Ppgc 8 i Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Oct. 21, 1948 News From C. A. Office jiiouse. lone, and Frank Ander-1 jf-on. HorpiKT- wl, are growing I r.ox M l with Bill Barratt. Hepp- ' ner. growing Elgin. i ( lant,r A. Warn-n. Hcppnor. hail submitted the bin sample of hid V. M I seed wheat 1" Oro gun Siati' enllege for eompletion of certification. The Vl acres of ficx that Mr. Warren is certify ing passed field inspection last June When this field is com pleted it will bring the c" t heat acreage grown In Morrow county this year to 940 acres. While records on seed certifica tion in Morrow county reach hack but to twenty years ago. it is be lieved that this is the largest cer tified acreage ever grown here. This is a healthy situation for our county since this seed is used lo cally and clean seed is an Im provement over impure any time. Growers of the certified seed besides Mr. Warren are Kenneth I While we are talking of ccrti fied seed wheat, many farmers of !the lower area of the county will I be interested to know that an ac 'ronee of certified Orfed will be grown here this next crop year L. L. Howton. Heppner. who was very well satisfied with the Orfed grown on his farm the past year has found a source of certi fied Orfed in Washington, the only source in the Pacific North west and is seeding about seven ty acres of the variety. E. M. Ba ker, lone, is seeding approxim ately two hundred acres of the same source of seed. To make sure that we will have some of this seed eligible for certification, several small plots are being grown by 4-H and FFA members. These small plots can be rogued and kept clean and Club All agricultural -1 II club mem bc-rs are reminded of the 4-11 ciuh meeting which will be held at the L. L. Howton farm, Sunday afternoon, October 24. This will he the last 4. II Huh meeting of the club year. There 1 enrolled. The leader has not clubs, new officers elected and plans made for the year. This re organization meeting for live stock chilis will be held in early November, the date to be decided upon at the Sunday meeting. m The first farm crops 4-H pro jects to be carried in Morrow county for a good many years in fact there is no record of any in the past fifteen years in the county agent's office were en rolled last week. Duane and Ron ald Baker, lone, and Fritz Cuts fort h. Lexington, are the mem- Horse Sense Bridge Lessons SAM GORDON-The Kibitzer The easiest and quickest way to learn bridge . . . taught in a simple and entertaining manner that appeals to BEGINNERS AND ADVANCED PLAYERS Three Nights Oct 28-29-30. 8 p.m. S2.40 AMERICAN LEGION HALL Sponsored by HEPPNER JAY CEE-ETTES Open to the public Tickets now on sale at Saagers Pharmacy. are some 4-H record books and secretary books yet to be com pleted and unfinished business which will be taken care of While this meeting is not the re organization meeting for the new club year, anyone interested in joining a livestock club is invited o attend. The new club year which starts Novembet 1, will mean a reorganization of existing should pass field inspection. The 4-H boys growing this Orfed are Duane and Ronald Baker, lone, who will have 42 acres, and Fritz Cutsforth, Lexington, who will have twelve acres. Bob Bergstrom of Heppner, FFA member, is seeding ten acres of the Orfed for local seed supply. They are variety. assisting the club member In been selected, however it is plan ned that these projects will be carried along as extra projects of one of the agricultural clubs in which these members will be en rolled. The projects, consisting of cer tified Orfed seed wheat produc tion, will be in cooperation with a program initiated by the Paci fic Northwest Crop Improvement association. Duane and Ronald Baker will grow 42 acres with Fritz Cutsforth growing 12 acres of the Orfed for certification. The program is one where the crop improvement association is encouraging certified seed wheat production of desirable varieties r We've a big, big group of BUYS in tbese brand-new Dre at only 10W , OR '1 1 II f I ' '''' ' " i V I I J Paid Up Life Insurance is a good investment or a nice gift. BLAINE E. ISOM, Agency Heppner Phone 723 THE DALLES, OREGON Yei, BUYS . . . because they're NEW FASHION you'll wear with assurance . . . BECOMINGLY STYLED in each size range . . . WELL MADE vith thoughtful detailing that looks much more expeniiive. Lots to choose from at thli Penney price, too! Rayons, rayon-and-wools ... tailored to party styles. Examples . . . softly detailed pepluin drew in half sizes, 18H-24H . . . misses' smooth young dress with scalloped double-tier shoulder treatment, in sizes 14-20. Both in crisp textured rayon in deep colors. PENNETS SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday October 22 - 23 Dundee Pork and Beans 25c No. 2V2 can Valley Rose Pineapple 39c Maria Pineapple 39c Hudson House Peaches 38c No. 2Vi can Cosmos Apricots 28c No. 2V2 can . Hudson House Grapefruit Juice, 2-49c Large Hunt's Sweet Pickles 53c Quart Standby Golden Pumpkin 2 for 25c No. 2V2 can THOMSON