Page 4 j Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Nov. 11, 1948 ...FROM THE JOHN DEERE "BIG 3" If it's safe, swift, smooth htuling you want, be sure you choose your tubber-tired farm wagon from the John Deere "Big i" There's one that fits your pocketbook and your htuling requirements exactly. There's the dependable, smooth-trailing No. 953, with all the features you need for general-purpose work on the arerage farm. If you want a low-cost rubber-tired wagon for use at lower speeds, your choice should be the No. 943. The No. 963 will be your selection if you need extra-rugged con struction and larger tires for heavy-duty hauling. Regardless of which you choose, each gives you such modern wagon features as automobile-type disk wheels, Timken tap-ered-roller bearings, telescoping reach, al'-weided frame construction, and auto oteexing. See us for complete details. Braden Tractor and Equipment Co. Your Caterpillar Dealer Penney's x i TTTmTTrROWI ' J Little Girls PLAY NURSE KIT 98c Attractively packaged fn Play Nurse Suitcase Ev erything in the case that a little nurse needs. Collapsible 19" DOLL CART 5.90 It has aluminum finish Wheels smart leatherette Body and Hood. She'll enjoy DOLL WALKER 2.39 Sturdy Steel constructed 23" long 4 steel wheels. 'p Just like Mom's COFFEE POT SET 1.19 18 Pieces in alL Every piece aluminum fin ished in large 16" x 13" box. N7 Ringing DIAL PHONE 98c RING YOUR NUMBER AND IT RINCS THE BELL LOADS OF FUN I Throws Sparks! Passenger Trains 3.98 Lots of action with this dan dy set Comes with 12 sec tions of track. Steel-Rubber tired HAULER TRUCK 59c Ifs 9 12" long and look I You get three plastic autos with this truck. 2 way-6 wheels TRAILERTRUCK 1.39 Truck works two ways. Run it with trailer in play or take it off and have a sleek truck cab, 18" long. Fun on Wheels Red Velocipedes HEAVY TUBULAR STEEL 10" FRONT WHEEL 6.90 12" FRONT WHEEL 9-90 16" FRONT WHEEL .. 10.90 20" FRONT WHEEL 12.75 With ball bearing front wheels. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy communion 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 o'clock. The Right Reverend Lane W. Barton, Bishop of East ern Oregon, will preach at this service. Week-day services: Wednes days, holy communion 10 a.m.; Fridays, holy communion, 7:30 a.m. Choir practices: Girls, 4 p.m.; adults, 8 p.m., Wednesday; boys, 4 p.m., Thursday. This week the practice will be held in the vicarage, 408 Church St. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ruggles drove to Moro Friday to witness the football game in which Hepp ner spoiled the Huskies' unde feated record for the season. The Ruggles formerly resided at Moro. Random Thoughts . . . Continued from first Page week and there were many ex pressions of surprise at the ap pearance of the little city as re corded by the camera at an ele vation of 3500 feet. While por tions of the south end of town are not included, all of the bus iness section is plainly visible, and all of the town out as far as the lower end of the railroad yards was in the range of the camera. The compactness ot our little city elicited many com ments from members of the lun cheon club. ' The Duffel Bag, by Hazel Hoe, is accountable for the following: 'The army," says Charlene, "is big bunch of cocky guys in khaki looking for cookies.' 'A dame and an automobile are pretty much alike," sez little Ignatz. A good paint Job nides the years, but the lines tell the story." Who are we to argue with tne guy who says there's no place like home? Where else nowadays can a person trust the hash? One good thing to remember whilst cussing out your enemies . . . You made 'em. Something New for the Home for CHRISTMAS NEW DESIGN in DISHES Complete in 8 place settings with serving dishes . . . Floral Patterns and conven tional designs. $18.50 to $36.50 Case Furniture Co. LOST Near Saager's Pharmacy, j WILL PAY $1 reward for return Monday, blue Sheaffcr fountain pen. Please notify Barbara Sherman, 8K12, Heppner. 34c of my gate taken the night of Halloween. Mrs. Maggie Hunt. 34c Needing a Gift Suggestion ? Insure on education for the vounq ones in your family. BLAINEf ELISOR! AGENCY Heppner Phone 723 INSTALLS X-RAY SHOE FITTING MACHINE Keeping abreast of the times, Edmond Gonty has installed a machine to aid in shoe fitting. The new piece of equipment is a Simplex X-ray Shoe Fitter, which i makes it possible to see the bones in your feet and permitting tne salesman to determine the proper size and last. PERSONALIZED Christmas Cards Imprinted With Your Name Featuring America's most distinctive lines of Person alized Christmas Cards. . . . Many beautiful designs to choose from. When you select Hallmark or Gibson cards yourfriends will know you cared enough lo send the very best. Order now while selections are complete. Humphreys Drug Co. From where I sit ... 