Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 25, 1948, Image 1

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    ;sr.ao;i historical society
Heppner Gazette Times
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday November 25, 1948
Volume 65, Number 36
City ami Chamber
Of Commerce Will
Bid Wheat League
Invitation to Be
Extended to Group
At Condon Meeting
Heppner will again make a
bid for the annual convention of
the Eastern Oregon Wheat league
with the hope that the organiza
tion will accept an Invitation to
meet here in 1949. Both the citv
government and chamber ol
commerce have gone on record as
favoring the move to invite the
wheat raisers and the Morrow
county member of the executive
committee of the league, Don Hel
iker of lone, will go to the con
vention prepared to present Hepp
ner's offer.
This city made a bid for the
1948 convention when the wheat
league met in La Grande, but
Condon was better organized for
presenting its invitation and the
league accepted.
Having sanctioned the invita
tion, the city dads and the cham
ber of commerce will be saddled
with the responsibility of arrang
ing housing for guests and places
of meeting. When the league met
here in 1941 the gymnasium at
the school was utilized for the
main meeting place. Committee
rooms were provided at the Elks
building. Housing for guests was
provided at the hotel, in private
homes, at the CCC camp and by
the railroad spotting sleeping
cars at the depot. A similar ar
rangement will have to be follow
ed next year, unless the unheard
of should happen and the civic
center is improved to the point
where it would be available for
both meeting place and banquet
hall. This would still leave guest
housing on about the same basis
as In 1941, with more people to
be taken care of in private homes.
The matter of providing a ros
ter of names of ex-service men,
Including the gold star names, is
up before the chamber of com
merce again after a lapse of two
or three years. The subject was
brought up at the meeting on
November 15 and was again dis
cussed briefly at Monday'! lun
cheon. President O'Connor said
he would call meeting of the
board of directors soon and that
plans for completing the project
would be formulated and a re
port made back to the member
ship. President O'Connor also pre
senlpd the matter of instituting
a plan to cope with outside ped
dlers and solicitors, some of
whom operate under somewhat
dubious circumstances. His plan
would be along educational lines,
to familiarize the people with
some of the practices engaged In
by the Itinerants.
Committee Set Up
To Administer '49
Triple A Program
Delegates from the nine com
munities in Morrow county met
at the county courthouse, Tues
day, November 23, to elect the
county committee to administer
the AAA program for the 1949
year. The newly elected commit
tee Is as follows: R. S. Thompson,
chairman, Heppner; L. L. Howton,
vice chairman, Lexington; D. J.
Kenney, regular member, Irrigon;
Donald E. Heliker, first alternate,
lone; Raymond Lundell, second
alternate, Eightmile.
The newly elected committee
men for 1949 are as follows:
North Heppner: H. L. Duvalfc
chairman; vice chairman, W. E.
Hughes; regular member, Jim
Valentine; first alternate, Ray K.
Drake; second alternate, Gerald
South Heppner: Walter Wright,
chairman; A. C. Bechdolt, vice
chairman; Frank E. Parker, reg
ular member; Howard Evans,
first alternate; Claude Buschke,
second alternate.
Morgan: Roy Llndslrom, chair
man; Cecil Thome, vice chair
man; Victor R. Rietmann, regu
lar member; David Baker, first
alternate; Albert Llndstrom, sec
ond alternate.
Eightmile: Frank Anderson,
chairman; Chas. Carlson, vice
chairman; Harley Anderson, reg
ular member; Earl McKlnney,
first alternate; Laurence Becket,
second alternate.
Lexington: Sam G. McMillan,
chairman; Donald Campbell, vice
chairman; Millard Nolan, regular
member; Vernon Munkers, first
alternate; Norman Nelson, sec
ond alternate,
Apline: A. C. Llndsey, chair-
man; L. L. Howton, vice chair-
man; Harold G. Campbell, regu-
lar member; Lloyd Morgan, first
alternate; Wm. J. Doherty, sec
ond alternate.
lone: Donald Heliker, chair
man; E. Markham Baker, vice
chairman; Milton Morgan, regu
lar member; Lloyd Rice, first al
ternate; Donald McElllgott, sec
ond alternate.
