Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 02, 1948, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Dec. 2, 1948
Page 3
Among those returning to
Heppner for Thanksgiving was
Corabelle Nutting. She returned
to Pendleton Friday where she Is
a student nurse at St. Anthony's
Remember Everyone
Your Photograph
Family Portrait
Phone 2772
News From
C. A. Office
Much Interest is being shown
by our farmers concerning the
use of commercial fertilizers.
Main interest is in application
of nitrogen on wheat, especially
on lands that have been or are
being double cropped to even up
crop and summerfallow. Nitrogen
will also be used on a great am
ount of the irrigated pastures,
hay and new seeding on creek
Orville Cutsforth, Lexington,
and Ed Rugg, Heppner, are am
ong the several farmers who used
nitrogen fertilizers this crop year
who are very well satisfied with
the results obtained. Orville is of
the opinion that the wheat he us
ed the nitrogen on yielded 15-20
bushels per acre above that which
Braden Tractor r Equipment Co.
Your Caterpiller Dealer
It doesn't tike t crystal gazer to learn it pays
to hue John Deere Equipment serviced bf
your John Deere Dealer ...by our shop.
Why? For three important reasons: (1) Our
mechanics are trained to service John Deere
Equipment the way the factory recommends.
(2 and 3) We've equipped our shop with
precision tools . . . stocked it with only gtnuin
John Deere Parts.
No other shop in this community can match
this efficient, economical service. See us for
details the next time you're in town.
had no fertilizer. This is a good
increase considering the high
yields that wheat made this year.
Mr. Rugg used some nitrogen
on a new seeding of alfalfa on
newly leveled land. This new
seeding has become very well es
tablished and yielded this year
as much hay as is ordinarily tak
en from such a seeding the sec
ond year.
Nitrogen is available more gen
erally through ammonium sul
fate or ammonium nitrate. The
objective to keep in mind when
using this commercial fertilizer
is the amount of nitrogen avail
able. Application should be made
Handling this ammonium sul
fate locally this year is the Mor
row County Grain Growers. This
is a service to farmers which has
not been available before and
farmers are urged to get their
orders in for fertilizers. Nitrogen
fertilizers are very difficult to
obtain and unless purchases are
made now during the slack sea
son there will not be enough to
go aronud when the big demand
comes in the spring.
. .
The county agent is attending
Eastern Oregon Wheat league at
Condon on December 2, 3 and 4.
While there he will act as secre
tary for the taxation and legisla
tion committee.
We don't like to talk about
cockroaches because they aren't
so nice and they are quite a nui
sance. But now they are get
ting rid of them an easier way.
This is by use of Chlordane a
relatively new chemical which is
a sure-shot treatment for the
troublesome roach.
Chlordane comes under a var
iety of trade names. It works
equally well as a powder or as
a spray mixed with deodorized
kerosene. If you can't find any
at the drug store, it is available
at this office.
The Hereford breeding herd at
Oregon State college has been
supplemented by the recent ar
rival of thirteen head of young
registered cattle. These cattle
came from Earlscourt Farms Ltd.,
Lytton, B. C, and were selected
by Profs. Fred F. McKenzie,
Ralph Bogart and Joe B. Johnson
following a long and careful
After being subjected to a per
iod of test feeding the young
bulls from this group will be used
on the cows in the herd at Cor-
vallis and on those at the branch
stations at Astoria, Burns, and
Union. Offspring from each of
these bulls will in turn be mea
sured as to efficiency in the util
ization of feed, rapidity of gain,
quality of carcass, and yield of
meat. This is but one of Ore
gon's research programs in beef
cattle improvement through
breeding which is geared into
the national effort in beef cattle
research under the Federal Re
search and Marketing act.
Beef cattle at Oregon State col
lege are now managed on a per
formance basis that is, in addi
tion to appearance, animals are
retained in the. breeding herd on
the basis of performance. The
cattle from which these new ad
ditions came are thick fleshed,
deep quartered, heavy loined cat
tle that feed well and show re
markable uniformity in these
Ten of the present importation
are sired by Atok Lionheart, a
bull bred in England and import
ed to Canada. The other three
are by a son of Atok Lionheart.
The spring of 1949 another elev
en heifers and two bull calves,
all sired by Atok Lionheart, are
due to arrive at the college.
Bogart attended a meeting of the
Drs. Fre dMcKenzie and Ralph
technical committee of the re
search and marketing act beef
cattle improvement project held
in Salt Lake City, October 15 and
16. The eleven western states are
cooperating with the federal gov
ernment this fall in this program.
All the states are interested in
developing lines of cattle that
are superior in efficiency or pro
duction. Oregon is studying the
influence of environment on ef
ficiency of beef cattle. They hope
to determine if strains of cattle
superior In one location are gen
erally superior. This study is
made by breeding cows in Astor
ia, Burns, and Union and Corval
lis all to the same bull or bulls
and testing the offspring as to
efficiency of gains and produc
BETWEEN 4:30 and 6:30 P.
To avoid danger of serious breakdown in the electric systems of the entire Pacific
Northwest, with consequent loss of industrial production, jobs and curtailment
of growth and prosperity in your community, USE OF ELECTRICITY MUST
Here's how you can help:
Between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m., eliminate all space Keating by electricity; In so
far at possible, serve oven meals prepared in advance of 4:30 p.m. and
confine surface cooking to the fewest possible .units; wash dishes and bathe
after 6:30 p.m.; restrict washing and ironing to the morning pr after 630
p.m.; turn off all lights not actually needed between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m.
Between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m., reduce use of electrically operated machinery
and equipment to a minimum; eliminate pumping, air conditioning and all
ornamental and less essential lighting except as necessary for safety.
