jgppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 23, 1948 LINOLEUM Droinboards and Cove Base . . Guaran teed installations . . Quality Materials Rubber and Asphalt Tile CARPET See me for your carpet and rug needs Leave orders at CLAUDE HILL Heppner Hardware Cr Electric Co. WORD OF APPRECIATION I'd like to take this means of thanking my friends and neigh bors for the lovely flowers, cards and letters I received during my stay in the hospital. Such re membrances did much to shorten the long hours. Mrs.' Elmer Griffith. Some of That 77c a Pound Beef Paid Up Life Insurance is a good investment or a nice gift. BLAINE E. ISOM, Agency Heppner Phone 723 DANCE Saturday Night September 25 WILLOWS GRANGE HALL lone GOOD MUSIC Both Modern and Oldtime Popular prices UNEXPECTED VISITORS . . . need not cause you any embarrassment Give your wardrobe rotation dry cleaning at Heppner Clean, ers. Have us call twice a eek for your garments, and you will have a con stant supply of fresh, clean clothes. Phone 2592 for free delivery service HEPPNER CLEANERS One Drop: More or Less? Guessing always means doubt and to doubt the amounts of drugs to be included in your prescription could be dangerous. Our labora tory is set up specifically to render exacting pharmaceutical service to you. . . We specialize in filling your prescriptions, in providing drugs recommended by your doctor. SAAGERS PHARMACY STAR REPORTER Jk4!m prtcca tlteraooi mi eernUif, anlea ipa- Iu .16, Total 80c SrarT child oeeapTlnc seat ctricaUr aCrtUa4 to W olWwlu: children s Ert. mMt h" tukt- Pi-to i: T.-a. t. j t....! t-w.. . -a n. Sunday ahows eoatlaaotu atartinf at 1 p-m. Batnr. . '' . , -03- ToU 500 0d H:h day ar.nux ahowa atari at 7 p. m. All otter ar.nlnf Bnkool BtadeaU 11 yean ana otmi Kit. Price .40. abowa etart at 7:30 p-m. Boxofllse op erenlnga yd. Tan .10, Total 60c; 44-ilu : Ert. PrcU .60, Pod. uatu p.m. We Join the Department of Justice'i Youth Opportunity Program by saluting Young America durinq YOUTH MONTH. Sept 1st to 30th, and always! Friday-Saturday, Sept 24-25 The Noose Hangs High Abbott and CoeUllo. Joeeph CaUaia, Ion Errol, Cathy Downa. A tip hiprli In hilarity with the bullt and the ltiuha rorilng thik and fast. PLL'S PAINTED DESERT A Owiffl O'Brl.n weelern. Sunday-Monday, Sept 26-27 CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE V!.r by Terhnirolur. tarring Tyrone Power With Jeaa Patera, Ceeer Eomara. John Button, Ia 9. Cobb, Aatooio Moreno, Taomaa Oomee, Alan Mowbray. Barbara Lawrence, George Saooo. lirama to rniemher torpver from the novel by nipal BheUebei-fer. Tuesday, September 28 TO THE VICTOR DennU Morgan, Vivee Llnfors, Victor Pr&nc-n, Bruc Bennett. A vibrant and compelling story. Wedneadoy.Thur.KiaY, Sept 29-30 B. F.'S DAUGHTER Barbara Stanwyck, Van HefUn, Charles Coburn, Blehard Hart, Banian Wyan, Btar(aret Llnd aay, Sprlnf Bylnctoa. An all-ntar romance from Joha P. Marqaand'a big beat-seller! MABCK OP TTJfS . . wB TJi I lv. iyV.wV. www:- f We have a frame machine and we are prepared to make front end correction on your car. Rosewall Motor Company. PICTURE FRAMING is our spe cialty. A variety of mouldings to choose from at Yeager's. FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms, reasonable. 101 Chase St. 27p WE ARE closing out ail Dry Goods, Notions, Socks, etc. Buy now. Yeager's. ou can have your motor rebuilt and the car panted in our shop. Pay on our convenient monthly budget terms. Rosewall Motor Company. Have you inspected the new De Vilbiss paint booth we have In stalled in our shop? We are prepared to do first class auto mobile painting. Rosewall Mo tor CompanyJ Give that low battery a boost on our 3o minute fast charger so it will spin your motor faster these cool mornings. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE The former Sam Hughes property. Large rooms, fine for roomers, an apartment house or a large family but too big for us. See L. W. or Opal Briggs, or phone 2712. Terms. 27-2Sc Let us underseal that new car against dust and noise. Rose wall Motor Company. Humphreys Drug Co. Heppner, Orefon I I I '7r 1 . I l 4 , - .llaLiava-. i4aaA' A&ij . ft tm This picture, taken in the lockar room at the Court Street Market shows the dressed carcasses of several 4-H Beef Club show ani mals purchased by local people at the recent Morrow County Fair and Rodeo. It was the first fat beef sale to be held here and and the high average of 77 cents per pound for the stock offered was well above the average attained at similar sales elsewhere in the state. Leonard Schwarz, proprietor of the Court Street Market dressed the beef out WE HAVE the exclusive agency for Snap-on Venetian Blinds, Call Yeager's. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends, neighbors, business hou ses, lodges and the Three Links club of Lexington for their gener ous donations and their expres sions of sympathy for Chuckie. If he were old enough to know what you people have done he would be very grateful. We are very grateful to each and every one. A mere thanks seems so little in return for us to make, but perhaps someday we can give someone a helping hand. So again we say Thanks from the bottom of our hearts. Vernon and Dorothy Christopherson. FOR SALE-4-door '36 Chevrolet, run less than 26,000 miles, in A-l condition. Roy Neill, 206 Water St., Heppner. 27-28p 11)29 Model A coupe Pay down $50.00. Rosewall Motor Co. We can balance your tires and wheels without removing them them from the car. Have your wheels balanced for tops in motoring pleasure. Rosewall Motor Company. 