America s prosperity can be in-, England has socialized medi sured by three magic words in- cine. Seven out of every ten dol dustry thrift, and unity. Gov- lars goes for administrative ex ernor Earl Warren. , Denses Complete Disposal SALE October 22, 1948 1 P. M. 70 Head REGISTERED HEREFORDS Prominos Lad Breeding An Opportunity to Obtain Outstanding Females for Foundation Stock Write for Catalog Walt Jaeger, Condon, Ore. 1 3 Miles Southwest of Condon LUNCH SERVED AT SALE KTOTHCE ! YEAGER'S STORE is now our agency for Heppner and vicinity. Please call for all clothing left at our old plant. Pickup and delivery every Monday and Friday. Service Laundry & Cleaners The Dalles, Oregon Formerly Morrow County Cleaners. Funeral Services Held at Condon For Kinzua Woman By Elsa M. Leathers Funeral services for Mrs. Roy Davis, who passed away in Prine ville Thursday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clair Keeser, were held at Condon or Sunday afternoon. Interment was in the Condon cemetery. Many friends and neighbors from Kin zua attended. Mrs. Davis had been in poor health for some tme, having suffered a stroke about a year ago and had failed to respond to treatments. She had been at The Dalles in a hospital for the last three weeks and had been at Prineville a few days. Mr. Davis had remained in Prine ville to be with her. Besides Mr. Davis, she leaves several chil dren, Juanita Reeser, Prineville: Mildred Furlotte, Long Beach, Cal.; a son, Elvn; her mother, Mrs. Hattie High, and three bro thers of Condon; sisters, Kathleen Norris of The Dalles and Lillian Searcy of Kinzua, besides a host of friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Red Henderson and family of Sisters-and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Renn spent several days days in Kinzua and also at Hepp ner attending to forest service business. Annette Kitzmiller, Wheeler and Gilliam county nurse, was attending to business here Wed nesday morning. Mrs. R. M. Wright entertained 22 ladies of the Eastern Star at her home Thursday p.m. Deli cious refreshments were served after the business meeting. It has been reported Roy Woods is improving at The Dalles hos- pital. I Mr. and Mrs. Delvin McDaniel I spent the week end near Hard- man with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harshman on the ranch. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Armstrong went to The Dalles Saturday, where Mr. Armstrong received medical care. Mrs. Victor Lovgren and Donna and Dean and Mrs. W. C. Hast ings and Peggy and Mrs. Roger Cnnnnr nf Hpnnner were vsitinff j in Kinzua Sunday. Mrs. Hastings I came to visit her mother, Mrs. Sam McDaniel Sr. who is staying with a son, Kinard McDaniel. Miss June Owens, a nurse from The Dalles hospital, spent the week end here visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Owens. Mrs. C. H. Atwood is spending several days at Eugene visiting. She plans to return to Kinzua on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Atwood's granddaughter, Teresa Kuyken dawl, is visiting in Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Wetzell Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, October 14, 1948-5 Phone Your Flower Needs to M,ary Van 4 Slower Shop Your orders will be given prompt attention, and every effort will be made to give you the best in styling and designing. Fresh supply of Tulip, Daffodil, Narcissus, Grape Hyacinth, Scilla, Campanulata, and Calla Lily bulbs. Plant now for Spring Blooms Collect calls accepted from any town in Morrow County nf lill hem Four-H livestock club members are begining to select their steers and breeding animals for the 1948-49 project year which be gins November 1. Among those who have selected animals are Ingrid Hermann, lone, Shorthorn steer; Janice Beamer, Shorthorn heifers, and Neil Beamer, Short horn steer and heifer. All of these Shorthorns were selected from the Sherman-Ferguson ranch on Willow creek. Interest In 4-H livestock pro jects is high and it appears now that there will be a considerable increase in membership. Anyone who is interested in carrying a 4-H project this year is urged to contact the county agent s office in order to be enrolled. Miss Ingrid Hermann, 15-year- old 4-H girl from lone won a blue ribbon on her room improve ment exhibit at Pacific Interna tional last week. Miss Hermann also won a green ribbon on her cotton school dress at the same show. This is the second year that this attractive 4-H girl has taken top honors at P.I. - In 1943 she won a first in the light Hereford calf division. Tuesday both of the county ag ents were at Boardman visiting Mrs. Gene Stalcup, Mrs. Flossie Coats, Mrs. Evelyn Black, and Nate Thorpe, all 4-H leaders, winding up the records for the club year. Ex-GI's Urged To Conform to Life Insurance Plans Ex-GI's who hold active Na tional Life Insurance should give their policies a three-way check to make certain they conform to plans, Incomes and obligations, spent the week end at The Dalles where he is receiving a medical checkup. Larry Cook was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Per ry Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. John St. Amont of The Dalles are visiting at Mrs Amont's uncle's, Frank Denton. At the Denton home on Sunday also were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond French of Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Denton of Condon. Jean Westfall of McMmnville is visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shanafelt and Bobby of Hermiston were visiting at his mother's, Mrs. O. D. Baker, also a sister's, Mrs. Ed Wham. Mrs. Hugh Samples and