Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 30, 1948, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 30, 1943
Moving Bee Hits
Lexington When
Residence Is Sold
By Mrs. Civil Junes
Teachers' reception was held
Thursday evening at 8 o'cl.Kk at
the school house with a pood
crowd atlnrtinc. The room was
heauUlul; rteceraled by the girls
i?i the home living class under
thf direction ol Miss Joy Ger
harz. Curtains had been made
r.r.d hu.ip at the windows, the
card tallies were covered with
Taper with r TA written on the
corners. Lunch was served huf-
I'et stjlo from a beautifully set J
jt.ible Games were played and.
."in enjoyable owning was spent j
i by all. Refreshments were served
by the following committee: Mrs.
Kdwards, Mrs. Messenger and
Mrs Feathers. Entertainment was
m charge of Mrs. Cora Warner
.mil Mrs Tnuisp Grant
Alonzo Henderson was called
.o i nenaiis. vtasn., tunaay Dy
the serious illness of his sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Chrlstoph
rrson left Wednesday morning
for Aurora where they will be for
some time while their small son
uvuperates from a brain opera
tion. The rvlhert Vinson family who
have boon making the home
on the Claud Wh:.. ranch near
Lexington, have purchased the
Christopherson house and have
But Whot You Get for What You Pay
Which is to say that if you pay a
cheap price for a service or a pro
duct, you will get in proportion
to what you pay.
If you are looking at price alone
you will not buy
Weld Rite Welding
but if you are willing to pay for
quality work, Weld Rite Welding
is a genuine economy.
lone, Oregon
moved there. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy
Martin have moved to the White
ranch, and Mr and Mrs. Joe Fea
thers are moving into the Ola
Ward house recently vacated by
the Martins.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Way
were Lexington visitors from
renaieton over the week end.
Joe Clark, who makes his
home at the v. E McMillan
ranch, has gone to Portland
where he will receive medical
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van Winkle
were visitors at The Dalles one
day last week.
Mrs. Corda Saling was a vis
itor at the C. C. Jones home Wed
nesday of last week. Mrs. Jones
and Mrs. Saling were dinner
guests at the Noah Pettyjohn
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen
ger Sr. and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Billy Marquardt and Truman
Can You Vote?
Register to vote at the County Clerk's
office before 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 2,
if you have not voted in the last two
elections here.
Six months' residence in Oregon and
30 days' residence at your present ad
dress qualify you to register.
We urge all newcomers to Morrow
County and all young people who have
reached the age of 21 and are not reg
istered, to do so.
Morrow County Jay-Cee-Ettes
Receive, with the compli
ments of youi Retail Drug
Store, sparkling lesseos in
lasting beauty, .yourbeaurt
. .from the CARAPWME
Specialist! Discussion art
phvtt and are limned to a
few pet dev. You'll learn
CARA NOME way to pve
yourwtf a relaxing bcaU. to
nave the meat flattering sake
up, ever . . . and to enhance
your chars more and morr
everyday! Telephone no
your appointment
toV-v '
Case Furniture Co.
has the answer to your range pr hkml
Of course you're tired of waking for an out of date range to "perk". You're
fed up with a hard-to-keep-clean range. That's why this beautiful new
Montag Electric Range is the pride of the neighborhood the minute it
moves into your kitchen.
These wonderful new "Thermo-Kleen"
turface cooking units give you clean,
cool-kitchen electric heat almost instant
ly. And the 5 speeds on each element are
always CONTROLLED, always the
same, to a fraction of a degree. They
stay Pat, so more of the unit touches
your utensils, to give you all-time cook
ing speed.
'I t. 'IT f
J in the beauti- IV I n
fnl new Montag au- .' I
tomatic range. . . . I
Imagine how much I VV t t'S
time and work it will I f 1 nWSS
save you every day. I h
j Come in, see it now. j
You can have these
important features
You never again poke, probe or scrape to
clean awkward elements. One flick of
your finger swings these "Thermo-Kleen"
units up out of the way. An easy sweep
of your wrist keeps the smooth stainless
steel drip pang spotless. They are easier
to keep clean than any surface units
made. And you have another work saver
in the smooth, one-piece, stainproof
porcelain enamel top.
Wait until you first put
your big, new automatic
MonUg oven through its.
paces. Its self-minding,
timer-thermostat is almost
human. You put a whole
meal on the safe no-tilt
oven racks, set it, forget
it Come back, hours later,
and it is cooked perfectly,
on time, without watching,
without waiting.
Baking is a cool job now.'
A thick, efficient blanket
of genuine Fiberglas in
sulation keeps the heat in,
prevents the cool spots
that spoil baked things.
Eaves current, too, be
sides keeping your kitchen
more comfortable.
Messenger Jr. attended the fun
eral of Lynn Gillespie, 12-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. j. Gil
lespie, in Boardman Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell
have gone on a trip, which will
take them Into Canada.
Miss Kdith Kdwards of Spo
kane vsited at the A. M. Edwards
home this week end.
Walt- Wallace who recently
underwent an operation in Pen
dleton and had returned to his
home at the J. F, McMillan home,
was taken quite ill one day last
week and taken back to the hos
pital. Reports are that he is do
ing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloods
worth made a trip to The Dalles
Wednesday where Mr. Bloods
worth wll receive additional
medical attention.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Griffith
were Salem visitors over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marquardt,
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen
ger Sr. and family, and Mr. and
Mrs Truman Messenger Jr. of
lone were Boardman visitors on
Mr. and Mrs. Don Grant are
visiting in Lexington from their
home in Prineville. Mr. and Mrs.
