K EGO N HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUDITORIUM , PORTLAND, ORE. Heppner gazette Times Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, September 23, 1948 Volume 65, Number 27 City Preparing To Build New South Court St. Bridge Timber Products Co. of Portland Takes $7,000 Job At the semi monthly meeting Monday evening the city council took steps to replace the South Court street bridge over Willow creek. The old structure has been out of use since early summer, causing considerable inconven ience to people living in that section of town. It was revealed that the city has contracted with the Timber Structures company of Portland for a new span. Engineer C. E. Stockman has made up the exact dimensions to forward to the Portland factory, which builds bridges and other structures from specially treated wood. The new span will be 50 feet in length, of pleasing design and will cost between $5,000 and $6,000 in stalled. Mayor Conley Lanham reports that the city has entered Into an agreement with the highway commission to have the local maintenance crew and equipment do the street patching. Work will start this week if the weather is favorable The water ditch lines which have been more or less of a nuisance since the new pipe was laid a year ago have been cleaned out in preparation for recovering, The block on Kay street also will be smoothed down and patched. The current im provement Is designed to put the streets In a condition that the city's patching equipment will suffice in the future. Another piece of work decided upon was the matter of laying larger drain pipes along Gilmore street to carry off excess moisture in heavy weather. The council granted several building permits, mostly for pri vate garage construction. McMillan Home At Lexington Scene Of Surprise Party Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan had as their guests last Wednes day night the high school and Miss Joy Gerharz and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and family and Mrs. Freda Majeske. The event was Jo McMillan's birthday and the parly was a surprise. The evening was spent singing and dancing, and Miss Gerharz enter tained with her violin, playing several lovely numbers, ana re quests by the youngsters. After the entertainment, refreshments of cake, Ice cream, punch and coffee were served. Walt Wallis who underwent a major operation In a Pendleton hospital is able to be up and around. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wallace and family visited In Portland and way points last week, Charles Bloodsworth, who is n patient In The Dalles hospital is improved. Mr. Bloodsworth's family visited him on Sunday with Mrs. Bloodsworth returning home and the family going back Tuesday. Mrs. Rodger Anderson enter tained the Amlcitia club at her home on Wednesday. The eve ning was spent playing pinochle with second high being won by Peggy Hayes and second low by Mnrjorie Howk. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Griffiths were Hermiston visitors Sunday. Miss Edna Ivey is now staying at the C. C. Jones home -and at tending school In Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Jones enter- Friends and relatives are sorry to hear of the illness of S. G. (Gus) McMillan in a hospital In Portland. Mr. McMillan was tak en down last week, suffering with asthma. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Chris- topherson are spending a few days In Lexington, packing their things In preparation for moving to Aurora. They report that their small son Chuckle who recently had a brain operation is getting along nicely. The executive board of the P-TA had their first meeting last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. E. E. McFadden. They discussed the teachers' reception which will be held Friday night. Mr and Mrs. Ed Grant and family were guests of Mrs. Granl's brother, Oscar Bllllngslcy at Hood River Sunday. tained a few friends with a pin ochle parly Saturday night. Those attending were Mrs. Cora War ner, Mrs. Freda Majeske, Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMillan, Miss Joy Ger harz and John Spence. Refresh ments were served late In the evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Peck and Mr. and Mrs. Elwynne Peck vis lied In The Dalles and at Mary hill castle Sunday. They visited Mrs. Veryl Krederlckson at the hospital and report her much lm proved. Teacher Reception Monday, Sept. 27 Plans have been completed by the Heppner chapter of the Parent-Teacher association for hold ing a reception for the teachers of the local school. At the hour of 6:30 p.m. Monday September 27, a banquet will be served in the Methodist church, augment ed with a program of interest to all. This event, an annual affair, is to give school patrons and cit izens in general an opportunity to meet new teachers, as well as to meet fathers and mothers of all new children. If you are in terested in the school, the P-TA will be pleased to see you at the recepton. Random Thoughts.. ' It Isn't often an editor permits personal bouquets to himself to permeate the news columns but occasionally something happens to warm the cockles of his heart, such as the following communi cation: Dear Editor: Your editorial regarding