Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 23, 1948, Page 4, Image 4

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    A Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 23, 1948
250 Pound Bruin
Excites Interest
Of Kinzua Kiddies
By Elsa M. Leathers
The children of Kinnia wore
quite excited last w eek when Bill
Kill brought In a black bear for
which he and Junior Leathers
had been trapping for several
days "Bruin" showed consider
able fight, but Kllis managed to
kill him with thee shots from
a .22 special. He dressed around
?."iO pounds and was on display
in the cold storage vault at Kin
zua Mercantile company. Mr. El
lis who came here recently from
Texas is now after bear number
two which has been seen several
times in the same vicinity.
Wheeler county health nurse,
Annette Kitzmiller. and Dr. At
wood. local physician, spent Wed
nesday and Thursday at the
schoolhouse, where they gave
physical examinations to 100
youngsters in the first eight
Word was received by the F.
M. Harrison family Saturday of
the marriage of their son Dean
to Miss Helen Humphreys of Fos
sil. Dean holds the rank of chief
petty officer 3 c and is at the
U S. Naw base at Astoria, and
Helen, graduate of W.C.H.S.. is
attending Theo's beautician ac
ademy at Portland The wedding
took place in Vancouver, Wash.
Stan Wright was visiting at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Marion
Wright for a short time last week.
Slip flew him part way to Oro
ville, Cal., where he has employ
ment under A. B. Coleman, for
mer plant superintendent of Kin
zua Tine Mills company.
Mrs. Gussie McQueen arrived
from Portland last week. She has
accepted employment in the con
fectionery. Mrs. McQueen is a
sister of Mrs. Jimmie Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers
and Junior and Norvin Adams
left Tuesday morning for Port
land. Owen will be admitted to
Only Chevrolet gives
)t LzacU in JLolLtiL rahu2-cLnJ. In all tkeAa quality fieatureA
t juAt aA it UjoJa in nailonunde LeyidtcaticmA
Round-Up Patrons
Visit In Boardman
During Week End
By Mrs. Flossie Coats
Many local folk had friends
and relatives stop over going to
or from the Pendleton Round-Up.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
B Rands w ere Mr. Rands' parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Royal Rands of Cul
Mr. and Mrs. Spud Spagle were
guests Friday evening and Sun
day for dinner at the home of
Mr and Mrs. Robert Harwood. The
two ladies are cousins.
Breakfast guests at the Dana
Ayr farm were Mr. and Mrs, Max
McNeal and Mrs. McNeal's fath
er, Mr. Stearns, all of Tigard, Wn.
George Furler of Metaline
Falls, Wash., stopped over for a
visit Friday with his cousin, Mrs.
Tressa Connell, whom he had
not seen in seven years.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eades and
family of Oakland, Cal., have
spent the past week with his par
ents. Mr! and Mrs, R. A. Eades,
and other relatives.
Mrs Myrtle Ely motored to La
Grande Friday taking her daugh
ter Maxine and Mildred Miller
to enroll in the E.O.C.E. Mrs. Ely
returned home the same evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root and
son turns ot Athena ana Mr.
anrt Mrc Inn Rnrtt ennnt RimH:iv
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aipu"'" "l"c """"S
lik, n,4 i QQ i to 2500 Hereford cattle breeders
Sale of High Grade
Hercfords Scheduled
At Salem Monday
Another of the purebred live
stock auction sales for w hich Sa
lem is rapidly becoming noted
is the private offering of Bonelli,
Ward and Cook Polled Hereford
cattle to be held at the stale fair
grounds on Monday, September
27. Seven bulls, 44 bred heifers
and three open heifers are includ
ed, according to R. A. Ward of
Halsey, who was in Salem this
week making final arrangements
for the event
Bonelli Cattle company of Sau
gus, Cal., has consigned 32 ani
mals featuring the get of the
$30,000 bull Trumode Domino
64th Ralph Cook of Medford will
offer seven bulls and heifers.
Ward is to enter 15.
Polled Herefords are naturalyl
hornless, a feature popular with
fat stock buyers due to the free
dom from bruises often caused in
shipping horned cattle. Cowboys
also claim the lack of horns
makes for ease of handling, the
danger of being pronged by sharp
horns being eliminated.
