Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 02, 1948, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Dec. 2, 1948
E D I T 0 R'I.'Ali:i Ji A.
A 1
Hum on Factor Overlooked
MoM fxfiplc hereabouts v ho give the Heppner
flood control dam any thought whatsoever appear
lo lx more concerned about the monetary aspects nj
... m. I'rijtvi omit i uninii laiuu iinuimi. j . . .
' due something
u 14 true uiai me nam ana us use ror irrigation doubt
on a limned basis would affect the futBre; ecoa-r
nui administration do to help business, the labor
group, trie farm group, and all the other groups,
particularly those claiming the credit for win:
nrng the presidency for the man from Missouri.
Heppner Gazette Times,
TXt't'llil'i'l M, 1918-
f'ext Tuesday jp rflifi f at 8 oV
clock the first number "'of "the
iiyna and also Master Don Case
1 who-will-spend the-week-.end.at.
Butterby Flats.
ho nrpsentod at tVw Mah chnnl ""' nepuner oaiuruay irom
auditorttw-tnj tre ffipilre7af ! their Bight WUe. )vrae, Walter, is
Heppner mgh Jschowl.' v nJi H . .t" ? "JS .,Br
spell of sickness which followed
tond hteurnill tiav'ttt'saraa- i . ,. ., , ,
salaried commentators have to '-pro-1 times, our good friend Guy Shaw ! ' Desert ArtgHt, wtio Suffered a
, . . . Lf fi uli(vi'uvffkiijit lis n brokro reg a short time' agV srrd
ing and while many of them, no !,VlH!!iSL,,l.t" ha been?tn WtaTslnl
" "v; "-' tu no,c iiou flrlrt a rin hunk nf nnrk tPndPr.
J Oiejr eorrttacta cancelled the day after election, loin. Good country pork is a spe
v.. ..,1. ... ...... J,.,- . ... ,,,!..
of the project has been given due consideration. ..
, . . . . i out to go on prognosticating with the hope that
by the engineers, but in making then -deoiSionJLv ,. , , . .,
' they, will httan occasional bullseye.
whs the human factor that led to eventual indu- ... , ., , .
- i . , , : K as doubtful tf any of the segregated groups
ion of ihe Heppner flood control work This In- .,.,....,. ... . t ,...,
' , - v will get all they ask for, even if the administration
eluded not only the matter of saving lives but in u , . , , , ,, 4 .
should feel Inclined to beT generous in repayment
presen ng and protecting the living in their pos- , ... -
Iheir !. ... 5 v .-..' ' . i
uiai triwriea mi. iruman; neiiaer was it me rarrrr
sessions their homes, their associations,
plans for the future. There was a strong impulse
at first to move the town away and thus remove
the necessity for constructing a dam which It was:
known without much figuring would cost several
million dollars. From a financial standpoint the
government would be ahead, as a town the size of ;
Heppner could be bought up lock, slock and bar
rel at present prices for much less than the dam
will cost under present construction rates. After '
making a survey and weighing the human factor .
the engineers chose to build a dam that would '
fortify the town against destruction by a storm
flood and at the same time aid In the develop
ment of the valley between Heppner and the Col
umbia river. " ( . . .
CM the other side of the picture, it is doubtful
group .or; any oti&aBi (grour--lt Vas alr ,t(
cial tfett, Jto Hm of yei and
Guy lias the thanks of the entire
GT family. ,fptj"jhi! jdndjremem-
C&B lieiAtRetv S rrtnUi2iir.
lough for 10 days from the naval
station! i;Pusv. jtajrter.Ueeil
has been across and nark five
times on ; the,, Atlantic' 'and' 'has '1WuJ $PiJ&-8i&l4r
h a d ' some witrntf Jttterfehce;
his vessel httCkig'-asBiswd to the
them combined, a mjoxw.f them, small as trSat ldestruction ,tJa4tilM91CSet.
majority was, and W4wtgaHon it to all 6f the ., . ' ;.'U V t""1
people if he is to fill his mission as president. Dr. ;N.,,.; WytparcJ J!&tcJosi,h;g
Mother thing to be considered is that ; SSSgSI
man trailed most of the riew-congiremeriiThe;h.is -jww location, it.geiie.
coattail riding was done by. the preenrNTnil'hftJiJQrYtaiii.
ct thht JnreS ; :1:M" :-3Ti'
was 'able' to -leave that 'Instlru''
lion" -Wednesday By"'the' usei-of
crutches. "' .'- "
' W ' .! iu:i:i !!)
