Page 4 D s 2 & 32 a si V if s Sf 3 it aw? 1 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Dec. 2, 1948 Lexington CAFE will open under New Management ecem ber 8 Good Food Good Savice We will be glad to see our old friends as well as new ones. GLEN GRIFFITH Week's News About Boardman Briefed By Correspondent By Mrs. Flossie Coats Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root motored to Walla Walla on Thanksgiving day to see their new grandson, born November 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root. This is the second child and son for the Roots. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and family spent Thanksgiving with the Dean Ekleberrys in Hermis ton. The two ladies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Billings had as their guests, Mrs. Billings' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDan iels of Stanfield. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Petteys and three children of Pendleton were guests ot Mrs. retteys' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macom ber. Guests at the Clayton home were his parents, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Allen, Mrs. Anna Cramer, and Mrs. Maude Kobow of Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Conyers and children of Adair City spent the week end with Conyers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conyers. CIVI THI THRILLS OF HOME RECORDING plus a fine RADIO and PHONOGRAPH I! IN It mm ts mke mat wa now riU XMMhttt. Talk m mm- Ub fc u rswrt mck. m rate Im Tate aaataa tnpi m tacortfMt Baits ana tattatal lUeardta alaa caauiai a ftat ada ud a bMem. tool naia al racoroi ifHll mebm. Ami yaa eaa wkt noardlafli af (arte tadat aragnM ar at ktkural araadoMttl Everybody wants a Recordette by mcox-AT Tht RECORDING Radio-Phonograph Hm'sm raai bargain and jut in liimfiii Plulilinu giving ! For a limited time, the deaUr Ustad ba low it including 50 Christmas recording diaca and an assortment of needles ajrith tout purchase ot Recordatte. the RECORDING radiohonotTaph. It's a $100.45 rmiue but yo pay only $89.99, Recordette offers Tears of entertainment foe the ear tire family. Now too can make roar own records from microphone or "off the air. Record your Christmas greetings and mail to your friends. And even though Recordette Is a recorder, a radio and a phonograph, It weighs only II pounds. Take it with you anywhere I Comes complete with air plane luggage type carrying case, 50 recording discs, mailing envelopes, and needle assortment lor only $09.95. l7ss (SdMTY'S Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Shattuck and family returned Saturday evening after the holidays spent with Mrs. Shattuck's mother, Mrs. Delia Faulkner of Golden. 'dale, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood returned Sunday evening from a three day vacation with relatives in Salem. They visited Mrs. Har wood's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Packard, also Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Spagle. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Messenger spent the holidays in Portland with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Uram Messenger, and daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kunze, Mrs. Kunze's father, Layton Crane, also her grandmother, Mrs. Carrie Crane, spent the week end in Spokane. Mr. Crane returned to his home in Missoula. Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Russell DeMauro and daughter returned to their home in Klamath Falls after the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo and Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeMauro. Mr. and Mrs. Gust McLouth, Lelon McLouth and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole were dinner guests Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hooker of Hermiston. Mrs. Hooker is McLouth's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McClellen and family were week end guests at the home of McClellen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kunze. Miss Mabel Wilson, county home demonstration agent, was calling on the project Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen motored to Culver Saturday to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lehman. They were joined there by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill and son Keith who were returning from Fresno, Calif. The occasion was the cel ebration of Mrs. Lehman's birth day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderegg and daughter Barbara motored to Oregon City to visit relatives. Mrs. Anderegg's son James had the misfortune to get a broken foot and will be unable to work for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown are in charge of the farm during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sloan and two children arrived Thursday and are staying with Mrs. Tillie Poole at her farm. The Pooles and Sloans are old friends. Norman Nelson of Vernonia was on the project Saturday look ing after the Nelson farm. Miss Effie Bullock of Waldport was visiting on the project for a couple of days this week, going on to Pendleton-Tuesday to visit relatives. Frank Kunze's car which was stolen last week has been located in Portland. Kunze left Monday night for Portland to return the car. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen ger and family of Lexington were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gil lespie. The ladies are sisters. Mrs. Arnin Hug left Saturday for LarGande where she will visit her mother, Mrs. Katie Bickford, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Seale and Hi-lVays to Health By Ada R. Mayne TURKEY LEFTOVERS Turkey leftovers are undoubt edly the most sought-after left overs that there are in the ranee of meal planning. Who doesn't love to make a midnight snack of a few tasty slices of white meat from the breast of the noble bird? The homemaker has a slightly different attitude about turkey leftovers, however. If she can serve three or four good meals built around turkey leftovers, she is not only feeding her family well of a turkey pay its way on the familv hllHppt Snmo familioa H daughter of Jordan Valley werejget tired of eating cold turkey week-end guests at the home of I four nights in a row, and then Mr. Seale's mother and stepfath- Mnm has tn nlan wave nf sp. er, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stoltnow. ! ing the leftover turkey in an