1 Page 3 Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chaffee Celebrate 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chaffoe cel ebrated their golden wedding an niversary Saturday, uct. a, at tending a party given by the community at the grange hall. The program consisted of the fol lowing numbers: pano solo, Mrs. Lowell Shattuck; duet, Grace Mil ler and Marlene Fisk; violin solo, Karl Cramer; saxophone duet, Donald Gillespie and Wilbur PI- Midco Purebred Breeders Assn. SHOW 6 SALE of Purebred Here fords SHOW: October 31, 2:00 p.m. SALE: November I, 1:30 p. m. Sherman County Fairgrounds Moro, Oregon on Highway 97 A FINE CROUP OF BREEDING CATTLE Write: LeRoy Wright Secretary Moro, Oregon for Catalogue H. B Sager. Auctioneer Joe Johnson. Judge Keep Him Working For Oregon 4 WSWI e lf r ft U f U.S. Senator GUY CORDON (Republican) His seniority in the U. S. Senate is of great value to Oregon JL Member of Six Major Sub-Committees of the Senate Appropriations Committee, handling appropriation! lor: Hydro Electric Power, Flood Control, Rivers and Harbors, Reclama tion, Fublic Lands, Indian Atiairi, Forestry and Agriculture. jL Chairman Treasury-Post Office Appropriations Sub-committee, JL. Chairman of the Appropriations Committee to Investigate European economic conditions. JL. Member Senate Committee on Interior and n Insular Affairs. JL. Chairman, Centralla, Illinois, mine disaster committee. jl. Chairman of the sub-committee to investigate the Near East oil situation. JL, A one-man Investigator of the Hawaiian State hood request JL, Chairman of the Joint Committee to Investi- n gate the Island Possessions and Trust Terri tories in the Pacific Retain U.S. Senator Guy Cordon NOVEMBER 2nd Paid Adv. Guy Cordon for Senator Comm.. Geo. F. Jumenon, Ex-. Sarty., Portland. Ore. RnarHman In 1921 with their fam ily, where they have since lived. Taking over the telephone office upon their arrival tney continued nnuratina it until January of this year. They have eight children, all living, and five ol them were at the party, and most of their grandchildren. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Lnai- fee, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chaffee, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. James of Eu gene, Mr. and Mrs. John Chaffee, Portland, and Arthur Chaffee, Rnardman: erandehlldren were Marjorie, Robert and Richard James of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Gilham, Roseburg; Connie Mae and Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. att; piano duet, Mrs. Nathan Thorpe and Mrs. Frank Marlow; Pantomime of the married life of the bride and groom, acted out by local talent; introaucion 01 me rvinniB inH their family. Mrs. Leo Root; and the gift was pf-sented by R. B. Rands. Mr. ana kits. rhaffpp were then ushered to the dining room where the bride cut the first piece of the mree-uerea cake, all decorated in gold. Mr and Mrs. Chaffee came to Jack Thienes and daughter Re- hug nf Fuppne. Rebecca Thl pni ia the onlv ereat grandchild Two daughters, Mrs. .arroi Kennedy. Eueene. and Mrs. Al- pooIpo nf Grants Pass were unable to attend due to sickness, and one son, Adna, who is wltn the merchant marines, was un able to get here. While In Boardman, memoers of the family were guests at the local hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee and fam ily wish to express their thanks rH annrpplation to the commun ity for the grand party and the gift which was presented to u.e nta and all those who took part in the program and in any way had a pan. Dev. and Mrs. Chas. Eble are the proud parents of twin boys born Saturday evening, vjci. to, at the St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton. This makes four sons for the Eble's. The little ones have been named Dale and Dean. Week-end guests at the Robert Harwood home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradley of Packwood, Wn. Bradley and Mrs. Harwood are brother and sister. STRENGTHEN The Office Of Attorney General ' V H. K. Dunlw.. Yoon Bid. Portland. ()r Carpenter Work kJ I.L. - u,m rmnll ink nr n large job done . . . rough work or finishing. Work Guaranteed DELBERT DISSHAW, Phone 1454 Heppner, Oregon f cnor ITis TUB REST- ALL MY FARM LIABILITY HAZARDS, WITH FEW EXCEPTION 3. rWl lUVCKCU ir inni All-in-oe srEdtL rmm comamnTiON FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP! XNdllSURMCf GROUP YV iJMBBfl illfll liroail: MARVIN R. WIGTHMAN Local Agent Rte. 2 Heppner, Oregon INSURE WITH FAR! !ERS AMD SUR5 wppk-pnd puests at the home Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe were Mrs. Thorpe's sister, Pauline Smith of Union, and ner nromer and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and daujjhler of La Grande. Mrs. Clifford Wood and son of Arlineton are visiting a lew days with her brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Earwood. While returning from Heppner one day last week Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rippee were slde swipeo by a gravel truck, tearing off the side mirror and doing damage to the fender and radiator. The truck did not stop so the Rip pee's are at a loss to know who hit them. Mrs. Ralph Earwood and daughter Shirley were