According to the laws of hered
ity horns are recessive, that is,
polled cattle never have horns,
but horned cattle occasionally are
parents to mutants or "sports"
which are hornless.
The Polled Hereford breed orig
inated in 1901 due to the enter
prise of Warren Gammon of Des
Moines, Iowa, who sent out in-
he purchased all the bulls and
seven of the cows. From this
foundation the breed developed,
an association was formed in
1!K)7 which during last year re
corded more than 27,000 animals.
An auction of 55 Bonelli Polled
Herefords at Corvallis last March
averaged $455 with a top female
at $1060. Cattle for his sale will
be on display at the state fair
grounds all day Sunday before
the sale. Catalogues may be had
by writing to R. A. Ward, Halsey,
One reason Chevrolet has
more riding comfort is
' Chevrolet' Body by
Fisher. Another, Chevro
1 let's Unitized Knee-Action
Gliding Ride. Only Chev
trolet in its price field
'offers these outstanding
contributions to riding
Chevrolet valve-in-head
"World's Champion" en
gines have delivered more
miles, to more owners,
over a longer period, than
any other automobile
power plant built today!
You get performance and
pleasure . . . you get
thrills and thrift!
The triple protection re
sulting from Chevrolet's
Unitized Knee-Action
Gliding Ride, Positive
Action Hydraulic Brake
and Fisher Unisteel Body
Construction is another
Big-Car Value found -only
in Chevrolet in the
low-priced field I
Your Chevrolet will com
mand attention for it
smooth design and Ita
world-famous Body by
Fisher. With this
supremely beautiful and
most-desired of all motor
car bodies, you will be
su re of beau ty-leadersh ip I
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball
were their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball Jr. of
Dayton, Wash. Sunday afternoon
guests were Mr. Ball's brother
and sister-n-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Ball and family of Heppner.
Week-end guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nickerson
weraj Mr. and Mrs. Avert West
land and family of Portland. The
Westland's are helping the Nick
erson's move their furniture to
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Westland
also attended the farewell dinner
and party at the grange hall in
honor of the Nickersons, who
have sold their farm and are
soon leaving Boardman.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and
family motored to Selah, Wash.,
Sunday where they attended a
golden wedding anniversary din-
Hodge Chevrolet Co.
Main and May
Phone A03
Heppner, Ore.
Enjoy Your Hunting Trip!
i i
First-It's a good idea to take along a
gun and ammunition.
Then-A RED HAT; warm underwear,
sox and gloves.
Good shoes are very essential; you can
travel farther and do it easier. We
have just what you need, in composi
I tion soles-6 and 8 inch tops-priced
from 8.95to 16.95.
Pendleton Wool Shirts-9.75 to 11.50
Jen-cel-Lite Jackets, light and warm,
from 30 above to 30 below- -20.00
to 27.50
Camp Slippers-6.50
tv A
son s Men s
"The Store of Personal Service"
in U. S. He located six polled
bulls and 10 polled cows. Of these
Accident Record
Up, Death Rate
Down In Traffic
Recently completed tabula
tions of Oregon's traffic accident
record for the first six months of
19-18 reveal that accidents and
injuries increased nearly three
percent over the same period last
year, but deaths declined almost
10 percent, Secretary of State Earl
T. Newbry has announced.
He added that additional repots
of deaths through the month of
August improves the fatality de
crease to 14 percent from the fig
ure for last year. Throughout tlte
year, travel has remained ap
proximately 10 percent higher
than 1917, he said.
Greatest decline in any acci
dent classification was in pedes
trian deaths. Forty were killed
in contrast with 51 in the same
period last year for a decline of
22 percent. More than half the
pedestrian fatalities, 23 out of 40,
were under 15 or over IS years
of age, Newbry pointed out. He
said crossing streets between in
tersections was the leading fac
tor In bringing death to walkers.
Railroad crossing mishaps led
in the fatality increases, with 14
losing their lives as compared
with only six last year. This fig
ure already exceeds the complete
grade crossing toll for 1947, the
secretary noted.
We are proud to announce that
has completed a course in the
Armstrong Linoleum School
on linoleum and tile laying.
