6 Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 9, 1943 Beauty of Mt. Rainier Imposing Motorloggers Find on Park Trip coumr coubt proceedings rOIl AUGUST TERM The minutes of ihp July, 1948 frm were read and approved. The court ordered the sale of the North forty fot of Lot Four In Block fiftm n of Wills Addition to the Town of lone, Morrow County, State of Oregon, for the minimum price of $.45.00 cash. The Court ordered the follow j inR transfers: From the Amuse ! ment Tax receipts the amount of ! $.TS3.3n to the General Fund; j from the Alcohol Control Fund to the General Fund the amount jt S75.2S: from the Motor 14 .rt'iise Fund to the General Road I Fund. t!ie amount of S-).739.09; 1 ihe transfer of and future Lafgcst Stock of Ward's Riverside Tires in a hundred miles now ot Heppner Motors Montgomery & Ward at lYndleton have closed their doors, forwarding all tires to us. Our prices same as all stores In nation. Also new recaps and used tires reasonably priced. N LINOLEUM Drainboards and Cove Base . . Guaran teed installations . . Quality Materials Rubber and Asphalt Tile CARPET See me for yotir carpet and rug needs Leave orders at CLAUDE HILL Heppner Hardware Or Electric Co. i Heppner Motors WISHES TO ANNOUNCE IT NOW HAS THE CITY EXCLUSIVE DEALERSHIP FOR U S ROYAL TIRES BATTERIES and ACCESSORIES in addition to its regular MONTGOMERY WARD TIRES I Th b t cardtntttlan f motorlog rtlc: pwparfd by Tri Orttonlan In co- operation w.'M tht Orfon Stat Motor uaociatioa for publication in The Sunl? ' Orvt'iu) Aiuust 32. tt u written as t lettrr by Edward If UUIcr. wutkrt unai'-nf editor, to Rrtrt U txtu ditorHi writtr for tht Chu-am ina-Tinu. I DEAR BOB: Thii wUl serve as t reminder of your long projected but long-delayed visit to the Pacific Northwest. As you can see. the reminder is rather public; and, with approximately one million persons having ac cess to this communication, I'd best refrain from rattling fam ily skeletons at either end of the line. To the business at hand, then, wihch is to outline journey you will assuredly wish to take when your family's Pa cific Northwest visitation mate rializes. The trip affords truly remarkable variety. It requires two full days, spans 600 miles, crosses the Cascade mountains by way of Mount Rainier Na tional park, continues into the irrigated lands and the sage lands of Washington state, and makes a return loop to Portland by way of the Columbia gorge The journey will take you to areas oi surpassing n a t u r a ' beauty. Right now in August Ore gon and Washington justify I most the superlatives bandied ! so carelessly in travel folders land motorlog articles. It was, therefore, an appropriate time and a fortuitous occasion when 'our motorlog party, headed by Ray Conway, manager of the Oregon State Motor association, set forth a few days ago on I trail-blazing junket To get to the park we headed north, crossed the Columbia river at Portland into the state of Washington, continued north through rolling country via U.S. 99 to a little place called Mary's Comer, then turned east toward Mount Rainier and Its parent range, the Cascade mountains. Of all Cascade peaks, Rainier commands the superlatives. It is the highest. 14.408 feet; witn zb glaciers; offers 40 square miles of ice and the greatest glacier system in continental United ' States. Rainier is by far the largest northwest mountain, sur oasses in the beauty of its moun tain meadows, and is said to have the loveliest alpine How ers In the world. tlr '-ci-iit ins i,5i., , ) wV?1i ews From . A. Office Don't forget the North Morrow County fair at Boardman Septem ber 9. In and 11. There were many blue ribbon exhibits at our fair last week that would be wor thy of exhibiting at Boardman. Kenneth Smouse, lone, is the first grower of certified seed wheat to complete certification on his Rex-M-I wheat grown this year. Bin inspection, the final in spection in completing certifica tion was made and a blue tag gade given to him by Oregon State colege. This Rex seed pass ed a purity test with 99.85 per cent pure seed with no crop seed or weed seed present. 