"rVf:B.'- Hatnes,' popular1 nH
man of lone, -was'dotrlg bdslrtess
iti Heppner' Tuesday:' - ":
: --j :. I.... uj . 'i )'; lit-' :
;;:AiTrqedsor' at.JiJj'fo'a5
teei.' hieri' . rhurk rrtuefts 'Vif' fhe
Woxgan.'.sectioD, , were' caHJre
) y,?.: j;:;-J, 'j. f j u.ftyX irit :V"'ttS
t .George A1lyniwasAip,rom,JJXr
lOg.ton,. .Tuesday , afternoon ,wltFi
!his young son. who waaiui'fBrinii
iiM.jiUHry i nis.,nana,.;ausefjnjji1
! nMit:nd Wr?il)on''Tir:er. And
dauRhter.Oiony jix)n.?irt.ui-ied
remove the rubber stamp aspect, . that .toJore3 .'p&- XaWl!S K?
previous democratic administrations, but it is not
a mandate to the President and Congress to swing
to. the left and lead us farther along the paths
of socialism. r -! ,
Who Said We Will Not Forget?
esdftv rorh.is. ripch , fin. gutter jfc. Mrsi,JUTtmiMH
rvla.o :u.k oh Inir, him. an.V.oJ " - " " -"" 'B
U many of us hax-e h- more thaft?assin tri'' me with broken and aiseased
I J 'S' r Jl: t'o spena trie tnanKsstvine'vaWP-
..u pifcMfm tjon-wert Beriy-VotWrritfriairiw
,us w'HomrttfMerid;-- Cyrrt SwciWow nMIss
When the government hospitals began: to:fillljMinor-i gq srn,e,;oi.hei: a&flffi- j . , ,
In. October. Report...
Aorordirtg to.an a,nn6uncernei
by jJtr.);ElalneOejPS' tooti
countj "chairm5n' ol ilie Savings
Bonds Division nf the TfeasurV
DeparlHiart,j feile1hd 'reiiemp-
Hon figures th-6rdgorr tor 'the
month ofVOctober am mnit en
coiJWglrt4 fUtipjvtrtarnWei
Oregon4alektrrthar-morrtti was"
$3,931,000, which tejfceeded sales
fg QciobM, 49, by $278459.,,: ,
. t,. the satua tUneK rjdqmptions
lrj, .Octqbir of.; the.- present ,yea
fell , substantially as compared
Vyitfi rpdernptiohs a year ago. the
total amount of pavings bonds
which, Vere .matied ,nr. cashed,
in by Oregon people last mopta
was S3.3S5.478,- a sumvJlas.Saa
Isss than the corrotiuu.n4iH2.iiE-
.s,. fpigeeAipresed the view
that. tni showing., is. rather, -as-
toaiijhinf hefiaH.s.ejOt .ujifayorablp
coitUjn o several loca).;areas,:
A-j.iit i puatipn' , to( ,t h , Jon gshpre
is(ik fca;aMecte(d,at.good jnany
Qfegqnias.ifld.tlie.naturai sup
BofWfi 9W(iiP9j,(i!at.isaif,,las,t,
rnonthwquid, sb .down, .fn&Mf,
demotions un...,n.- ,.. .
,,.(A( ihepreserii hraa the ,treps,,
ury , aepart,raen'8 ., saving . bonds
division is engaged in, tnany Ora
?.J?te0tS'ln a campaign, design-p4-8
M?!aP..t',PinMWber, o;Bai.
