivi-Ston' at the-County' Fair, av first CD. the Young. Breeder's herd and1 a first -and grand champion -on-bl senlor cow at the SUtFair, and a flrat aud grand' chaniplon of the' 4-H Ooernsey at the Pacl So International In feooKnitlun ot bis achiwtiiaents In dairy tiroduc tlon, Lawrenae' was awarded an all-expense trip to the National 4-H t'lirte Congress, CWcago.'Pro vlded . by ' the' Kraft Foods Com pany. , V' ' . Henry. ; JaeTRer, 18, of Condon received the State winner's award tor outstanding achievement lp the 1948 -National 4-H Soil Con servation awards program. Honry put 'into' practiee-.fMii1 lj'sa- kig and building oparaJions ; I :.!v.,.f t. ri i. .. 1 e ui aaea J '- i . Lawrane Allan .'. Henry Jaeqar All of these activities are-conducted under the direction of the Exten. .. t lion Service of the Start -Agricultural College and USDA cooperating. I i ..... I , ..... tAufombblle-Assnr--Condemns Methods 1 The practices of overloading new cars with unwanted ac$jes.-' series, giving reasonably- Ww al lowances for trade-ins find; higb rtiark-nns on new car in'tised llile association at its atttlua! eon vjt'ntion in San Antonio, Tcxbs, officials of the Oregon StaigMo tcr association disclosed today on their return from the session. ; I At the same' time1 the -AAA aised those dealers who have rffused to-, takp advantage of to day's abnormal conditions and lytve refrained from the gouging practices rapped by the national group. tThe Oregon AAA officials, Dr. A. B. McDaniel, president of the Oregon club;-Kalphv1L-Coaji, trea surer; and Uaf C&iwtov, manaprer snia the national organization of ' motor clubs took these additional ;.inds in the interests of automo- i ie owners and users: if. Recommended car manufac. ,j,rers enlarge their mechanic j2. Urccd manufacturers, in fu- imsideration to safety features ajid to make repairs find peplacc nicnts Easier than In the present siyles. . !!3. Reeommefided that motorists (ii'termlnc by trial whether or not their cars will operate satisfac torily on standard gasoline and tllen use it n the interests of econ otny. A major switch from pre rriium to standard grade gasoline might save upwards of $200,000.' 000 in unnecessary fuel costs. M. Recommended repeal of the 15 per cent tax on foreign and domestic travel.' O ;,' , ... ' ; j5. Fvned upon the post-war "resurgence of soak-the-sttaSger enforcement tacllcs," and urged nation-wide reform in the handl ing of minor truffle 'cases, i 6. Condemned the "extremely hazardous idea'.'ipf installing tel. eyslion sets in automobiles and urged enforcement officials to deal firmly with anyone gmtty' ol such gross violation of sound driving practices, (J iior-'l iC Dr. McDaniel was named sec ond vice president of the AAA and Mr. Coan was elected to the board of directors of the national gfoup. The Oregon club is one ol the few motor clubs in the na-. lion honored by having two oflts officers elected to high executive pftsts in the AAA. 1 o 5 'Gazette Times Want Ads are SUre result getters. Try them and convinced. SWAN-FINCH Carried Weekly .Delivery. Service UMATI LLA V:! A V fhon9 ,21 SE Pendleton i i w 1 1 j t . . i. . v ; tdj j Suggestion ? .Insure art education for the . W.Mypung,,o.iies in you family. r BLAINE E. IS0M AGENCY HeDDner Phone 723 If f ' i 1 1 - H Marloric -avidion strip farming, terraci -. huilding check dams and diver. 'itches, and planting vegetation . eroded gullies. An eight-yc: 4-H'er, Henry has served his . . al club as president, leader r wl secre tary. In recognition of hi i achieve ments, he has been given a J50.00 U. o. bavingB Bond, provided by Firestone. Promoting recreational and handicraft work has brought State recognition to Marjorie Davidson, 17, ot Bend. Her record will be Judged to determine the eight na tional winners in the 1948 Na tional 4-H Recreation and Rural Arts program. ' Objectives of the program are to assist 4-H members in de. veloplng cultural and recreational opportunities in their homes and communities, help 4-H members develop a, higher appreciation of rural arts; make 4-H programs more attractive and self-satisfying and teach members to lead recreational activities. Each of the counties having an outstand ing recreational program received a ?25.iO cash award, provided by United States Rubber Company. . No, Decline Seen . In Furniture or Building Prices - f'That'hew' dining-room suite or sofa for o - living room is going to cost just as much if not more in: 1949 as it does now, barring sudden and unexpected rever sals pi the price curve. . Only -bright spot in the 1949 house- furnishings and furniture outlook seen now by an OS.C. ex -tension specialist is in supply. There will be more furniture and house'" furnishings available in 1949, according to Mrs. Myrtle Carter, extension specialist in home furnishings and clothing. Within comparatively recent months, prices paid by farm fam ilies for housebuilding materials, furniture and