Irrigon: Paul Slaughter, chnlr
Continued on page six
Heppner Woman Marooned
In flebraska's Worst Blizzard
To most of our readers, reports
of the blizzard in the middle west
last week probably meant noth
ing more than Just another storm
of unusual proportions, but to one
Heppner family at least It was
a definitely serious matter.
On Monday, November 15, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Pate received
a message conveying the sad
news that Mrs. Pate's father had
died. Mr. Pate took her to Pen
dleton Tuesday evening to catch
the Streamliner to Omaha, Neb.,
from where she would go by oth
er transportation to the home of
her parents at Butte,(in north cen
tral Nebraska. The trip to Oma
ha was uneventful and it looked
like she would reach her destina
Hon on schedule. The bus from
Omaha had made about 140 of
the 200 miles to Butte when the
storm broke, a blizzard that piled
the snow up so fast the driver
could not see the road ten feet
ahead and when efforts to force
the big machine over a small hill
failed he was obliged to back up
for two miles before finding a
place to turn around. This was
outside of Creighton and pass
engers were returned there and
put up at the small hotel, which
Mrs. Pate said was fairly bulging
Random Thoughts...
When the Heppner chamber of
commerce was organized nine
years ago, one of the first mea
sures to come before the young
club was the matter of how to
discourage itinerant peddling
and soliciting of funds. A plan
was adopted whereby merchants
and others were provided with
cards printed in large enough
type to be read at several feet
distant which was worded some
thing like this: "We do not sub
scribe to anything not sanction
ed by the Heppner Chamber of
Commerce." In the possession of
the secretary of the club were
other cards stating in effect that
"The credentials of Mr. (or Mrs.)
Blank have been duly examined
and are found to be (or believed
to be) authentic." This, when
signed by the secretary was giv
ing official sanction of the cham
ber of commerce to the appli
cant's request for permission to
carry out his work.
In recent years there has been
less vigilance on the part of the
chamber of commerce with regard
to the matter of discoruaging
peddling and solicitation of funds
for various causes. As time goes
on there is more activity In these
lines and the chamber of com
merce now feels that It is time
to put a damper on the activities
of some types of "salesmen" and
Jack O'Connor, president of the
CC, Monday related an incident
at his home which Mrs. O'Connor
handled in a proficient manner.
A magazine salesman, one of a
crew turned loose on the com
munity recently, rapped at the
O'Connor door. Mrs. O'Connor re
sponded. After the chap had in
troduced himself he launched
forth on his sales talk and when
he slowed down a little for air
she cut in to ask him if he had
the sanction of the chamber of
commerce to solicit subscriptions
in Heppner. Undaunted by the
query, he produced a card which
had been supplied by the house
for which he worked and contain
ing the words Chamber of Com
merce, in front of which had been
inserted in writing, "Heppner."
To the uninitiated this would be
sufficient, but Mrs. O'Connor no
ticed that the card contained no
signatures of "president" and
"secretary." The young man glib
ly informed her that his com
pany, or boss, supplied the sales
men with these cards and that
they were "getting by" with
them. When she Informed him
that her husband was president
of the local chamber of com
merce, he said, "Give me that
card! I see I'm In the wrong
place!" Shortly thereafter he was
seen getting into a station wag
on, which appeared to be the
mode of transportation for the
group, and nothing further has
been seen of the wagon or Its
contents hereabouts.
As a word of caution, if there
are others who are approached
by house-to-house canvassers
and they produce a "Chamber of
Commerce card," it would be well
lo see if it has the authentic sig
natures of (he president and sec
retary of the local organization.
