Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 16, 1948, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 Heppner Go2ette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 1,6, 13
CARD Of APPHECIATCON j property. Your timely aid un-
We want to express our thanks doubtedly prevented a serious
to the fire department and to loss and we want to say "thank
neighbor! and friends who re- you" from the bottom of our
uponded io quickly Saturday af- hearts.
ternoon whpn fire threatened our Howard Keithley and family.
4( trains da
Autumn perfect travel time days
nleasantlv warm, evenines cool and
i j
brisk the country, rich in harvest, presents a
colorful and ever-changing scene. Eastern cities
the great industrial centers of the nation offer
their best in weather.
Make your business or pleasure trip now by
Union Pacific Three fast, comfortable trains daily
to the East carry you to your destination relaxed
and refreshed.
Daily Union Pacific Pass ger Train Schedules to the
East with Connections from
"City ot Portiond" "Portland Rom" "Idohoo"
"City of Portland" TortUnd Bom" "Idhon"
Lt. Pendleton 9:43 p m. 2:25 un. 1:30 n.m.
(stooe) tttooM
Lv. Pendleton 9:43 p.m. 2:25 a.m. 1 :30 p.m.
for eomplett trtvel information, consult
Boardman Couple
Observes 50 Years
Of Married Life
Boardman friends and neigh
bors gathered at the grange hall
Tuesday evening, Sept. 7. to help
Mr. and Mrs. Gust McLouth cel
ebrate their golden wedding. The
first part of the evening was
spent with music, skits and the
history of the McLouth family,
dating back to their courtship
days. Mr. and Mrs. McLouth were
then escorted to the stage where
they renewed their wedding
vows, the Rev. Chas. Eble offi
ciating. The couple was then
presented with a lovely gift from
the Boardman community. They
were then taken to the dining
room where they cut the first
piece of a three-tiered wedding
cake. Mr. and Mrs. McLouth
were married in New London,
Minn., and are the parents of six
children, the following being pre
sent at the celebration: sons-in-law
and daughters, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Bud
Hooker and family, and son, Wes
ley, all of Hermiston; Mrs. Mc
Louth's sister, Mrs. Pearl Lofs
gaarden of Phoenix. Ariz., and
Calgary, Canada; Mr. McLouth's
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Gaade and daughter
Elnora of Hermiston, formerly of
Summers, Mont. Three sons were
unable to attend, Robert of Che-
welah, Wash., Albert of near Wal
la Walla, and Lelon of Board
man. Close friends present were
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bartley and
daughter Shirley of Nolan.
Jimmie Newman who has
spent the past four weeks with
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Marlow, left for his home
in Eugene Sunday.
The North Morrow County fair
closed Saturday night with a
JEW V eU Vutf
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U. P. and N. P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Derion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Photos of Rodeo-Fair and Parade
$1 Each - 8x10 Gloss
dance in the gym. The fair was
a huge success and the exhibits
far surpassed those of 1947, and
we are planning a much better j
one for 1949. i
Among the out-of-town people
to attend the fair Saturday were
Mrs. Jennie Olson and daughter
Ivera, Chas. Barnes, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Berger of Hermiston.
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Wilson
spent the week end with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson,
also taking in the fair Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Ransier
who have been on vacation at
Orovllle, Cal., returned to their
home Saturday, stopping over for
a short time with Ransier's mo
ther, Mrs. Nora Ransier
Recent guests at the Ed Kunze
home were Mr. Kunzie's nephew,
Clyde Wahl and family, of Puy
allup, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nickerson
have disposed of their farm and
are leaving in a few days. There
will be a farewell potluck din
ner for them at the grange hall
Sunday, Sept. 19, following
church. Everyone Is invited to
Recent dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs T. W. Rip.
pee were Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Conner Wrs Franlf Pnnner Mrc l
Carey Hastings and daughter
Peggy, all of Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Nicker
son returned to their home in
Boise, Idaho, after several days'
visit with Nickerson's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nickerson, and
also his sister, Mrs. Esther
Mr. and Mrs. Buford Payton of
Prineville stopped at the W. L.
