Page 6 Mr and Mr VV, V. ( n . ford were wet k end guests ,-,t the , home of Mr. and Mrs. Ais . les i Mr. Crawford came fron i' rt- : Jand to meet her husbai.t who 1 T PENNEY'S, PAY CASH... i I I: UlN Children's Shoes 4.49 Growing feet are a Penney problem. U"e solve it with our ALL- LEATHER shoes at LOW PRICES. Loot! Girls' school-dress oxford in russet, 12J-3 " C Boys' scuffless tip shoe in brown, 12-3, C. Boys' scuffless tip high shoe, sizes 12-3,' , D. The same shoes come In sizes 81j-12 for 3.98 The Art liad born in pastern Oregon on i" uranoe busine:;s. While here, "Bill" joined in the campaign to reduee the pheasant population hereabouts. CARRY IT... County Agent News . . Newest treatment fer mastitis j or garpet in muk cows is ponicil- lin in form of a small stick which is inserted into the teat canal of the infected qu.uier. The treat ment is simple with excellent re sults obtained when the infection is caused from streptococcus aga laetiae, the "bug" that causes the disease. FARM MACHINERY NEEDS WINTER PROTECTION Winter is approaching and in my travels about the county I see many combines and other farm machinery that is still set ting out. unprotected from the weather. With the present high cost of machinery and at that not too easy to purchase, it is worm a little extra effort to protect It from the weather. Most farmers now agree -that some kind of shelter more than pays for itself in the better, longer service that they get from their euipment. From a practical standpoint, any cover that will shed water will do. Many farmers are build ing machine sheds throughout the county and this is something that is encouraged and will pay off large dividends. When a machine is stored after use, it is always best to give the machine a complete oiling or greasing, and then briefly oper ate the machine so that ail bear ing surfaces have oil on them to prevent rusting. If the machine, for any reason, was left out in the rain, greasing will flush the water out of bearing areas and protect these surfaces from rust ing. A coating of grease or rust proof compound should be ap plied to all polished parts to pre vent rusting, such as moldboards and shares on plows. All imple ments on rubber tires should be jacked up or blocked up off the ground to take pressure off rub ber tires and prevent rusting of steel wheels, if there is danger of water draining under it. With winter not many weeks Humphreys Drug Co. Heppner, Oregon Preservative! That's an expression seldom heard these days and to clear any doubt that may exist in the mind let us say that it relates to PRINTING Our shop is not an art center, in the strict sense, but if you need anything in the line of printing, from a small calling card to a double truck poster our printery is at your service. Check your needs nowLet terheads - Envelopes - State ments - Office Blanks - Books - Programs - Blotters - Catalogs- Folders T Labels-Checks Receipts - and so forth any quantity If there is anything you need printed Gazette Times Printery - in person or by phone-882 ' call on the Heppner Gazette Times i Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Nov. 8, jaway there is little time left in! which to complete conservation, : practices under the 1948 AAA pro gram. Early frosts and bad wea ther often end conservation work before projects are completed. Every bit of conservation work that can be completed will mean that much more soil saved or water conserved. 