Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 21, 1948, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Oct. 21,1 948
Willows, Boardman
Granges Hold Joint
Meeting At lone
By Echo Talmatoor
Oct. 22 Throe Links club at
the home of Mrs. Milton Morgan.
A bulb exchange will be held.
Oct. 2.1 Study meeting of Top
ic club at the home of Mrs. Omar
Oct. 23 Maranatha dinner, ba
zaar and quilt auction at the
grange hall. The dinner and ba
zaar will begin at 6 p.m. and
end at 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 27 PTA meeting at the
'schoolhouse at 8 rxm.
fOIV '
3 71 3 nGl
' i
Willows grange and Greenfield
grange of Boardman held a joint
meeting here Saturday night.
There were 15 members from
Boardman present and two from
Lexington. Nathan Thorpe, mas
tor of Greenfield grange, conduct -
ed their meeting and Mrs. Oscar
Lundell conducted the Willows
grange meeting. The meeting
,as preceded by a program which
consisted of singing, plaving
! games and a talk by Miss Mabel
Wilson, county home demonstra
tion agent. She told of the ex
tension and 4-H club work pro
gram and the different programs
to be held during the year. A
canning contest was held after
the meeting. Those winning priz
es were Mrs. Alfred Nelson, Lex
ington, first on pears; Mrs. Her
shall Townsend, lone. 2nd on
prunes; Mrs. Kenneth Peck, Lex
ington, third on peaches. A radio
'was won by Lexington for the
highest percentage of jars of
(prizes won by the contestants
l were: first, 50 lbs. of White Satin
I sugar; 2nd, 25 lbs. sugar, and
3rd. 2o lbs. sugar. ; A potlutk sup
per was served at 6:30 p.m. and
lunch of fruit, cookies and coffee
was served after the meeting. El-
lection of officers for the coming
tai VWll UL lilt IVU1U1
meeting in November.
Mrs. Koy Lindstrom and chil
dren and Mrs. Fannie Griffith
were Pendleton visitors one day
last week.
j The mnutes for the August,
i;H5 term were reaa ana approv-
Miss June Griffith spent the i ed
week end in Portland. The Court ordered the follow-
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kuggles of ing Bangs' Disease Claim paid:
Grass Valley spent the week end Karl White, $104.00.
at the home of their daughter. The Court ordered the sale of
Mrs. Earl MCKinney. the East 20 feet of the West 120
Those from here who attended feet of Block 14, in Wills' Addi
the Rebekah convention at Hepp- tion to the City of lone, Morrow
ner Friday were Mr. and Mrs. E. County, Oregon for the minimum
R, Lundell. Mrs. Cleo Drake, Mrs. price of $50.00, cash.
Wallace Matthews, Mrs. Francis Waliants issued on the
Ely. Miss Mary Braekett and General Fund
ueorge tiy. several irom nere Sadie Parrisn, Deputy Sal. $147.25
attended Rebekah lodge at Lex- Frances Mitchell, Dep. Sal. 184.09
ington Saturday night. Leila j McLaclilan, Office
Mrs. Mary Swanson left for clerk Sal 113 25
Portland and Salem last week 'niive R Unoi"nmSa 1U
I where she visited relatives for a Margaret Gillis, County
iew -aays. ine was met by airs. Nurse "Sal 197.25
Anna Nichols of Sumner, Wash.. !A j chafh janitor's SaT. 175.99
and they both went by plane to Dr A D McMurdo, Physi
San Jose, Cal., where they will j cian Salary 24.T5
visit Mrs. swanson s aaugnier. s Miu c , Re.
Eva. and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lundell
are the parents of a daughter.
j Marilyn Michaele, born Oct. 14
i at the St. Anthony's hospital at
! Pendleton.
porter 41.25
A. B. Chaffee, Justice Sal. 59.40
J. O. Hager, Justice Sal 74.25
included Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Lundell. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bris-
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and ,ow, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn,
Keep Him Working
For Oregon
Miss Mary Lundell were Hermis-
ton visitors Saturday.
Those going to Pendleton Sat
urday were Mr. and Mrs. Garland
Swanson and family. Mrs. Omar
Rietmann and Mrs. Sam McMillan.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Olden of
Gresham and Mr. and Mis. Tad
Hardesty of Portland visited rela
tives here over the week end. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Padberg. Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan, Earl Mor
gan, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mor
gan, red Paimateer ana James
Billie Seehafer, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seehafer, un
derwent an appendectomy at the
St. Anthony's hospital in Pendle
ton Friday of last week.
