6 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 2, 1943 LIN OLE UM Droinboords and Cove Base . . Guaran teed installations . . Quality Materials Rubber and Asphalt Tile CARPET See me for your carpet and rug needs Leave orders at CLAUDE HILL Heppner Hardware & Electric Co. -! Ch rome Furniture .4? rX7 Colorful! Easy to Clean! Comfortable! Your kitchen or dinette will be the most popular room in the house with one of these modern sets . . . Prices range from $49.50 up. CASE FURNITURE CO. What's This? A Bunch of Dude Ranch'Patrons? (PCS; J5 Mam --";- g. I jj. ' " -gUWCV L ' zQ IWj t- it I! I fr.sVn " Queen Betty emd her Princesses would very quickly refute such a charge. Photographer Louis Eyons thought the Royal Court should pose here and there without their horses and here they are caressing the old corral fence. They will demonstrate that that they are not the drugstore type during Rodeo. Bride Elect Given Shower At Home of Parents Tuesday . Mrs. Delpha Jones Msis Patty O'Harra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra, was the honoree of a shower at the home of her parents on Tues day. The affair was held on the lawn. The refreshments were wnere he has a cunlract to drill Rideim Cowboy! i i.l llll ! j litiSr J It lLo tjz tan hospital and will undergo surgery on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen ger Jr. and small daughter of The Dalles spent the week end at the Truman Messenger Sr. home in Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. McMillan and family returned home Fri day from a trip to Elko, Nov.. Salt Lake City and way points. Sally and Maryland Sherman of Hermiston were visitors at the ! t C. C. Carmichael home a few days last week. A. M. Edwards has moved his drilling equipment to Rome, Ore Typical Scenes in the Rodeo Arena cake and ice cream. The cake was a lovely creation made with an umbrella in the middle, with frosting of rosettes and rain drops. Miss O'Harra received many appropriate gifts. The hos tesses were Mrs. Vernon Munkers and Mrs. Otto Ruhl. t Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Christo pherson and family returned to Portland Friday due to the illness of their small son. Chuckie is now a patient in Good Samari- STAR EH3 REPORTER AdmlMioa prices afternoon and eerolnff, nnlesi spe cifically sdrertised to be otherwises Children: Est. Prtoe J7. Ped. Tax .03, Total 20c; Grade and High School StndenU U yean and over: Est Price .40, I JO, Total 60c; Adults: Est. Prde .50, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60c most have a ticket. r .-4 a rsn nft it WW' Heppner Rodeo, Sept. 2-3-4 Welcome Rodeo Visitors and Home Folks I The theater is comfortable, the programs are good. Shows are the usual hours as liated above. Every ch id occupying a teat Sunday nhowa continuous starting at 1 p.m. Satur day evening shows start at T p.m. All other evening ahowa start at 7:30 p.m. BoxoKice open eveninjri untU 9 pjn. Wednesday-Thursday, Sept. 1-2 THE IRON CURTAIN Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney, Jane Havoc, Edna Best, Barry Kroeger. A sensational and timely subject, based on the personal story of Igor Gonsenko, former code clerk. U.S.S.R Embassy in Ottawa, Canada. PLUS CALGARY STAMPEDE, Cowboys from the U. S. and Canada compete in Calgary's Wild West Jamboree. In Technicolor. WHITE COLLAR GIRL, latest issue of THE MARCH OF TIME. We join the Department of Justice's Youth Opportunity Program by saluting Young America during YOUTH MONTH, Sept. 1st to 30th, and always I F iHsesV-.m. MHAt a well for the government on an airstrip that is being built there. School will start here Sept. 13. The boards recently gave a con tract to a band teacher. Miss Joy Gerling of Sheridan, Wyo., who comes highly recommended. Th completes the staff for the high school. Mrs. Glenn Griffith has been given a contract taking the place of Mrs. Verl Frederiekson who resigned because of ill health. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and children, Mrs. W. I. Miller and two children of LaGrande return ed Monday from a few days spent at Depoe Bay where they visited Mrs. Jones' grandmother, Mrs. Katie Sheedy. Mrs. Newt O'Harra spent Wed nesday evening in The Dalles where she attended a wedding shower for her daughter. Pan v. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Yarnell have returned from a trip to Cal ifornia and way points. The Yar nells took their two oldest chil dren, leaving the youngest with Mrs. Allyn. Herman Wallace underwent an appendectomy in Pendleton on Monday. Mrs. Wallace and sister, Mrs. Jim Bloodsworth, were vis itors to see him on Tuesday. Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs. Trina Parker have returned from their summer home on the Metol ius river, where they spent the summer. They report a fine sum mer with beautiful weather, with the exception of it getting cold there so early in the fall. Mrs. Elsie Peterson spent Tues day in lone where she attended the birthday club, the occasion being Mrs. Peterson's birthday. Mrs. Josie Daniels, sister of " . few v ' rl Mrs. Cleo Van Winkle, and Mrs. Nellie Palmer, who makes her home in Salem is visiting her relatives here. The Woman's Auxiliary of All Saints Episcopal church will re sume activities with a business meeting at 2:30 p. m. Thursday, September 9 at the parish house. Members are asked to keep the date in mind. AMBERIN for piles: $10. Guar anteed Humphreys Drug Co. 23-24c AMBERIN for piles: $10. Guar anteed. Humphreys Drug Co. 23-24c M Penny's SELECT TO-DAY MONTHS TO PAY on our convenient LAY-AWAY PLAN Girls' Two-Tone Furred Snowsuit 11.90 A sturdy Penney value! Brown fur col lar on aqua, kelly or tan jacket with brown pants. Zipper on jacket and side of pants. Sturdy wool and reused wool (see tag for content) with snug cuffs at ankles and wrists. Water re pellent. Fully lines. 7-12. Smaller sizes 3 to 6 are only 9.90. TODDLER'S SN0WSUITS Cozy lamb fur collar on wind-and-water re sistant cotton and ray on satin-twills. Flan nelette liing. Zipper closing. Boys', girls', 8.90 Cap is 79c awtsMsSiiftM That Certain Something FOR FALL Our fall merchandise is ready for your inspection. Style modish and up to the minute in color lines and fabrics. COATS - SUITS - MILLINERY - DRESSES - BLOUSES .SLACKS and SLACKS SUITS A fine line of hose-lingerie-girdles-girdleieres-garter belts and bras. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND We'll be seeing you at the Fair and Rodeo Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons. NOR AH 'S SHOP -s yr wimter I V6UB HOMt I . 7 It will P ill 100 Virgin Wool Blanket WITH ALL COLEMANS (92.&SANP UP Ml 72x90 InctiM Soft ntd Fluffy Gumntttd Afaintt Met hi 5 Yam kHwM.Hr ttkmtd, m4 mutt? WfMI Wt hut frtt H ra Pre-Season Sale frt eOUMAM HUTfll W Midi MiM iniwti 4Ur t iHmt r t Hlartiof jam (M HIM titf. Tm'I f' M VMtit rtin ful Al MOW I 'ay You to Buy Nowl Pittm la mtf Urn ttitMMsof rwiy 4y Hmi fmt Mar mm! 4 t tlf fwa IB M wtaa m fmlUtimt m Vi'fta WmI mil I FOilCED-WARM-AR With No Moving Parti ... Ho Electricity PLUS 2 KINDS OF HEAT 1. ltCirculti 2. It Riiatfl ONLY COLEMAN OFFERS ALL THCSI FEATURES Uil, Ur lfrm Ht Output. ltiHM DmIh frti" Warm Air Clrcufc IlwMcirT. im,nm Um4 Httt ft win Ott, AHtMta'k Put! CMtraf. HUTFLOW UfCinA it Dstlif. Hm fmt Tkl ftm4 Ait IU-57. Al.j:.h,.ni...... . it,..rl.r,,i wy4 HIAT U-H,m. Fwi , I LOW CtNhtf. Owens Hardware Your Friendly Marshall-Wells Store PROGRAM For the 1948 Morrow County Fair, Heppner, Oregon September 2-3-4 Thursday, September 2 All exhibits in place by 8 a.m. 9 A.M. 4-H agricultural judging and demonstration , contests. 1 P.M. Judging of 4-H exhibits. Livestock showmanship contests during the 8 P.M. 4-H Style Revue at Heppner Civic Center pav ilion. 1 :30 P.M. Rodeo. Friday, September 3 9 A.M. Judging of open classes, with all livestock judged during the morning. 4-H Home Economics judging and demonstra tion contests. Parade of livestock in Rodeo arena, time to be set by arena manager. 7 P.M. 4-H fat stock auc"n sale at livestock arena on Fair grounds. Saturday, Sept ember 4 10 A.M. Annual Fair and Rodeo Parade. 1 :30 P.M. Rodeo. Calf scramble of 4-H club members-to be call ed by arena director during Rodeo program. Dance each Evening at Heppner Civic Center Pavilion