4-H HELP PRAISED The County Home Extension committee stresses the import ance of 411 club work. We are proud of the work done by Mor row county boys and gins. We are grateful for the work done hv club leaders. Parents who give so much encouragement, patience and time are especially com. mended. We feel sure that the work in the coming year will be most outstanding. Signed Mrs. Ralph Thompson, Mrs. George Currin, Mrs. Vernon Munkers, Mrs. Walter Wright. Mrs. Markham Baker, Mrs. Er nest Heliker. Mrs. George Currin, Heppner, was elected at the County Home Extension committee meeting on Monday to fill out the one year term ending in May left vacant by the resignation of Mrs. W. E. Hughes, Heppner. RANDOM THOTS .... Continued from First Pae Penney company store, for a nice new book. "Main Street Merch ant," by Norman Beasley. It is the story of the J. C. Penney com pany, from the humble beginning of a lad who worked in the home town mercantile establishment to learn the business and for which during the first year he drew wages of approximately two dollars and fifty cents per month, up to the present when J. C. Penney the multi-millionaire takes time off from bus iness to indulge in some of his hobbies. The book will be on sale shortly and it should prove an inspiration to aspiring youth who wish to become something more than "just another guy." Paid Up Life Insurance is a good investment or a nice gift. BLAINE E. IS0M, Agency Heppner Phone 723 LEXINGTON HOME EC CLUB SCHEDS MEETING ON ARMISTICE DAT An all-day meeting has been scheduled at the hall on Thurs day, November 11 by the Home Economics club of the Lexington grange. There will be a meeting at 10 o'clock, foHowed by a pot luck dinner at noon. All mem bers having fancy work and ap rons for the bazaar are asked to get them in by this time. The club met last week end at the home of Mrs. Alfred Troedson, with Mrs. Anne Smouse as co hostess. There were 13 members and one guest present. During the business meeting new officers were elected for the coming year as follows: Mrs. Norman Nelson, chairman; Mrs. Myles Martin, vice-chairman; Mrs. John Graves, secretary, and Mrs. Anne Smouse, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Cachot Therkel son were week-end visitors in Heppner, coming up for some bird hunting, along with numer ous other Portland folk who find the shooting good in this area. Si IE or not Tuberculosti Is the question! You owe it to yourself and trie future health of your family to And out if you have TBI TB is a killer! It causes about 30,000 deaths each year I TB is contagious I It's the No, 1 disease killer between the age of 15 and 44 1 Be safe . . . e sure i protect your familyl CHECK YOUR CHEST GET AN X-RAY...TODAYI Sponsored i public wrTic W Hotel Heppner 1948 ELKS AND LADIES TO DINE SATURDAY NIGHT Heppner lodge No. 3T)8. BPOE. announces a special treat for Elks and tnelr ladies Saturday eve ning at the club. Special feature of the evening will be a smorgas- Dora. serving will be from 7:3(1 to 11. o- ROYAL ARCH MEETING Regular meeline of the R A M will be held Friday evening in me Masonic hall. Important bus iness is to come before the meet ing according to Hurley Ander son, High Priest. Mrs. Harold Hinkle, John Day; Air. and Mrs. C. E. Crouch of Kim berley, and Mrs. Ruth Shane of John Day were in Heppner Satur. day to attend the opening at Mary Van's Flower shop. En route to Portland the party left for that place Saturday evening. Mrs. Shane is Mrs. Stevens' sister. a- Mrs. Mary Stevens was in Port land the first of the week at tending market week. Amone others in the city this week for that purpose are Mrs. Orve Ras mus of Norah's shop and Mrs. Nellie Anderson of the Anderson & Wilson store. THANKSGIVING FUN With so many leaves falling and these crisp, cool clays, our thoughts turn to food and fun for Thanksgiving time. You have seen gorgeous pictures of appet izing food and probably have your mind made up as to the menu at your house that day. Just one reminder let's keep it simple but tasty. Do as much of the preparation a day or two be fore so that your family can en- Solve Housing Problem! A prefabricated log cottage shipped already to set up complete with doors and win dows, shingled roof, 2 inch T. and G. flooring. Single cot tage $950. 3 room size S1750. See or write W. B. HINKLE Arlington, Oregon Pretty as a STAR Admission prlcei afternoon and eevnlug, unless spe clflcally advertised to be otherwise! Children i Est. Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, Total 20c; Grade and High School Student! 