0.15 per cent inert matter in the sample consisted of chaff and broken Portland As for beauty, there is con siderable difference in opinion, among northwest students, as to which of the Cascade snow peaks takes the accolade. There is enough of beauty in all of them, but certainly Rainier is the most impressive. Its beauty is of the formidable sort Coming into Rainier park, the motorist passes abruptly from farm lands and cut-over lands into the dense lowland forest where Western hemlock. Doug las fir and Western red cedar perpetually shroud the sun. The road climbs up the sides of val leys long since gouged by gla ciers and in a leisurely hour reaches Paradise valley, 5557 foot altitude, where the princi pal resort facilities are located. These include an inn and a lodge and camping places One meets impressive vistas of Rainier on the route to Para dise but the finest views of all, for the lazy motorist, are found by taking a short walk above Paradise. Great Nisqual ly glacier, a living thing of creeping blue ice, looms directly above. You are standing in a mountain meadow replete with quickly falling rivulets running through groups of alpine fir and mountain hemlock. And to complete the picture are lush growths of heathers and wild flowers, avaiancne lines, moun tain buttercups, lupine and a host of others. In few places, in our part of the world, has nature land scaped so well. We stayed overnight at the comfortable lodge; and the sec ond morning left about 9 a. m. for the long way home to Port land. Because a park highway to Ohanapecosh is not quit completed (for want of federal funds) we headed back througn Elbe, Morton, Kosmos and thence to Chinook pass on the east side of the park. Soon we were in Yakima val ley where irrigation has brought nrosDeritv to an area once dis tinguished only by sage brush and willows along the streams Presently the car turned south to climb out of Yakima valley and over a divide known as Satus pass. By 9 p. m. we de scended into the valley of the Columbia river known as Co lumbia gorge. The car then headed west ward toward home along the river-level Evergreen highway. Three additional hours took us through the towering gorge of the Cascades to Vancouver and Portland. The trip Is yours for the tak ing. I hope you folks will place it on your list of things to come. With all good wishes. ED. collections of the Market Road "paid to the State Game Commis- Road Fund to the General Road Fund; from the General Road Fund to the Rodent Fund the amount of $1200.00. The Court ordered the amount of $1100.00 from the Rodent Fund to be set aside and paid to the State Treasurer of Oregon for the matching with the like am ount of State funds for the con trol of predatory animals in Mor row County. The Court ordered the amount of $600.00 from the Rodent Fund to be set aside and It's Here "GLASS WAX" A Product of Gold Seal Company Cleans all Glass, Silverware and Other Metal Surfaces Pint 59 Cents Heppner Hardware and Electric Company STAR EZS REPORTER AdalMloa prloes afternoon and aerolne. onleee spe eUlcaUjr tdnrUHd to be otherwise i Children 1 Eft Prioe .IT, rrd. lu M, ToUl SOc; Orsde and High fchool Btndents IS years and overt Est. Price .40. red. tu .10, Total SOc; AdtUts: Est. Prde ,50, Fed. Every child occupying a seat Tex .10, ToUl 60c, mast have a ticket. Sa&day shows continuous starting at 1 p.m. Bator, day evening showe start at T p.m. All other evening shows start at 7:30 p-m. Boxoffice open evenings onMi p.m. We join the Department of Justice's Youth Opportunity Program by saluting Young America during YOUTH MONTH. Sept 1st to 30th, and always! Friday-Saturday, Sept 10-11 MAN FROM TEXAS Jam-si Craiff, Lynn Bart, Jthnni Johnston, TJa