Wfflrtwge leaders on.Uie'payi
roll . savings spjaq ..by-unoie -than
JlOOQ. iiAy tie.ajno. tims, . efforts
ajre.iieirjgadett add pubstaai
tiaUy, jh.e.'. i?mnberh qf . Or,egQri
, .v.:.i .utTi.di nJ)., Vij uJu-:j .'1--
' Doaies,.. young rnen who had faced death , on a
uuu ut - t-!-. ui ux me PPa hnfidrrt fronts that those of us at home -.mlghtij
we are not laminar wnn ae-eiopments xr tnis jv
type except from a distance and cannot formulate
a vision of the effects, and changes created by-v-having
several million dollars spent in our im-i '
mediate vicinity. If we couid visualize the mag
nitude ot this development -we would not. be
content to sit idly by and invite another disaster. '
No, indeed! We would be getting on the job and
doing everything possible to secure this: protecci. i
tion, as well as experiencing a period of expan-i !1
sion and prosperity heretofore not included In our , .
plans for the future. ul-v
Hindsight Is Safest -
To most of us is given the ability to judge by
hindsight rather than foresight that is, our
guesses are better on the things that have hap'"
pened than on those that are to happen. This was
demonstrated in a practical manner in the recent
general election (mention of names not neces
sary) and since November 2 the comparatively
e in comfort and enjoy what we choose' to call
the American way of life, we were mighty grata-
ful: Our hearts overflowed with sympathy and we
gave generously of our worldly goods that these
defenders of democracy might enjoy such com
forts as their eonditiorv warranted for tho i short
span of life left to them. That was during the war
and in the years immediately following, - j,rl,
' How quickly we forget! The war ended about
three and one-third years ago. Our hospitals axe
' stin full of broken and diseased bodies of war
veterans who must look to a generous public for
comforts not provided forunderJhegoyernment's
hospitalikatron'jjlan. And il is vritb. regret that he.
fact must be stated that the public is listless and
apathetic when requests come for flowers tend
othet gifts to brighten the lives of these bed-weary
patients'!,' . f. '
It is somewhat of a problem to stretch the fam
ily budget over all of the requests for funds of a
-charitable .nature but in this instance there is
work, ia. modeling, ..It, is. s.busL
hiahness BiU,iiohenwllern..-wnQj
beenwi3umroew.wnpected , I rtA P ITlPAt jtltt:vO V illi 2,J.-'i'v ; W
v. Jwith.thaGan.-gijVMrunentnol J J , "t.y.i
so lonff since. .. - .. i 1 . . - i . . . xjtjjlo i , sni io u..;
:'. Y h: i.n ','- iq to inw-rtut
few venturesome souls who thought theyj knewjj .ampleustifipation for urging that it be stretched
the answers are exercising extreme caution in to the limit, if necessary, to provide a Christmas
"! , A 'wteaH or a Cherry plant for a World W ar veteran
publishing -what they see in the crystal ball
The thing most of us are interested in hSs to
do with our prosperity what will the all-out Tnu
In'the hospital at Walla Walla.
We miift not forget! We cannot afford to forget!
wants to know what the people
of Oregon think about the many
and varied problems of state
and is doing something about it.
Immediately upon his return
from a short California vacation;
legislature.; ,
Mr. and Mrs. McKay visited
friends and relatives in Southern
California, stayed a few days at
Palm Springs, stopping at Sacra-
memo on their return trip for a
he announced he would devote ; conference with Governor Earl
the- next two weeks following i Warren and arrived home in time
Thanksgiving Day to meeting in- Ifor Thanksgiving in Salem. 1 A
J : . j i m : I - I
u,v1Uua ana groups ior oim:uS. McKay said he had no political
sion of pertinent state problems .,,,, , ' K-
McKAY A'EEADTING ibefore betrinnine' the task ' of (in tat. rvioitinmi nnrfpr his inri.
Covernor-elect Douglas AUKay 'writing his message for the 1949 j diction occur he wilt eiideavor to
4W 11
m '
She's No Last Minute
She has made her selections
while the merchandise is still
desirable. . .
Start your Christmas Shop
ping now. . . You can browse
about at leisure, selecting
the right gift for the right
people.' , .
.'t .pi. saS.iiirai,-ft.. .f rj-y-v
Cecil; itmraniakUs ACft
Hyndsaujtoed;., tp, .Heppner on,
Thursday , an. d , jpok .tjieif.,Tha nte;.
trivinti, dinner. .with. Dr. and. Sirs..
