Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 23, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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lone Young Folks
Leave For Higher
' Education Seats
By Echo Palmateer
Sept. 24 Football game with
Echo here.
Sept. 24 Teachers' reception at
school house at 8 p.m.
Sept. 25 Social meeting of
Topic club at the Masonic hall,
Sept. 29 Three Links club at
the Rebekah hall.
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 23, 1943-3
Don Neal has purchased the
I Rev. Frank Nichols home. Mrs.
Neal is employed at the Victory
I cafe.
The bleachers on the football
j field were panted white and some
i trees were trimmed near the
: field.
I Those going to college were
'Ross Doherty to Whitman, Alton
I Yarnel to University of Washing
jton, Dorothy Smith and Shirlee
1 Smouse to the University of Ore
gon, Robert Drake to E. O. C. E.
at La Grande, Bruce Smith to
Oregon State, Louis Carlson to
Oregon State.
Mrs. Cecil Thome and Mrs.
Echo Palmateer were auxiliary
delegates to the American Le
gion at Astoria last week and
Ted Palmateer was a delegate of
of the Legion. Henry Peterson
and Joel Engelman also attend
ed the convention. They reported
a good time and a good attend
ance. The IMIA met Wednesday,
Sept. 15, at the Legion hall.
Markham Baker's mother pass
ed away In Washington last
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duncan
and son and Mr. Duncan's moth
er of Portland visited at the John
Bryson and the Lana Padberg
homes last week.
Mrs. Fannie Griffith Is at the
home of her daughter Mrs. Roy
Lindstrom for a week or so and
then will return to the hospital
for an operation on her ankle
Jimmy Barnett cut his finger
Saturday in a buzz saw.
Now! two big ovens 1
la this now
'electric range
Now, Bake Roast Broil . . . Faster Easier Better
Now, with two, all-purpose, Even-Hat Ovens, you can bake
In one oven . . . roast or broil In the other, all at once
farter, easier, better Ideal for large families. The finest
electric range that money can buy. See this new Frigidaire
Automatic Electric Range todayl
These features bring Safe . . . Clean . . . Cool . . . Cooking
. Two large ovens plus
all these features
e Automatic Cook-Master
Oven Clock Control
e Fluoroscent Cooking
Top Lamp
e Automatic Tlme-Skjnol
e Automatic Surface Unit
2 electric appliance
All-porcelain cabinet
AcM-reslsting porcelain
and many others you
should see
. iSf
Mrs. C. Chapman was ill last
week and a physician was called.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann
visited Ed Rietmann of Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Art Reece of Top
penish, Wash., visited her sister,
Mrs. Harlan MeCurdy, Sunday.
New sidewalks were put In
front of the city hall and library
last week.
Mr. and Mrs H. O. Ely, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Ely, George Ely, Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Ely and Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Matthews and Mr.
and Mrs. Elvin Ely of Boardman
attended the golden wedding of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stone at
Selah, Wash., Sunday.
Gordon White is having his
apartment remodeled.
Mrs. Mary Swanson had her
kitchen remodeled.
Visitors at the Johan Troedson
home are Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Wells and Mrs. Martha McGiness
and Mrs. Ted Tazeau and son
Gene of San Francisco. The wo
men are nieces of Mrs. Troedson.
Mr. and Mrs. .Jack Bailey and
family are moving to Corvallis
this week.
P. J. Linn is visiting relatives
at Ripley, Ohio.
Joan Coleman had the cast
taken off her leg last week. She
recently dislocated her knee.
Mrs. IdaColeman and daughter
Joan were week-end visitors in
Portland. They visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney
Miss Francine Ely of The Dal
les spent the week end in lone,
Up until the last ten days vot
ers have been slow at registering.
Only this week did queues start
forming at county registration
booths. With "register and vote"
campaigns doing good work in
Multnomah, Clackamas, Lane
and Marion counties interest in
candidates and measures on the
general election ballot has been
Campaign crusades in Oregon
have been announced as tenta
tively scheduled by both Presi
dent Truman and Governor Dew
ey, James Roosevelt, son of the
late president and democratic
national committeeman for Cal
ifornia is in Oregon this week
with Klamath Falls, Corvallis
and Portland on his agenda.
Senator Douglas McKay, repub
lican candidate for governor and
Senator Lew Wallace, democratic
candidate for governor, were in
the Round-Up parade at Pen
dleton last week before starting
their speaking tours of the state.
The next Monday Senator McKay
started his full-state-coverage
campaign with political address
Washington wags claim that
the biggest fish story of the year
concerns Mr. Truman's "Red Her
ring" that Jumped out of a third
story window to escape the un
holy Soviet seine.
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U. P. and N. P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Ierion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Radlontvb 5-Spd
Surface Units
Ths icluilv unit glv
yow steady. Instant hat
vry timl Only frigidatr
Has thtjmt
Thrmiii Dtp-wll
It's a 6-quart dap-wll
cooktr with ThriMo-Motic
switch. Can b changed to
surfoct unit in a fitly.
Cook -Matter Ovtn
Clock Control
Put in a mma, sot for (tori
ing ond finishing time .
ond forget tl. Cooks a meal
vr ile you're away.
Two High-Speed
Broilers, Waist-High
Juit waist high for added
convenience. Fast, sure,
even heat broils meats per
fectly. Smokeless type
Heppner Appliance Co. Phone 1423
Mr. and Mrs Francis Ely spent. es ln four north wularnetle val-
ley towns a day. Senator Lew
Wallace started his active cam
paign on the north coast and will
wind up the week in Newport
and at the Waldport Salmon Der
by which also will be attended
by candidate McKay and by state
Saturday evening with her cou
sins. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cox
at Yakima.
