Olden And McCabe Families Picnic At Olden's -Sunday By Echo Palmateer The Olden and McCabe fam lies had a picnic dinner Sunday at Grant Olden's. Those present were Grant Olden and daughter Carletta, Mrs. Jessie Henderson and sons Harold and Howard and daughter Lois of Alice!, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Henderson and sons of Lexington, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ingalls of Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eubanks and children, Mr. and Mrs. Er nest McCabe, A. A. McCabe, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie McCabe and children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mc Cabe and daughter, Mrs. Nelle Olden of Los Angeles nr.d Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder. DATES TO REMEMBER Sept. 10 Study meeting of Topic club at the home of Mrs. Milton Morgan. Sept. 13 School starts. Sept. 14 Eastern Star meeting in the evening. I Sept. 16 Rebekah meeting at 8 p.m. Sept. 17 HEC of Willows grange will hold an all-day meeting with potluck dinner at noon at the Marion Palmer home. Sept 18 Willows grange meet ing at 8 p.m. Father McCormack stated in mass Sunday morning in the new Catholic church that he wished to thank all the members an3 friends who helped to make it possible to have the beautiful church. The date for dedication will be at a later date. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan PLEASE CARELESS ROVER- :aajgML: FIRE SEAS0H S H0T 0VER- H MKVII t It 41 Back to School ' In Clothes Clean as a Whistle Before the school term grows any older, plan to have your children's clothes cleaned here at our efficient plant. Clothes come back looking like new . . . Spic and span and spotless. You'll be pleased withour fast, reliable service. Just Call 2592. WE ALSO DELIVER HEPPNER CLEANERS Wken people ev&ufurhefca ajluza. on a pnochict, you. know thai pfroLu Id yood! All America Likes CHEVROLET'S Bodies by Fisher ,,.ltodleA thai ana. exclusive to 0ievtoUt in. the. Low-pnlcaeL jjvtltLl Mo Vol IN IIDINS COMfOIT Your own tetU will (how Uiit Chevrolet hit mow riding comfort th-nla to iti Unitized Knee Action Gliding Ride and it world famoui Body By Fiiher. Mo Valu IN PERFORMANCE WITH IC0N0MT You'll enjoy lively, dependable perforniance-at lower operating coit-with the extra-rugged "World'i Champion" valve-in-head Chevrolet engine. Behind each Chevrolet body by Fuher i forty year of motor-car coachcraft experience . . . forty year of building master bodies for precision-minded America. To match less craftsmanship have been added the methods and the metals of modern body engineering. Today, as you revel in the comfort, the luxury and the sqfety of your Chevrolet body by Fisher you will more clearly under land why MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR. Mo Valu IN IRAKINO miCIENCI Chevrolet'! Poiitive-Action Hv draulic Brakea an especially deiigned to achieve greater brake lining contact for greater aafety at all ipeedi. Mo VaL IN All-ROUMO SAFITT There' luper-aafety in Chevrolet'i Fiiher Unitteel Body Contrac tion, Unitized Knee-Action Glid ing Ride and Poiitive-Action Hydraulic Brakes. CHEVROLET-andOfUy MpEp5FIS FIRST! Hodge Chevrolet: Co. Main and May Phone 403 Heppner, Ore' are spending a few days at Rltter . springs. I The initiatory degree .of tha Eastern Star will practice at lue Masonic hall Sunday at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie McCabe and family are vacationing at East Lake. Mrs. Dora Pierrot has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Franklin Ely. Several from here attended the circus at Pendleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom and family returned last week from a trip to Seasde and other coast resorts. Mr. and Mrs. John Skuzeski left this week for Corvallls. They spent the summer at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Peterson, Mr. Skuzeski will attend O.S.C. this year. Mrs. Henry Peterson and daughter, Mrs. John Skuzeski, and sons, Robert and Herbert Peterson, were Seattle visitors last week. Mrs. Edith Nichoson and G. A. Petteys spent the week end with relatives at Vashon, Wash. They were accompanied by Miss Alice Nichoson of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and children are vacationing at the coast and will take in the state fair at Salem. Larry Ritchie of Portland spent the week end at the Henry Clark home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ring left Sunday for Salem to visit rela tives and attend the fair. Mrs. Walter Corley and Mrs. Eldred Padberg attended an in stitution of an auxiliary unit at Umatilla Friday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns left Sunday for Olympia, Wash., where they will get their daugh ter Dorothy who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ware. Wallace Lundell and Lyle Al len left Saturday evening for Lake Tahoe. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lundell and Kenneth Lundell of Oakland will meet them at the lake. Mass was held in the new Catholic church Sunday morn ing. Mrs. Harlan Devin and chil dren of Condon are visiting her mother, Mrs. Lana Padberg. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson went huckieberrying at Mt. Adams last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crum and family left this week on a trip to the coast and Crater lake. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse and son are visiting in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Healy of Rockaway visited her mother, Mrs. Ida Coleman, over the week end. They also attended the wedding of his sister, Marie Hea ly, at Heppner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen ger and daughter were visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zinter, over the week end. The socal club of the Eastern Star met at the hall Wednesday, Sept. 1, with Mrs. Walter Dobyns as hostess. Mr. and Mrs Charles Nord of Portland visited at the home of her son, Ray Barnett, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buchanan and children of Estacada spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan. Miss Mary Barnett of Seattle spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bar nett. She was accompanied by Vernon Christopherson of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely and daughter, Mrs. Wallace aMtthews are on a trip to the coast and will visit relatives at Coos Bay and attend the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers and sons returned from a trip to Port land and the coast. Joan, daughter of Mrs. Ida Coleman, dislocated her knee Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Emert took her to a physician in Pendleton. A cast was put on the knee and she is able to get around. Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley spent a few days in The Dalles last week where they were look ing after their property. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nelson left for their home in San Jose, Cal., after visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs Johan Troedson. Rollo Crawford left for Port land Sunday. Mrs. John Voor- hees and daughter, Peggy Lou, Clyde Crawford and Rodney Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernice Crawford of Dufur, ac companied him. Miss Francine Ely of The Dal les spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely. Miss Betty Ball who is employ ed in the telephone office in Ar lington, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ball. Mrs. C. W. Swanson fell and broke her knee cap recently and it in a cast, but is able to be up. Mr. and Mrs. Russ Hooker and daughter Margy and Miss Carol Allen of Nampa, Idaho, were week-end guests at the Edmnnd Bristow home. Mrs. Ernest Mc Cabe and Miss Anita Hooker re turned to Nampa with them for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan entertained the following at a dinner Sunday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Russ Hooker of Nampa, Ida., Mr, adn Mrs. Edmond Bristow, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCabe, Miss Anita Hooker and Melvln Brady. Mr. Morgan took Mr. Hooker up in his plane to show him the country. Mrs. Roy Lindstrom said that her mother, Mrs. Fannie Griffith who recently broke her leg, is still at St. Anthony's hnsnit.il and is getting along satisfactory ily. Mrs, Joe Howk of Troutdale and Clarence Linn of Oregon City Visited relatives here last )(aa.tt Lexington School . Renovated During Summer; Opens 13 By Mrs. Delpha Jones School will start in Lexington September 13 with a completely renovated school buildng. The walls and floors have been com pletely refinished. The gym has all been redone. The 7th and 8th grade teacher, Mr. Alexander, has arrived and is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Breed- Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 9, 1948-3 Mrs. Walter Linn and children of Vernonla left Wednesday of last week. The Birthday club met at the Congregational church parlors on August 31. The honorees were Mrs. Elsie Peterson of Lexington, Mrs. Paul O'Meara and Mrs. Walter Corley. They received lovely gifts. Ice cream and cake were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Ida Coleman, Mrs. Sam Es teb and Mrs. Donald Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke are leaving this week 'for Los Angeles where they will visit the Heliker's son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bolman, and the Buschke's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buschke. Mrs. Carl Linn left for Arling ton today where she will teach this coming year. Her daughter, Leta, will enter the academy in The Dalles later Among those leaving for the state fair were the E. M. Baker family, the Marion Palmer fam ily, the L. A. McCabes, Miss In grid Hermann and Miss Jane Seehafer. Mr and Mrs. Darrell Padberg and children are vacationing on the coast. Several from here attended the dress-up parade in Pendleton on Saturday evening. Arthur Bergstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bergstrom, is