Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 02, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    Almira O'Connor,
90, Passed Away
Sunday At lone
By Echo Palmateer
Services were held at 2:30 o'
clock ' p.m. Wednesday at the
Phelps Funeral home in Heppner
for Almira O'Connor, who passed
away Sunday September 29 at
her late home In lone. Rev. Al
fred Shirley, pastor of the Coop
erative church of lone, offficiat
ed. Interment was made in the
lone I.O.O.F. cemetery. Miss O'
Connor was the last of her fam
ily. She was born June 13. 1H58.
to Charles and Evelyn O'Connor
at Aberdeen, Ohio, being 90
years, two months and 16 days of
age. She came to lone in 1928.
Surviving are several nephews
and nieces, among them Charles
O'Connor of lone.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely re
turned Saturday evening from a
trip to Lakeview where they vis
ited his cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert DeShazer. They also stop,
ped at Crater Lake, Oregon caves
and Portland and took in the
centennial at The Dalles.
Mrs. Gordon White and son
Charles are visiting relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan
returned last week from the
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eubanks
i-ntertained the following guests
at a dinner at their home near
Arlington Sunday: Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Lundell and daughters,
Mr and Mrs. Ernest McCabe, A.
A. McCabe of lone Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Ingalls of Adams, and
Mrs. Nellie Olden of Los Angeles.
Donald Ball is the new water
master and garbage man.
Rev. and Mrs. A. Shirley re
turned from their vacation trip
along the coast. They went as
far as Eureka, Cal., also stopped
In Portland and visited their son
I Raymond Shirley and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rletmann
and song Gene and Larry attend
ed the wedding of her cousin,
Miss Frances Voruz, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Voruz of La
Grande. She was married to Mr.
Glenn Houle, also of La Grande.
The wedding took place at the
First Baptist church at La Grande
at 7 p.m., Saturday. The Reit
mann family also went to Wal
lowa lake and Cove.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason nd
grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Wffl.
Seehafer and family and Mr. H'i i
Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen and family
spent the week end at Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hellker
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke re
turned Friday of last week from
Mt. Adams where they picked
huckleberries. They came home
with a good supply. -
Mrs. Fannie Griffith of, Mor
gan broke her leg in two places
when she fell from a ladder
while picking pears at her home
Thursday morning of last week.
She was taken to St. Anthony's
hospital in Pendleton. The la'l-
You'll enjoy preparing meals, when
the MONTAG electric range is your
kitchen helper. Among features which
help give you faster, easier and better
cooking: Three variable-speed heating
units, deep-well cooker, plug-in recep
tacle for appliances, cooking light,
large working surface, non-tilt oven
racks. For baking, simply set the large
oven to go on and off as you wish
return later to food exactingly done.
The quality MONTAG electric is
beautiful in easy-to-clean white
enamel and built for years of depend
able service. Come in and see it today!
He's Still The Tophand
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 2, 1 948-3
In this growing region...
Every Kilowatt Counts
Be thrifty in the use of your electric
range. It will save money on food, and
make the range last longer. Vour thrift
will also help save kilowatts needed
to supply the huge demand for elec
tricity in this growing region. Peak
power requirements of the Pacific
Northwest have increased 1,448,000
kilowatts, or 57 since the end of the
war, due to enormous growth in indus
try and population. Every kilowatt has
a big job to do. So use electricity
wisely. Follow the tips listed below.
Save time and money for yourself.
Save electricity for a fast- growing
Pacific Northwest,
Savt vllamlni In vtgttabltt by
tltomlng Ihtm In holf-cup of
wattr lnild el boiling.
Tightly covtrtd pant kttp mlntrali
and vltamini In th. food, provont
mitt tram boiling or (Iteming.
Cut food Will by cooking
comploto moalt, Including
doiiorli, In Hit tvtn.
'Li I f
Rodeo without Lee Beckner
would not be quite the same.