Wonder what became of the
"civil war" which was supposed
to be carried into local territory
this past week-end? Was there
too much warning about the Im
pending attack and too much
nrennrntlnn hv officials In arnot
the Invaders?
It is Just as well that the feud
end before serious consequences
result. It is typical of the young
bloods that they give vent to ex
cess energy ndw and then in a
lively scrap, but when the de
struction of property is Included
in their exercises It is time to
call a halt on their activity. From
all aecouits the fracas over in
the west end of Umatilla county
week before last was no boxing
Contir'ied on pagt 8
with people at the time she wrote
her husband.
Due to the ferocity of the storm,
which reached a velocity of 85
miles per hour, telephone and tel
egraph lines were put out of
commission. She could not get in
touch with her mother at Butte
but did succeed in conveying her
plight to a relative in another
The strange thing about the
storm was that an electric storm
got mixed up with the blizzard.
While Mrs. Pate was talking on
the telephone lightning struck
somewhere in the vicinity and
she experienced deafness in her
left ear as a result of the "jolt"
that came through the receiver.
Creighton is a small town, ac
cording to Mr. Pate probably
600 people. Electricity was shut
off, so there were no lights, no
radio, no communication with the
outside world nothing to do but
just keep as comfortable as pos
sible and hope for the storm to
On the bus carrying Mrs. Pate
to her father's funeral were many
boxes of flowers for his services.
She feared that these might be
frozen before they reached Butte
but nothing could be done about
Vows Pledged at
Portland Church
A wedding of interest to many
Heppner people was solemnized
at the Church of St. Michael and
All Angels in Portland at 2:30
o'clock p.m. Sunday, November
21, when the Rev. Val Spinoza
read the Episcopal ceremony
uniting Miss Jo Ann Crawford,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WiV
Ham V. Crawford, and Mr. Rich
ard Purcell Horton. The bride was
attended by Mrs. Hugh V. Craw
ford and Mrs. Arthur Walters.
William Duddleson was best
man. Ushers were Hugh V. Craw
ford and Donald E. Turner, cou
sins of the bride, and her brother-in-law,
Richard Zeisler.
A reception was held in the
parish hall following the cere
mony. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner rep
resented the bride's Heppner rel
atives at the wedding. Mrs. Hor
ton. is JPhlece of Mrs. Turner, Mrs.
Raymond Ferguson, Mrs. Leonard
Schwarz and J. V. Crawford on
her father's side, and of Mrs. Al
va Jones and D. A. Wilson on her
mother's side.
The groom is a nephew of Tom
Purcell, publisher of the Gresh
am Outlook and former presi
dent of the Oregon Newspaper
Publishers association.
Mrs. Echo Palmateer announ
ces the forthcoming marriage of
her daughter, Laurel Ann, to Mr.
Pete Cannon. The event will take
place at 3 o'clock p.m., Sunday,
December 12, at the Cooperative
Church of lone. A reception at
the American Legion hall will
follow the ceremony. Relatives
and friends have been extended
an Invitation to attend the wed
ding and reception.
Thomas Hughes of Heppner
has been pledged as a member
of Iota Omega Mu, one of the
twelve Greek letter organizations
on the campus at Linfield col
lege In McMinnville. A total of
184 acceptances was announced 1
at Jhe completion of rush week
Guests at the D. H. Jones home,
for Thanksgiving are Mr. and
Mrs. C N. Jones of Kennewick,
Wash. The men are brothers.
Cast of "A Mind of Her
Left to right: Colleen Connor,
Gerald Bergstrom, Rose Pierson,
Norman Ruhl, Marlene BuBois,
A crowded auditorium greeted
the young thespians at the gym
nasium Friday night when the
Juniors of Heppner high school
presented a three-act comedy, "A
Mind of Her Own."
The cast had been well select
ed and expertly coached so that
the finished product gave much
pleasure. The skit was clever,
To Be Plentiful At
Wheat League Meet
Condon Preparing
To Entertain Big
Crowd December 2-4
There'll be plenty of accom
modations in Condon for the an
nual meeting there of the East
ern Oregon Wheat league from
Dec. 2 to 4, Gilliam county repre
sentative Jack Smith told the
league's executive committee in
Pendleton Monday.
