Want Ads 1940 Ford Deluxe sedan. Ready for the road. Pay down 460.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Used 6 ft. Kelvinator, perfect condition. $125.00. Ow ens Hardware. 30c Put two famous Firestone All traction tires on the rear of your car and forget about tire chains. Rosewall Motor Com-pany. FOR SALE 5-room house oa Gil more street. Inquire Gordon Banker. Phone 2664. 30-31p Let our paint department restore that showroom complexion to your old car. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Four ranges, wood or coal, in good condition. Gor don White, lone. 30c We have new and rebuilt Ford motors In stock for Immediate installation. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Rye seed. W. W. Bechdolt, Hardman. 30p Keep your eye on our used car lot for your transportation needs. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Baby's Phone 1114. play pen. 30c 1941 Ford pickup. Pay down $34l" Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 194lf7)ldsmol)ileiv dan; heater, radio; low mile age; good condition. Phone 322. 30c Let us clean out the cooling sys tem on your car the Brady way before you install antifreeze. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALEHome Comfort range, porcelain finish, good condi tion. Will sell cheap. Echo Pal mateer, lone- Oreg. 29-30c We hive plenty of alcohol base antifreeze for your car. Buy yours now and play safe. Rose wall Motor Company. 0 ner, Stella Bailey, general delivery, Heppner or phone 2562. 28p FOR SALE 7-room modern house in lone. Prced right. For infor mation call Berl Akers, 36F14, lone. 25tfc WANTED Anyone having tur keys or chickens for sale please contact the Victory Cafe, lone, Ore. 22tfc CUSTOM SEEDING, roding and hay chopping. W. G. Seehafer, lone. 28 32p CHURCHES Legal Advertising NOTICE TO CREDITORS , Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned ii duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of ARTHUR D. KELLER, deceased, and all personfl having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersign ed administrator at Heppner Oregon, within six montha from the date here of. Dated and first published this 23rd day of September, 11)48. 27-31 JOS. J. NYS. Adminlstrtor, BOT1CE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed her final account of her administration of the estate o( Wm. Kunimerland. deceased, with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and said Court has set Monday, the loth day of November, 1148, at the hour of 1U:(KJ o'clock In the forenoon, as the time and the Morrow County Court House as the place for hearing on and final settlement of said final account. All persons having objection.; to said final account are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the dale s't for said hearl ig. First date of publication October 14, IMS. NORA PERLBERG. A',"ilnitmtnx of the estate of 80-3 4 Wm. Kummerland. deceased. FOR SALE Used electric refrig erator. Orris Padberg, Lexing ton. 2931c USED SPINET PIANO: Substan tial savings on lovely 40" spin et which is still like new. Terms to responsible parly. Write Stone Piano Co., 15-10 Fairgrounds Road, Salem, Ore. 29-30C I REPAIR, buy and sell new and used telephones. All work guaranteed. Wm. L. McCaleb, Heppner. 29-32c Has your car had its RPM lubri cation this month. Bring It to us for prompt service. Rosewall Motor Company. WIIElTEROMES Is your car prepared? See our new stock of batteries, mud and snow-grip tires and chains. Heppner Motors. 2Slfc WE ARE EQUIPPED to do all your picture framing. About 75 mouldings to choose from. Yeaeer's. 28c We have seat covers to fit most cars. Why not dress up your car with new seat covers and a new floor mat? Rosewall Mo tor Company. FOR SALE Harry Jones ranch 12 miles northeast of Heppner NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed her final account of her administration of the estate of tluttie kuiiinifllimd dceaHcd. with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon f'r the County of Morrow, and said Court has set Monday, the 15th day ' 'i .vivi'iiiher, t4h. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon, as the tune and the Morrow County Court room in the Morrow County Court House as the place for hearing on and final settlement of said final wcouitl. All persons having objections to said final account are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the date set for said hearing. First date of publication October 11 194$ NORA PERLBF.RO. Administratrix of the estate of 30-34 Hattle Kunimerland. deceased. NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAY Notice Is hereby given that I will on Saturday, October 16, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. at my place on Rhea Creek sell at auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following de scribed estrayed animal: One mixed breed 2-year-old bull, no visible mark or brand, weight about 1100 pounds. Said sale sub ject to right of redemption by original owner upon payment of feed and advertising cosls. V. F. GENTRY, 28-30 Heppner, Oregon. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, minister. Sunday, October 17: Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. Church school at 9:45 a.m. We have a class for every age. Choir practice Wednesday eve ning at 7:30 p.m. As we begin our season s choir work we will need you to help us sing. Womans Society of Christian Service meets the First Wednes day of each month. Miss Dorothy Harding, our spe- clal worker with the Oregon con ference board of education, will be with us for two weeks begin ning Monday, October 18, with a meeting of the Sunday school teachers at 7:30 p.m. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of services: Mass in Heppner on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass In lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only In Heppner at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th. . Holy days of obligation: Mass In Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: in lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. a CHURCH OF CHRIST John D. Runyan, minster, phone 993. Bible school, 9:45 a.m., C. W. Barlow, supt. Morning worship, 11 a.m.; sermon subject, 'The Marks of True Disci pleship." Eve ning services, 7:30 p.m.; sermon subject, "World History Revealed Through Bible Prophecy." Choir rehearsal Thursday eve ning, 7 o'clock. Bible study and midweek service Thursday eve ning at 8 o'clock. The Church is the only agency in the world for the betterment of. the world. Jesus Christ gave the Church one commandment, "Go ye into all the world and make disciples." The Church that obeys this eommandment will be a growing Church. The Church that obeys this commandment will be thoughtful of "others." To this end then we are working together for the betterment of our Administrators Of Schools To Meet In Salem 18th-20th Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, October 14, 1948-7 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated Sep tember 14, 1918. I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: The East 20 feet of the West 120 feet of Block 14 in Wills' Addition to the City of lone, Morrow County. Oregon, for the minimum price of $50.00 cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 16th day of October, 1948 at the hour of 10:00 a.m., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. FRANCES MITCHELL, 2G-30 Deputy. The annual conference of Ore gon School Administrators will meet in Salem, October 18, 19 and 20 with aprogram planned Joint ly by the officers of the five state organlbations of school adminis trators and the state department fo education. "The Improvement of the Pro fessional Status of Teachers in Oregon" Is the theme for the first general session to be held in the Leslie junior high school auri torium. Leaders participating in a symposium discussion of the subject as Superintendent Frank Bennett, Salem; State Superin tendent of Schools Rex Putnam; Dean Paul Jacobsen, school of ed ucation, University of Oregon; Dr. H. M. Gunn, president Oregon College of Education; Dr. Elmo Stevenson, president Southern Oregon College of Education, and Dr. Paul A. Rehmus, superinten dent of scohols, Portland. At the second general session, Tuesday afternoon, Superintend ent of Public Instruction Rex Put nam and E. L. Lindman, deputy superintendent of public Instruc tion of Olympia, Wash., will in troduce the theme "Financing Capital Outlays for Oregon Schools." The subject wijl be further dis cussed by a panel discussion of William Tugman, editor, Regis ter-Guard, Eugene; Ronald Jones, president, Oregon Farmers Un ion; S. Eugene Allen, editor, Ore gon Labor Press; Stanley Earl, secretary, Oregon State Industrial Union council; F. H. Young, man ager, Oregon Business and Tax Research, Inc., and Guy N. Kick- ok, manager, Salem branch of the First National Bakn of Portland. A dinner meeting for all ad ministrators is scheduled at the Marion hotel, Monday, October 18. Dr. Edgar Fuller, 11 rector of school administration, U. S. Of fice of Education, Washington, D. C, will be the speaker. Doctor Fuller will also address the sep arate sessions of the city superin tendents of schools and of the el ementary school principals. Special sessions on Monday af ternoon and Tuesday morning are planned for the separate organi zations of school administrators. October 20 will be devoted exclu sively to a conference for