Butler, burning- hftrije on-Friday
acompaniea foy ierp nq .Anrue
.':..: :.j )t.iiiot .
appoint rajns.fuiBtegryaqd
ability. .'ivo!'4n iori-'oa tj C
"One of the first things.J,,vill
do,",be saidv "after afisjiming,jof
fitrwin:tft;tefm(l)i...ul!?tin to sttsjempyiesi.iBalQtiijgqut
the need o sfeedy andjourtoiis
treatment, .on vthjeirj -paljo , the
public... iii,.-. ij-un M.-iitt -boittf!
"While Oregon -has; many prob
lems, none, oijtrierfl.iarepinsuj,
mountablft.; W-WHlt:lwfSt
Oregon has twaii hfc' .leaps.. aj
bounds dunina M p$t,few': yeais
and .will WiljrujMB gto, tjW'e
must devise . aB..0.rderiy,oplau
whereby ;,ww fa abswbthis, in
flux, ef , HQputfiorp Wifhpi ,nef,-4
mltung.isiuiH) a? ,ana-ifhar
ronditwna ithasrnrli tjg .itrqe
populatiofln'fa -oi lfeja8Vf
."Wuh ail flur.j.piqbietr,:;, tip
continued. i(" we, bgprturiU
ties tOi';dPYplQB nm tta;!flif
must not baioyetjpoked,';!)- siiiui.'
inw-rtumoi t
i witiinuio!-.'i!nKil'i'i
lo .rD.)..'j.-!j Jlu
u .... ... V
tt::r.l.t l.vikj SHU
' ' ' ! J! J!
KMmH 'Mill Jji' -fLltf I
. .rar, jkl" itai .
'..--".t i' lh Jl.'f Jl. UT....r. D..V
.aiHXia . i-'M inij Jrw
-busiy. lli'Jiaji.-srit c.'Oij
tUtdetstb .aiwftui wob- oiii
I xnui:f:tir -ui.uuci
bA iOUOJ Ud J in
r".'iWX' of-
d fi (i 1
aaisiT .t:.it.tftrlXmBA srti
19T1A 1 1 tit 1ft P U &
ij:4rul-;ii0irjf; (,JliVJ mi6, ti'.'
i8 fioJrn t la Iu i
4'i f: fin ( Hi stitj
ltf 5-oIJ)'vya jl
m0',i i
J NoiMnj thrilli'A fWaia hhtt llW'd liiiriad Jfxt tj"1 a
infants' wear
costume jewelry
purses .
. scarfs
gloves . .'
Governor-elect Doiglas.'MeKay
sent his resigmwio'rpas staW-sanH
ator o' 8ecretafy fjSM,teEai!l ,Tj
Newbry tast-TUesdayimortitagj: As
he was a inembep-of the import
ant JegislaUvft intwiin-) op remit
tee on highways tba ipsignifjttj
was not delivered uwj) .tte-a)n-i
mlttee ' report"was completed-.
Secretary s NetKbryi: hasiinetified
the Marion' Joeurrty; caurt? aii the
of the court 4ayibewitfc,-rnrti he!
able to decide i who iwili succeed
McKay'Unril. aftep-itedaYiberi Si-
'The ppointol;senatai.'rraiy cast
thS'i'idooldingirvof&i tafrbTeakVie-i
monthiaid tie': for: senate preaif
dent between - Cari.'EBgdahl-HWr,
of' PendtettMin and-''ijiiam.l E.