auiiudy wie party were dinner appetizing way. There are a num. guests at the home of Mr. and , ber of delicious dishes using left Mrs. John McMann of Pilot Rock. over turkey, many of which use Mrs. Laura Rowe arrived Mon-'a simple cream sauce base. In day from Portland and has taken dividual Turkey Pies and Turkey over the 3rd and 4th grades in puffs are two such dishes, both the Boardman school to fill the j tasty and easy to make and you yic-c inauc vauam uy mrs. tcuin na(i better plan for seconds they are that good! Salt and pepper 12 cup grated cheese Pastry Cranberry sauce Combine turkey, potatoes, carrot ; and onion. Add cheese and cream sauce. Season to taste. Place in individual baking dishes. Roll out pastry, cut pastry slightly larger than baking dishes. Place but is making the purchase on top of turkey mixture to bake. Cut silts in pastry. Bake in mod erately hot oven, 400 F, until pas try is nicely browned, and filling begins to bubble. Serve hot with cranberry sauce. Guests at the Charles Ruggles home for Thanksgiving were Mr. R,,trt.lis' parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ruggles of Wasco, and Mr. and Mrs. Lamur Sayrs of Moro, friends of long standing, me ei- GIFTS You Wi and HE Will be Arrow Shirts 3.65, 4.50 II be Proud to Give Proud to Receive ! Arrow Ties 1.50 to 2.50 Interwoven Socks 75c, 1.10, 1.25 Pendeton Shirts, Robes, Blankets Samsonite Luggage 15.00 Gabardine All Wool Shirt. Caber dine Part Wool Shirt. 8.95 Steti,5n Hat 10.00 & Jantzen Sweater, to 12.9S 6.95 Columbia Sweater 795 Clover Pajama, 4.50 to 7 95 Hlckok Belt & Billfold. 1.50 to 5.00 New Styles . . . New Colors . . . New Merchandise SHOP EARLY Our stock is complete. Wilson's Men's Wear The Store of Personal Service ft & m ft $ ft m ft & ft ft ft s ft ft m ft ft ft ft ft m ft ft ft & ft & ft ft k ft ft ft a ft ft ft Partlow, who has resigned. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allen of Torrington, Wyo., were guests for a few days this week at the home of Allen's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Allen. Missionaries Miss Frances Fos ter of Nyssa and Miss Vadis Koonst of Portland are holding meetings for the young group ev ery day at the" Community church. These two young mis sionaries are doing a wonderful work and the young people are urged to attend. Don't forget the Ladies Aid an nual bazaar will be held at the grange hall Friday, Dec. 3, begin ning at 6 p.m. There wil Ibe eats, candy, popcorn, fishpond, amuse ments, a good program and will be many pretty hand work arti cles to be auctioned. Have your "choice made before the auction begins. Here is your chance to select useful Christmas gifts. Individual Turkey Pies 1 12 cups cooked chopped tur key 1 12 cups cooked diced potato 12 cup cooked diced carrots or celery 2 Tbsp minced onion 1 12 cups medium cream sauce sauce Turkey Puffs 1 cup enriched flour 12 tsp salt 2 eggs 1 cup milk 1 Tbsp melted shortening Turkey filling Sift together Hour and salt". Beat eggs and milk. Add to flour mix ture. Beat smooth batter. "Add shortening. Beat 3 minutes. Fill greased muffin cups or popover pans 23 full. Bake in hot oven, 450 degrees, 25 minutes. Reduce heat to moderate, 350 degrees, and continue baking 15 minutes. While hot, make a cut in side of each puff and fill with Turkey Filling. Makes 6 puffs. AAttnluwH (op- Turkey Filling 3 Tbsp butter 3 Tbsp flour 14 tsp salt Black pepper 2 Tbsp chopped green pepper or parsley 2 Tbsp chopped, celery 1 Tbsp chopped pimiento tional) 1 12 cups milk 1 cup chopped turkey Combine butter, flour, salt, pep per, green pepper, celery and pi miento in top of double boiler. Blend well and cook until thick ened. Gradually add milk, stir ring constantly. Cook until thick ened. Fold in chopped turkey. Heat thoroughly. Serve in puffs or on hot biscuits. der Ruggles returned home Fr. day evening and the Sayrs re mained for a longer visit. Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded 'Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Iorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. From where I sit .6y Joe Marsh Why Dutch is Growing a Beard Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 112 The Dalles Phone 2635 114 E. 2nd St Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "We Go Anywhere.Anytime" That beard on Dutch Miller' chin doesn't mean that he' getting ready to play Santa Claua. He's simply paying off the election bet he lost to Cappy Swanson. And while some folks allow it's all a lot of nonsense like the wheelbarrow ride that Cappy had to give Dutch after last election day from where I sit, it's a mighty wholesome aftermath to a differ ence of opinion. Because good Americans all take their politics and voting mighty seriously. But when the issue's settled, and the die is cast, they accept the verdict tn a spirit of good humor. And that's as it should be when it come to any difference of opin ion. Some folks vote for beer is their favorite beverage others vote for cider. In fact, we all have differences of taste in almost every thing! But that doesn't mean that we can't live together in spirit of good fellowship. Copyright, 1948, United Statu Brewers F ouniation X? MILK fOI ' Milk to LVJ-CV There's .(wlfnlisji i profit for you in the lower half of your milk pail. That milk just pays for tlje maintenance of your herd. Your profit is in the extra milk you get over and above this maintenance milk. Help your cows produce their full limit of "profit" milk. Feed them Larro "Farm-tested" Dairy Feed the year round. It's a milk-producing, fitting and freshening feed. Yea, get the extra milk ... by getting the facts about Larro. See us today. Morrow County Grain Growers Association, Inc. Happncr - Lexington Ion Something for Your Home for Christmas W it ft XYV; W5 l X. .IS X MM IT-I. t 1 CONVENIENT , ISONTKLY PAYMENTS New Thrill Pocked crfcfoyifoal Combination Automatic Radio-Phonograph with famous MIRACLE tone cm Ntw improved changer plays up to 12 record Automatically changes records in 3'i seconds Admiral' perfected superhet radio Automatic bast compensation for tone balance Stunning cabinet with French gold grille Automatic Radio-Phonograph in the Entrancing Beauty of Wdnut MODEL 6F12, Only $9495 Beauty of performance, made possible with Admiral Miracle Ton Arm, ii matched with beauty of crafts manship. The cabinet is styled of fine walnut wood veneer and hand-polished to high lustre. 6 Tubes . ; , : : .: ,. :, .,, -,m ttma FTORfHTHJKE CO. ft