Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Oct. 21, 1948 Page 7 Want Ads 'FOR SALE 5-room house on Gil more street. Inquire Gordon Banker. Phone 2664. 30-31p Don't get caught with our bat tery down! Drive in now for a FREE battery checkup. Rose wall Motor Company. FOR SALE Used electric refrig erator. Orris Padberg, Lexing ton. 29-31C I REPAIR, buy and sell new and used telephones. All work guaranteed, Wm. L. McCaleb, Heppner. 29-32c WHEN WINTER COMES Is your car prepared? See our new stock of batteries, mud and snow-grip tires and chains. Heppner Motors. 28tfc News while It's still news In our new red-hot newsreel show ing at the Star Theater every Sunday and Monday. Scenes from the World Series this week and other world events. WE ARE EQUIPPED to do all your picture framing. About 75 mouldings to choose from. Yeager's. 28c FOR SALE Harry Jones ranch 12 miles northeast of Heppner. Has your car had Us RPM lubri cation this month See as for a factory recommended Job. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED TO BUY 5 used Singer sewing machines regardless of age or condition. Please write to Singer Sewing Machine Co., co General Delivery, Heppner. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Pendleton, Ore. 31-33c We have Installed a modern De vilblss paint booth and have top notch experienced men to straighten out your fenders and paint your car. Rosewall Motor Company. AUTHORIZED Singer Sewing Ma chine representative will be in Heppner and vicinity Nov. 8 to 10, Inclusive. Orders will be taken for new and. used ma chines and vacuum cleaners. All makes of sewing machines repaired. All work guaranteed. Free estimate in your home. Please write Singer Sewing Ma chine Co., General Delivery, Heppner, and our man will call at no obligation to you. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Pendleton. Ore. 31-33c Scenes from the World Series In the Newsreel at the Star Theater, Sun. and Mon., Oct4-25. Interesting details In the Battle for Germany are covered by the new March of Time coming to the Star Theater, Wed. and Thu., Oct. 27-28. FOR SALE Maytag washing ma chine; new motor and com pletely overhauled. Telephone 975. 31 p TRY the new Par T Pak line of soft beverages In the large bot tles to take home. Yeager's. 31c BOXED STATIONERY to suit all tastes at Yeager's Store. 31c SEE US for your school needs. Wo have a full supply at Yeager's. i 31c -Owner, Stella Bailey; general delivery, Heppner or phone 2562. 28p FOR SALE 7-room modem house in lone. Prced right. For Infor mation call Berl Akers, 36F14, lone. 25tfc WANTED Anyone having tur keys or chickens for sale please contact the Victory Cafe, lone. Ore. 22tfc CUSTOM SEEDING, roding and hay chopping. W. G. Seehafer, lone. 28-32p Hear Sam Gordon spout bridge, Legion Hall, Oct. 28-29-30. FOR SALE Two 6-months-old male Springer Spaniels; good hunting strain. Phone 20F3. 31c We do frame straiehtenine'. pIpp. tronic wheel balancing, body ano render work, painting and complete automotive service. See us for free estimate. Rose wall Motor Company. The most talked-about subject in the world today the dispute for the control of Germany in the new March of Time at the Star Theater, Wed. and Thu., Oct. 27-28. BRICK ICE CREAM at Yeager's. Take home for a change. 31c This is the time of the year to replace that weak battery with a new Ford battery. We have battery replacements for all cars. Rosewall Motor Company. We will install a new or rebuilt motor In your car and restore its pep and power. You can pay for the repairs on convenient monthly budget terms. Rose wall Motor Company. WANT 50 to 500 acres unimprov- ea land. Write particulars to R. Greenlee Camp 5, Klnzua, Ore. ai-a-ip 1931 Ford fordor sedan. Good rub ber, motor reconditioned, fay down $150.00. Rosewall Motor company. FOR RENT One room for two men; twin beds, plent of hot water. Two blocks from city center. Phone 2613. 31c Hear Sam Gordon snout bridge, Legion Hall, Oct 28-29-30. FOR SALE Equity in 1947 Pack- ard Clipper. May be seen at 101 South Chase. 31p 1940 Ford sedan. New exchange motor. Pay down $435.00. Rose. will Motor Company. FOR SALE) 40 sacks treated El gin wheat; two 4-bottom No. 66 John Deere tractor plows with McCIintock hitch. Jim Valen tine, phone 2F31, Heppner. 31-32p Put two Firestone All-traction tires on the rear of your car and forget about tire chains. Rosewall Motor Company. "20 OFF on all gas (propane! or butane) Floor Furnaces, Space Heaters, full size kitch en ranges, combination wood and gas ranges. Drop in at L.I A. MOORE, FURNISHER OF HOMES, PHONE 221, HERMIS TON, OREGON. 