Besides completing arrange
ments for housing and food, the
executive committee has schedul
ed some top-flight speakers and
Of special interest to growers
and their wives, a demonstration
at 7:45 p.m., Dec. 2, the opening
day, will illustrate steps the mil
lers are taking to increase wheat
flour consumption.
Using audio-visual aids, Her
man Steen, executive vice-presi
dent of the Millers National Fed
eration, and Mrs. Wilma Lohmey-
er, nutrition expert, will show
how the millers are conducting
their $2,500,000 advertising and
educational campaign.
Among the speakers and parti
cipants scheduled for panel dis
cussions are OSC President A. L.
Strand; Dr. C. E. Rist, head of the
research laboratory; Fred Enter
mille, from the Production Mar
keting association in Washing
ton, D. C; William A. Haley of
Seattle's Fischer's Flouring Mill;
Robert Fletcher of Walla Walla,
representing the Northwest Crop
Improvement association, and E.
R, Jackman, extension specialist
in farm crops.
Persons desiring to attend the
annual convention are asked to
write H. M. Bull, Condon, indicat
ing the number of persons in
their party and the date of ar
rival. Dinner, Bazaar at
lone Big Event of
Current Week End
Entertainment of a wide var
iety awaits the public this week
end when the Home Economics
club of Willows grange stages its
annual dinner, bazaar, carnival
and dance at the hall in lone.
Dinner will be served at 6 p.m.,
continuing until 7:30. (It mat
ters not to the Home Ec ladies
how much you" may eat today,
they know you will not be able
to pass up their fine dinner.) Sale
of fancy work will also start at
6 oclock and there will be many
nice articles to help in making
Christmas gift selections.
Between the dinner hour and
the opening of the dance there
will be a carnival for young and
ojd alike.
Dancing will round out the eve
ning. The music will be provid
ed by the Rim Rock Serenaders.
Walter Jaeger, Paul Jaeger and
Martin Jackson of Condon; An
drew J. Slaig, John F. Putnam
and Harry Myers of Fossil, and
J. O. Hays and Al Rudd of Kin
zua were in Heppner Friday eve
ning to Attend a special meeting
of Royal Arch Masons, called for
the purpose of initiating a class
of candidates. Another special
meeting has been called for this
Saturday evening for the same
Rev. John Runyan and family
are eating their turkey at the
home of friends in Prosser today.
Rita Johnson, Darlene Wise;
standing Vesta Cutsforth, Mrs.
Marie Clary, coach; Bob Berg
packed with humorous situations
and - the young people put it
I across in a fine manner, making
for an evening of fun and laugh
ter for old and young alike.
I The young college daughter
brought a couple of her friends
home with her much to the dis
tress of her father and amaze
ment of her mother. Each guest
March of Dimes
To Be Headed By
fCharles Ruggles
Machinery was set up here the
past week end for the annual
March of Dimes campaign when
Felix Montez, Portland, met with
local supporters of the national
movement to combat the gieat
enemy of mankind polio. C. A.
Ruggles of the Blaine E. Isom
insurance agency, was chosen
chairman of the organization
which includes Henry Tetz as vice
chairman; Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers,
secretary; Merle Becket, treasur
er; Gordon Grady, campaign di
rector for Heppner, and the post
masters of the other towns of the
county as directors for their re
spective communities, and the
Gazette Times as director of pub
licity. Ruggles succeeds Francis Nick
erson, who headed the organiza
tion in the county for two years,
resigning early In the fall when
he deckled to accept a position
in Chicago.