the acute fire danger and articles relative to the Show-Me trip, in the last issue of the Gazette Times, were very well written. We appreciate your efforts in our behalf. Should you have additional space in this week's issue, I would further appreciate having the following printed: LET US PROTECT OUH HERITAGE Another beautiful Indian sum mer is upon us. To many, fall represents the most wonderful time of the year. A bountiful har vest has been stored and several months of available outdoor rec reation are here for the taking. Few appreciate or realize the natural wealth that Oregon still offers to its people. The approach, ing big game and bird hunting seasons are a public privilege. It is a possession that should be cherished and preserved instead of mutilated and abused. To those who have not receiv ed the October issue of Field and Stream magazine, I plead with you to get it, borrow it, or steal mine, but READ Ted Trucblood's article, "A Job for Sportsmen," and THINK, A more timely trea tise on our game situation was never conceived. Sincerely yours, Joe Gjertson, Forester. Thanks, Joe. It is comforting to hear words of praise occasion ally. A measure of satisfaction is derived from knowing that one's efforts are not always In vain. As a usual thing when the door opens Friday morning after the week's issue has had time to be read, the office force wonders, "Well, what have we done wrong now?" The fact that some of our readers were pleased with some thing we wrote and told us about it makes it easier to bear up un der whatever crosses we may have to bear due to our sins of commission or omission, as the case may be. Doubt has been created in the minds of some who read the story about Yeager's wanting to reward people for their good deeds. The language of the article truly made it appear that doers of good deeds were to report them. What was really meant and Is still the desire of Yeager's is to award prizes to those turning in the best stories of good deeds done cither to them or to someone they know. Modesty naturally would not permit -the doer to report his good deeds. O. M. Yeager says the store still stands by the prize offer. He requests that the stor ies be sent to Yeager's and the prize story will be published in the Gazette Times, along with others throughout the month, perhaps, if publication is sanc tioned by both the doer and the reporter. So now come on with your stories. We wonder how many Hepp ner citizens have seen the ath letic field at lone. If you have not seen it it Is worth your time and effort to driv down and have a look. You may not be led to remark that it is anything won derful, but we'll bet a plugged nickel you'll have to admit it is pretty darned nice! But don't come home with any delusions of grandeur about Heppner hav ing a sodded field or should you? SERVICES AT VALBY Rev H. E. Randolph of Port land will hold sevices at 11 o' clock a.m. Sunday, September 26 at the Valby Lutheran church in Gooseberry. The church extends a cordial welcome to the public to attend this service. o ALL SAINTS CHURCH The Rev. Eric O, Robalhnn will administer holy communion and deliver the morning message at All Saints Episcopal church at 11 o'clock a.m. Sunday, September lb. Mrs. Robnthan will accom pany her husband to Heppner. Jack Cavendar and Kenneth Peck made a business trip to Portland. . Mrs, Jim Botts is visiting at (he Jack Grlffen home from Sun Rae, Texas. Tetz-Labhart Vows Spoken Sunday At Church of Christ Miss Jacqueline Tetz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tetz of Heppner, became the bride of William L. Labhart, son ol Mr and Mrs. C. W. Labhart of Cor- vallls, at a beautiful 4 o'clock ceremony Sunday afternoon In the Church of Christ in Heppner Dr. Earle P. Cochran, pastor of the Presbyterian church In Pen dleton, performed the single ring service. The bride, given In marriage by her father, was charming in a white satin period gown with fitting basque, hooped skirt, pointed sleeves and high neck line. Her two tier, full length veil of white net was edged with alencon lace and held by a lace Dutch cap. She carried a white prayer book and white orchid from which cascaded stephanotis and tiny white rosebuds tied with satin ribbon. A rhlnestone brace let, gift of the bridegroom was the bride's only adornment. Following an all white motif, the maid of honor, Miss Marylou Ferguson of Heppner, wore a white faille gown with fitted bod ice, bouffant skirt and cape sleeves. She carried a white, yel low and pink nosegay. The four bridesmaids were Pat Thompson of Springfield; Betsy Moffit, Pa los Verdes Estates, Calif.; Mary Curre of Los Angeles, Sigma Kap pa sorority sisters of the bride, and Corabelle Nutting of Hepp ner. They wore white bengaline gowns with bouffant skirts, fitted bodices, and white Dutch caps, and carried old fashioned nose gays, two pink and two yellow. Carrying a basket of white rosebuds, the little flower girl, Janet Thompson of Heppner, was quaint in a white organdy gown with poke bonnet and rulfled mitts. Stephen Tetz, small bro ther of the bride, in white linen suit, was ring bearer. Best man was Robert Labhart of Corvallis, brother of the groom Ushers were Jack Walstrum of Omaha, Neb., Robert Porter of Corvallis, Robert