BROS. Phone 162 THIS WEEK IN HISTORY v.v it YOKKlOWW October 17 to October 27 iBy the Editors of the World Book Encyclopedia.) On October 17, 1781167 years ago this week General George Washington completed a mas ter stroke of military strategy that ended the war between America and Great Britain. Washington, arranging his troops at New York as if to launch a heavy attack, sudden ly wheeled his army to the west. He had clmost reached Philadelphia before the British were aware of his real aim. By then it was too late. Wash ington's armies lay across all avenues of escape by land, and the French fleet, which had helped Washignton in his bat tles, blocked escape by sea. It was then that General Charles Cornwallis surrendered the British armies, conceding to America the victory. The new permit is folded to the same size as the old single card. The inside of the little folder has become an application blank to bp used for renewal by mall. This is the first time such a form has oxer been issued, the secre tary said. He explained that renewal of licenses by mall is a constant source of difficulty because of failure to include full Informa tion or correct fee, resulting In heavy correspondence from his office. The self-contained renew al form Is expected to eliminate most of this trouble. Another feature of the new li cense is a space for recording the nolder s oiooa iypr. " unwun, for meergency use by a doctor in case of accident. The remain dor of the card Is similar to the old one, with identifiweation. Hear Sam Gordon spout bridge, Legion Hall, Oct. 28 29-30. Avoid The Common Gold marketing his wheat and offer to guarantee a twenty-five per cent premium on any of the cer tified seed which cannot be sold locally. This applies to a ten acre plot for each club member. Bob Fletcher, field secretary for the Pacific Northwest Crop Im provement association, spent Wednesday, October 13, with the county agent in getting these pro jects under way. o Hear Sam Gordon spout bridge, Legion Hall. Oct. 2S-29-30. o Drivers License Cards Improved A self-contained renewal appli cation and other improvements have been incorporated in Ore gon's license cards now being is sued, Secretary of State Earl T. N'ewbry has announced. Licenses to be used from now on are of better paper stock than was available during the war and are expected to stand up well in wallets and purses, eliminating much of the duplicate license problem. Newbry emphasized that the new cards will not re place valid licenses now outstanding. Build up your body resistance to cope with sudden changes in tem a preventative measure an oral vaccine Fortify yourself against chill winds, wet sloshy weather. Remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Saagers Pharmacy Humphreys Drug Co. Heppner, Oregon STAR m REPORTER Admission prices afternoon and Mmlnf , nnleu spe cifically advertised to 1m otherwise i Children i Bat. Price .17, Fed. Tu .03, Total 30c; Grade and Hifh Bchool Student! 11 yean and oreri Bit Price .40, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60c; Adults I Bat. Prole .60, Fad. Tu .10, Total 60c Every chid occnpylnf a seat matt have a ticket. Sunday shows continuous tartlng' at 1 p m. Satur day evening1 snows start at 7 p.m. All other evening shows start at 7:30 p m. Bosofflce open evenings until t p.m. n Friday-Saturday, Oct 22-23 BERLIN EXPRESS Merle Oberon, Robert Byu, Chvle Korrla, Pul Iaku. Absorbing ... timely.. . dramatic. Most or the film was made on the scene In Paris. Frankfurt and Berlin . . . these shots make Berlin Expreu very worthy aside from its thrilling story. PLUS TROUBLE IN SUNDOWN A George O'Brien western. Sunday-Monday, Oct. 24-25 THE EMPEROR WALTZ Color by Technicolor. With Blng Crosby, Joan Fontaine, Bo land ColTar, Z,aoU. Watsoa, Blch. ard Haydn, Harold VermUyea, Big Btunan. This one has everything . . . cute story, lovely color, sumptuous sets, rousing songs. NEWSREEL EVERY SUNDAY & MONDAY Tuesday, October 26 WINTER MEETING Btte Davis, J aula Paige, Jamos Davis. The most esteemed actress on the American screen finds a part really suited to her best tal ents In this Ethel Vance novel. Wednesday-Thursday, Oct, 27-28 DREAM GIRL Bett7 Button, Macdonaid Carey, Patrto Knowlee, Virginia Field. W altar AbeL. Pggy Wood, The lady Is a dream ... the gentleman Is a wolf ... the picture Is a hit and every bit as gay as Elmer Bice's smash stage-plny. Latest Issue of THE MARCH OF TIME uyang a washer? ytil you see the Westinghouso '4 wash a load of IjCtll clothes automatically Then you'll have proof that the Laundromat U work- less. You'll know that it will get your clothe gleaming white, colors bright! You'll watch it wash, rinse and damp-dry your garments, then drain, clean itself and shut off all automatically. You'll never even touch the water! Before you buy any washer, let us wash a load of your soiled clothes the Laundromat way. Then youH be sure you are buying the washer that's best for you. ! Call today for your fr dernooatratioa. J jof) u) Mm G0MTYS Heppner, Oregon Phone 23S2