He has long been one of the
mainstays of the association
and has served in the capacity
of president of the Heppner Ro
deo for a number of years.
Since coordination of county
fair and rodeo forces, Mr Beck
ner has assumed the position
of chairman of the rodeo com
mittee. Functions of the committee
are no different than in years
past when the Heppner Rodeo
Association was the chief au
thority. The only difference is
that the county fair board is
financially responsible for both
the fair and rodeo. The rodeo
committee has the full respon
sibility of putting on the show.
Mr. Beckner and the other
committee members are stock
men and wheat ranchers. They
have had a busy season har
vesting one of the greatst crops
in the history of the county,
but they will be on hand to
make the 1948 show one to be
der slipped and she caught her
toot in one of the rounds and
fell to the ground about six feet.
The small bone was broken just
about the ankle and a bone in
the joint was broken.
Mr and Mrs. Garland Swanson
and children returned Sunday
from a trip to Portland and Sa
lem and other points.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe
arrived at lone Thursday of last
week. They spent the summer
at Sheridan, Wyo., where they
visited their mother. They stop
ped at ellowstone park both go
ing and comng, also stopped and
visited Mrs. Jack Forsytne s i'oiks
at Ashton, Idaho. The Forsythes
will live in the Eugene Normoyle
house during the school year as
Mr. and Mrs. Normoyle plan to
move to Calfornia.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark and
granddaughters spent the week
end with their daughter. Mrs.
Harold Martin at Hermiston.
They also attended the Umatina
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann
ind family left Friday for a trip
to California.
The Three Links club of the
Rebekahs met at the home of
Mrs. C. W. Swanson Friday af
ternoon. Aug. 27. The club de
cided to put linoleum on the
floor of their hall. In order to
raise money a food sale will be
given on election day. Refresh
ments were served by the hostess.
Several from here attended the
Blake-Gilliam wedding in Hepp
ner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Roy Lieuallen re
turned from a trip to Gresham
where they have a farm and
from Monmouth where they vis
ited his son, Elwayne Lieuallen.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwayne Lieuallen
are the parents of a son.
Tommy Bnstow, Harlan Craw
ford, David Barnett and Helmuth
Hermann left Saturday morning
for Nampa, Idaho.
Mrs. Gladys Crider and daugh
ter, Mary Beth, of Bickleton, Wn.,
spent the w-eek end at her bro
ther's, Harry Yarnell. Mrs. Yarnell
gave a dinner Sunday in honor
of the birthdays of her son, Al
ton, and Miss Crider. Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Yarnell and family
of Lexignton were also present.
The Clifford Yarnells just return
ed from a trip to California.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swanson
and family of Portland visited
his mother, Mrs. Mary Swanson
a few days last week.
Pendleton visitors last week
were Mrs. Lana Padberg. Mrs.
Paul O'Meara and Mrs. Harlan
Devin and children, and Mr. and
Mrs. Art Ritchie and son Stephen.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom
were Pendleton visitors Monday.
Mrs. Earl McCabe, chairman of
the school lunch program, wishes
to announce that hot lunches
will start being served at the
school house Sept. 14 and that
the kitchen is short of dish tow
els and hopes to have some don
Wallace Coleman, Harold Hoff
man and Gaylord Salter left Snu-
day for Wyoming.
Ted Palmateer left Sunday for
a few days vacation on the coast.
Mrs. Walter Linn and children
Sharon and David of Vernonia
are visiting at the Roy Lindstrom
Mrs .Otto Lindstrom, Roy Lind
strom, Mr, and Mrs, Franklin
Lindstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Al-
gott Lundell attended the wed
ding of Miss Patricia Ann Crut
cher Sunday. Miss Crutcher is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Crutcher of Boring arid
the granddaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Lindstrom of Morning.
She was married to Robert Von
County Agent News . .