Freshmen ln high school are
Elise Bauernfeind, LeRoy Bren
ner, Lila Botts, Wilma Dalzell,
Delores Drake, Donald Eubanks,
Barbara Jackson, Mary Jepson, , ffi-,i-
Clarice Jones.
First graders are John Botts, ! NEW LEGAL OPINIONS
Francis Rea, Raymond Benton, 1
Phillip (Skippy) Emert, Robert
Akers, Karen Lundell, Jean Bal
lantyne, Bernita Harris, Linda
here today!
More than 103 new features and
refinements! Two billion miles of driv
ing by people like you have proved Kaiser
dependability. Why don't you drive
America's most-copied car yourself and
find out what more than a quarter of a
million owners already know?
Kolser-Fnner Cerporotioa Willow Run, Micbigoa
Noth Main Street
Phone 2313
Attorney General George Neu
ner this week released the fol
lowing digest of opinions on Ore
gon statutes:
County clerks, county treasur-
Rae Heimbigner, Brenda Kay
Townsend, Harold Rietmann.
New pupils in school include
Sandra Davidson, 2nd grade; Al
ice Kay Mason, 3rd grade; John
Mason, 6th grade; bhirlee Mc
Greer. 8th.
ers, county judges, county com
missioners and county assessors
are not "workmen" under the
workmen's compensation act and
are not eligible to the benefits
Members of the military forces
of the United States still are eli
gible to buy angling and hunt
ing licenses at resident rates
even though they are non-residents.
A county court of domestic re
lations does not have jurisdiction
to entertain adoption proceedings
for a child who is domiciled in
another state with its parent and
who is not physically present in
the state of Oregon.
School districts of Oregon re
ceived $8,132,946 in basic school
funds this week from the state,
Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry
announced. The amount Is the
first half of the $16,953,900 basic
school fund for the 1948-49 school
year. This year's fund is one
.million dollars greater than last
year, being based on the rate of
$50 per pupil. The Multnomah
county school district got $1,660,
608, the largest amount allocated
to any district in the state.
Altho there has been no fan
fare or thumping of drums, Sec
retary of State Earl T. Newbry
has been guietly waging a cam
paign against federal automotive
excise taxes in Oregon.
Newbry is seeking congression
al converts to his belief that the
depression emergency that gave
birth to these taxes is over, ana
that the taxpayers of Oregon
should now be freed from this
hidden tax burden.
Available figures indicate that
the taxes opposed by Newbry
take annually about 13 million
dollars from Oregonians.
There are 200,000 more persons
employed in the state than ever
were at any time before the late
war, and many more than at the
war-time peak. The number of
persons employed in logging,
lumbering, construction and oth
er manufacturing jobs is twice
the pre-war total Of the 684,300
employable persons in the state
only 20,300 are unemployed and
628,000 employed, the largest to
tal in the state's history.
Opening prices for 1948 in shell
filberts was established at Salem
this week by the board of direc
tors of the Northwest Nut Grow
ers. The new schedule was sub
mitted by the sales committee of
the board and is in line witn the
idea of brokers, buyers and oth
ers of the trade. The new prices
for 1948 ln-shell filberts deliver
ed west of Denver and Billings
Jumbo Large Mdm.
DarceJonas 25c 23c 21c
DuChillys 24Hc 22Sc 204c
Brixnuts 25c 24c 21c
From 1860 to 1948 seventeen
men have held the job of Pres
ident of the United States. Thir
teen of those were Republicans
while only 4 were Democrats.
Only the most informed, intel
ligent and determined action can
save the United States from so
cialization by taxation. Lane D.
Webber, V. P. California Taxpay
ers Assn.
head Ueei
Receive, with the compli
menu of youi Reull Drag
Siore. aparklina. leon in
luting beauty, .row beauij
. . from the CARA NOME
Spectaliiu! DiicuMioiu art
private and art limited lo i
few pel day You'll learn the
CARA NOME way ic gm
yourself relaxing facial. .n
have the moal flattering make
up, ever . and lo enhati"
youi charm more and m"t
every day! Telephone no !
your appointment
OCT. 1 to 9
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
I j Saves
1 Wentwortk
"2J Stays
We weld anything that can
be welded-Better!
lone, Oregon
iom where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh
Nicest Compliment
I've Had
One of the nicest comments I've
received about this column was
from an editor in the Middle West
I called on. And while I don't like
to give myself orchids, I think it
illustrates a point.
'Joe," he said, "it so happens I
don't agree with everything you
say, but I always like to run your
column. Because it gets down to
earth and talks about the right to
ditagree. And it only asks for tol
erance towards the other person's
point of view."
He went on to explain, by way
of illustration, that he never had
happened to have a taste for ale
or beer. But that when I spoke of
the right to enjoy a moderate bev
erage like beer, well, he was right
there with me!
And from where I sit, that's the
important thing: not whether you
share another person's tastes or
point of view but whether you
recognize his right to exercise a
free choice in a free land.
Copy right, 1948. Unittd Stales Brewers Foundation
This Beautiful New
Montag Electric Rangs
helps you get meals quicker
with less work. See if today
Furniture Co.
mm ..I i w
3 5 "I
All these important advantages
and many more are yours right
now in your grand new Montag
automatic electric range. Let it
add new sparkle to your meals.
Let it add new freedom to your
day. See it right away at your
Case Furniture Co,