The Maranathas met at the
Olden is the mother of Walter i home of Mrs. Marion Palmer on
and Noel Dobyns and Mrs. Har
desty the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Dobyns.
E. S. Stultz spent Friday night
at the Algott Lundell home.
- Mrs. C. W. Burton, of Portland
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lana
Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson spent
the week end at the Leslie Roun
dy home at Kennewick, Wash.
Those attending the Oregon-U.
Wednesday, Oct. 13. Plans were
made and committees appointed
for their dinner and bazaar to
be held Oct. 23 at the grange hall.
It was also decided that each
member bring an article for a lay
ette for a hospital to the next
meeting. Refreshments were serv
ed by the hostesses, Mrs. Palmer
and Mrs. Hershall Townsend.
Mr. and Mrs. Markham Baker
and family attended the home-
S. C. game in Portland Saturday icomine at Pullman Wash.. Sat
urday. They also visited relatives
and friends there over the week
The lone football team was de.
feated at Pilot Rock Friday, Oct.
5. 6 to 30.
The HEC of Willows grange
met at the home of Mrs. Lewis
Halvorsen Friday with a potluck
dinner at noon. There were 18
members and three visitors pre
sent. The following officers were
elected for the coming year:
chairman, Mrs. Sam Esteb; vice
chairman, Mrs. John Ransier;
secretary, Mrs. Hershall Town
send; treasurer, Mrs. Lewis Hal
vorsen. Plans were made for a
dinner, bazaar, carnival and
dance to be held at the grange
hall November 27. Pumpkin pie
and coffee were served aiter the
, meeting by Mrs. Halvorsen and
Mrs. Hershall Townsend.
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U. P. and N. P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Lorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
L. D. Neill, Gen. Asst.
$1125.00; Old Age Assist.
$1500.00; Dep. Children
$4SG.0O; Blind $42.00 3153.00
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 147.65
Western Union, Sheriff 2.06
Gonty Shoe Store, Sheriff 2.50
Kilham Stationery & Print
ing Co., Tax Collection 165.00
Thomson Bros., Jail 15.10
Central Market & Grocery,
Jail 2.33
Heppner Laundry, Jail 4.40
Howard Keithley, Ct. Use. 42.00
Heppner Laundry, Court
House .60
County Clerks & Ree. Assn.,
Clerk 15.00
Mid-Columbia Typewriter
Co., Clerk 8.00
State Dept. of Agriculture,
District Sealer 4.93
L. D. Neill. County Court 33.99
Ralph I. Thompson, Co. Ct. 25.57
First Nat'l Bank of Port
land, Withholding tax on
Salaries 143.65
Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Current
Expense 68.03
Heppner Gazette Times,
Official Pub. $33.90; As
sessor $14.S5 ' 48.75
Margaret Gillis, Co. Nurse
Expense 94.12
State Industrial Acci. Com.,
Sheriff $3.05; Sheriff Sal.
$.31; Deputy Sal. $.31;
Court House $.95; Jani
tor's Salary $.31 4.93
Pacific Power & Light Co.,
Court House 36.56
Gilliam & Bisbee, 'Court
House 67.51
Earl R. White. Bangs' Dis
ease Control 104.00
Saager's Pharmacy, Sher. :35
Bert Johnson, Co. Court
$15.40; Juvenile Court
$7.63 23.03
General Road Fund
W. Cunningham .
William C. Heath
Chas. Williams
Darold Hams
Fred Booker
Walter Gilman 257.23
William Scott 228.54
Walter Hurley 257.28
Elmer Iverson 197.06
Harold Wilson 141.54
H. Sherer 293.44
Fred Harrison 217.78
Simpson Holley 271
Jack Slocum 244.98
George Stalcup ' 216.39
Pacific Machinery & Tool
Steel Comp. 270.55
Heppner Lumber Company 1 60
Industrial Air Products Co. 6.47
Jones-Scott Company 37.50
Feenaughty Machinery Co. 7.78
Rohrman Motor Company 20175
English and Company 471.88
D. H. Jones and Son 3.75
First Nat'l Bank of Port
land 2?.4n
Contractors Equipment
Com. - : 11.011.00
Union Oil Company 484.23
State Industrial Accident
Commission 781 a
Pacific Power & Light Co. 2.39
Jack Allen Supply Co. 54.78
J. P. O'Meara 142.00
Loggers and Contractors
juacninery Co 10.85
Pendleton Auto Parts 25 SO
Gilliam & Bisbee 153.52
Padberg Tractor Repair .... 185.80
The Texas Company 62.90
'.The President's bitter attacks .foreign policy legislation." Sen.
on the motives and character of Robert A. Taft, Ohio,
the 80th Congress are scarcely i
consistent with the complete co- Hear Sam Gordon spout bridge,
operation he has received on his ' Legion Hall, Oct. 28-29-30.