Saying that he hoped the Lake
view Rotary club's range reseed
ing demonstration would set a
pattern for other similar events
of its kind in the west. Walter
HoltVelcomed approximately 400
ranchers and others to the sage
brush removal demonstration
which was held at Valley Falls
in Lake county last Thursday.
Holt is manager of the Pacific
International Livestock exposi
tion and a longtime resident of
Seven states were represented
by the livestock men who came
to see and to hear what's new
in getting rid of sage. They heard
E R. Jackman, Oregon State col
lege extension farm crops spe
cialist, say that the good old days
of the west when range- was
cheap is now a thing of the past
Ranchers, said Jackman, must be
thinking of improving their
range. And, said he, crested
wheat grass can be substituted
for sagebrush in many sections
Vorstel of Grass Valley Sunday,
August 29, at the First Christian
church in Portland. They will
live in Corvallis where Mr. Von
Vorstel is a student. She grad
uated from O. S. C. this year.
Sept. 7 Auxiliary meeting in
the afternoon.
Sept. 8 Maranatha meeting.
Sept. 10 Studv meeting of thp
Topic club.
Sept. 13 School starts.
Northwest veterans who rein
stated their G.I. Insurance just
before the July 31 "easy rein
statement" deadline should pay
another monthly premium to the
Veterans Administration imme
diately to prevent the policy lap
sing again, Charles M. Cox, VA
representative, said today.
Most veterans who reinstated
their National Service Life In
surance last month paid only the
required two-months' premiums,
Cox explained. Under G.I. insur
ance regulations, one premium
covered the 30-day grace period
before the policy lapsed and the
of Oregon. But, better grass man
agement must be carried out if
the grass is to hold back the sage
which now covers one quarter of
the state's entire land area.
Meanwhile, only a small part
of the daylong program was made
up of speeches. Joe Pecharuc,
chief of range research for the
forest service in the Pacific north
west, was in charge of the actual
sage clearing work. His men
showed five different types of
sagebrush removal equipment.
Included was a preview of a
Brushland plow that is expected
to change the west's sage picture.
Forest service workmen also
demonstrated portable as well as
truck driven flame throwers.
The Lake county demonstra
tion is all part of a plan being
carried out by the Lakeview Ro
tary club. They're sponsoring a
contest among Lake County's
ranchers to improve the range
lands of the county. The demon
stration Thursday was just the
start of a five-year program to
show how grass can be substitut
ed for the purple sage.
other the month of reinstatement.
Therefore, veterans who rein
stated to beat the July 31 dead
line paid only for July insur
ance protection, with another
payment due sometime in. Aug
ust, according to the due date of
their policy.
To avoid risk of unknowingly
allowing their insurance to again
lapse, veterans are urged to
make another payment immedi
ately. G.I. insurance premiums may
be paid monthly, quarterly, semi
annually or annually. Advance
payments, other than monthly,
are discounted by the VA and the
result is even greater economy to
the G.I. policy holder, Cox said.
Arriving from McMinnvllle on
Tuesday, Charles Jenkins Is here
to spend a few days hunting up
old acquaintances and to take
in the Morrow County Fair and
Rodeo. Jenkins spent several
years of his youth In Heppner
when his father, a brick mason,
built many flues, residence fotin.
dations and other works of his
craft. Like many other of the
era when he was resident hee.
the visitor finds very few of his
old acquaintances, but he enjoys
returning here, especially at Ro
deo time and is looking forward
to enjoying himself at the wild
west show.
We Can
at the
SEPT. 2-3-4
Blaine E. Isom Agency
Phone 723 Heppner
Meet Me at the Fair & Rodeo
Thursday; Friday, Saturday, Sept. 2-3-4
Let's make this the biggest and
best show ever-by the volume
and quality of exhibits, the at
tendance, and the general holi
day spirit.
We cordially invite you
to make our store your
headquarters during
your visit to Heppner.
Heppner Red 6- White Grocery
Roy Quackenbush
Morrow County
Fair and Rodeo
Heppner, Oregon