Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Oct. 21, 1948 Page 3 Spruce Up For Hallowe'en Make sure your wardrobe is ready to go places when party time rolls around. . . Stop in at our shop today and let our experts gently and carefully service your cleaning needs. You'll find the price is low for high quality-service. Phone 2592 or come in now! Free pickup and delivery. HEPPNER CLEANERS Now your kitchen plans don't have to wait for a budget... u r let (Dealer's Name) show you why this new Monfog range is such a wonderful buy of ony $19975 You're right In wanting to cook the electric way. It'i to clean ... to fatt Now your plant don't have to give in to a budget any longer. Montatfi new full-iiM economy range it the Hnest value we have been able to offer in a long, long while. HAVI llAUTY on YOUR 1UDOFT. See the amart ttyling. Look at the tmooth, one piece porcelain enamel top . . . it'i ttainproof. No dirt-catching cornera or crevice . Your Montag ttayt beautiful . . . tavet you time and work. "T-K" units COOK fST . . . AM EASIEST TO CLEAN. Thete new cooking elements are proof enough you tacrifice no quality. You tee them only on the bett range. Fi tpeedt on each unit Swing mounted . . . with itainlesi iteel drip pans. tVlRYTHINO 110 IUT THE MICE. Big oven . . . no-tilt rackt . . . Fiberglaj Insulation. Big storage tpace. Big value ... we know youll agree. Come in right away ana find out how easily yon can have the modern, electric cooking yon want. . . . $9JI CASE FURNITURE COMPANY lYlontag Wm Presents NEW HOTPOINT AM NNEBffllB nil heheb - ) aMMMBsa J CO-E68 PS J ! , 'ill I $410.00 Cnv.nlnt Ttrmt Come In And See The World's Finest Refrigerator Todayl WE have the complete answer to all your refrigeration needs the revolu tionary new Hotpoint Combination Refrig erator and Food Freczcr-rwo engineering triumphs in a single kitchen unit! Unlike two -temperature, single-door re frigerators, Hotpoint gives you a REAL freezer and a FULL-SIZE refrigerator which are completely separate. Opening one does not waste the cold inside the other! Everybody' Pointing To Refrigerator hat all the convenience you want butter conditioner, leftover rack, plus separate drawers for fruit and vege tables. Best of all, this compartment never needs defrosting. Hotpoint' j scientific hu midifying keeps foods fresh and moist even when left uncovered. Coma In and tee this greatest of alt refrig erators today. Ask about our easy credit terms and 5-year protection plan. llUtpi Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Ashland Residents Greeted by Former Neighbors, Friends Mrs. Cecil Jones Friends of Mr. anil Mrs Br.hert Wilcox, former residents of Lex ington, were happy to renew ac quaintances with them and their family, who Wprp at the hnmo nf Mr. and Mrs. John Graves to at tend the wedding of Miss JoAnne Graves, granddaughter of the Wilcox's. Those here were Mi and Mrs. Wilcox and their chil dren, Claude and family from Troutdale. and Lestpr and C.lonn and his new bride who is from Honda where their wedding was solemnized Oct. 6, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilcox of Hermis ton. The Wilcox family lived for years on the Vernon Brown place below Lexington, with Mr. Wil cox teaching here many years ago. iney live at Asniand. Mr. and Mrs. John Rnnvan nnH family of Heppner and his bro- uier, sam Kunyan, and daughter Judy of Camas. Wash., wprp Sun. day vistors at the home of Miss Liona tsarnett and Mrs. Trina Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Cpril Jnnps wprp hosts to several friends at a din ler Sunday honoring their daugh. ter Charlene's birthday. Those at tending were Rev. and Mrs. Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMil lan and children John Rtwnro Miss Joy Gerharz, and Miss Edna ivey. FripnHs in T-pvinfftnn uroro grieved to hear of the passing of Mrs. Rae Warfield of Heppner. Mrs. Warfield was the former Miss Cowins and livprl for nnitp some time with her grandmother, Mrs. George Allyn and attended school here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers anrl family snent the wppIc pnH in Clackamas at the home of the Kelloggs, parents of Mrs. Feath ers. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van Winklp are doincr some remnriplina nn their house here. They are build ing two bedrooms, a bath room and utility room. The service station which was run for several years by Ed Grant has been sold to Rodger Ander son and Elwynne Peck. People are very sorry to have the Grants move to tneir new home in Prine ville but wish Ed all the success possible there. News has been received in I.px- ington concerning Chuckie Chris topherson that he is still in the nospltal, but is some Improved. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Underwood, parents of Mrs. Don Camnhpll were visitors here over the week end. They are from Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Harrison of Cascade Locks were visitors at the Lawrence Palmer home over the week end. She and Mrs. Palmer attended the shower fnr Miss Graves in Heppner Satur day. Charlie Padberg was quite County Agent News . . One of the most interesting demonstrations seen lately was the use of the Noble plow which was used on the Orville Cutsforth farm last Wednesday afternoon, October 6. This plow, which con sists of a V sweep, available in various lengths from five and one half to ten feet, is adapted to use in very heavy stubble. The sweeps are set at such an angle that there is a suction to the blades which can be set to con- form to a constant depth of til lage. During the demonstration, var ious attempts were made to plug me Diaoe liat on the ground. The machine did a fine lob of sun surface tillage, and a one way disk pulled into the field imme diately after the use of the Noble sweeD did an excellent onpration of stubble mulch tillage. In fact tne combination was so good that painfully cut on the mouth at the ball game at Stanfield Friday, and was taken to Hermiston to a physician who took four stit ches. Mrs. Lonnie Henderson enter tained the HEC at her home on Thursday with Mrs. Jones as co hostess. The afternoon was spent sewing, with discussion of the turkey dinner to be served Nov. 13. After a short business meet ing refreshments of coffee, ritz crackers, and pineapple and strawberry bavarian cream was served to 18 members. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Nichols of Heppner are now living in the Barnett apartments here. Hear Sam Gordon spout bridge, Legion Hall, Oct. 28-29-30. Mr. Cutsforth decided to order a and Interseted farmers are urged: Hear Sam Gordon spout bridge, twenty foot section of the Noble to see the machine at work this I Hal 28-29-30. sweep. This will be set this week fall on the Cutsforth ranch. K LINGERIE by Lovely Lady Soft and warm in the pastel shades, just so right for your sleeping comfort on chilly nights. . . . Fluff Knit Gowns $5.25 and $5.95 Sizes 36-40 and 42-48 Fluff Knit Pajamas.: $5.25 and $5.95 Sizes 36-40 Fluff Knit Pajamas for Children $3.95 ji Sizes 6-14 Rayon Pajamas $4.95 to $8.95 Ladies Outing Gowns and Pajamas . . . Childrens Outing Gowns and Pajamas Yours for luscious sleeping $320.75 Seeademordratioaof 0 fhgidaire fully automatic washer klnw ialiw "Finnar.Tin" wothinn with the Friaidaire Fully Automatic Washer and exclusive "Live-Water" Action. All you do is put in clothes and soap ... set the dial and forget it I The Frigidaire Automatic Wather does all the rert . . . and remember only the Frigid aire Washer has "Live-Water" Action that gets clothes, clegner, brighter, whiter than you could ever imagine. Come in. See a demon stration of this different, fully automatic Frigidaire Washer. Heppner Appliance Co. Phone 1423 f Standby Canned Food Sale market October 22-23 - Friday - Saturday BUY BY THE CASE AND SAVE' 3 12 Case of Cans cans 24 cans GOLDEN CREAM CORN, No. 303 59 2.33 4.47 SMALL SWEET PEAS, No. 2 69 2.27 4.39 PEAS and CARROTS, No. 303 57 2.15 4.19 SOLID WHOLE TOMATOES, No. 2Vi .78 2.98 5.68 WHOLE KERNEL SWEET CORN, 303 .65 2.39 4.69 GREEN BEANS, Stringless No. 2 79 2.98 5.89 SPINACH, Tender Leaf, No. 2 49 1.93 3.58 APRICOTS, Whole Peeled No. 2Vi..., .89 3.37 6.65 BOYSENBERRIES, Sweet No. 2 1.05 3.96 7.43 GRAPEFRUIT, Whole Segments No. 2 .60 2.29 4.25 DeLuxe BLUE PLUMS, No. 2Vz.: 57 2.09 3.98 PITTED RED PIE CHERRIES, No. 2 .1.09 4.07 7.90 FREESTONE PEACHES, Halves 2 'As ..1.25 4.68 8.89 Cider, gal. 53c We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Fancy Grade A Bocf Roast 55 CABBAGE, lb 03 TOKAY GRAPES, 2 lbs 25 CAULIFLOWER, lb. 10 SWEET POTATOES, 2 lbs. .25 RADISHES, 3 bunches 09 CRANBERRIES, 1 lb 29 Straight Ground Beef pure only lb 59c Standby Catsup 14 oz. 19c Calif. Natural Pork Lunch Meat, 12 oz .47 Oscar Meyer Corned Beef, 12 ox...! 49 Fidelity Sardines, Big Oval Tin 29c Tomato Sauce DEVIL HAM, 3 Vi ox .19 Fidelity Grade A Fancy BEEF orswts Steaks Only 59c lb. Stock Up On Canned Foods Today - Save Money DA1ES Pound 49c Standby Jumbo OLIVES 33c Pineapple, Crushed, 24 tins No. 2 7.90 Tomato Juice, 12 tins 47 ox. 3.19 Orange Juice, 12 tins 47 ox. 3.39 Grape Juice, 12 quarts 3.98