From now until November 1st we
offer Armstrong's Asphalt Tile
regularly priced at 2.56 a yard
2.00 per yard
Six different colors-in monotone or in
combination-making many pleasing
fhe veterans hospital for medical
treatment, and Norvin and Jun
ior will take physical examina
tions for the U. S. navy. Dick
Graham accompanied them as
far as The Dalles where he will
enter high school for his senior
Mr and Mrs. Ernest Lear of
Condon were Sunday visitors at
the home of her sister and hus
band, Mr and Mrs. Charles John
son. J. B. Armstrong returned Fri
day from The Dalles where he
has been hospitalized the past
Delvin McDaniel made a busi
ness trip to Heppner Thursday
to consult a physician.
Ima McDaniel returned home
Sunday after spending the past
month visiting in the Hardman
and Heppner vicinity. She brot
her granddaughter Sandra. Harsh
man for a short visit.
Andy Staig was receiving med
ical attention in The Dalles Mon
day. Kinzua people attending the
Pendleton Round-Up over the
week end included Mr. and Mrs.
Harlan Denton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Wham, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Rood and Charlene Rood, and
Carla Pierson.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson
left for Portland Sunday after
spending a two-week vacation at
the Harvey Boyer's. Mrs. Boyer
accompanied them home.
Kieth Osborn left Portland last
week for San Diego, Cal., where
he will enter the U. S. Naval
training center.
Mrs. Forest Graham went to
Fossil Saturday to consult a doc
tor. The stitches were removed
from her hand, which was cut
severely several days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Smith
from Mayville wre overnight
guests at the Claude England
home Sunday. Mrs. Smith and
Mrs. England are sisters.
Mr and Mrs. Zolan Tripp went
to The Dalles Friday where Bet
ty had a medical check-up.
Mrs, Aubria Peyton returned
Saturday from The Dalles where
she had been in the hospital for
several days.
Finley LeClair and family
spent the week end in Pendleton
visiting relatives. They also at
tended the RounoVL'p Saturday.
Wheeler county fair opened
Friday at Fossil. Many people
from Kinzua attended, both Fri
day and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Wham
and Patsy and Mr. and Mrs. Har
lan Schroeder and Becky Ann re
turned Monday from Astoria
where they attended the Amer
ican Legion convention. Mrs.
Wham and Mrs. Schroeder went
as delegates for the women's
auxiliary, and Mr. Wham and
Mr. Schroeder, as delegates for
ihe Legion.
ner and party for Mr. Ely's un
cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Miss Hilma Lee Tyler of Port
land spent the week end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Billings.
Mrs. W. E. Garner and two
children spent the week end in
Portland with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber
motored to Heppner on business
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Allen are Mrs. Al
len's mother and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. M J. Rordell of Los
Angeles, Cal.
Eleanor Cox, daughter of Gus
joeiuer, oecaiue uie uriue oi max
I Wesley Vannoy, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Vannoy, in Bellingham, Wn.,
Sept 8, 1918, the Presbyterian
minister performing the cere
mony. The young couple motored
into Canada for a short honey
moon. Mrs. Vannoy will be re
membered as Eleanor Seiber,
niece of Nels Kristensen of Board
man. Mr. Vannoy is entering the
University of Washington this
month, and Seattle will be their
residence. Mr. Vannoy has been
with his parents here for the
past week, leaving for Seattle on
Photos of Rodeo-Fair and Parade
$1 Each - 8x10 Gloss
Kodak Finishing
Rolls Developed and
Extra Prints 4c Each
Every print an enlargement
Quality Work
Free Mailing Bags
Furnished on Request
Mall to:
Payette, Idaho
Citizens of Heppner !
Rates for garbage hauling by the city owned
and operated truck have been set up as follows:
Residence, one gathering per week $1 per mo.
Business houses pro-rated on amount hauled
Those desiring this service should contact
P. A. MOLLAHAN, City Superintendent
at the City Hall
Ynr rrd Dolr Imltn yM t llitn l Hw htt AIIm Ibtw, Unirf lvMlir-NIC
U ' 'ddT lMltt-IJ Mtmrh. S.. ,. Mwipgptr br tliM mi l.ll...