Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Nov. 18, 1948 COUNTY COURT PROCEf 3INGS TOR OCTOBER. 1MB The mfnu"- f.ii I hp S' ,. Iwr. 164H, wssinn wcip r'l ; ap proved. The Court otiirrid Hn Justice of prarv, sixth district, Ih in rreswd from ST."-. f0 to Si:,l per month ftartinp with October. Warrants Issued on th General Fund Sadie Parrish, Deputy ' Frances Mitchell, Dep. Sal. 184.10 Leila J. McLaohlan, Office I Clerk 113.25 iO!ie R. Hushes. Deputy I Salary 164.99 Margaret Gillis. County Nurse Salary . 197.25 ,A. J. Chaffee. Janitor . 176.00 i Dr. A. D MoMurdo. Phys. 24.75 j Susie V. Miller, Ct. Rep. 41.25.1 A. B. Chaffee. Justice Sal. 59.40 ! J. O. Hager, Justice Salary 74.25 torn where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh It's Your Fight, Too! Ring Oonliy was boefin(i" the other day about all that Our Town's doing in the way of sending food and clothes to Europe. Bing felt that those strurgling democracies should look after themselves. But most agreed with Judjre Cunningham who said: 'So long at any family or individual in Europe is helping hold the line for freedom against the forces of in tolerance it's common sense, and common decency, to help 'cm." Because that's everybody'! fight: To see that individual freedom is preserved in every aspect, big or little whether it'a the right to vote, or the right to enjoy a tem perate glass of beer or ale with friends. And from where I sit, no liberty's too small to overlook. Because the minute one small freedom is threat ened, all the others are in Jeopardy just as the minute one small country loses freedom, all its neigh bors are in danger! Copyright, 194S, United States Bracers Foundation Pearl Oil, a long-time Vest em favorite, is solvent-refined to remove all impurities that cause smoke and soot. Pearl Oil leaves the air fresh . . . won't taint foods. Every drop bums . . . gives more heat and light for your dollar. KING OF THE KEROSENES .r When you use Pearl Oil you seldom have to adjust burn ers . . ; its clear, steady flame won't "creep up." A Standard of California Product L. E. DICK , Phone 622 Heppner, Oregon jWltheral! and Witherall, I Accountants Audit . 750.00 ;R. A. Pringle. Court House 15.00 ll'ilham C(q,i,...... e Co., Clerk 16.13 The Haloid Company. C1U. 35.15 Franklin Printing Co.. Jus tice Court $15.65, Clerk 53-00 20.65 Pacific Stationery A- Prt. Co.. Clerk $4.92; Sheriff $33.68 38.60 C, J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 109.12 Kilham Stationery & Prt. Co., Sheriff . ..." 2.05 Seth Russell, Sheriff 1.12 Edgar Albert, Sheriff 30.00 Carl McDaniel. Sheriff 30.00 Ed Buschke, Sheriff 30.00 Fred Hoskins, Sheriff 10.00 Heppner Gazette Times. Election $249.50; Official Pub. $34.50; Sheriff $8.60 292.60 The Heppner Laundry, Ct. House $1.25; Jail $5.80 7.05 O'Rourke Erwin Heating Co., Court House 11.00 Packer Scott Co.. Court Hse 35.30 Bureau of Labor, Court House 5.00 Pacific Power & Light Co., Court House 35.30 Kilham Stationery & Prt. Co., Assessor 16.30 Simmons Carbon Co.. As-, sessor S2.03; Tax Collec tions $26.41 .. .. 28.44 Heppner Red & White Store, Jail . 10.32 Central Market & Grocery. Jail 32.37 Saager's Pharmacy, Jail .30 Margaret Gillis, County Nurse Expense 62.21 State Department of Agri culture, District Sealer 4.95 Lulu M. Hager (Health) Emergency 4.50 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Cur. Expense 72.99 Helen O'Donnell, Circuit ; Court 15.00 Morrow County 4-H Club 150.00 j Oregon State Library. Li- I brary Appropriation 220.54 Emma Breshears, Election 2.20 A. C. Houghton. Election I SO West Coast Printing & ! Binding Co.. Election 21.80 State Industrial Accident Comm.. Sheriff $3.05, Sheriff sal. $.30. Deputy sal. $.30, Janitor sal. $.30, Court House $77 4.72 C. W. Barlow, County Clk. 2.76 Bert Johnson, County Ct. 2.59 L. D. Neill, County Court 95.60 Ralph I. Thompson, Co. Ct. 58.25 First Nat'l Bank of Port land, Withholding tax (Federal) 149.85 Underwood Corporation, Sheriff 23.74 Jos. J. Nys, Circuit Court 50.00 General Road Fund Jack Slocum 25.00 William C. Heath 253.41 Chas, Williams 135.33 Walter Gilman 216.00 Harold Wilson 194.95 Darold Hams 251.95 Fred Booker 201.79 Elmer Iverson 10.38 W. Scott 162.75 Jack Slocum 220.11 I William R. Scott 42.73 S. J. Holley 260.25 ! Fred W. Harrison 234.17 George A. Stalcup 225.87 jV. Cunningham 256.37 Harold Sherer 293.44 Jack Allen Supply Co. . . 140.00 F. P. O'Meara 108.00 The Texas Company 26.00 Rohrman Motor Company 54.00 Jones Scott Company 54.00 Lexington Oil Co-op 2.90 Western Auto Stores 10.56 Shell Oil Company 36.66 Pacific Machinery and Tools Steel Co. 56.40 Rosewall Motor Company 17.64 Owens Hardware 21.40 Ed Grant's Service Station 4.70 Inland Machine Works 37.58 Shell Oil Company 80.07 Industrial Air Products Co. 7.95 Nate McBride 7.50 Inland Machine Works 37.58 I MIDNIGHT MAGIC. J DJ HERB FARM SHOP Exotic Irogrance o( the night-blooming flowers from an old English garden ... for your romantic moments. foil WoNr I'l . 3 . 