1937 Dodge pickup. Pay down S100.00. Rosewall Motor Co. 1941 Ford pickup. Pay down $300. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 3 International weed ers, almost new. See Sid Zin ter or call 36F15 lone, or 282, Heppner. 27tfc NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND MEMBERS OF ALL BUILDING TRADES It is the purpose of the Heppner City Council to enforce all build- I in? code laws and the undersipn. ! ed has been designated Building Inspector. Anyone contemplating any repairs such as carpenter work, plumbing and electrical work must apply for a permit be fore job begins, and each job must be inspected as work pro gresses. Any change in electrical wiring or plumbing even a small jorj calls for a permit. All work over $50 requires a permit. By order of the City Council, O. M. YEAGEK, 26-29 Building Inspector. HOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of ARTHUR D. KELLER, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersign ed administrator at Heppner Oretinn. within six months from the date here of. Dated and first published this 23rd day of September. 1948. 27-31 JOS. J. NYS. Admlni-t rt or GREEN OR DRY LUMBER Our buyer traveling your state. What have you to offer? Shan ley Lumber Co., Box Q, Brook line, Mass. 27c MEN'S WOOL sox at Yeager's. Keep your eye on our used car lot for your transportation needs. Rosewall Motor Co. Now is the hour to have your car and truck put in shape for winter driving. Rosewall Motor Company. WOOLEN SCARFS for girls, nice colors, warm head coverings. Shop at Yeager's. We have reconditioned and new Ford and Mercury motors in stock for immediate installa tion. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Used Singer sewing machine in good condition, $30. Mrs. R. W. Lindstrom, phone 2111, lone. 27c 1946 Hudson sedan. Pay down $600.00. Rosewall Motor Co. Let us .install a pair of the Fam ous Firestone All-traction tires on the rear of your pickup for highway and off-the-pavement roads. Rosewall Motor Co. TETZ-LABHART VOWS (Continued from First Page) ting of the first piece of the three-tiered wedding cake. Mrs. Raymond Ferguson continued with the serving. Pouring were Mrs. Irvin Mann of Adams, Mrs. Charles Lemley of Portland, grandmother of the bride, Mfs. Lucy Rodgers and Mrs. J. 0. Tur ner. Mrs. Stephen Thompson, Mrs. P. W. Mahoney and Mrs. Orville Smith assisted about the rooms. Mickey Lanham was in charge of the guest book and Mina Lou Labhart and Sharon McGowan were in charge of the gifts, For her going away costume the bride wore a dark brown gab ardine suit with cocoa brown and kelly green accessories, and an orchid corsage. The newlyweds will make their home in Heppner following a wedding trip to California, The bride is a graduate of Pen dleton high school and attended the University of Oregon. Mr. Labhart is a graduate of Corval- lis high school and attended Ore gon State college, where he was affiliated with Kappa Sigma fra ternity. He served two years in the U. S. air corps in England and is a member of the Oregon State Police force. Out-of-town guests included the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lemley of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lemley, Mrs. Arzell Lemley and daugh ter Carolyn of Grass Valley; Mr, and Mrs. Vern McGowan, Schott and Sharon of Pilot Rock; Mr. and Mrs. John Clouston and Jean, Mrs. Earle P. Cochran and Miss Bertha Lary of Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mann of Ad ams; Mrs.' John Devereaux and son Billy, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Labhart of Corvallis; Mrs. C. E. Haasze of Seattle; Mr and Mrs. J. Harley Sroufe, Beaverton; Mrs. J. H. Sroufe, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Blak ney and sons Richard and Thom as, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Or mond Hildebrand, Wasco, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Porter, Corvallis. Heppner Motors WISHES TO ANNOUNCE IT NOW HAS THE CITY EXCLUSIVE DEALERSHIP FOR U S ROYAL TIRES BATTERIES and ACCESSORIES in addition to its regular MONTGOMERY WARD TIRES In Every Home a DURA BROOM Your sweeping worries are over when you use a . . . EUiodglin Dura Broom Electrene bristles create a strong magnetic action that magically sweeps away dirt, dust and lint par ticles . .. never harsh . . . always thorough, easier, more pleasant sweeping is yours. Washable, flexible bristles, durable, longer lasting . . . colorful DURA BROOM $2.50 Heppner Hardware and Electric Co. I (LAST 3 PAYS! nmiivcrsarv. BUDGET-PRICED RAYON GOWNS Wonderful assortment of tailored and lace-trimmed styles. Grace ful skirts. Rayon tricot knit needs no ironing- Lovely pastels. 34-40. 2.98 WOMEN'S LACE TRIMMED SATIN SLIPS 98 Just right for the fall fashions - New longer length. Sizes 32 - 44 - Tearose, White 1 '" COTTON FLANNEL PAJAMAS A cold-weather MUSTI Women's butter-soft pajamas tailored or trimmed. Full ctlt. Drawstring pants, Tearose, blue. 15-20. WOMEN'S GOWNS ONLY 2.79 Men's Sanforized Blue Chambrey WORK SHIRTS 14 to 18 l39 Sanforized for permanent fit. Men's Rockford Type WORK SOCKS 19c Heavy knit for long wear-snug knit tops. Flannelette, button collar or braid trim styles, with long sleeves. Full cut for comfort. Flannelette, warm as toast I Tearose, blue. 16-20. 1.79 Men's Cotton Flannel PAJAMAS Sizes 36 to 48 3.98 Sanforized shrunk flannel for lasting 71V