at tending the Uinversity of Port land. Alton Yarnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell, will leave for Seattle this week to attend the University of Washington. inc. The rest of the teachers are expected this week. Word has been received in Lex ington that Chuckle Christoph erson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Christopherson, underwent a brain operation for tumor at the Good Samaritan hospital last Thursday. It was found that the tumor was malignant. He will be able to leave the hospital on Fri day, going to the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Christopherson in Aurora, where his parents and sister have been during his illness. Rev. and Mrs. Hatch left for Portland Tuesday where Mrs. Hatch will consult a physician. She has not been very well since a fall on the street in Gresham some time back. Mrs. Ina Nichols took delivery of a new Frazer car in Heppner on Monday of this week. Billy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griffith, writes home that he passed his physical examination Wnp tho ormu aviH will kA -t- tioned at Fort Ord, Cal. Billy signed up with the consent of his parents a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McMillan had as their guests over the week end their sons Jack and family, Portland, and Pete and family of McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and family motored to La Grande for the week end taking Earl Miller to his home there after a few weeks spent in this city. John Spence is employed at the school house helping the janitor, Joe Thornburg, get things in shape for the starting of school. Elmer Hunt is spending a few days in Pendleton and LaGrande where he is having dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears had as their guests Monday their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crump of The Dalles. Monday was Mr. Breshears' birth day. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan and daughters Jo and Pat and Charlene Jones attended the cir cus in Pendleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael had as their company last week Peck Leathers and Marvin Glass cock, both men having made their home in Lexington in past years. Mrs. Jerrine Marrs and small daughter of San Diego, Cal., are spending some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Edwards. Jerrine flew to Pendle ton, where she was met by Mrs. Jim Lynch and Mrs. A. M. Ed wards. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grant and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Munkers have gone on a trip to the coast. Mrs. Ed Grant motored to Kin zua on Thursday after her chil dren who have been visiting her parents there. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. McFadden had as their guests over the week end Frank Null, Mrs. Gladys Mc Neil and Mr. and Mrs. Leno Mi chieli of Hermiston. Mrs. Lonnie Henderson and children motored to La Grande on Wednesday, taking Mr. Hen derson's mother to her home there after-a visit in Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner had as their guests over the week end their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Warner, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillum of I .. - Portland, and John Robert Mc Millan and family. Mr. and Ms. Earl Warner left Tuesday for a few days' trip to Wallowa lake . The Amicifia club mot at the home of Louise Grant last Wed nesday with eight members pre sent. High was won by Mrs. Ei leen Padberg and low hy Mrs. Jack Forsythe. Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and sons and daughter June and Mrs. Charles Breshears were Pendle ton visitors on Tuesday. They took June to St. Joseph's academy where she attends school. Miss Dorothy Loree, sister of Mrs. Bill Van Winkle, is staying at their home, where she will attend school in Lexington this year, being a member of the freshman class. She is from Prlneville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shannon have returned to Lexington where they will live this winter and send their children to school. At Penny's FISHING TRIPS . . . to Canada Mahood Lake Lodge Excellent fishing - A real vacation Exceptionally low cost. Contact us for further information. MAY'S FLYING SERVICE Phone 418 or 2961, write Box 1033, Hermiston. Oregon ANOTHER WHACK AT H.C.L.' 'HIGH COST OF LIVING NEW LOW PRICE 51 GAUGE 15-20 Denier Sheer Gaymode $ Cfi Now i-VPair Hosiery New Fall Shades Lovely 45 Gauge GAYMODES FULL FASHIONED) SUM SEAMSI $I.I5 HIGH FRENCH HEELS! 1 I HI . 1 : 1 A glass of Mayflower Milk with ) ' every meal gives you your vita- A I mins in their natural form ... . f i yt"w I as well as a wealth of body-build- I Wlx77 MVVf?! ing minerals and essential food I , . - JiAAMii elements. Enjoy this "vitality" r f? ' Jy boost by serving Mayflower Milk I .J JJujC 1 'i with every meal. f r'-QQ' AT YOUR STORE HK3 OR AT YOUR DOOR laJ irnnLirn rtnrrnil niiSNk.ii- --a II ncrrrtLK, mvnjwn rnunc -oo--