4s' pfvs tax Alio, No. 37 Audlr,. loyal furplt. Growl Moo, WMt f Mot, Uoc Humphreys Drug Company HZMTAJUt It sail p wr mm ,w 11 YOUR ... l 01 YAft 1' -, Us . K . AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR Lexington Implement Co. I Russell Service TumALum Lumber to. Western Auto Stores Shafer Radiator Service .... Pendleton Auto Parts .. Union Oil Company Heppner Motors . State Industrial Accident Comm Braden Tractor & Equip ment Co Heppner Lumber Company Braden Tractor & Equip ment Company Lexington Implement Co. Columbia Equipment Co. . Feenaughty Machinery Co. Howard Cooper Corp Pacific Power & Light Co. Rosewall Motor Company Columbia Equipment Co. C. W. Barlow First Nat'l Bank of Port land State Tax Commission City of Heppner Omar Rietmann Boardman Garage Warrants Issued on Coyote Bounty Fund Bud Harshman Charles Stout Jr Lindell Broadfoot Hugh B. Smith Ted Pearson Al Fetsch , 167.22 25.50 127.85 1.00 73.50 4.37 813.50 43.89 90.68 11.10 235.20 150.86 21.66 133.20 122.21 73.52 3.09 18.99 23.98 2.15 179.60 102.78 2.65 2.65 17.30 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. MISS CUTSFORTH ON COLLEGE RADIO STAFF Among the staff positions re cently assigned at KWWC. Ste phens college radio station at Earl McCabe Geo. Russell 3.00 3.00 Columbia, Mo., is that of Miss Dorothy May Cutsforth of Lex ington as a member of the sports department The station, owned by the school and operated in all its phases by radio students, broad- casts daily on the campus. Miss Cutsforth, daughter of Orville W. Cutsforth, worked dur ing vacation the past summer for the Gazette Times. Let us winterize our car with permanent type antifreeze. Rosewall Motor Company. Nov your kitchen plans don't have to wait for a budget . . . JUf (Dialer's Nairn j show you why this now JMonfag range is such a wonaWuf buy at only $19975 You'ra right in wanting to cook the electric way. It'i ao clean ... 10 fast. Now your plans don't have to give in to a budget any longer. Montag'i new full-size economy range is the finest value we have been able to offer in a long, long while. HAVI BEAUTY ON YOUR IUDOCT. See the smart styling. Look at the smooth, one piece porcelain enamel top . . , it's stainproof. No dirt-catching corners or crevices. Your Hontag stays beautiful . . . saves you time and work. "T-K" UNITS COOK "AST . . . AM IASIEST TO CUAN. These new cooking elements are proof enough you sacrifice no quality. You see them only on the best ranges. Five speeds on each unit. Swing mounted . . . with stainless steel drip pans. EVERYTHINO IIO IUT THE PRICE. Big oven . . . no-tilt racks . . . Fiberglas insulation. Big storage space. Big value ... we know you'll agree. Come in right away and Ind out how easily you can have the modern, electric cooking you want. . . . $i.73 CASE FURNITURE CO. jtittftttiet Montag &m6 1 " " " T?f , V i t; w ff ileeffridSy k M(S8$s(Qiiry Ww! Cooperation of Entire Pacific Northwest Needed to Solve Problem of Electric Power Shortage During Winter Season Power demands of the Pacific Northwest have grown to the point where it is - necessary to ask all users of electricity to cooperate in conservation measures. Already this winter, power demands are equalling the full capacity of the . region's pooled electric generating resources. From now on, throughout this winter season, conservation of electricity by ALL users will be necessary during the daily peak hours of 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. ' ' ALL electric utilities of the entire Pacific Northwest are actively working together to help meet the common problem pooling their output of power and coordinating the operation of their systems. But they can't do the whole job alone! Your co operation and help are needed, to make the available kilowatts go around! No area no home or business or industry in the whole Pacific Northwest is immune to the shortage. The entire area has experienced a phenomenal growth in new homes, new industries, and expanded business. Shortages of materials caused by the war have made it impossible to keep pace with the growing demand for more and more electric service." TO KEEP JOBS GOING... KEEP PROSPERITY GROWING MAKE EVERY KILOWATT COUNT! IN THE HOME Between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. reduce all elec tricity used for heating to an absolute mini mum. In so far a possible, serve oven meals prepared in advance of 4:30 p.m. and confine surface cooking to the fewest possible unitsj wash dishes and bathe after 6:30 p.m.j restrict washing and ironing to the morning or after 6:30 p.m.; turn off all lights not actually needed between 4:30 and 6:30 pjn. IN THE BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENT Turn off or reduce to a minimum all window display and ornamental light ing between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. Reduce air conditioning and refrigeration be tween these hours. Reduce use of elec trically operated equipment. Cut use of outdoor and indoor electric signs and lighting to a minimum between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. IN THE INDUSTRIAL PLANT Ilelwccn 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. reduce use of electrically operated machinery and equipment to a minimum; eliminate alt ornamental and less essential lighting. Pacific Power a Light Company In cooperation with NORTHWEST UTILITIES CONFERENCE COMMITTEE J U urnnkiro nocrnkJ DU HEPPNER, OREGON PHONE 2682 3P