Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Nov. 18, 1948 Page 3 Local People Talk Educational Plans Before lone P-TA By Echo Palmateer The lone P-TA program Wed nesday evening, Nov. 10, wilh Mrs. E. M. Baker in charge, con sisted of local speakers who talked on methods of Improving the educational systems. The speakers were: E. M. Baker, mem ber of the rural school board who talked on the problems of the board. He stated that good roads would cut the cost of transport ing pupils; Garland Swanson, chairman of the lone district, who talked on the problems of main taining teachers and property; B. C. Forsythe, superintendent of lone schools, who told of the projects that the school anrt community were carrying thru, sucn as tne tuned Held, tennis court and the beeinnin? of thp swimmine Dool: Mrs. L. A. Me. Cabe, representing the parents' viewpoint, wno gave an interest ing talk of parents and teachers. A discussion on different ques. tions was entered into hv mnst of the members present. Group slneine was led hv Misa Maru Lund.- Refreshments were serv ed in the lunch room by Mrs. Leonard Carlson, Mrs. Henry Ba ker. Mrs. Henrv Peterson anH Mrs. Oscar Peterson. DATES TO REMEMBER Nov. 19 HEC of Willows grange at the home of Mrs. Don ald Heliker. Nov. 19 lone P-TA auction at the schoolhouse at 8 p.m. Nov. 20 Reeular eranpe meet. ing. 3hj is?) G30GE0IB !. . . C fr. ., I XX Nov. 23 Regular meeting of Eastern Star. Nov. 26 Meeting of Three Links club. Nov. 27 Turkey dinner, ba zaar, carnival and dance at the grange hall. The road to the cemetery is being improved. Funds for this work are raised by donations. The finance committee consists of Walter Dobyns, A. C. Swanson, and Omar Rietmann. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely were visitors at The Dalles Arm istice Day to see their daughter, Francine. They were accompan ied by Mrs. Dora Pierrot, who went on to Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom went to Portland over the week end. Mrs. Wm. Zinter received word that her mother died in Willets, Cal. Mrs. Mary Swanson left for Sa lem Saturday. She will be joined there by her daughter, Mrs. Elmo McMillan, and they will go to California to attend the wedding of their daughter and sister, Miss Eva Swanson, at Sunnyvale, Nov. 19. The high school students are A. T -in Larro Egg Mash has produced this amaz ing result again and again: Over and above the feed needed for maintenance, laying hem under observation at Larro Research Farm laid 760 eggs for every 100 pounds of Larro Egg Mash they ate. With all this proof of what full nutrient balance can do, no poultryman can afford not to try Larro Egg Mash. Morrow County Grain Growers Association, Inc. Heppner - Lexington J Vitamins A, Bi,C,D,E and G plus Liver, Iron lone You can never be sure you are getting enough essential vitamins unless you supplement your diet with known quan tities of vitamins. So, guard against vita min deficiency! Start the wise Flenamins habit in your family today. AUo Niactnomid ond Calcium Pontothtnat 1A A riDtll'KC , a JasH noouct Humphreys Drug Co. Heppner, Oregon s4-79 working on a play, "Damsels in Distress," to be given Dec. 3. The study meeting of the Topic club met at the home of Mrs. Ce cil Thome at Morgan Friday, Nov. 12, with 18 members and I wo guests present. The members brought used toys to be sent to the Salvation Army. Mrs. Gordon White reviewed the book, "Gen erals in the Army," by Dorolhy Walworth, and Mrs. B. C. For sythe read an article on chuu welfare. Refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses, Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Mrs. White and Mrs. Thome. The Maranalhas met at the home of Mrs. E. M. Baker Wed nesday, Nov. 10 with 13 memoers and nine guests present. It was reported that filty chairs hau been purchased for the chureh. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Hershall Townsend. I. R. Robison of Portland, for merly of lone, recently under went a major operation at The Dalles hospital, but is now at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ilealy C',;-: 'Coleman) of Rockaway, art; the 'parents of a daughter. .fi-n rie, born Nov. 10 at Tillamook. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White k u for Portland Sunday evening. Mrs. Ernest McCabe, Miss June Griffith and Miss Laurel Palma teer were Portland visitors over the week end. Miss Griffith also visited in Corvallis. Walter Dobyns is building a new addition on his house on Third street. Mrs. Oscar Peterson who has returned home from Portland states that her daughter Eunice is still ill in the Emanuel hos pital there. Beverly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, returned home from the St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton Sunday, where she un derwent an appendectomy. i Mrs. Lee Beckner received worr' Sunday of the death of her step mother in West Virginia. Bert Mason Jr. of Portland vis ited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Mason Sr. last week. Other visitors at the Mason home v.;; j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalzell of j Spokane. Mrs. Dalzell is a sister of Mrs. Mason. Mrs. Dorothy Atchison, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swenson and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Swenson of Walla Walla were visiting relatives here over the week end. Mrs. Etta Bristow returned to Walla Walla with them. A display of fireworks will be ut on after the P-TA auction on Friday niht, Nov. 19, at the school. Guests at the Garland Swan son home Armistice l):iy were Mrs. Swanson's mother, Mrs. Re gina Miller, her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. S"iul Brown and son, and her brother. Joe Miller and sons, all of Sa lem. The Willows grange annual turkey dnner and bazaar will be held at the grange hall Nov. 27 beginning at 6 o'clock p.m., fol lowed by a carnival and dance Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur BerRstrom of Portland visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zeilinski and son of Gervais visited at the Roy Lindstrom home Saturday. Mrs. Zielinski is Ihe former Juan ita Odom. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rnundy and family of Kennewick, Wn., 2 HOW YOU (CAN EARN ON YOUR SAVINGS WITH Federally Insured Safety Use Portland Federal Savings' convenient SAVE - BY - MAIL service. You get a good return. Your savings are Federally In sured for safety up to $5000. Withdrawals are promptly paid, without fees or deduc tions of any kind. tet ui send you complete Informa tion about our SAVE-BY-MAIL teivict now. Write today. PORTLAND rtDERAL ESS SAVINGS HHH Comer, 5th and Stark Portland 4, Oregon Something for Your Home for Christmas iU' 'r, a Lk 'i MODEL 6F1 1 6 TUMS Only HL- 1 tTO' aTaXI - - M I - IL - CONVENIENT Ofchndkot Automatic I MONTHLY PAYMENTS Radio-Phonograph 'fji' In the. Entrancing Beauty Ctv of Walnut rfefe) MODEL 6F12, Only K lSr ? 1 $QI A 95 ! ,pt .T: !. ' New Thrill Pocked o9dmhal Combination Automatic Radio-Phonograph with famous tMMCLE tone arm Ntw improved changer playi up to 12 records Automatically change record in Vi seconds Admiral perfected superhet radio Automatic bass compensation for tone balance Stunning cabinet with French gold grille Beauty of performance, made poiwble with Admiral Miracle Ton Arm, ia matched with beauty of crafta. manahip. The cabinet ia atyled of fine walnut wood veneer and hand-polished to high luttr. 6 Tubes Girl Scout Troop No. 1 Preparing Special Ceremony Girl .Scout troop No. 1 mot in the Masonic hall on Monday, Nov. 15. They made plans and practiced for their investiture ceremony and court of awards which is to be held November 22. Mrs. Merle Becket taught several songs to the group. spent Armistice at the John Ery son home. Mrs. C. W. Burton who has been visiting her molher, Mrs. Lana Padberg, for several weeks, left Sunday for her home in Portland. Mrs. Lana Padberg and Mrs. Clara Kincaid went to Pendleton Monday to visit Lyle Kincaid who is in the St. Anthony's hos pital with an ear infection. Lyle is the son of Mrs. Frank Nichols of Hermiston. I As this is National Book week the troop presented the book, "The Brownies" by Juliana H'ra- .' tia Ewing to the Heppner Public llbrary. This book will be placed on the Girl Scout shelf. The troop has been divided into three patrols. The purpose of the patrol system is to give the 1 girls practice in a representative form of government. Leader of 1 Patrol One is Peggy Wightman land her assistant is Adelia An derson. Leader of Patrol Two Is Mary Ruth Green and the assist ant ia Jean Marie Graham. Sally . Palmer is leader of Patrol Three with Kay Valentine as assistant. Girl Scout troop No. 1 has re ceived special recognition in the National Girl Scout Leader mag azine for sending twelve 'Trea sures for Pleasure" boxes to France and the Philippines in 11947. Letters of appreciation have been received from Scouts in both of these countries. J Callers at the luitnr r,f Mf yfiA I Mrs. J.ims ctriffee ,iri Arrti)fti I Day were Ins sister. Mrs. II. s. if. liCimeof CoiMlie, Wnsti . anil niece. Mrs. Harry (..bain of Fen- o'leiun. Mrs. John Line submitted to a major surgical operation nt th St. Anthony's hospital jn Pendle ton Monday. . ,.; Flatt's Transfer' and Storage Heppner Ph. 1 12 The Dallea Phone 2635 114 E. 2nd St Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "We Go Anvwherr.Anvtime" j & ? ARE YOU MISSING SOMETHING? No matter what you' ve been offered for your present car, your nearest Kaiser-Frazer dealer would like to tell you what he thinks it's worth. It could be much more than you think. And while you're about it, see and cfriiie the 1949 KAISER or FRAZER. Power to spare, with many a long mile between gallons.. Room for yourself and your five best friends. Style and luxury that make the KAISER and FRAZER the most copied cars in America. A ride that smooths the bumps and hugs the road at any speed. Before you decide on any new car, fill out the coupon below and find out easily and without obli gation what your present car will bring. Then drive a 1949 KAISER or FRAZER and find out for your self what our 300,000 proud owners already know. The keys are waiting for you. Maybe you've been missing something! MAIL THIS COUPON TO YOUR KAISER-FRAZER DEALER f M M Mf ffl M ' , WORT . ...,vw WHAT Ml - LIKE TO nv.. Heppner Motors Phcne 2313 Norlh Main St. Heppner, Oregon & m df M tar Mr mr r ,1ta Name ' " - ZH-w ..u OF COURSE N0 OBLIGATION, OF - H-6 HANDVAC, REGULAR PRICE $24?s i 13.1 71 . The Sensational New Mfestindiouse HAND VAC for your OLD CLEANER THE WONDERFUL NEW Tstinghouse AUTOMATIC 10 REGULAR PRCf OFFER GOOD FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! Case Furniture (Do. EMZSiAJ2&Vi I