Market, WeUly ford, H&rry Davenport, Bar AUffObtL 1pxu va hia country . . . pi-My big. plenty ruuith, plftity tmfh sPLVS ARTHUR TAKES OVER Loll Colltw, tfktp Bvmir, Bichird Crani, Ann B. Todd, Jirom Cowan, SpmitftiifHiUt comedy, tender ruinah': and k youthful f.njt Ijr.mnuiiH with eiithueinwm make till nolid entfrtaimnrht fur all the family. Sunday-Monday, Sept 12-13 SITTING PRETTY ftolwi Ton.., M.art& O'Harfc, Clifford Wtbb, Kit Jiard May do, X.OU.M jUbrtttoa, ajdy Sta tu. MHt BivHirr. the genUiun Kuby Sitter... Hi plltl mK ' The fuimli-ct picture to cunie mil of llollywtHtd In t blue moon. Tuesday, Sept 14 OUT OF THE PAST Thin is the &OBEBT HIT C HUM film we were showing on August 3 when the lights and power were cut off and we had to send you home without seeing all the picture. Because of your many requewts to e all of this splendid produc tion, we have necifred permission to bring it bit' k again. Wednesday-Thursday, Sept 15-16. ROBIN HOOD with one of the larjcMit c&ats ever amafliwd for one production and starring Errol Flvnn, Oliv ia deRavUland with Basil Batbbone, Claude Rains. Alan Hale, Eugene Pallette. Baaed upon aneient Robin Hood Legends, "Robin Hood" lives again to thrill you as lew motion pictures have! The eplendor of It all is all in color by Technicolor. sion of Oregon for the matching with the like amount of state funds for the control of predatory animals in Morrow County. The Court orders the sale of Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter of Section 4, Town ship 1 South, Range 24 E.W.M. for the minimum price of Sino.on cash; the North Half of the South half of the Southeast Quarter ly ing north of the State Highway in Section 4 Township 1 South, Range 24 E. W. M. for the mini mum price of $60.00 .cash. Because a substantial saving can be made the Court withdrew from the State Auditing Service both for County and Public School and enters into contract with Witherrell and Witherrell, Public : Auditors, Pendleton, Qregon, for fiscal year 1947-48. Warrants Issued on the General Fund Maxine Cox, Deputy Sal. $155.55 Fances Mitchell, Dep. Sal. 184.09 Loila J. McLachlan, Office Clerk Salary 113.25 Olive B Hughes, Deputy Salary 164.99 Margaret Gillis, Nurse's Salary 197.25 A. J Chaffee, Janitor's Sal. 175.99 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Salary 24.75 Susie Miler, Court Rep. Salary 41.25 A.'B. Chaffee, Justice of the Peace Salary 59.40 J. O. Hager, Justice of the Peace Salary 74.25 Harold Leighton, Bangs' Disease Control 24.00 J. O Peterson, Clerk 3.5o Franklin Printing Co., Clk. 5.11 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 22.95 C. J. D. Bauman, County Sheriff 106.92 Heppner Market, Jail 2,14 Heppner Gazette Times, Off. Pub. $63.62, Tax Col. $13.90, County Ct. $45.90 123.42 Margaret Gillis, County Nurse expense - 67.21 Settles Electric Service, Ct. House 16.42 Heppner Laundry, Court House 65 Gilliam & Bisbee, Court House 11.11 Pacifc Power & Light Co., Court House 28.75 Dr. L. D. Tibbies, Insane Dr. R. H. Wilcox, Insane ... Dr Louis J. Feves, Insane ... Turner, Van Marter & Co., Bonds 10.48 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Coroner State Dept. of Agr., District Sealer 4.95 Children's Farm Home, Juvenile Court Pac Tel. & Tel. Co., County Current Expense 72.48 P. W. Mahoney, Bonds $25.00, Dist. Atty. $33.80 Public Land Committee of Ass. of Oregon Counties, Fed. Tax Com. C. W. Barlow, Current Exp. J L. D Nell!, County Court , Ralph I. Thompson, County ' Court Stale Industrial Com., Sher. $3.05, Sal. 31c; Dep. 31c, Court House 95c, LiIf jy&fAftel 5.00 5.00 5.00 Warrants Issued on General Road Fund William R Scott 124.54 Elmer Iverson 44.75 H. Sherer (for Hurley and Iverson) 70.00 Waller Hurley 93.70 H. Sherer 293.43 Fred W. Harrison 261.41 Fred Booker - 26971 Walter Gilman 261.41 Darold Hams 260.23 S J. Hoi ley 128.18 William C. Heath 269.71 (.'has. Williams 141.39 Jack Slocum 249.12 W. Cunningham 288.41 Penland Bro. Tfr. Co .98 Union Oil Company 409.31 Independent Garage 4.35 Howard Cooper Corp. 110.38 Columbia Equipment Co. .. 