Walfcrp.'HR.)' of jCoos! Bay.inoy
leading contestants ((. jt;x
'Sfcme5 'nVflclkf 'U'hb"nf'eiVrteal'tb
forget the: tro',ttfrVafherItffaft:spbft
a "eood' ' stbf r' stirred '"t hVe-kossi r'
that tffftn'hrianclal'iaTldirriV'
FtinH hn lertnafffTtrl'Tiv' tfie-irrfJ
fi;n'nu fxitA 'rr-ttflnW rtfiMittP
Lilt; uju tyiri7. u icuuita uii
ies: nM WheieWmflrlhgm'
hV the state veterans'lfeBa'ftmerrt
are ihdlcartve,. :the:fat's'tbred'ft
is tops,' Bras 'wlll 'be Wtiened' W;
Money 'dH'erlrrrf'fri'th'fe saVpi
th bonds Wltl tikea ifof Veter
ans fiorhe1 and'arrrl'-lbSns.1' ''r', : V
: .Mi o.i I t u un--)if''-"'i-trt6
t; The .onoe-honored old ,reuhjl,-J
can snioxiifir,; u, jviajflij, wptKy
preceded the,chaxts.ot,cale-,faced
coun,ty,.iux8 na.ve, neepj saying,
'"A .Crook county, ues. so. firius
the nation," ,Antl tbe-y.hftWen,
statine. a. fact.v.Tlje,;courilj(,.lias ,
voteq on tne winning sine.n,-,
ery presidon.tlaJ ;eectki Jut ;tpc(re
than three score, years. This year
there ytte , 114a.,votes,J,ca.'4.,Jn.i
crofk . county. lfx lru1mau.jaod
OKA fnr riQiiiov ' '.""
WHAT; toO btUE OX 'JH'jit 2
rf-4 i- ci;jir(' "rU uiil
Thanksgiving' dinnernby .the
ton. Literally , that what hapt
poneel at the 12 'largest state in-
st i tuttorwi i Novprabw j25:nAr: comni
bined budJJ menu: would iraad
mfjitirrthinBi like 'thin: Soastlotun-
key, tiuriie Mnti 4 renting: tQn
glblet jrtavytWSgailojiayiniaKli-i
tii niirf.ii. m;ut(fii 'jih i?i 11. i
Itj OHlc Jlii, Lll j.j;l(iriil S.a,'l!ll.';li-.l
fhiuoo d'niBl a.')rir';.!H'ttB;. yti.
r iSfllti .:llII!teO"6- 'SUJlI B lod
..an n U 3liblitdi a.tinloHnn
, 0"lii;, ;t A .1(11 U riIO
t' Vwfcfc:'1
fij J
wi ,i('1
i (-,i
tutu 1mttAiUuttitiMfhintMmiRrmit With '
-4f '-rxliii krtDariirJtliiU $njw:'-'i v rc
r...c-t IIiMm.M triilM MWwMhA t:'5iV:o z'!io:-.nf(-.l ti
.rtli,d J rtiMn W.oi.)Brlvf i .9.s ,mso- ' l
, jiawfaAiawwtfiat-j a::; n m.-t r.-jn.-'iicr
. rml i)ttotit.r 4!ifj:vtVu.d. .irl..oJ '.Wot 165 bliil'l (I
v-i.-',) iL,..'.' -U3 IW
,lo -fe!grmfti-.K : rw-loo' .KUtt'iqtHK -iru. in
a, mi
Iff jj f; ;l u '
. viol -ri'F
r t
ho-are buying bonds (eg.
W their banKa through the
Hond-A'Month piaru Accoraine in
Mxs. Geojs efJmtAWi.aiao bein4s
made to bring to the attention oi
farmers and-rawihara in avary ,
county the desirability of placing
at least a portion of any surplus
In savings bonds as a reserve
which' fan, be jcallpd jjpon later
1 - .. nA V
or in vc oi iiCTiu, . t.
County Agent News . .
Mrs.. Herbert.' Skstrom, of lone
was, in the pffice Monday to get
Christmas party suggestions. Ke-,
creational, ,rn,at?rial is available
for,, almost ariy., holiday I In tha
year, as well as program. sugges
tions. Lorene Mitchell, jBetty
Wells, Lily Runyan usd aomeof
these, recreation hints in plan,
ning the Uardtlmes party at the
CJflisjln..ohH;ch,SaVurdav night.
: 1
if' r - 1
norm 4)jx&lfv v!. -0
v! d iif. lit !.--S i ; J
JJoyd Burkenbine has asked for
alt the information Available on
that propeti'ifntezlnao 06 Titeaiii
f rjnitsi nd wtgetabies: One of Una
bulletins given him was our lat
est' publicatloiv't'hickea m ne :
Freezer," explaining howbtstjtO:
put pieces-fwdereamed left -overs
as well as wtrole chicken -away,
till comrii r'bomBf . lj If 5
: A refreshing -SgTate beoklel
completed wittyJ fcitlerf iAfwm
helps1 4 fSrhfly W thlnlHrd 'pfds-'
pective home In relation to fam
ily.' 11 vihg-Miot : ' floor , plans. 1 r U
tbkeaitonlyiaiahort time to read
and.can be loaned out tq interest
ed persons for a weely at a time
Adtbfoni"HooSB lor; Family. til
int'i.at -the NiD.Aj office -,;:.: :
t' Avaliable at the county agent'a
office are 19 new housei plans-.
