Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 02, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    2-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Sept. 2, 1948
Heppner Bids You Welcome
By the lime this issue of the Gazelle Times has
reached many of its readers the annual fair and
rodeo will be In progress. Perhaps many of you
will tie at the fair w hen the mail man drops our
little weekly message in your mailbox and will
not peruse Its columns until a later date. Be that
as it may, we w ant to speak in behalf of Heppner
its business houses, civic and fraternal groups,
and the city government from the mayor down
and tell you that you are welcome and to wish
for you a happy holiday.
Let us all have fun, but keep that fun within
the bounds of reason. It will be better for all of
us if moderation prevails.
Those in charge of the fair are sure that you
will find many things to interest you, even sur
prise you. There will be plenty of excitement and
thrills on the rodeo field each afternoon, and for
those who like to trip the light fantastic there
will be ample opportunity for enjoyment for the
three nights of the fair and rodeo.
So, Heppner bids you welcome to the 194S Mor
row County Fair and Rodeo and hopes you will
like the show and our little city well enough to
return again and again.
In view of what happened in Dixieland it
looks like Henry made a mistake by not bury ing
all the little chickens, too.
A Plea to Oregon Hunters
With the hunting season drawing near in Ore
gon, the appeal made for greater safety in the
woods is again timely and it is w ith pleasure we
devote the larger part of the editorial column to
the contribution of Mr. C. A. Lockwood, Oregon
state game supervisor, who treats the subject
in an able manner. His editorial follows:
Already the first report of a hunting fatality
has come in from our neighboring state, Cali
fornia. The unfortunate hunter, who was a vet
eran twice wounded in the Pacific, was killed by
a hunter who stated that he had mistaken him
for a deer. Reports such els this one from Cal
ifornia have become far too numerous in recent
years here in Oregon.
In Oregon during the 1946 hunting season there
were 13 hunting accidents, five of them being
fatal. Last year during the regular hunting sea
son we had 22 hunting accidents, seven of which
resulted in fatalities. Looking over this list, it is
impossible to find one that could not have been
prevented if the simple rules of caution and care
had been followed The list gives causes such as
the following: aecdental discharge of gun, gun j
discharged while victim crossed a fence, mistaken
for deer, mistaken for bear, discharge of gun
while victim was removing it from car, gun dis
charged after dropping.
As we go into the hunting season for 194S, we
know that there will be more hunters taking the
field than ever before in the state of Oregon.
Extra caution will be imperative. The rules are
simple and easy to follow: look before you shoot;
make certain of your target; always make certain
someone might be in your line of fire; don't carry
a loaded gun in your car; never point the muzzle
of your gun at anyone. Above all remember that
a loaded gun is dangerous, handle it with care.
If we all take just a few seconds to make sure,
if we all are just a bit more careful when we
climb through a fence, we can prevent this use
less loss of life.
It is my sincere hope that every hunter will fol
low the ten commandments of safety.
Treat every gun with the respect due a loaded
gun. This is the cardinal rule of gun safety.
Carry only empty guns, taken down or with the
action open, into your automobiles, camp, and
Always be sure that the barrel and action are
clear of obstructions.
Always carry your gun so that you can control
the directon of the muzzle even if you stumble.
Be sure of your target before you pull the trig
ger. Never point a gun at anything you do not want
to shoot.
Never leave your gun unattended unless you
unload it first.
Never climb a tree or a fence with a loaded gun.
Never shoot at a flat, hard surface or the
surface of water
Do not mix gunpowder and alcohol.
Let's make the 1948 hunting season a safe
hunting season!
The names of nominees on the
state progressive party ticket
will not appear on the general
election ballot, November 2, if a
suit filed this week in a Marion
county court is successful. The
suit was filed in an ettort to re
strain Secretary of Setate Earl T.
Newbry and Harlan Judd, county
clerk of Marion county, from rec
ognizing the progressives and
was filed by a democratic candi
date of Multnomah county who
alleges that the officers of the
progressive party convention
were democrats and republicans
and not members of the progres
sive party.
State officers are of the opin
ion that the suit was iuea too
late to be effective except to
get free publicity for the backers
of the suit.