her daughter, Mrs. John Green, were in The Dalles Wednesday. Mrs. Green will enter the hospital on Tuesday when she will undergo a major operation. Mrs. Harlan Adams and Mrs. Drahiem spent Friday in Hepp ner where Mrs. Adams was at tending to business regarding property recently purchased there. Mrs. Helen Williams of Stan field spent the week end visiting at the home of her son, Jerry Rood, and her daughter, Charlene who is attending high school at Fossil. Patsy Woods and Nona Graham attended the public meeting when the "bird man" demonstra ted at Fossil Thursday evening. Miss Graham accompanied him on the piano. He will be here the last of this month. Your TOPCOAT by CURLEE In Style, In Value . . . CURLEE is Right All Wool, Gabardines, Coverts, Fleeces Priced from 325 to 45 YOU WILL LOOK YOUR BEST IN A CURLEE Wilson Men's Wear The Stor eof Personal Service STATEMENT OP OWYBBSKIP, MA NAGEMENT, CIBOULATIOS, ETC., BEQUtBBD BT THE ACT OF COH 0BES8 OF AUGUST M, 1911, AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF MARCH 3, 1933, AND JTTLY 1. 194. Of Heppner Gazette Times published weekly at Heepner, Oregon. lor Oc tober 2. 1948. STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF MORROW Before me. a Notary Public In and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared O. O. Crawford, who, having been duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and says that he is the publisher of the Heppner Ga xette Times, and that the following is, to Uie best of his knowledge and be lief, a true statement of the owner ship, management (and if a daily, weakly, semlweekly or triweekly news paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the act of August 24. 1913, as am ended by the acts of March 8, 1938. and July 2. 1946 (section 537, Postal Laws and Regulations), printed on the reverse of this form, to-wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing edit or, and business managers are: Pub lisher O. G. Crawford, Heppner. Ore gon; editor, O. Q. Crawford, Heppner, Oregon; Business managers, O. G. and Viola D. Crawford. Heppner, Oregon. 2. That the owners are O. G. Craw ford, Heppner. Oregon, and Viola D. Crawford. Heppner, Oregon. 8. That the known bondholders mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount or bonds, mori senses, or other securities are: Noner 4. That the two paragraphs next nhrwe a-fvlnv the names of the ownera stockhoders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stock holders and security noiaerB as mey appear upon the booas of the company but also, In cases where the stock holder or security holder appears up on the books of the company as trus tee or In anv other fiduciary relation. the name of the nerson or corporation for whom such trustee is acting. Is given; also tlutt the said two para graphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockhoders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities In a capacity other than mat of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to be lieve that any other person, associa tion, or corporation haa any interest direct or indirect In the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. 6. That the average number of cop ies of each issue of this publcatlon sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise to paid subscribers dur ing the twelve months preceding the date shown above Is 1.056 O. O. CRAWFORO. Publisher. Sworn to and subscribed before me this and day of October. 1948. (Seal) LA VERNHS VAN MARTER. My commission expires Oct SO, 1948. Charles M. Cox, veterans admin istration representative at Pen dleton, urges. A veteran's insurance file, Cox stated, should contain; 1) Proper beneficiaries, both principal and contingent; 2) Instructions to the VA on how insurance is be be paid to beneficiaries; 3) Amount and type of G.I. insurance he wants to keep In force. Veterans are urged to bring their G.I. policies up to date, be cause many have neglected to name new beneficiaries after marriage, divorce or the death of aboriginal beneficiary. In event a veteran dies with out naming a beneficiary, his G. I. insurance goes to his estate and may be subject to various taxes. It is even possible the pro ceeds may not go to the person he intended. Four optional methods for pay. ment are available now. Insured (veterans should reuest their de sired settlement, and should al ways pay G.I. Insurance prem iums by the due date to avoid lapsing. o Speaking of displaced persons what will the election do to some of the present office hold ers? Westminister (Mo.) Times. i ggft 1" ) fAA.Aev intermit 'kik I've tried 'em all and (here's no place like "homeN for Ford service. Guess that's only natural when you realize Ford Dealers have 4 big advantages that save you time, money and trouble: 1 Genuine Ford Parts 2. Ford-framed Mechanics 3. Factory-approved Methods A. Special Ford Equipment Vour Font OmW InWtu re h Kites to Hie fni Alts Skew, tWsr Irenlnji NBC Network. UIm to the fori Theater, Friday fveoJngi CIS Netweft. See yew wwspupsr for Km and ifotlos. ROSEWALL MOTOR COMPANY Heppner, Oregon Phone I092 AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR HDOOR Depend on MAYFLOWER for Freshness and Purity! One of the good things about May flower Milk is that it is so easy to buy always available and near at hand! 4 You'll find it, icy cold in the refriger ator at your neighborhood grocery store or brought to your home on con venient regularly scheduled delivery right to your doorstep. Get the May flower habit-drink it at every meal and enjoy milk at its very best! Ask for MAYFLOWER PRODUCTS By Name pn HEPPNER, OREGON PHONE 2682