each, on adsingle 8 :2 x'll.inch
sheet (instead! iot bound Jni blg
heavy;! books: i previously. ! used,
There :are several different' types
ot houaea da this new. set to suit
different) farilles!'i,wantsiilBrid
needevu'cr niftoint cm al sioill ):
yfi-'J ,infrit .'tv.: nt w. tlw
BluapriatiSrmbote Madri bh uii
Plain in NwBitlletin,.it .noih.i
; Many Versnfe Whrj' Suffer from
"blieprmr blues" w'hen they at tempt
'to make "heads' or tafis"
but of a house" plan may' find
soffit 'assistance1 in a new pubif'
ctiVfon' Just released at Oregon
State college. " "" " '"""
JWt' entitled '"'Hbw Hd' Read a
Hdtise' mrt,,' ariai'tsl! written' bv
JotnT C. CampbeTl; extenSfori spe
clalist in rural Housing. The pubi
lication Is an eight-page circular
and exstatreVbyuihiSramanri
brief text, rnaterjal ell a of 'the
common syMrjolsotrmMri house
plans, or blueprints at they are
commonly called,' ): ii - imu i!a '
ru 1.1 tu
. this year will live for months
.. .to come If, you sen,4 a potted
' plant as your gift.' Choose
.', from a complete selection ,
- of ,: old favorites.'', .and- a
glUV.i Mi 8 tfH.ltV.-t 1 ;.'...!
grand asaortraent of unus.
Poinsetticis. S3 5 6 '
:i . j 1 , ,, '.'.. ,.- i
;jaoiti :.di niaivri:: -:::..
1 Jerusalem Cherries 12.75
Pepper S2.75 : c
ri m mi 1 1 i 1 ' ; 1 1
!, Mixed PoU S3i)0 , -
asri vwiMfru v.";i 1, ,;.'.-,"' ..
i -,,.! .... 1 . '
CORSAGES. Si. 50 and up to.
Orchids for S6.00
ir-7 1
l(9w )uo mill ill fj'j ."' )
Carnations, $4.00 a 4oa...!i
(ti.o "' ) viK.u.i'i b:ir. ..;-t i'.V
ll-lli-sq l 'llfi .il-.n'T" -l ti. u
v-M -.n Beaeav S4 S10 1
-tO ti T.v'ti":ii vi.!,J '..'
...:.: ,. :ii-.i ,r-
"Sdy if Svith Flowers
, ; ' i ! 1 (
giiimoAi tin 1 1 '
ji; i-i; ) iii v n.;i
'oil -.1
"j Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Peters BuUding, Willow Street
im ":HeppnerY'Oreeon:0"r ri:j
.Hill 6 Mu. riiiiiij-u. H? sDijiw :'.i
J. 0. TURNER:!1!"1"' :i
Watches. Clocks, Diamonds
Expert Watch & Jewelry.
.7ij.i cr 1: Repairing . , ,, . .
1 1 ! h Heppner; Oregon:-. : n. 1
: " :
Hotel eppnWi Ml(iis'1',,0, nUi jnij fend 4th Mondays at:
,.; ! Heppner, Oregon,,, : :1 ,y luLeglon HaU
P:;W;':MAH0r4EY; r, -'V'
.aiu.;ia,i;.. :vi lr. nn;.;.,. .'((; O0W riling 17
! "' ' ATTOHNtr AT LAW" 1 i?2 ft
General Insurance
."jfi Heppner Hotel BulldiBg .'i l
v.l .i WIUoW Street Irrtianct
i"'. : ' 1 '
roming !