county school superintendents. TO THE VOTERS OF MORROW COUNTY I will appreciate your support for the office of sheriff at the general election November 2. C. J. D. Bauman, Republican nominee and 29-32 Incumbent. ife. n this growing region. Every Kilowatt Counts Mrs. O. G. Crawford, president of the Christian Women's Service League for the district of Eastern Oregon, and Mrs. Merle Miller drove to Canyon City Tuesday af . . i . . i ternoon wnere iney au-eiiueu ix deanery meeting for the Blue : Mountain district of the Episco pal church Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. They re turned to Heppner Wednesday evening. community. The Church is here to serve you. You will find a hearty, welcome awaiting you at all our services. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor, Shelby E. Graves. Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday school, Mrs. Ora Wyland, supt. 11 a.m., worship hour. Miss Johnson of Depoe Bay will be speaking in behalf of Home Mis sions. 7:45 p.m., Miss Ackerman will be speaking. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m., prayer meeting in the lone Assembly of God church. Thursday 7:45 p.m., Bible study and prayer meeting. Can you say as David of old, "That I was glad when they said, let us go into the house of the Lord"? LEXINGTON CHURCH Geo. Harris Hatch, minister; Don Campbell, supt. Bible school each Sunday morning at 10 o clock. Worship service at 11 o' clock. This Sunday morning the pastor will use as his theme, The Plumb-Line." Evening ser vice at 8 o'clock featuring the junior choir and singspiration. The sermon subject will be, "The Conversion of a Politician. We extend to all the folk In the Lex ington community an invitation to come and worship with us. Thrifty use of your electric refrigera tor will save you money on food and upkeep. You'll be helping to save elec tricity, too. That's important, for every kilowatt is needed to supply the de mand for electricity in this fast-growing Pacific Northwest. Peak power needs of the region have increased by more than one million kilowatts since the end of the war. Every bit of elec-' tricity has a big job to do. So save food and reduce wear and tear on your re frigerator by following the tips listed below. You'll also be saving much needed electricity for this fast-growing Pacific Northwest. HOW TO SAVE... p lSL Defrost regularly. Icing of coils actually Insulates them, and mokes your re frigerator work hard to keep foods at proper temperatures. Let foods cool before placing them In the refrigerator. Some foods shouldn't be cooled too fast. Any hot dish makes your refrigerator work overtime needlessly. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT Your Sunday Dinner Problem Is Solved Drive down to the Vcitory Cafe at lone and eat a wholesome CHICKEN DINNER your choice from the menu. Good Food Courteous Service You are always welcome at the AIR CONDITIONED Victory Cafe Roy and Betty Lleuallen lone, Oregon B R I N 6 I T B A C K T O C H E V R O L E T fjfl. fope There are not enough INiCW Udl C to supply the demand It may be a long time before supply will be sufficient to go .around You may have to Drive your Car Longer than you Anticipated There fore-lT IS IMPORTANT TO Keep Your Present Car in Good Condition PROTECT YOUR TRANSPORTATION AND INVESTMENT You Can Have Your Car Reconditioned For as Low as Per Month $5 00 Our Easy Payment Budget Plan Enables you to Enjoy ECONOMICAL Trouble-Free Transportation. Let Us Give You a Free Estimate-Without Obligation. DC NO OTHER PARTS FIT OR WEAR LIKE GENUINE CHEVROLET umn"' ,iit . . i time. " tint '"l 0- 1 .re 0 Vtw ti yo"' Truck" uei - 1 T ALWAYS GLAD TO SERVE YOU In order to help you get more economical mileage from your Chevrolet Car ... we carry a BIG STOCK of all kinds GENUINE rt,rniPt Parts NO WAITING NO DE LAY. See us for Body Parts Motor Parts Bearings Clutch Steering Radiator Fenders Axles and ALL KINDS of GENUINE CHEVROLET PARTS NEW POWER FOR YOUR CHEVROLET CAR OR TRUCK Let us install a brand new (not rebuilt) Cylinder Block Assembly in your Chevrolet. GIVES YOUR NEW CAR ENGINE PERFORMANCE at low cost. Contains all new working parti NEW crankshaft bearings pistons and rings . . . Timing gears . . . Connecting rods, etc Price only EASY TERMS IF DESIRED $145.00 Installation Extra Our Stock of Genuine Chevrolet Paris Is Complete DON'T BE SATISFIED WITH ANYTHING LESS THAN THE BEST I We invite the owners who do their own repair work to come to us for their parts Chevrolet Parts Is Our Business-Not a Sideline We Art Always Glad to Supply Independent Garages with Chevrolet Parts. Wholesale - Retail B R I N G Minns GE CHEVROLET CO MAIN at MAY Heppner, Oregon Phone 403 T B A C K T O c E V R O L E T