61 Joe Marsh To Dunk or Not To Dunk? FOR SALE 80 sacks treated Rex seed wheat. Harvey Smith, Ph. 35F13, lone. 34c KOF SALE Dining table, buffet and 6 chairs, including one host chair. Contact W. Y. Ball. 34c WANTED Hoist for 2-ton Chev truck. W. G. Seehafer, lone. 34-36c Dunking doughnuts is Sober Hopkins' favorite morning pa-stime . . . and for a long time Ma Hopkins has been trying to break him of the habit Feels it sets a bad example for the children. So one morning she puts a heavy frosting of chocolate on the dough nuts . . . figuring that will stop him. Sober thinks it over for a while and then: Dunk! Taste? Smile!! And Sober compliments the missus on the lovely mocha flavor! I guess there'll always be two schools of thought: to dunk or not to dunk. But from where I sit, it's a matter of personal choice and taste like some folks prefer beer to cider, ale to beer. And the less we criticize those differences of taste, the better. In fact. Ma Hopkins got so curi ous about the flavor of chocolate covered doughnuts dunked in coffee, that she tried it herself. Now you've guessed it she's a daily dunker, too! Copyright, 19 18, United Slates lircuers Foundation Humphreys Drug Co. Heppner, Oregon i I : it- Set HiU Monro. 2S-year warranty ht LONGEST tuarantea on any wattr hoaror mad. LIFE-LONG BRONZE ! mors thin t match for .very cauia of wat.r heater trouble. And the tank in your LIFE-LONG Montag Water heater is built of SOLID BRONZE. That is why we can safely furnish you this 28-year pro-rated warranty. That is" why Montag gives you tht longest guarantee of any water heater made today 1 Let ui show you how you get more years of dependable hot water service with this beautiful new Montag water heater. See ui today for complete In formation and real economy. SOLID BRONZE tank and fitting! fight rust, scale, corrosion. Give you LIFE LONG serUe. Cloan, white BAKED tnamel stays boautituL Thick FIBERGLAS Insulation savos all ttto hoat. Saves currant. Flbarglos con't rot, sottlo, or go to pieces. TWO direct - hooting) ele ments work FAST in water. You have r wotor an tap all the time. Montag snakes the siia you need. 40- and 52- gallon copoclty means your family has plenty of hot water automatically. Ufa-long Automatic Iloctrlc Water Hatr Iloctrlc Ranges Automatic Oil or Electric Homo Heating Case Furniture Co. Do a whole week's ironing in HALF-TIME... simply ! expertly ! $199.75 Trigidaire Electric Ironer Now, sit down to do a whole week's Ironing quickly, easily, expertlyl And In half the Hmel It's simple with a new Frigidaire Electric Ironer. It Irons clothes foster, smoother, neater without lifting, backache, physical strain. Open ends take sheets and tablecloths easily. Conveniences such as Selective heat control; Prestoe-Mallc foot control two Ironing speeds; roll stop for pressing and a sag-proof 30-inch roll make this t, ironer you have nJ-.m been waiting fori ISsmw' Heppner Appliance Co. Luvlee Lady Lounging Robes in Clipped Rayon Blue, Red and Lime sites 34 to 40, $10.95 extra sixes, 42-44, $11.95 ... jS-3r v Flowered Rayon Gowns Jy20fiW ond Pajamas 3.95,4.95,5.95,6.50,8.95 Osage Line of LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 65c to $2.50 , All Nylon Slips, Black or White, $4.95 NORAH'S SHOP STAR ED REPORTER Admission ptioei Afternoon and earning, nnleii spe cifically advertised to 1m otherwlsei Children I Eit, Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, Total aOof Oradt and High School Student! U years and overt Est Frioe .40. Fed. Tax .10, Total 60o; Adnltii Sit. Prela .50, Ted. Tax .10, Total SO o. Every ch id occupying a seat muit have a ticket. Sunday ihows continuous at art in? at 1 p.m. All other snows itarat at 7i30 p.m. Boxoflice open evening until 9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 11 Armistice Day Program CARNEGIE HALL This film, featuring most of the outstanding mu sicians of today, was advnrtlMftd for allowing sometime ago but the electridty was disrupted both nights of the scheduled allowing. We have finally secured permission from the producer to bring CARNEGIE BALI, bark for one day only end are happy to be able to present this Important musical at this time. Friday-Saturday, Nov. 12-13 ENCHANTED VALLEY Alan Onrtls, Anne ttwynne, Charley Grapewln, Don Olit, Joaeph Devlin. A picture for you and fur your children ... pho tographed In Imprertalve colur ... you'll be de lighted by the animal's antlca. PLUS California Firebrand Monte Hale, Adrian Booth. An above-average weRtern parked with riding, Hhooting, flHtjcuffH and everything devotees of cowboy films enjoy , . . pleasing color photo grapby. Sunday-Monday, Nov. 14-15 THE ARCH OF TRIUMPH Inffrld Barffmui, Charts. Boyor, Clmrlss L.ufh- ton, LouU Oalhern, Bath Warrick. Erioh Maria Romarqua'. cimiprHllNfe nnvnl has hwn rmule into u niiitrful pruiluulkin fur tlio wnw . . . fill pprfnrmam'PH iifn pxrojlniit. Tuesday-Wednesday, Nov. 16-17 ISN'T IT ROMANTIC? V.ronloa Laka, Mona Freeman, Mary Hatolier, Billy DeWolfo, Fatrle XnowlM, Roland Culver. A (tny, ymniK nuinliiil romance wllli tunm to net your heart tapping.