31-32c Legal Advertising iotici or vtsax. account Notice U hereby given that the un dersigned has filed her final account of her administration of the esetate of August Anderson, deceased, with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and said Court has set Monday, the 22nd riav m November, 1948. at the hour of 10:00 A. M. as the time and place for hearing on and final settlement of said finm account. All persons having objections to said final account are hereby re quired to file the same with said Court on or before the date set for said hear ing. Dated and first published this 21st day of October, 1948. EMMA ANDERSON. Administratrix of the estate 31-34 of August Anderson, deceased. STOTICB TO CBEDITOB8 Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of ARTHUR D. KELLER, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersign ed administrator at Heppner OrPKnn. within six months from the date here of. Dated and first published this 23rd day of September. 1948. 27-31 JOS. J. NYS, Adminlstrtor. Before installing your winter anti -freeze let us clean out the with the Brady automatic rad iator cleaner you will be glad that you did. Rosewall Motor Company. Fords and Friends is our business. Rosewall Motor Company. Keep your eye on our used cat lot for your transportation needs. Rosewall Motor Co. Hot rTijiiinrs nd plugged up cooling systems can be cleaned out on our Brady automatic cleaner. See us if your cooling system Is giving trouble. Rose wall Motor Company. We have plenty of alcohol base and prevent a freeze up. Rose Let us underseal your new car against rust, dust and roau noises. Rosewall Motor Co. aOTicB or rrsAL account Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed her final account of her administration of the estate of Wm. Kummerland. deceased, with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and said Court has set Monday, the 15th day of November, 1948, at the hour oi 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon, as the time and the Morrow County Court House as the place for hearing on and final settlement or saia nnai account All persons having objections to said final account are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the date set for said hearing First date of publication October 14, 1948. NORA PERLBERG. Arf"iini."T-at?ix of the estate of 80-8 4 Wm. Kummerland, deceased. WORD OF APPRECIATION I want to thank my friends and neighbors for their thoughtful ness during my recent illness. The cards, flowers and expres sions of neighborliness were a great comfort and made my stay in the hospital more cheerful. Mrs. L. B. Ledbetter. FOOD SALE The Womans Auxiliary of the All Saints Episcopal church will hold a food sale at 2 p.m. Satur day, Oct. 23, at the Thomson Bros, store. 31c CARD PARTY Sponsored by Ladies Altar So ciety, Friday, Oct. 22, 8 p.m. at St. Patrick's hall; bridge, pino chle, bingo; also door prize. 31c CARD OF THANKS Please accept our heartfelt thanks for all the nice things done for us in our bereavement the offers of assistance the ten der expressions of sympathy, and the beautiful floral offerings. Robert Warfield and the Cowins family. o Felix Johnson and son Allen of Long Creek were Heppner busi ness visitors Wednesday. They came over for a load of grain for use on their stock ranch in the Middle Fork section. Hear Sam Gordon spout bridge Legion Hall, Oct. 28-29-30. ( 1 DELCO LIGHT' PLANTS SLIGHTLY USED FOR SALE For Full Details Write to SMOLNISKEY & O'LEARY ELECTRIC SERVICE 1102 Adams, La Grande, Or. HOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed her final account of her administration of the estate of Hatue Kuiinneriand deceased, with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and said Court has set Monday, the 15th day u oveniber, 114. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, as the time and the Morrow County Court room In the Morrow County Court House as the place for hearing on and final settlement of said final account. All persons having objections to said final account are hereby required to file the same with said Court on ur b'fre the date Bet for said hearing. First date of publication October li IMS. NORA PERLBERG. Administratrix of the estate of 30-34 Hattie Kummerland. deceased. TO THE VOTERS OF MORROW COUNTY I will appreciate your support for the office of sheriff at the general election November 2. C. J. D. Bauman, Republican nominee and 29-32 Incumbent. GUARANTEED USED CARS 1946 Chev Sedan 1941 Buick Sedan 1942 International Truck Don't gamble - buy with a guarantee. HODGE CHEVROLET CO. Phone 403 One of a series of advertisements discussing 4 topic of vital public interest. City Club Report Blasts Arguments AGAINST LIQUOR-BY-THE-GLASS! For years the City Club of Portland has been otcd for the thoroughness of its studies and the impartiality of its reports on candidates and political measures. A City Club report just sub mitted on the Oregon Liquor Dispensing Licens ing Act (Knox Law Improvement) while making no specific voting recommendation, completely disposes of the arguments most commonly ad vanced against this measure. Don't be fooled by the propaganda of the prohibitionists. Here are the