157.10 Feenaughty Machinery Co. bl.78 Owens Hardware 14.55 Industrial Air Products Co, Standard Oil Co. of Cal. ... 9.10 Rosewall Motor Co. 84.83 Industrial Air Products Co. City of Heppner Water Dpt. Heppner Hardware & Elec tric Co l-S'l Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Heppner Motors .. 71.01 iiraden Tractor & Equip. Co - Shell Oil Co 25.46 Shafer Radiator Service ... 25.25 Gilliam & Bisbee 56.61 Pacific Power & Light Co. 2.11 Union Pacific Railroad Co. 998.84 State Industrial Acci. Com. 66.48 u W Barlow 8.80 First Natl. Bank of Port land 180.36 Shell Oil Company 78.85 Hodge Chevrolet Co 2005.30 Warrants Issued on Rodent Fund Morrow Co. Abs. & Title Co.. Title Insurance for Hospital site 45.00 L. C. Barclay work on hos pital site 13.50 il Tamblyn, Survey on Hospital site 100.00 Oregon State Game Com.. Trapper's salary 300.00 Leslie M. Scott, Trapper's Salary 1100.00 First Natl. Bank of Port land. Withholding tax 24.10 William J. Van Winkle. Covote Bounty 3.00 J. O Rasmus, Coyote Bounty 3.00 , o UNCLAIMED DEPOSITS PRE SUMED ABANDONED. The foi 5.00 83 .60 2.65 3.29 lowing deposits, including depo sits other than those payable on demand, ae held by The First National Bank of Portland, Hepp ner Branch of Heppner, Oregon as of July 1, 1948; the owner owners of which have not for period of sfiven successive years prior to said date, (a) negotiated in writing in respect thereto, (b) been credited with interest 58.80 on the passbook or certificate of i deposit on his or their request, or (c) had a transfer, disposition 125.00 of Interest, or other transaction 4.00 ' noted of record in the books of 66.86 j the above bank or trust com pany, or (d) increased or de 43.86 1 creased the amount of the depo I sit: Name of Owner or depositor, Notson, S. E.i Trustee, co Frank Alfred, Heppner, Ore. Last known janitor die 4.93 place of residence, none. Amnti First Natl. Bank of Port land, Withholding on Salaries 129.05 C, J. D. Bauman Stamps and envelopes 90.00 Oregon. Stale College, Co. Agent $1500.00, Home Dem, Agent $750.00 2250.00 James H. Driscoll, Post master, C.O.D. on brush es for Courthouse 3,30 nt and kind of property, Commer. clal Deposits $i!ui.ot; uni fled Deposits $35.29. 26-27 TO SELL 'EM, TELL 'EM- With An Ad seeds. This lot of several thou sand bunhels of Rvx-M-I will pro vide pure seed for many of our 1948 seedings in Morrow and sur rounding countries. e e e Several farmers have called at the office in regards to the mar ket for crested wheat grasss har vested this year. The county ag ent has requests from several seed companies wanting to buy this seed. Price quotations range from 17 to 21 cents a pounu u pending on qiatity of the seed. Anyone having crested wheat grass for sale .should get a pur ity and germination test on the seed. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AT YOUR SERVICE TO. HELP YOU SELL' Paid Up Life Insurance is a good investment or a nice gift. BLAINE E. ISOM, Agency Heppner Phone 723 Swing and Sway to the Scintillating Rhythm of the FIVE JIVES Heppner Civic Center SATURDAY NIGHT SEPTEMBER 11 Admission $1.50 Per Couple Lunch on Grounds Whirlabout ...VARDS AND YARDS OF WHIRLING SKIRT .r-ik. A dre88 to go straight to the heart of any young Miss! And her Mom will hail this outstanding value! She'll appreciate the sturdy washable percale that will stand many washings ... the wash-fast prints in clear, becoming colors, Really a dress you can't afford to pass up! KUU1V1I SIHUUL BAb MATCHES EXACTLY! C Tiny Girls 3 to 6x 2.98 For the Set What could be nicer than l gay plaid dress with its very own matching school hag? In little girl shades of blue, rose or green. 4 to 6x. OTHER STYLES . . . GAY PLAIDS IN STURDY WOVEN COTTON, PRICED at 3.98 AT PENNEY'S