Blann home Sunday on their way
home after spending a few days
visiting Mrs. Payton's parents in
Recent guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pearson were
his cousin, Mrs. Elna Dennis and
three children, and Mr. Woody of
Pasco, Wash. Other guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Massey, and
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Massey of
Week-end guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Fussell
were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Yoast
and family of Independence.
Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Dyer Sr.
returned home Saturday after a
week's visit with relatives in The 1
Dalles and Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macomber
and family of Arlington were vis
iting at the Nate Macomber home
Mrs. Arnold Hoffman and chil
dren left last week to spend sev
eral days with her mother, Mrs.
Frankie Adler of Condon.
Arthur Gammell of Veneta vis
ited a few days with his daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Pearson. Also here Saturday
were Mrs. Pearson's sister r.:id
son, Mrs. Harold Stevens and
Bobby of Hardman.
Miss Joan Stainbrook, who has
spent the summer with her
grandmother, Mrs. Benson, at
Tom's camp left this weei: for
her home in Phoenix, Ariz.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marvel of
Bickleton. Wash., were recent
visitors at the home of Mrs. Mar
vel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie and j
son Lynn motored to Pendleton
Lexington School
Opens Monday With
Full Teacher Staff
By Mrs. Cecil Jones
School opened Monday with a
full staff of high school teachers.
The subjects offered htis year are
as follows: English 1 and 2, typ
ing 1 and 2, shorthand, world
geography, American history,
health, U S. history, general sci
ence, home living, band, chorus
and physical education.
The teachers for high school are
Joe Feathers, superintendent,
who came from the University
of Washington, and has had
eight years experience. Mr Hall,
who conies from the Portland uni
versity, and this is his first year.
Miss Joe Gerharz, who is a grad
uate of the University of Wyo
ming and has seven years of
band experience. The 7th and
8th grade teacher is A. Alexan
dre, who is a graduate of New
York university. This is his first
year. The two men teachers are
boarding and rooming at the
home of Mrs. Carl Breeding and
Miss Gerharz is living in a small
house of Mr. Majeske's.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloods
worth are spending some time
in The Dalles where Mr. Bloods
worth is under a physcian's care.
Walt Wallace Is spending
some time in the hospital in Pen
dleton where he is to undergo
an oeration.
Mrs. Maude Pointer of Corval
lis is visiting in Lexington and
Mrs. Elmer Hunt spent the
week end in Lexington visiting
her husband, and helping him
get settled in a trailer house. Mr.
Hunt has been staying at the
home of Art Hunt since selling
their home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael
are spending a few days on a
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones spent
Sunday at Union.
Mrs. Marjorie Howk is working
at the Glenn Griffith home, and
Mrs. Griffith is teaching school.
Earl Warner and Sam McMil
lan motored to Portland, taking
S. G. McMillan there. Mr. McMil
lan has been quite 111 with asth
ma. Rev. and Mrs. Hatch spent
Monday in Pendleton, where they
attended a mid-Columbia asso
ciation meeting of the Congrega
toinal churches. Luncheon was
served at the LaFontaine restau
rant. Guest speaker was Dr. AI
ford Grant Welton, pastor of
Flatbush Tompkins Congrega
tional church of New York. Also
there were Dr. Wesley G. Nickol
son of Eugene and Dr. Paul A.
Davies, superintendent of the
Congregational conference in Oregon.
Mrs. Lonnie Henderson and
Mrs. Cecil Jones motored to Ton
dleton Saturday where they met
Miss Joy Gerharz, who Is a tea
cher in the local school.
Pendleton visitors Saturday
were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloods-
worth and daughter Iris.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Doherty
are the parents of a daughter
born In Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding
motored to Prineville over the
week end to visit their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Grant. The two grandchildren,
Jeanne and Jmmie, returned
home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall
motored to Portland over the
week end.
Monday. Lyle remained in the
St. Anthony's hospital for a
week's treatment.
Chas. Goodwin left Friday for
a few days in Portland.
Mr and Mrs. Russell Miller and
daughter Mildred motored to The
Dalles Monday.