O. G. Breeding have had the
Grant youngsters for two weeks.
Two choirs have been formed
in the Christian and fYintrroca
tional Sunday school, and church.
junior choir ror evening singing,
and young people's choir for
morning services. Mrs. Betty Fea
thers is the conductor of the
choir. The young people's choir
consists ot the young married
people of the community and
nign scnooi childien.
Lexington teachers will attend
the Eastern Oregon Teachers'
conference at Pendleton this
week end. All teachers of this
school are planning to attend
Later on there will be a high
school teachers' workshop at La
Grande, on Ort. 2S-2Q
Lexineton hieh school has two
new boys from the Valley. They
are tugene bawyer who is mak
ne his home at Wavs'. and Ron.
aid Faul who is making his home
at Mcraddens.
The first football eamp srhpH
uled this season is October 8 at
Irrieon. The first vamp srhoriul,
ed for Lexington is with Mitch
ell on our field. Opt 22
The county teachers' meeting
is scheduled for Lexington Oct,
12 at the schoolhouse. Dinner
will be sevred which will be pre
pared by Merle Cornelison.
They now have two bands in
the school, beginners' and an ad
vanced band. The beginners'
From where I sit ... fy Joe Marsh
Your Most
Important Right
Now that the bandstand has been
sainted, and the park re-landscaped,
we have about the nicest
Tillage green in the county.
And it's all because, at the last
town election, folks got out and
voted 85 per cent of them! That
way, they passed the amendmen.
calling for park improvements
over those opposing it.
Reminds you again how impor
tant the right to vote is in this
country. And it's a right we can
retain only(by exercising it! ...
like all the other individual liber
ties from freedom to enjoy .
glass of beer or ale, to a woman's
right to vote along with men.
Folks can thank ihemaelvet that
on summer evenings they'll be able
to listen to band concerts in a well
kept park . . . enjoying a bottle of
beer or soda pop (whichever they
prefer). Because from where I sit,
that's a freedom they've earned by
exercising a still more important
freedom: Voting!
floe tytva
Copyright, l"tS, United State! Brewers Foundation
1 just saw Mew-
or, ii n v.
Complete Laundry!
th Frlgidairo Fully Automatic
,", 1 III"'" :s- .
with "Live-Water" action. All you
do is put in clothes and soap, set the
dial . . . and forget it ! Fills and emp
ties itself automatically. In less than
half in hour your clothes have been
vashed clean, rinsed twice and damp
dried . . . some ready for ironing !
That's only part of the story. You'll
havs to see this revolutionary new
washer yourself.
tho Now Fi-lgidalre Electric
It irons clothes faster, smoother,
neater; all without lifting, backache,
physical strain. The onen end: will
' take sheets and tablecloths . . . easily !
unas many convenience reatures, such
as selective heat control, foot-treadle
action, two ironing speeds, roll-stop
for pressing and a 30-inch roll.
. ' j4 . 1 tha New Frialdalra Automatic
m ;
i JG3J j
This is just what you've wished for
many times, especially on wintry or
rainy days. No heavy clothes to hang
out or take down. It's automatic.
Just put in clothes, set the automatic
timer ... and forget it. In 15 to 25
minutes a whole washerful of clothes
has been fluff-dried by circulating
"fresh-air-action" ready for ironing.
lt f Sae hen New Frlgldalr laundry Apptlancsi
POli' Al, ' Frigidalra Rafrlgaralors , . . Elactrli
Rana-t . . Watar Haalars . , . Home Fraaiart
Overnight guests at the Hynd
home on Gale street Friday were
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clark of Tor
onto, Canada, and their cousin,
Mrs. Wallace Smith of Portland.
These people were friends of the
Hynd family in the days when
all lived in Canada.
Sunday numerous relatives and
friends called at the Hynd home,
including Mr. and Mrs. John
Clouston and Mrs. Jack Hynd of
Pendleton, Mrs. E. R. Shaeffer of
Cecil, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ball
band takes in all of the grade
school students and the advanc
ed Is those having previous train
ing. The high school and grades
are also receiving chorus train
ing. These two are under the di
rection of the band instructor,
Miss Joy Gerharz.
and son of upper Rhea creek, Mr.
and Mrs. Ewing Hynd and son of
Ukiah, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tolle
son and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case
of Heppner. Rev. and Mrs. Eric
Robathan of Pendleton were lun
cheon guests following services
at All Saints Episcopal church.
"Leave the door open," said
Earl Warren to his secretary the
day he took office as governor.
From that day on, California's
chief executive has been "in" to
any citizen great or small call
ing with complaints, suggestions,
or just to say "Hello."
1 NtaMMMOsfisMla JB
Citizens of Heppner !
Rates for garbage hauling by the city owned
and operated truck have been set up as follows:
Residence, one gathering per week-$l per mo.
Business houses pro-rated on amount hauled
Those desiring this service should contact
P. A. MOLLAHAN, City Superintendent
ot the City Hall
The Family's Favorite
Babies-Teen-ogers-Adulrs-all benefit from the
perfect purity and abundant food value of May
flower Milk. It gives youngsters the nutrition they
need for better growth and development-it gives
grownups the nutrition that maintains qood
health and well-being. Moreover, Mayflower Milk
is always fresh and flavorsome because of the
scientific Mayflower method of processing and
Heppner Appliance Co.
Phone 1423
Case Furniture Co.