Copenhaver of Albany and William Reiman of Corvallis. Mrs. J. O. Turner played the wedding music and John Dever eaux of Portland sang 'Thine Is Mine Heart Alone" and 'Through the Years." White dahlias and daisies, candelabra of white tapers against an embankment of greenery, formed the background for the wedding service. The tap ers were lighted by Miss Mina Lou Labhart of Corvallis, sister of the groom, and Miss Sharon McGowan of Pilot Rock, cousin of the bride. Both wore white or ganza, off the shoulder gowns and tulle caps. Parents of the bridal couple and the bridal party received at the recetpion held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fer guson on Hager street. Following the traditional cut Contirued on page 6 RHEA CREEK GRANGE PLANS BOOSTER NIGHT Rhea Creek grange is having a "booster night" program at Its hall Saturday evening, September 25. Festivities will open with a potluck supper at 7, followed by a short program and an evening of fun. Special tribute will be paid all 25 members. The grange has extended an invitation to anyone interested in joining the "Patrons of Hus bandry" to attend. GENERAL TROUT SEASON CLOSES SEPTEMBER 30 Attention is called to the clos ing of the general trout season at the end of September. Some misunderstanding has existed in that the season for coastal streams and streams flowing into the Columbia below St. Helens continues until October 31. How ever, the Deschutes, the Willam ette and other streams flowing into the Columbia river above the town of St. Helens follow the general rule and close for trout The official synopsis should be fishing on September 30. consulted for special closures. WEDDING DATE SET Mr. and Mrs. John W. Graves announce the approaching mar riage of their daughter Jo Anne lo Mr. Howard L. Pettvl nhn finn of Mr. and Mrs. Ravmnnd Pettv. John. The ceremony will be per- lormea at 4 o clock p.m., Sunday, October 17 at the Church of Christ In HepDner. Friends are invited to be present at the cer emony and to attend the recep tion which will follow immedi aetly in the church parlors. o W. C. Rosewall was In Seattle Tuesday to attend dedication cer emonies of the new Ford plant located there. It was his privilege also to meet Henry Ford II, pros idcht of the Ford enterprises, who came west for the plant dedica tion. Mrs. Al Bergstrom attended the Oregon State Nurses convention held in La Grande September 20 23. She was accompanied by Miss Joan Brunz, Miss Marguerite Firesteln and Mrs. J. Harley Smith from veterans hospital in Rosuburg, Flatt Says Service To Start Shortly Delays in securing equipment have necessitated postponing the starting date of bus service be tween Heppner and Arlington reports Vernon Flatt of Moro, op erator of the Union Pacific freight service on several bran ches, who recently submitted a proposal for carrying passengers on a specially constructed com bination mail-express-passenger truck. Flatt called from Moro Tues day to say that he was unable to get delivery on a truck ordered several weeks ago and that he has one lined up in Portland, to which place he was headed for that day to see if he could not speed up delivery. He is conn dent he will be able to start the service shortly after the first of October. He was unable to get permission to carry passengers on any equipment in service, It being for freight service only, and has ordered a combination mail - express passenger truck that meets with the approval of the public utilities commissioner. o News From C. A. Office Miss Mabel Wilson, Morrow county home agent, arrived last Friday morning and is busy get ting her schedules completed for adult and 4-H home economics projects that will begin at once. Miss Frances Clinton, state home demonstration agent, accompan ied Miss Wilson from Oregon State college, where she had been since September 7, until coming to the county. While there, Miss Wilson assisted in 4-H home ec onomics contests at state fair and spent the remainder of the time in conference at the college. In a meeting with the county home economics committee. Fri day, plans were discussed for continuing the program in Mor row county, which was discon tinued on July 1, 1947. In plan ning, the committee felt that 4-H home economics should be first on the list and so Miss Wilson will spend the majority of the next six weeks in 4-H club pro ject completion as well as be coming acquainted with leaders and farm women. Adult work will begin soon after November 1. Miss Wilson is spending Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday uf this week in Pendleton at a home agents' district conference. She will return to Morrow county on Thursday and will be ready to meet you when you find it con venient to drop in to our office. Several thousand pounds of crested wheat grass seed have been sold by Morrow county far mers during the past week. Most of this has been sold out of state with some going to Denver and Kansas City. While there was a big variation in yields, the average was ap-, proximately one hundred pounds per acre. At thirty cents a pound, the harvest of crested wheat seed this year has been profitable for many. "Which automatic washing ma chine shall I buy?" That's a familiar question to Miss Mary Beth