Mrs. Jack Muligan and Mrs.
Algy Taylor motored to The Dal
les Saturday on business.
Overnight guest at the George
Daniels home recently was E. W.
Van Tassell, National Ayrshire
association field man of Wenat
chee, Wash.
You are invited to attend a special showing of
Women's Fall Coats and Suits
On Display One Day Only
This line consists of fine quality virgin wool COATS and
SUITS from America's foremost manufacturers - You'll
be thrilled to see the smart new style creations - the ex
ceptional values, and fine quality hard-finished fabrics
this season.
Dozens from which to choose in all sizes - Juniors, Misses,
Half Sizes, and Large Sizes. Spot delivery.
Come in and look them over - they're gorgeous!
- but come on the date indicated!
Heppner, Oregon
i i
"Pcjj CLto. dajj, mote onA mote people Oie ayteelng
The Durabilitv-.-the Dependability...
the Dollar-Value -
Yes . . . Chevrolet alone gives the Big-Car Quality
and Big-Car Value that have caused more people to
buy Chevrolets than any other car! Chevrolet alone
gives these Big-Car Advantages at lowest cost!
in Riding Luxury 1
Your own tests will prove
thst Chevrolet hs more
riding oomtort because of
Iti Body by Fisher and
Improved Unitized Knee
Action Gliding Ride.
in Performance with
Economy I
Chevrolet't valve-ln-head
"World ' Champion" en
gines have delivered more
miles, to more owners,
than any other motor-car
power plant built tod ay I
Mot Vain
in All-round Safety I
Chevrolet's Unitized
Knee-Action Ride plus
Positive-Action Hydraulic
Brakes plus Fisher Uni
steel Body Construction
provide triple protection I
MoA Volu
in Tasteful Beauty 1
Its smooth over-all design
and its world-famous Body
by Fisher assure Chevro
let of beauty-leadership as
well as fine workmanship
and sturdy construction.
Hodge Chevrolet Co.
Main and May Phone 403 Heppner, Ore.
News About
New Cars
Despite the fact that the
war ended over three years
ago shortages still plague
manufacturers of motor
In addition to steel short
ages, suppliers' strikes in
terrupt production. At the
present time one of the
large independent manu
facturers is closed and one
of the big three's produc
tion is down to a dribble of
their regular production. All
this lost time caused by a
strike at a large body build
er's plant.
freeze is again on the short
supply list this year Be
careful of Just as good anti
the label carries the name
freeze this year. It may save
you a big repair bill. Be sure
of a reputable manufac
turer. GAS SHORTAGE: The
volunteer ration put into
effect by the oil companies
to spread the available sup
ply of motor fuel has brot
out varied reactions from
the public. One women cus
tomer drove in to the gas
pump with a car that has
a larger than usual size fuel
tank and said fill her up.
When the attendant at the
pump advised her we were
limiting gas sales to five
gallons per customer she
turned up her nose and told
him she would go else
where and buy her gas. A
few minutes later she was
back with her car and said
will take the five gallons
of gas now if still available.
just installed the latest
type DeVilblss paint booth
for painting motor cars.
This paint booth is made of
steel with the latest type
ventilation system. All air
entering the paint booth
must pass through special
designed filters to keep the
interior absolutely clean.
The lighting is of special
design. You will pardon us
If we are a little proud in
showing it to you. It Is one
of the first In this part of
the country.
Sincerely yours.
and the part it is playing in producing higher grade beef stock in Morrow
It is a great pleasure and a privilege to encourage these young people and we
are grateful for an opportunity to have participated in the 4-H Fat Auction Sale
at the recent Morrow County Fair and Rodeo.
t t f. i. .. t
PatCutsforth and his prize-winning Hereford steer are pictured with
Frank Davis, manager of the Heppner plant of the Tum-A-Lum Lum
ber Co., purchaser of the steer at the 4-H Fat Auction Sale,
This prize steer has been butchered and will be on sale Friday,
September 17, at the Court Street Market in Heppner at regu
lar retail prices.
Yours For A Greater Morrow County
Turn - A - Lum Lumber Company