house lurnishings have continued to climb. Kate ol climb, however, has showed signs of tapering off in all groups of items. The U. S. department of agri culture is predicting new peak expenditures in 1949 by farmers for ueh ;jtems as - machinery, house furnishings and househoiu equipment. Farmers generally, according to Mrs. Carter, wai't iu better their living and working conditions as long as they see continued good incomes. Mrs. Carter says that building materials rose 12 per cent in the 11 - months' period irom June 1947 to June 19-jS, compared with a 47 per cent jump, for a similar period preceding June 1947. Prices paid by farm families for lur niturfi and furnishings increased 6 per cent between June 1947 and June 1948 in contrast to a 14 per cent step-up during the previous 12- monlh period. . Since many of the basic raw materials such as lumber and steel that are used in the build ing trades are also used in the manufacture of furniture and luiuse furnishings, Mrs. Carter says continued heavy demands will probably keep prices high. " ... - rj Radio Announcer: "Ttint in to morrow night same time, same station, same depressing news." Chon Day in The Saturday Eve ning Post. Try a (5-V Want Ad for results IJ HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30,. 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and centered at the Post Office at ' Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a vear; ' single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Eduoi LUBRICANTS, in Stock SALES CO. ', wd Bferi i ", ; , : r Oregon . . . . . . - k i a . 'II,. 948 1948 TItAFFIC ANNUAL NOW BEING CIRCULATED Oregon's 1948 traffic annual, a 32-paee booklet outlining the itatpwide accident record for last year, is now being distributed, Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry ; has announced. i Prepared by the state depart- i ment's traffic safety division, the ' booklet Is a pictorial presenia- i tion of the more significant facts j contained in complete statistical summaries for the year, Newbry said. Initial distribution is being made to schools, city officials, in- surance agencies, newspapers and civic groups, with a liberal supply reserved to fill individual requests. The annual underscores the type of traffic mishaps that claim the greatest toll and points out principal factors contributing to accidents, as revealed by the rec ord. A decrease in traffic deaths or 1947 is noted despite an all lime high in automobile travel. DAKOTANS VISIT HERE On a tour of coast states to vis it relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Burke' Lambourn and son Jerry, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bahm of Amidon, N. D., accom panied by Mrs. Clyrence .Larni. bourn of Tekoa, Wash!, were Sun day allernoon and nighi guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Bahm are the par ents of Mrs. Burke Lambourn, and Mrs. Clarence Lambourn is Burke Lambourn's mother. The Dakota visitors left Monday morning for Woodland and San Francisco,' Calif., planning to re turn home by the southern route. The Anderson family drove to Tekoa for Thanksgiving with the Clarence Lambourns. According to Anderson, there is quite a col ony of former North Dakota ns In and around Tekoa, some of whdrrt moved; there in ,the dust .bowl days. f- ! i , Jewell East is 'spending ?a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cox at Lexington, having come from her home at Prinevilie, for Thanksgiving at her sister's home. . -J 11 Your Sunday Dinner Problem Is Solved Drive down to the Victory Cafe at lone and eat a wholesome Chicken or Turkey DINNER your choice from the menu. Good Food , "': Courteous Service ' You are always welcome -" at the ' AIR CONDITIONED Victory Cafe. Roy and Betty Lieuallen lone, Oregon HOW YOU CAN EARN ON YOUR SAYINGS WltH Federally Insured Safety Use Portland federal Savings' convenient SAVE - BY - MAIL service. You get a good return. Your tavings are Federally In sured for safety up to $5000. Withdrawals are promptly paid, without fees or deduc tions of any kind. Lt ut lnd you compttl informa tion about our SAVE-BY-MAIl rvU now. Writt today. pant am) rtcLKAL Comer, 5th and Stark Portland 4, Ortgon GUARANTEED USED CARS '4 2DodgeTruck '42 International j Truck j '40 Ford V'2-ton Truck' '31 Model A Ford ! . i '46 Chevrolet 4-door , i Don't gamble - buy ( ' with a guarantee.; ; HODGE 1 CHEVROLET CaH 'plllllllim iff Especially Cast Steel ei ...4 1j - ii are Crvin for I will Gall for It i i at Your Place i I Pay IC A If you will have it gathered up in one I spot. Leave Word at Hodge Chevrolet Co. l i as to its location and amount and we will Mdirect the Buyer to your farm. T-Q'-O HodgeChevrolet j ;;;;Gompany j 1 Phone 403 Heppner. Oregon Pog7 Irort Mills I j i -If k. A It i i 1 j You SH HOWARD KEITHLEY P. W. Malionoy. Attornev for the Administratrix, 5 Phone 403- Illi1ll!llt!ll!llll!1lllllllillllllllli!ll!l!i;ill