Minden, O.S.C. extension home management specialist, who has recently pub lished an easy-to-read folder en titled "Selecting an Automatic Washing Machine." The folder, extension bulletin number 519, is designed to aid in answering some of the questions that confront prospective purch asers of new automatic washing machines. The author has pre pared a "shopping around" chart that is included on the folder and which may be filled in by the housewife in order that she may compare one make of washer with another. Copies of the new folder are available through the county agent's office. t Now that most of the crops are off the land, it is time to com plete conservation jobs planned last spring. Where dirt-moving practices have been planned and not completed, arrangements should be made to get the job done. It is the completed conserva tion practices and not the plans that check and control erosion. It is the actual terrace or sub soiling across the slope that checks the flow of run-off water and the soil that It takes with it and not the plan or thought of doing it. Some very effective fall tillage as the first operation of stubble mulch fallow has been started throughout the county. Many more farmers could do well to be gin operations on this heavy stubble this fall in order that it can be effectively handled with out burning during the fallow year. . With cattle and sheep begin ning to be brought in off the range, much thought should be given to spraying thorn for lice and ticks while they are conven iently located for .spraying. Spraying them early this fail will prevent heavy infestations of these pests through unthrlft-iness. The Caterpillar Express One of the outstanding floats in the recent Morrow County Fair and Rodeo parade, and in fact the first prize winner was Bob Grabill's "Caterpillar Ex press." Grabill's choo-choo is Hotel Lease Sold By C. Therkelsen To Harold Sanders A deal was consummated the past week wherein Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sanders purchased the lease held by Cachot Therkelsen on the Hotel Heppner. The lease is in effect as of September b. Therkelsen leased the hotel af ter negotiating a sale of the pro perty for D. M. Ward, December 23, 1945. A Portland financier was the purchaser but had no desire to operate the business and Therkelsen decided to lease it and operate it by hiring a man ager. He secured Mr. and Mrs. Sanders who have been in charge ever since. Under the change of ownership much renovating and improving has been done, most of it by Mr. nd Mrs. Sanders. To meet a de mand for a women's rest room on the ground floor, Mr. Therkelsen authorized conversion of the room facing Main street and between the lobby and the barber shop into a lounge. This has provea to be a popular improvement o County Looked To For Generous Gifts To CROP Program Oregon contributions and pled ges to CROP, Christian Rural Overseas program, are pouring in ahead of actual county com mittee organization, and before ! a single volunteer collector has visited an Oregon farm. Churches and individuals are receiving the pledges and storing the foodstuffs for CROP until such time as coun ty committees can begin work. This evidence of the generosity of Oregon farm families indicates that preliminary estimates of the size of the Oregon CROP train were much too low, believes Rev. Miles G Blickenstaff, state direc tor of CROP. P.eports in his office from individuals in Morrow coun ty who are supporting CROP sug gest that more than one car will be filled here before the Orcgo.i CROP train is scheduled to roll in November. CROP is giving, in the best American tradition, to European and China relief, through chur ches. The CROP program enables farm people in this country to load trams with things they grow for the hungry and suffering of other lands. Or if that is imprac tical, they can give the cash equi valent, usually of a day's pro duction, to CROP workers, who use it to buy grain, dairy pro ducts, dried and canned fruit and vegetables and other articles for the train. Lutheran World Relief. Catholic Rural Life, Church World Service and other churches sponsor CROP, and supervise its distribution abroad on the basis of need, with out regard to race, creed or color. o Mrs. Helena Estudillo arrived in Heppner last week In response to an uigent call from Supt. Leo nard Pate for a commercial tea cher. Mrs. Estudillo was at Sa lem at the time and preparing to go to California for the winter. She will slay until the end of the month and It is expected that a full-time teacher will be here by that time. Mr. and Mrs. James Ledbetter and baby and Mrs. Ledbetter's sister, Mrs. Gordon Shafer and her son of Gresham were guests at the home of Mr. add Mrs. L. B. Ledbetter In Blackhorse over the week end. The younger Led betters reside in Portland. They and Mrs. Shafer had been to the Round-Up In Pendleton. Mrs. Loyd Rurkenhine is in Portland this week. Lloyd flow her down Sunday and she Is spending her time with her sis ter who is a nurse in one of the hospitals in the metropolis, hardly built on the lines of the giant oil burners on the main line of the Union Pacific, but it is a clever piece of work and reflects great credit upon the builder. Equipment sold by the Booster