Turn oil or reduce to a minimum all window display and ornamental lights
between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. Reduce air conditioning during these hours.
Y,. Reduce use of electrically operated equipment after 6:30 p.m. Cut use of
outdoor and indoor electric signs and lighting to minimum between
4:30 and 6:30 p.m.
To keep Jobs going-keep prosperity growing
Pacific Power & Light Company
In cooperation with
Jones, demonstrators; Irrgon.
Wednesday, Dec. 8, Mrs. Paul
Slaughter and Mrs. Viola Berger,
demonstrators; Lexington, Fri
day, Dec. 10, Mrs. Thelma Sme
thurst and Mrs. Trina Parker,
All homemakers are urged to
attend the meeting closest to
home or at the time most conven
ient. Frying Pan Halitosis?
If your fish pan has that ling
ering odor that even your best
friend doesn't have to tell you
about, how about following Mrs.
Edna Hoffman's example? Mrs.
Hoffman is a Myrtle Point house
wife who thought that what was
good for you might be good for
the offensive frying pan! So she
tried a dash of popular mouth-
iwash swished it around in the
jpan. Presto! The fish odor was
Mrs. Russell Miller, Boardman,
is the new member of the county
home extension committee. She is
taking the place of Mrs. Beatrice
Daniels who has moved from
Morrow county.
Schedule . Home Extension
rTJnits , .
Subject: Poultry Cookery.
Lena, Thursday, Dec. 2, Mrs.
Eb Hughes and Mrs. Jerry Bros-
nan, demonstrators; lone, Friday,
Dec. 3, Mrs. L. A. McCabe and
Mrs. M. E. Baker, demonstrators;
Heppner, Tuesday, Dec. 7, Mrs.
Gene Ferguson and Mrs. Alva
No Decline Seen in Furniture
or Building Prices
That new dining room suite or
sofa for the living room is going
to cost just as much in 1949 as
it does now, barring sudden
and unexpected reversals in the
price curve.
The only bright spot is in sup;
ply. There will be more furniture
and house furnishings available
in 1949, believes Miss Mabel Wll
son, county home demonstration
Prices paid by farm families
for furniture and furnishings i.:
creased 6 per cent between June
1947 and June 1948 In contrast to
the 14 per cent hike during the
previous 12 months period. While
prices paid by the farm families
for building materials and house
furnishings have continued to
climb, there have been signs of
tapering off in all the items.
Since many of the basic raw
materials such as lumber and
steel that are used in the build
ing trade are also used in the
manufacture of furniture and
house furnishings, continued hea
vy demands will probably keep
prices high.
Available at the home demon
stration agent's office is a new
extension bulletin entitled, "Can
ning for Home Food Preserva
tion." Intended as a reference
book on all common problems in
home canning, the bulletin brings
up to date latest findings in the
Non-acid and low acid food,
such as meat, fish, poultry anj
other vegetables except tomatoes
are canned safely only in a pres
sure canner, say the authors. Ad
vantages of preserving surplus
fruit, vegetable and meat pro
ducts are that it orovides a ereat-
ier variety in the diet, reduces cos.
of living and releases commer
cially canned food products fo
ot her purposes.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Billy
Bucknum for Thanksgiving were
Mrs. Bucknum's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Everette from Glen
dale, Calif., and her brother, Lt.
Jack Everette and wife from Spo
kane, Wash. It was the first op
portunity the grandparents and
with his
"Greg's Gossip on Sports'
Tuesday, December 14, 8 p. m.
At Memorial Building in Condon
Adults $1.20
Students 60c
Watch this Space I
For a Special
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. A
uncle had to see Patrick William, jkane for a short time. Lt. Jack
infant son of the Bucknums'. Mrs. Everettte is scheduled to leave
H. H. Everette has been here sev- so n for Okinawa and his wife
will accompany the senior Ever-
eral weeks and her husband
drove in from Glendale last Wed
nesday. They will visit in Spo- j his absence.
ettes to Glendale to live during
"S3 ,
P fc,.irf I
- $19495
Also available
without lighf or own timer 169.95
Get BIG range performance in space or a hot plate . . .
at apartment range price. That's right. This new
Montag Apartment Model takes only 23" x 25 to give
you the advantages you want in clean, automatic elec
tric cooking. Come in to our appliance department
today and see how it solves your problem of limited
room and a limited budget.
Four standard size "T-K" surface units. Each
one has five cooking speeds for instant heat.
They're the easiest cleaned unit made.
Full size, automatic oven. Genuine Fiberglat
insulation saves current
One-piece porcelain enamel top won't stain;
has no grooves or comers. Saves time, work.
Get out your yardstick now and see how much spice
this beautiful new Montag saves you. Then, come in
right away and see all its modern features.
We'll tell you that Frigidaire refrigerators are
the best made. We honestly believe they are.
But don't take our recommendation don't
even take the recommendation of one or two
of your friends. Take the recommendation of
eight" million frigidaire refrigerators built and
sold since Frigidaire began making refrigerators
more than 25 years ago I
With such a recommendation, you just know
that Frigidaire is a dependable product.
So, when you buy a new refrigerator or
other appliance for your kitchen or laundry,
look for the "Frigidaire" emblem . ; . look for
the "Frigidaire" name. They tell you, "This
appliance comes to you with the recommenda
tion of 8 mitfion Frigidaire refrigerators built
and soldi"
Frigidaire products for your home are:
Refrigerators Electric Ranges Water Heaters Ham
Freezers Automatic Washers Automatic Electric Dryers
Electric Ironers Kitchen Cabinets and Sinks.
Heppner Appliance Co.