Hear Sam Gordon spout bridge,
Legion Hall, Oct. 28-29-30.
HI MC Beautiful Oversize
-VlJ JUMBO Prints
Boll Developed 3 T Etr Prints k
B Jambo Prints J p reprints 40 eft.
Free mailing; bays on request
Payette, Idaho
Shell Oil Company
Owens Hardware
Riddle Brothers
Paul G. Pettyjohn
City of Heppner Water Dpt.
Tum-A-Lum Lumher Co.
, "Vim
U.S. Senator
1 I IX Ltr I 1
( Rnnhlirnn I f FAfM liability hazards, with few V
AU--IN-Of4E MCti. fWtm COmiMTION
His seniority in the U. S. Senate policy for farmers by the !
is of great volue to Oregon j rRMEtU INSURANCE GRO"P j
Member of Six Major Sub-Committees of the v ft? K LffV ? f L
Senate Appropriations Committee, handling 1 -" j? '" H " "1a,C -i
appropriations for: Hydro Electric Power, - L Cr(rk VjT L "
Flood ControL Rivers and Harbors, Reclama- "&3ttJhty l-tttjfil. ) t
tion. Public Lands, Indian Aliairs, Forestry - I mslV WVr
and Agriculture. ' tteHFi ' J&fSrfS 'Oi v' "
jr Chairman Treasury-Post Office Appropriations - T cSSV JY jStjFs )
n Sub-committee, 1 T 7 7f--.ClSy
J Chairman of the Appropriations Committee to T V Vlfi'' 1 T s-Sll"-
Investigate European economic conditions. J VS'yfN Yf J I
Member Senate Committee on Interior and " -L U
-j Chairman, Centralia, Illinois, mine disaster - sT Wjt "
Jr Chairman of the sub-committee to investigate y' llflt. m j
the Near East oil situation. tX ' fi.'- SfcE"
A one-man investigator of the Hawaiian State. '
hood request. 9
-X- Chairman of the Joint Committee to Investi- I ' , Vvf
gate the Island Possessions and Trust Terri- 1 FARMERS MARVIN R. WIGTHMAN
tories in the Pacific. XI IISUR&HCE
croup 9en
NOVEMBER 2nd 1 Heppner, Oregon YlCtOryCate
IWYCVtDLIS, na jSrr:" J Roy and Betty Lieuallen
j Pud Adv. Guy Cordon fur Senator Comm.. C0- T. Jameson, ; II , lone. Oregon
Eter. Sertr.. Portland. Ore. ' i INSURE WITH FAr"'0 B S"'1'
; . Zi-I: :..:,:.,) ; For
V V v. .Ji x ! rnnrnr i 1 1 w
A. I J I
Your Sunday
Dinner Problem
Is Solved
Drive down to the
Vcitory Cafe at lone
and eat a wholesome
your choice from the
Good Food
Courteous Service
You are always welcome
at the
Sua 'jS
District Attorney
I wish to announce my candidacy for
the office of
for Morrow County on a write-in basis,
General Election, November 2, 1948
II ytirs opiritlng own finns it
Cinby. Oregon.
Pr.iidcnt, State S.nate Actlni
Oovtrnor. Now ia third 4-jrtar
ttrm St.te S.nator. Two ttrml
oa Statt Emtrfancy Board.
Bank Dlractor. Director Firmtra
Fire Relief Aaaa. Director Cinbj
nnpnona Aaaa.
Pd. Adv. P. K. Hammond. Chm.
306 S.W. Broodwoy, Ponlond, Of?oon
Midco Purebred
Breeders Assn.
of Purebred Here fords
SHOW: October 31, 2:00 p.m.
SALE: November I, 1:30 p. m.
Sherman County Fairgrounds
Moro, Oregon on Highway 97
Write: LeRoy Wright, Secretary
Moro. Oregon for Catalogue
H. B Soger, Auctioneer Joe Johnson. Judge
Wi y ' ' " i
el ' ' ' , ' t " '
Mayflower Milk for the youngsters - Mayflower
homogenized on your cereal - Mayflower cream for
your coffee. You'll find breakfasts are easier to pre
pare and more enjoyable if you have plenty of country-fresh
Mayflower Milk in the refrigerator. Join
the thousands of housewives who have discovered the
better taste and richer quality of Mayflower Milk and
dairy products.
PHONE 2682