Ti..,I lii-tf frjig&5?2lM'A
s?iv vjgT rtv .u;tuiid 'J
f5!Ef!IrfJ i: -win. j
S?I ll"' :i .i. ;:.rii.i 1
Ijpaw.iTTr'-.u .FiT7 d.-ir. t;- Iv,;!,,,
r r"KA LSnort Mivi'ii od tUv oT- .sir. ml
Check These
Gift Ideas
We have justthe gifts ypu'll want to
;buy' for erc.oryyouf Christmas
.ti cornfKicts,
' fountain ' pepstscards r and '-'wrap-.mi$'-Come;ii?cind
browse around. .
.iYou'ltjfind counter after counter of
v gilt items at reasonable prices. '
i 'l"v: u):"i" m " Turner, Van Morter
Jock A.- Woodhall '-a"rt'
,;-,.i,iiv,-i 'j'H, -.(.-iii'.'in iH.it siict ana wompany
r Doctor ol Dental Medicine. 1 lo r-K
Office JTrstTloorBamtBldg. i;u .GENERAL. .
bncM.,.i , ..1.., , . ,,t r- ..-1 .. . . ,1
Phut CllAl Uamo 'I
5ThTflctniSr7iPO; (yeensed Funeral Directors
First National Bank Building Hi) )n.Mp. bai.llTl iti !.,..:! H
Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 491 Phenel332 'i 1 Hepnper, Oregon"
A. D. McMurdo, M.D, Heppner City Council
a - '';V;. ',"'-,r-v. iv- t,
r''J;v;Y'''V!'i';:;;:;; . .
.wr'-. ... w m k 1
w i.i-i;i.'.
eijsi sir,i
lol 1J. 1 .
Dtcl O o1 L)i:
! Mir!l.fco!iorf hno. J
.ssM) DbA 'Wfite.
ii-iort to t.'a ,1
iljaiyri'.pupf) I'M
... . . .. ra.
jaM) nll.a .
ed potatopsU li'l4i rtiarrSjt saJ;l, J.ifi ioo't !ato.' sill .no-. nai j .tiiM bnn 4eT(ln!l .riM) J-):
4f)0i pallon'.iiiCi'rlrvritti-:orahii fciiotjiTib vmi. bkxIi Ulw aataia 'vkiaaikoriiM .OKU
mlnoe pleHCOpfCidPn-satOrtBaWifi bnjw' sil 5A AttbltliSkiu P JIAKIIAIf srU HivW
lonsiicofCee.'iSDO gdllorur) uprW,-i -?5.id rii ui rrjnobirxln row Hint rt. lo rrUblU'd i)nolq iira
120 rboxdsii JeUie n'ltns')',Sf -nl-tcO .V ,H rudw 'ce' vf rtnamq rtt no boots 1
gallop' ' ' aMRflllHMWS3
Trained Nurse Asaistant ,
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Dr. C. C. Dunham V
Office No, 4 Center St '
House calls made
Home Phone 2583 Office U72
Meets First Monday Each Menth'
Citizens, having, matters for dlsv
1 ousslon, please bring before ,,;
1 .i . the Council ' 1 , , n :
"-.-''"Phoiia 27Sa" '' '
M- " '' 1 II
errow County
Abstract CrTitle Co.,
Vl(juui jnouiuifil.L,, ,
Office "in Peters Building
C. A. RUGGLES Repietln MorrO'W County
Blaine E. I torn ' Cleaners
," Insurance Agency
PhonSv 723 V .-Hepfmsr, On
; fill
':. ..' 1: i' '. ;.'l :i
Box 82, Heppner, Ore.
,.',,r. , Phone 2632 h
Superior t)ry Cleanlntf
it .;i
4 tlnlshlna
n ?njr-i r
nt. . ha ' am
JoJcH Ytl3 9iHMMIflrra
.4ft ere i t e(i , Jdo
I ')ll rr- '-.v 1 .it- 1 c) ", 1
. Cabinet .Shop, f
( t ,, Lawn Mowers Sharpened , v
aewing Machines Repair
Phone, lj!85; for apointmei (1 ,
iM v Heppner,. pregori
1 HT .,1. .IK, Nil, ,,, j
Coir Electric , ;
J " W HrTrt'NtoH 'ATFLII'ANfcE 1 : 1 " '
htthwtftW HYitPRW- moil ii'i
1 Phone 2S41 er 1423 .lil'in