facts, as reported by City Club Committee composed of seven lead ing citizens, including a minister. Arguments Against the Bill .1. It would Increase drinking, drunktness and alcoholism in Oregon. The City Club report says this argument is an "opinion only, unfounded on provable jatt!" 2. The passage of this bill will lead to the return of wide open drinking throughout the state. A further possibility is the eventual breakdown of the Knox Law and complete revulsion by the public who would then hasten to dry up the state through local option elections. The City Club report says this argument "is not based on fact. A careful search of the local option laws in the various states fails to show any correlation between the method of dispens ing liquor and any trend toward dryness," 3. Liquor will be consumed In public places such as restaurants and hotels which are fre quented by women and children. The City Club report says "this argument is advanced by nearly all the dry forces. Its cogency depends on one's attitude toward drinking in public or semi-public places." Actually, this argument is downright silly. There will be plenty of restaurants to which women and children can go without being ex posed to drinking in public places. The argument of drinking by minors also fails to stand up. All provisions of the Knox Law covering this subject will continue in full force. Obviously, licensed establishmeifts, operating in the open won't dare sen? minors; the risk is too great. , 4. If the bill passes and if the serving of liquor by-the-glast Is as profitable as the proponents believe it will be, tremendous political pres sure will be exerted on the Oregon Liquor Control Commission for issuing of new licenses. The City Club report says this argument "de pends upon the profits from selling liquor by the glass under this bill, and secondly upon the attitude and integrity of the Commission." 5. The bill is discriminatory because all establish ments which would like to serve liquor by the drink will not be licensed. The City Club report says this argument "is valid only depending upon one's point of view. It discriminates against the beer taverns which cannot be licensed under this bill. However, with 277 restaurants (81 in Portland) and 105 clubs (18 in Portland) being potentially eligible to hold dispensing licenses under this proposed bill, your committee feels that the general public will not be discriminated against." ' The City Club report clarifies the entire issue when it says : "The proposed bill would modify the present Knox Law only to the extent that it substitutes the dispenser's bottle for that of the customer's." Oregon has much to gain and nothing to lose bv improving the Knox Law. Why require pur chase of a bottle? Legalize liquor by-the-glass. VOTE 314 X YES Liquor dispensing Licensing Act WATCH THIS SPACE for additional tdverlise mints in Ibis strits. Address tommtnls or suggestions to Knox Lau Improvement Committee, 609 Dtkum Building. Veen L Ireland, Chairman. Oregon Stale Federation of tabor, . T, Man, Executive Secrelarj-Treasurer, 506 Labor temple, torlland, Ore. T B A C K T O c 1-1 E V R O L E T 9BE23B1SKI B R I N P1.oir Pre There are not enough Mew ltd ID to supply the demand It may be a long time before supply will be sufficient to go around You may have to Drive your Car Longer than you Anticipated Therefore-Yl IS IMPORTANT TO Keep Your Present Car in Good Condition mi PROTECT YOUR TRANSPORTATION AND INVESTMENT You Can Have Your Car Reconditioned For as Low as Per Month $5 00 Our Easy Payment Budget Plan Enables you to Enjoy ECONOMICAL Trouble-Free Transportation. Let Us Give You a Free Estimate-Without Obligation. 3r NO OTHER PARTS FIT OR WEAR LIKE GENUINE CHEVROLET mJI9mwa Vff "I tkhc Prt'J S TARS 4Tr. .. to aw" "7 urn- . im luftt 0"" rh rARS " .. to P" 1 71. ALWAYS GLAD TO SERVE YOU In order to help you get more economical mileage from your Chevrolet Car ... we carry a BIG STOCK of all kinds GENUINE Chevrolet Parts. NO WAITING NO DE LAY. See us for Body Parts Motor Parts Bearings Clutch Steering Radiator Fenders Axles and ALL KINDS of GENUINE CHEVROLET PARTS. slip NEW POWER FOR YOUR CHEVROLET CAR OR TRUCK Let ui install brand new (not rebuilt) Cylinder Block Assembly in your Chevrolet. GIVES YOUR NEW CAR ENGINE PERFORMANCE at low cost. Contains all new working parts NEW crankshaft bearings pistons and rings . . . Timing gears . . . Connecting rods, etc Price only EASY TERMS IF DESIRED $145.00 Installation Extra Our Stock of Genuine Chevrolet Parts Is Complete DON'T BE SATISFIED WITH ANYTHING LESS THAN THE BEST! We invite the owners who do their own repair work to come to us for their parts Chevrolet Parts Is Our Business-Not a Sideline Wt At Always Glad to Supply Independent Garages with Chevrolet Parts. Wholesale - Retail HODGE CHEVROLET CO MAID at MAY Heppner, Oregon Phone 403 B R I N G T B A C K T O C E V R O L E T