with the Rippee's. Ladies Aid met Wednesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Leo Root. The subject for study was Alaska, which was, very interest ing. The host assisted by Esther Knight served cookies and cof fee. Guests last week at the home nf Mr and Mrs. W. A. Simcox were their son-in-law and daugh ter Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Conei of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown of Los Angeles, the latter a sister-in-law and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown of Los Angeles, who is a sister-in-law, and W. A. Simcox Jr. of La Grande, who is a radio annuoncer in that city. Week-end guests at tne home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Briggs were Mrs. Briggs' son of Milwaukie, and her daughter and two chil dren of Pullman, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Garner and two children left for Bend Friday where they were to join Mr. Gar ner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Plumb, and from there they were all to motor to Fort Morgan, Col., to visit Mrs. Cramer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Jones. This will be the first time for the grandparents with the little uranririauphtpr. Anita Garner. Phillip Jones is driving school bus for Garner during his ab sence and Ora Ely is assisting Etta Jones at the telephone office. Friday evening Mrs. Ely took a group of boys skating to the Plamore. Those going were Alan Ely, Harold and Darrell Marlow, Peter Cassidy, Franklin Ball and Donald Gillespie. The school grade students were also there going in the school bus. ' Many local folk left Sunday for the opening elk hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mulligan and daughter Judy and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wyss left for Prairie City, Others going were Alfred Archer, Dick Robertson, and Dale Eades. Chet Atteberry of Tacoma vis ited his mother, Mrs. Olive Atte berry, a, couple of days last week. Visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Veelle were Mrs. Veelle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Calliff of Oregon City, also Mrs. L. Cameron and four children,,.,Mrs. S. Bristow and family. Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Bristow are sisters of Mrs. Veelle. Mrs. Reinette Root, who has spent the past week at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root, left Mon day morning for her home in Grid ley. Cal. Mrs. Root accom panied her as far as Corvallis where she will spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Olive Mef ford and a sister, Mrs. Max De weessc. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stoltnow motored to Pilot Rock Sunday to visit Mrs. Stoltnow's son-in-law and daughter and little grand- H.niohter Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Mahn and Pattv Jo. Mrs. Stolt now remained for a few days with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber spent Sunday in Arlington with !Mr. Macomber's brother and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macomber. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zerba of Pendleton and Miss Esther Jones of Hermiston were Sunday din ner guests at the home of the girl s mother, Mrs. Blancne Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Brown re ceived word of the death of a daughter in California Saturday. r Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. RtMOVt... MURDEROUS FISH TRAPS 8 31B riSH V F oskin For ,'1 A .X A t 4. . mm. .": Gordon Banker was up from Portland to spend the week end with Mrs. Banker. He reports that he likes his new job but thinks it will be nicer when his wife can join him. Mrs. Banker is remain- nl W C Beautiful Orertii LY J JUMBO Print Eitr PrtnU k j mail Dwiop jr. . I Jambo Prlnu J J v nprUU Tt mAlllnc baft on rqn.t JUMBO FILM CO. Payette, Idaho For District Attorney I wish to announce my candidacy for the office of DISTRICT ATTORNEY for Morrow County on a write-in basis General Election, November 2, 1948 RALPH E.CURRIN THEY'RE HERE!.., Jockey longs The famous cold weather underwear that brought stream- , lined style and warm comfort to millions of men is available ogain. Patented Y-front construc tion gives mild support. Now that Jockey brand underwear is returning in quantity, you need no longer accept un known substitutes. Get Jockey Longs today with special Jockey Contoured Shirts to match. Originated and manufactured by Coopers. 1 COTTON LONGS $1.85 257. WOOL $3.00 507. WOOL - $3.75 WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR THE STORE OF PERSONAL SERVICE " LA , Sweetheart, Wife Sister, or Mother VARllL HER THIS CHRISTMAS with a Lovely LANE Cedar Chest .A ti --V r'"- Only a l I Join our LAME Christmas Club Now And Be Sort Sht Has Her lane for Christmas! It's the Real Love-Gift the Gift that Starts the Home! We have on display a complete assortment of gorgeous Lane Cedar Chests-finished in finest woods of the entire world, in styles to harmonize with any other furniture! All have Lane's exclusive, desirable quality features! Free moth insurance policy goes with every thejt. Come in today. Act Now! LAY-A-WAY a LANE Today! TAKE YOUR TIME TO PAY I CASE FURNITURE CO.