Breakfast Set For 8:00 A. M. Friday Morning Heralding the opening of the 1948 football season at Heppner high schoolbusiness men. team, coach and other school officials will gather at 8 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) morning at the Elkhorn restaurant for the annual "boost er breakfast" Main purpose of the breakfast is to get the business people lin ed up for support of the athletic program, not only in closing for the afternoon games but to at tend the games and encourage their employes and others to do the same and to give any sup port deemed essential to a suc cessful year for the high school sports schedule. Sponsored by the Junior cham ber of commerce it is expected that a more successful breakfast meeting will be held this year than the one in 1947. HOME EC CLUB MEETS The Lexington grange home economics club met Thursday, September 16, at the home of Mrs. Anna Bayless in Heppner, with Mrs. Frank Wilkinson as hostess. Fourteen members were present and work was continued on articles for the bazaar to be held in connection with a turkey dinner on November 13 at the grange hall. The club will meet every two weeks now until after the bazaar. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 29 at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Myles Martin in Heppner with Mrs. Emma Evans as assist ant hostess. Twenty-one members of the senior and junior Morrow 4-H Livestock clubs met at the Eb Hughes ranch on Butter creek last Sunday afternoon to work on their club record books and discuss nlans for the new club year. The club year is from No vember 1 to October 31, so club memhers are hrineine the rec ords on the present club year to a close. At this meeting, attended by 13 parents, ten children not in club and three visiting adults, there was much discussion on increas ing the livestock club member ship in Morrow county. All club members were encouraged to look for new members. Anyone be tween the ages of 9 and 21 who is interested in club work can have further information by con tacting any local club leader or the county agent's office. Local leaders John Graves and Elmer Palmer were in charge of the club meeting Sunday. At the dose ot the meeting, a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Hughes. All 4-H club members who have completed their club projects for the year are reminded that rec ord books are due before Novem ber 1. Turn your record book in to your leader soon so that your club can have a 100 per cent com pletion. Louis Carlson, president of the senior 4-H beef club, is com fortably settled as a college stu dent at Oregon State. A letter from Louis recently stated that he had his classes all arranged and that he felt he would enjoy his college work. Recent clubs to turn in project and secretary record books in completing their projects were the Cheery Handicraft, Hobby and Art club led by Mrs. Mildred Wright, Hardman, and the Hard man Health club led by Mrs. Cleo Robinson. m rwr-ji -1 -, lit. SPl'Mi Braden Tractor & Equipment company was well displayed as the improvised locomotive pull ed several trailers loaded with machinery the length of the parade. Dr. C. C. Dunham Heads Community Chest Drive Here Opening of the annual cam paign for funds for the Oregon Chest, more commonly known as the community chest, got under way here this week with the ap pointment of Dr. C. C. Dunham of Heppner as Morrow county chair man. Dr. Dunham succeeds Blaine" E. Isom who served in that capacity for three years prior to moving to Umatilla county last spring. The new director is lining up committee members this week and hopes to swing into action the first of next week. In the meantime, those wishing to make their contributions early may leave them with Dr. Dunham or at the bank. 'These chest campaigns axe big and important jobs," declared L. A. Warner, chairman of the Ore gon Chest. 'They are jobs for men and women who seem too busy to do them, yet the jobs are so im portant that it takes these busy people to manage them and bring success." The campagn for the Oregon Chest and its 11 participating ag encies is usually held in each county and city of the state in conjunction with the campaign for local agencies in a big teder ated or community chest cam paign. Plans are rapidly forming in nearly every community for the campaign this fall. Seven of the participating ag encies of the Oregon Chest pro vide care for needy and depend ent children from all over Ore gon. Forty-two per cent of the funds used by these agencies comes from chests, while 30 per cent comes from taxes and 28 per I cent from fees and bequests. These funds provide food, cloth ing, homes, opportunities to at tend schools and churches to thousands of needy and depend ent children. In short, these funds make it possible for these youngsters to become worthwhile citizens. IONE ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. David Baker and son are vacationing on the coast Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thome of Morgan are visiting relatives at Newberg. Funeral services were held for Mrs. Luella Markham Baker at Dayton, Wash., Tuesday. She died at Spokane. Sept. 15. She was the mother of E. Markham Baker. A potluck dinner was held at the Catholic church Tuesday and the day was spent in cleaning up. Several from here attended the Roundl'p at Pendleton last week. Mrs. Dixon Smith accompanied her children, Barbara and Bruce to the Willamette valley last week where they will attend col lege. o- The American Legion auxiliary opened the fall season with a meeting at the Legion hall Tues day evening. Mrs. Richard Wells, delegate to the state Legion con vention at Astoria made a report at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bleakman drove to Hermiston Sunday, tak ing their grandson, Norman Bleakman, there to catch the bus for Corvallis where he was due Monday to register at Oregon State college. Norman served as lookout at Arbuckle during the summer. He wil major in foreign trade at the college. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bleakman over the week end were Mr and Mrs. Scott of Corvallis whose son Robert was foreman at the Bull Prairie sta tion in the Heppner ranger dis tric during the summer. Road Committee Of C-C To Appear At Highway Meeting Condition Of Road To South Will Be Reported to Group Members of the road and high way committee of the Heppner chamber of commerce are busy compiling information relative to the condition of the Heppner- Spray highway in preparation for a meeting with the state high way commission in Portland ear ly in November, it was revealed at the Monday luncheon of the chamber of commerce. P. W. Ma honey, acting for the committee of which Dr. L. D. Tibbies is chairman, read a letter received from the highway commission stating that that body would grant representatives of the Heppner chamber of commerce 15 minutes at a regular meeting . in Portland on Thursday, Novem ber 4. Mahoney also had a letter from R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer, stating that he had re quested Eddie Chidsey, district engineer at La Grande, to come to Heppner and accompany rep ressntatives of the chamber of commerce and any others inter ested in making an inspection trip over the Heppner-Spray route to ascertain what condition it is in for the purpose of recommend ing to the commission what ac tion should be taken. Chidsey was due here this morning to comply with the state engineer's request. At the request of the local com mittee, Mahoney had reported to the commission on the condition of the road in question and ask ing for a hearing. It is hoped that a little time will be given to the discussion of the proposed, Chapin Creek-Monument cutoff highway to find out to what ex tent the commission can be in terested in the project. In making a report to the local club, Mahoney said the Heppner Spray highway between Hard- man and Spray Juncton is in such a condition that it can hard ly come under the heading of highway. In many places both surface and base are in a sad state, making hauling or even light travel difficult. He is con vinced that if the road had been kept up all the time it would have been the source of addi tional industry in Heppner and was sorry to report that a plan ing mill that could well have been put in here is now destined for Condon. President Jack O'Connor called upon Henry Tetz to make a re port on the "Show-Me" jaunt to the timber September 14. Tetz was generous in his praise of the manner in which the personnel of the local forest office and members of the staff at Pendleton handled the trip. Ranger Glenn Parsons was in charge, ably as sisted by Glenn Jbrgenson and Al Warren from the main office, and according to Tetz the foresters did a fine job of outlining the forestry program. The club voted that business houses of the town should close for the football games this fall as in past seasons This will not incur much loss of time due to the fact that there are only three home games scheduled and one of them is the Armistice Day game with Hermiston, leaving only two afternoons to charge against business. The first clos ing will occur this Friday when Prairie City comes to feel out the strength of the Mustang herd. Guest of Henry Tetz at the lun cheon was Carl Lobhart of Cor vallis who with Mrs. Lobhart was here to attend the wedding of his son William and Miss Jac queline Tetz on Sunday after noon. ACCEPTED AT EOCE Freshman students accepted for admission to Eastern Oregon Col lege from Boardman are Maxine Elaine Ely, Mildred Lucille Mil ler and Carolyn Joan Sicard. Joan Marie Hisler of Heppner has also been accepted for entrance, ac cording to Lyle II. Johnson, reg istrar. ATTENTION, R.AM. There will be a special meeting Wednesday evening, September 29, for the purpose of deciding special matters calling for im mediate action. It Is urgent that all members be present. Harley Anderson, High Priest. o Business visitors in Heppner Wednesday from Monument were Mrs. Will Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Milton. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warfield visited over the week end with Ins brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Warfield. in Toledo. Frank Gentry has purchased the former Oscar Rippee house on Green street. The property is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Scott and son Bill who recently moved here from Portland. Mr. Scott is the daughter of Mrs. L. D. Neil!.