Reports from over the state and
nation indicate that there is an
upsurge of the dreaded crippler
killer over the country and that
it will be expedient for all sec
tions to make ample financial
preparation to cope with the situ
ation. Morrow is one of the few
Continued on page six
strom, stage manager; Loren
Pieper, Betty Graves; seated
Jim Orwick, Rachel Cox, Mar
lene Turner.
influenced the young lady until
her younger brother and sisler
Joined her admirer In awakening
her. The mother's checking ac
count got out of hand and a
housekeeping check marked NSF
rflUSPrt thp vnnniy wnmnn In tnmn
- - J----T-
a i uic ivuviuamil nun ni l kiiiiii
was bankrupt. Complications en
sued, the unwinding of which
caused much merriment.
Girl Scout Troop
Holds Award Court
At Monday Meeting
Girl Scout troop No. 1 held an
investiture ceremony and court
of awards in the Masonic hall on
Monday, Nov. 22. The traditional
candle lighting ceremony was
used. The girls marched in and
formed a horseshoe and gave the
pledge of allegiance followed by
singing America the Beautiful.
Thirteen candles were lit; three
shining as symbols representing
the three parts of the Girl Scout
promise and ten standing for the
Girl Scout laws. The troop sang
"The Girl Scout Chant."
The following girls were pre
sented to their leaders, Mrs. Ste
phen Thompson and Mrs. Claude
Graham, for investment: Nancy
Anderson, Lynda Borman, Mar
garet Bristow, Meredith Thomp
son, Barbara Warren, Joanne
Keithley. Sandra Lanham. Alice
Peterson and Judy Thompson.
Each received the official Girl
Scout pin, Brownie wings, troop
numeral and membership stars
All the members sang "When
E'er You Make a Promise."
The cook badge, the first one
they received for proficiency, was
awarded to Sandra Lanham, Al
ice Peterson. Meredith Thompson.
Mary Ruth Green, Lynda Borman,
Kay Valentine, Judy Thompson.
Nancy Anderson, Adelia Ander
son, Sally Palmer, Jean Marie
Graham, Nancy Ball, and Barbara
Warren. The Flower Finder badge
was received by Adelia Ander
son. ,
The entire troop was presented
with their troop crest, the pine
Jean Marie Graham gave a talk
on the Juliette Low World Friend
ship fund. The main purpose of
this fund is to assist in promot
ing Girl Scouting all over the
world. The girls brought pennies,
as many as they were old, which
were dropped in the wishing well.
These will be sent as their con
tribution to this fund.
Following the ceremony cook
ies and punch were served by the
troop committee, Mrs. James Val
entine. Mrs. James Thompson,
Mrs. Alena Anderson. Mrs. Ray
mond Ferguson and Mrs. Con ley
Special guests for the afternoon
were the members of the newly
organized Girl Scout troop 4 and
their leader, Mrs. John Runyan.
and members of troop 2 and their
leaders, Mrs. Harold Becket and
Mrs. Harry Van Horn. Other
guests were the girls' mothers,
their grandmothers, teachers, and
a few special friends.
Exponents of chess and check
ers, of which there are quite a
number hereabouts, met at the
Hotel Heppner Monday evening
and organized a club.
According to Sheriff Clarence
Bauman, one of the chiefest ex
ponents of the games, anyone in
terested in either chess or check
ers is Invited to Join the group.
It Took 35 Years To Make
Reunion Dream Come True
By Delpha Jones
A drecm of 35 years came to
a reality last Frday at 3 p.m.
when Adolph Majeske. resident
of Lexington for many years, met
his 81 year old mother at the
airport in Pendleton. Ernestine
Majeske was considered one of
the misplaced persons following
the war in Germany and has
since the war been working for
a family there. Mr. Majeske has
tried for quite some time to get
his mother tq this country, and
with the aid of quite a number
of other people and organizations
especially the Red Cross, he has
again got to see her after 35
years. Mrs. Majeske speaks no
English but is rapidly becoming
acquainted with the customs of
this country. She was quite ill
on the trip, but is improving.