The Oregon state game com
mission cannot change the bag
limit, season or open a season
it has peviously closed on a spe
cies of game until after a regular
meeting for setting game regula
tions, Attorney General George
Neuner has just announced.
From Heppner Gazette Times, (Vilkins has been offered the po
Sept. 5, 1918 jsition of manager of the hotel.
S E. Notson and wife and Mr. 1
and Mrs. W. P. McMillan of Lex- i The family of T. J. Humphreys
ington made a trip to Hermiston I is spending a short outing in the
Monday. They inspected the Cold ' mountains this week.
Springs irrigation project at Her
miston and Stanfield.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Patterson
Jack Hynd and children, ac
companied by John Ewing of
Portland, returned from L'kiah
returned Monday from a visit I where they had been spending
with a brother of Mr. Patterson's ' the last few weeks,
at La Pine . They report excel-1
lent fishing in the Deschutes riv- W. L. Suddarth of Irrigon who
er and the lakes in the Cascades. : has been principal of Irrigon
schools has taken up war work.
Mrs. Crowley died at the home His successor has not been hired.
of her daughter, Mrs. Willis, near !
Cecil and was taken to Inde-j Vic Groshens is getting figures
pendenee, Wash., for burial on 'on the construction of a two story
Wednesday. building that will cover his' en-
tire lot on the corner of May
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilkins were ' and Main streets.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. I
Maddock at Arlington before ' Mr and Mrs. W. A. McClintock
leaving for Hot Lake where Mr. 'of Dry Fork were in Heppner
Friday, having brought their lit
tle daughter to the hospital for
the removal of adenoids. Mr. Mc
Clintock reports the best grain
yield in his locality not to ex
ceed 10 bushels per acre.
The county court assembled at
their chambers in the court house
Tuesday to consider road matters.
They made a trip of inspection
out to Jones hill where the con
struction company has been mak
ing a few miles of macadam.
Will Garrigues, chief mechan
ic's mate in one of Uncle Sam's
submarines, spent the past week
in Heppner visiting his mother
and at the home of his sister,
Mrs. J. B. Snyder. He reported at
Bremerton Monday.
Mrs. Vawter Crawford and
daughter Mary returned Monday
from a two weeks' visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy
Jones at Melbourne, Wash.
Heppner chapter Red Cross will
Mr. Farmer :
If You Need Farm Buildings
Dealers in All Types of
Rilco Farm Buildings
We Can Save You Money
See You at the Fair
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Governor John Hall issued a
proclamation Friday ordering
registration for selective service
between August 30 and Septem
ber 17. The registration dates are
the same as those already an
nounced by the selective service
headquarters. The governor also
called upon employees to cooper
ate with the draft officials. .
As selective service orders now
stand young men who marry and
time before they register for the
draft will be deferred from ser
vice. There is no assurance that
the present order will not be
changed, to place in class 3-A
(deferred) "a registrant who has
a wile or child with wnom ne
maintains a bona fide residence.'
Eric W. Allen, secretary to Gov
ernor John Hall, has resigned to
become city editor of the Med
ford Mail-Tribune, September 4
He has held the secretary's posi
tion siece his appointment by the
late Governor Earl Snell three
years ago. Political speculation
has it that Governor Hall w
not aDDoint a new secretary to
serve for the remaining 20 weeks
of his term.
The present shortage of skilled
labor, slow deliveries of some
items of building material and
a wet summer have retarded the
state building program neverthe
less one unit, the new children's
home, state institution for the
feebleminded, will be opened on
September 15, three and a half
months ahead of schedule.
The cottage will provide facil
ities for 96 patients. A deficiency
appropriation by the legislature
will be required to operate the
cottage the last few monts of the
$10,000,000 OF VETERANS
- Last Friday's sale of $3,000,000
in 11 year bonds issued by the
Oregon department of veterans
affairs brings the total issued
by that department in the past
three years to $10,000,000. The
successful bidders were The Na
tional Bank of New York and its
associates with a 1.7454 per cent
effective interest rate. All pre
vious issued bonds were in blocks
of $1,000,000 but heavy demands
for loans the past six months ne
cessitated the larger issue.