18 yeara and oven Eat Price .40, Fed. Tax .10, Total Wo; Adults i Est. Prcie .50, Fed. Effective November 1, except on special occasions men ai Armistice Day and Thanksgiving Say, as shown on the November program, onr schedule will be as follows I Same program Sunday and Monday. Sunday shows continuous from 1 p.m. Monday show starts at 7:30. Same program Tu esday and Wednesday. Show starts at 7i30 both evenings. Same double-bill program Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Show starts at 7:30 all 3 evenings. During the winter months, the Satur. day show will not start at 7. DO YOU KNOW THE EIGHT ANSWER? Every week a representative of the Star Theater will phone 10 residents of Heppner and near commun ity and ask if the answering party knows I WHAT IS PLAYING AT THE THEATER TODAY? If yon can answer correctly In 30 seconds time yon will receive a FREE TICKET to the theater. Read our newspaper ads and hang this program near the phone. . . SO YOU'LL HAVE THE RIGHT ANSWER! Thursday-Friday-Saturday, Nov. 4-5-6 FURY AT FURNACE CREEK Victor Mature, Ooleen Gray, Glenn Langan, Reg inald Gardiner, Albert Dekker. In the winning of Urn wnnt thin nrv.nt Kfign wan horn! The flaming atory of two hrothnrn nwom to vengeance! PLUS Joy your company in the living room instead of your being in the kitchen all day. As to fun try this on your guests young or old. While you are still too full to move from the table, have everyone place hands under the table. Then you pass 10 or so small objects in succession which they do not see. Each player feels the objects, mentally, decides what each is and passes it on around the ta Nm Lifts NOW YOU "Wbstinghouse ROASTER OVEN Here's electric cooking at its delicious best. Cooks every thing from complete oven meals to delicious angel food cakes. Time-Temp Shelf gives correct cooking times and temperatures at a glance ; self-basting lid bastes meats continuously in their own rich juices, ma'.zro even the cheer cuts dciiciousiy tender. . GONTY'S Picture, Trim Your newly-cleaned garments . . . You are prepared for any occasion when you have your wardrobe ser viced regularly by us . . . We are as near as your telephone - CALL 2592 Free Pickup and Delivery Heppner Cleaners EES REPORTER ble. When the last object has completely circled the table, pass out pencil and paper so that guests can write down list of objects from memory. You can give a small prize for winner. Select items of Thanksgiving na ture such as pine cones, apples, onion, turkey feather, squash, tooth pick, grape, turkey bone, pine cone turkey, toy pilgrim's hat, Jug of cider, hatchet and cranberry. to Living, CAN ENJOY FOR ONIY $00'00 SEE THESE FEATURES LOOK-IN LW Mattel "peeking" un necessary. OVINWARI DISH SIT For cooking, serving, food storage. TBUE-TtMP CONTROL ? t ii a'L 5 3 :ect ed Iwat automatically. as a Button Tax .10, Total 90o. Every child occupy luff a Beet matit have a ticket. Sunday shows contlnnom starting at 1 p.m. Satur. day evening eliowi itart at 7 p.m. All other evening shows itart at 7 :30 p.m. Boxoffloe open evening! until 0 p.m. MR. RECKLESS William Eytlie, Barbara Britten, Walter Catlett, Minna Gombel. Actlonful oilfield melixlnima. Sunday-Monday, Nov. 7-8 A FOREIGN AFFAIR . Jaaa Arthur, Marlene Dietrich, John Lund, Mil. lard Mitchell, Bill Murphy. A FORRIO.V AFFAIlt In a funny affair . . Iho romedy Rmanh that make lauKhttiK a notional imftlnifi. BHD-HOT NEWSHEEL EVERY SUNDAY AND MONDAY. Tuesday-Wednesday, Nov. 9-10 ON OUR MERRY WAY Paulatte Ooddard, Burgess Meredith, James Stew art, Henry Fonda, Trod MacMurray, Dorothy Lamonr, Victor Moore, Harry James, Hugh Herbert, William Demarest, Eduardo Ciannelll, A Inrgn aRKmutitinn of major Htnrn jrnt toother to make tlila eomwly In Hi roe nmjor eplnoilps nn niOHHitKP. iimyhn. hut ImiKhtnr! AIho FOOTBALL MAGIC, (in exciting roviow of thft 1IM7 plj?kln viHon from top profcHHlonal and eolli'Klnti? runkn down tliroiiKh hiK" Mionl gnmoH and kid sandlot ntuff. FOOT BALL traditional Armlstloe Day game between Heppner and Kermlston