The ship on w hich she came to
this country was one of the U. S
neV vessels, the "Ernie Pyle," it
being the ships maiden journey.
The sea voyage was three days
longer than scheduled due to
stormy weather. From New York
she flew directly to Pendleton.
The shipping point in Germany-
was Bremerhaven. to where she
was taken from her home. She
is the aunt of Mrs. G. Hermann.
Mrs. Alex Hunt and Henrv, Jul
ian and Fred Rauch of Lexington.
Their mother is also in German;..
Mrs. Majeske has had many
guests, among them her grand
daughter and husband. Mr. anJ
Mrs. Ronald Ansted from Echo.
Joe Feathers has been confin
ed to his home by illness.
Miss Ethel Merriman. new- tea
cher in the Lexington school,
started her work on Monday. She
is teaching the 7th and 8th grades
and high school math. She just
lacks a little in having her Ph.D.
The Amicitia club met at the
home of Mrs. C. C. Carmichacl
Wednesday night with two tables
The Lexington high school has
put out their first Rabbit Tracks,
the local school paper, it being
out Wednesday. The paper is big
ger this year and it is hoped thai
it can be put out once a week,
with the money going to help the
athletic teams.
Firtex and "other building ma
terials have arrived and the men
of the community are beginning
work on the Christian church. It
is hoped to redo the inside and
get new curtains. It is hoped this
can be completed by Christmas.
The Mothers club gave a
Thanksgiving party in the lunch
room of the school house on Tu
esday for the first, second and
third grades. The table was dec
orated with turkeys and colonial
men and women, with each place
card being a turkey. Thanksgiv
ing motif on the napkins, and the
cake was a large sheet cake with
three turkeys on it. Served with
the cake was hot cocoa. Mrs. Sor
lien gave a short talk on Thanks
giving and why we celebrate it
and after a short prayer refresh
ments were served. The hostesses
were Mrs. C. C. Jones, Mrs. Hen
derson, Mrs. Messenger and Mrs.
The Prescott football team mo
tored to Lexington Friday where
they defeated the Lex team with
a score of 20-38. It is well to re
member that Prescott is a con
siderably bigger school with over
50 in high school.
The freshmen are starting prac
tice on a play under the direc
tion of Mr. Baker.
The new science demonstra
tion table has been installed in
the science room of the local
school. This is a fine table and
one of the latest models.
Eugene Sawyer who makes his
home w ith the Ways is spending
the holidays at Newberg.
Edna Jane Ivey. who has been
staying at the C. C. Jones home,
is now making her home at the
Lonnie Henderson's.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan
were The Dalles visitors on Wed
nesday. Charles Buchanan who spent
two weeks in Ellensburg with
Jack Dawson is home again.
The local band played in a
pep rally in the street Thursday.
Those who heard the band were
quite pleased, and wish the band
lots of success. The director. Miss
Joy Gerharz, hopes that they'll
j be able to play at the basketball
' games.
I Kenneth Peck spent the week
end in Eugene where he visited
I his wife who is spending some
time at the home of her parents.
j He w as accompanied by his mo-
ither, Mrs. Emma Peck, who vis
ited friends in Corvallis. While
there she visited "Grandma"
Johnson and reports her fine.
Community Chest
Quota 73 Per Cent
A report from Oregon Chest
headquarters in Salem Indicates
that the quota lacks more than
25 per cent of being paid up In
Morrow county. The exact figure
is not at hand at the moment
but is slightly under 71 per cent,
which leaves approximately $i;iHl
to raise if this county is to be In
eluded In the "user the top" class
The drive is still open and
contributions will he cheerfully
accepted by the chairman, Dr. C.
I'. Dunham ami the secretary, J
K. Huffman. To date only three
counties have reached their goals
but several others lack only a
few points of going over. In past
years Morrow county has been
one of the first to make the
Mr. and Mrs. James Harrnlt are
here from Corvallis to participate
In Thanksgiving festivities at the
D. A. Wilson home.