The department of the army
will ask congress to appropriate
funds to create a national ceme
tery in Portland, State Treasurer
Leslie M. Scott was advised by
President Truman on Friday.
Scott, on behalf of the state
board of control, offered to give
205 acres of state-owned land in
Portland to the federal govern
ment. The offer was made when
the president was here last June.
The land adjoins Lincoln Mem
orial cemetery in Portland.
Secretary of State Earl Newbry
plans to have all state cars un
der his jurisdiction painted white
in an effort to stop criticism that
some of these cars are being used
for private business and pleas
ure. . . , The state civil service
commission says it will be a
month before it rules in the case
of Mrs. Julia Eaton, a stenog
rapher who was fired for alleged
political activities. . . . Major
General Albert E. Brown, newly
appointed commander of the
Sixth Amy's Northern military
district, conferred with Governor
John Hall this week.
Greenfield Grange
Stages Successful
Fair At Boardman
By Flossie Coats
The Greenfield grange fair was
a success Saturday and everyone
had an enjoyable time. Mr. Pet
ers was the auctioneer and gave
all many laughs. The HEC served
the dinner from 6 to 8 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ashcraft
left this week for their home in
Tilden, Neb., after a couple of
weeks with Mrs. Ashcraft's sis
ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Allen. The two cou
pies visited other relatives in
Portland and way points. While
away they attended the Nebras
ka reunion patry at Salem on
Visitors this week at the W. L.
Blann home were Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Jones and family of Rose
burg, also Miss Margaret Jones
and Miss Eunice Tygart of Port
land, the latter being a teacher
in the Portland schools.
While out gathering wood Sat
urday morning, Mrs. Nora Ran
sier had the misfortune to fall
and break her wrist. She was
taken by Mrs. Tillie Poole to a
doctor in Pendleton.
Duane Brown and Dick Arne
left Friday for Alexandera, Minn.
where Brown wil visit for several
weeks and Arne was returning
home after having spent the
summer on the Brown farm. The
Browns were formerly residents
of Alexandera.
Wilbur Piatt, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Pearson, returned home
this week after a vacation spent
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gemmell of Eugene, and
also other relatives.
Jimmie LaMona, cousin of Ce
cil Hamilton, who had been here
working during the potato har
vest left for his home in Los
Angeles Saturday.
Dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blann Friday-
were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley How
den and daughter Florence of Ol
ex, and Elmer Howden of Van
couver B. C. Howden will return
to Canada this week. Mrs. How
den is Mr. Blann's ssiter.
Mrs. Effie Miller of Wallace.
Idaho, is a guest this week of
her sons and families, Robert and
Russell Miller. Mrs. Miller will
also visit a daughter in Portlan
before returning home.
Sunday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs W. L. Blann were
Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark of Her
Mrs. Clyde Davis and daugh
tors, Louise and Ellen, who hav
been with Mrs. Davis' parents the
past two weeks left for their
home in Condon Saturday. Mr.
Davis was here Thursday.
Friday shoppers in Pendleton
were Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gillespi
and son Lynn, Mrs. Florence Root
Mrs. Claud Coats, Mrs. R A Fort
ner and son Robert, Mrs Clyd
Davis and two daughters.
Mrs. Arthur Asher left Satur
day for a few days' visit with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr,
and Mrs. Roy Johnston of Mc
Little Dicky Skoubo, son of Mr
and Mrs. Ralph Skoubo, fell Sat
urday evening while playing
the grange fair. It was thought
for a time his arm was broken
and he was rushed to Pendleton
to the doctor, but x-rays were
taken and found none broken.
Lyle Tannehill arrived Friday
to spend a week's vacation with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyd
Tannehill. Lyle is employed with
the Kay Lommis company in Eu
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lilly, son
Bob and Richard, and Miss Paul
ine Smith of Union drove dow
Saturday to attend the grange
fair. Lilly was the produce judge
They returned home Sunday eve
Mrs. Harold Stevens and son
Bobby were visiting at the Lee
Pearson home last week. Mrs.
Stevens ana Mrs. Pearson are
Ladies Aid met in the church
basement Wednesday afternoon
at 2:30. Committee in charge was
Mrs. Willard Baker, Mrs. Leo
otts, Mrs. Wm. Nickerson and
Mrs. R. A. Fortner.
Mr and Mrs. Don Tannehill and
aughter Mary Leola left Sunday
on a two weeks' vacation for Al
berta, Canada, to visit Mrs. Tan
nehill's mother, Mrs. Bernadette
Woolley and other relatives. Gun
ner is relieving at Messner for
Tommy Driscoll, who has been
ilh his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Fortner, the past sev
eral weeks returned to his lpme
in Heppner Thursday.
Well drillers started drilling
for Mrs. Emma DeLano on her
farm Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mulligan
and daughter Judy, Earl Briggs
and Mrs. Eva Maxwell of Mil
waukee were dinner guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Flannigan of Hermiston Sunday.
Mrs. Jack Mulligan made sev
eral trips to Pendleton last week
where she was receiving med
ical attention.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell of
Hood River were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Seth Russell Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vet Conyers mo
tored to Hood River Sunday for
few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Russell.
Mrs. Myrtle Munger of Kellogg,
Idaho, who has been visiting her
niece, Mrs. Robert Harwood. for
several days, returned home Sun
day. Her son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Church-
11, came for her Saturday.
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches. Clocks. Diamonds
Expert Watch & Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Veterans of Foreign
Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays at
8:00 p. m. in Legion Hall
Teters Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
Joe Hughes Jr. has returned to
Heppner from Anchorage, Alaska,
where he was employed for the
summer. His friend, Wallace
Cross of Coquille, met him in
Portland and brought him home.
Joe's mother, who had been to
Salem, came home with the boys.
Tom Hughes, who has spent the
past year or more in AtasKa, is
en route by car over the Alcan
highway to Spokane and is ex
pected home late this week.
Saw Filing r
Picture Framing
Phone 27S2
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Heppner, Oregon
General Insurance
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
Turner, Von Marter
and Company
Phelps Funeral Home
Licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1332 Hepnper, Oregon
Jack A. Woodhall
Doctor of Dental Medicine
Office First Floor Bank Bldg.
Phane 2342 Heppnei
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician & Surgeon
First National Bank Building
Res. Ph. 1162 Office Fh. 4UH
Heppner City Council A. D. McMurdo, M.D,
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for dis
cussion, please bring before
the Council
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 183. The Heppner
"Hmes, established November
18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, S2.50 a year;
single copies, 10c.
Publisher and Editor
Mrs. Frances Mitchell and
daughter Lorene left Wednesday
morning on a vacation trip to
central and southern Oregon
points. They, will visit Crater
lake, the Rogue river country and
the Oregon caves as some of the
outgtandng points.
have new sewing quarters. They
will sew In the banquet hall of
the Masonic building.
' .r:s lf '
MM W it JuUiAtlMJ
And Pay by the
month I
More heal at lets
ceil In shops,
stations, cottages
Of homes.
See this today at
Ed Dick, Agt.
Morrow County
Abstracter Title Co.
Office in Peters Building
j Morrow County
Box 82, Heppner. Ore.
Phone 2632
Superior Dry Cleaning
& Finishing
Heppner Hdwe.
& Electric Co.
Cabinet Shop
Lawn Mowers Sharpened
Sewing Machines Repaired
Thone 1485 for apolntmei.'
or call at shop.
Heppner, Oregon
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Office No. 4 Center SL
House calls made
Home Phone 2583 Office 2572
C. A. RUGGLES Representing
Blaine E. Isom
Insurance Agency
Phone 723 Heppner, On
Office upstairs Rooms 11-12
First National Bank Bldg.
Phones: Office 783. Home 932
Heppner, Oregon
Call Settles Electric F. B. Nickerson
for all kinds of electrical work.
. New and repair.
Phone 2542
Mortgages and Loans
Phone 12
Head Cattl
Man's Entire Herd
Other Items of Interest
Heppner Sales Yard