Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, August 26, 1943-3 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM - - and see the new 4-foot ZENITH DEEP FREEZE BOX Just the thing for keeping those Frozen Foods, Meats, Berries, Fruits Will hold approximately 165 pounds. Compact, beautifully designed and thoroughly engineered. Owens Hardware Your Friendly Marshall-Wells Store School House At Kinzua Undergoing Pre-School Repairs By Elsa M. Leathers Kinzua has a new barber this week, when David Peterson mov ed with his wife here from Cot tage Grove and opened the shop that had been closed for three weeks. Mr. Peterson is the son of H. R. Peterson who is section boss. Repairs were made the past week on the school house. New indoor toilets and hot water fa- V cilities are being installed, while Let's Support Our Morrow County Fair an d Rod eo GET BEHIND OUR hM CLUBS We will see you at 7:00 p. m. Friday, Sept. 3 at the Calf Auction Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. the rest of the building is get ting the annual cleaning by the Janitor. The ball game was called by Manager Joe Hays of Kinzua last Sunday because of the rain. At the end of the first half of the first inning Kinzua had in three runs. Weather permitting, the game will be played Sunday. Taylor Jensen Jr. left Monday moning, so will not be with the team again. Perk Jellick was catcher. Ralph Moore was called to The Dalles last week to the bedside of his mother who is seriously ill. Mrs. Moore will be remember ed as Mrs. Emmett Moore of Lonerook, where they lived for many years on a ranch. The last word received Monday was that Mrs. Moore was still seriously ill. Many friends of Harry (W. II.) French were shocked to hear of his passing last week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Elmer Nel son, at Garibaldi. Mr. French had sold his timber and ranch to the Kinzua Pine Mills a few years I back, and at the present time plans are being made to make a park of a part of the. beautiful Blue Mountain ranch now leased by John Wightman. Miss Charlene Rood returned to, Kinzua with Mrs. Jerry Rood from StariTield and will attend high school at Fossil this year. Mr. and Mrs. Art Watson were called to La Grande Saturday by the serious iHnes of his father. The Watsons will return before school starts. Jack Durfee and family of Wet more and Jimmy Durfee were in Kinzua Sunday. Miss Joan Otto and Marlene Neth who have been spending the summer vacation in California, returned home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Morley and daughter returned to Kinzua af ter taking a month vacation vis iting in Tennessee and Pennsyl vania. Mr. and Mrs. Finley Kelly of Wet more were down to Kinzua and Fossil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Delvin McDaniel moved their furniture from Hard man over the week end into the house recently vacated by Ted Bothum. Kinard McDaniel made a bus iness trip to Lonerock and on to Heppner this week end, returning home Sunday p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Boyde and boys moved to Potlach, Idaho, on Monday. The Boydo-s' sons, Jim and George, were Boy Scouts and PILES? Get AMBERIN at HUMPHREYS DRUGS j New . . . Liquid . . . i It's Guaranteed ! $10 per Bottle 4-H Club News . . . Club members should be put ting the finishing touches to their 411 projects that will be exhibit ed at the Morrow County Fair and were the honor Scouts who were rewarded with trips to summer camp at Wallowa lake. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fichter of Lonerock wera in Kinzua Wed nesday shopping at the mercan tile and looking at the stock yards, making preparations to ship their tw ocarloads of lambs next week. r Joe Morgan left the first of the week for Portland where he plans ko go through a clinic and enter a hospital for medical attention. Mr. Morgan has been in ill health for the past year and spent sever al weeks in May and June at a Prairie City hospital. Eddie Russell was attending to business at the K. P. mills office Saturday morning and visited at the Owen Leathers Sr. home. Rodeo. September 2. 3 and 4. 4-H exhibits must be in place by 6 p.m., September 1. Agricultural Judging and demonstrations con test will begin at 9 a.m.. Sent. 2, followed by Judging of all 4-H ex hibits during the afternoon. The dress revue will be held Thursday evening, 8 p.m. at the dance pav ilion. Home economics contests will be held on Friday, Septem ber 3. All, 4-H club work. Check these spe-.to be filled with wnai 'rials and plan to compete in the! pleases, ana vwiai .ir... contests for which they are offer- tended. ed' i Speaking ot taxes do you know 777. 77 7 ., how many hidden taxes you payT In 1821, Thomas Jefferson ?qj example therc are: 126 dlf wrote: "I hope tne choice (of the I fPrent taxes on a pair of shoes: next President) will fall on some78 different taxes on a quart oi real republican, who will con tinue the administration on the (express principles of the Consti tution unaHtiltpratpri bv con- Club members will be asked to strUctions reducing it to a blank parade their livestock in the Ro- j ing the show. On Friday evening, September 3, the "first 4-H Fat j Auction sale will be held at the ! judging arena beginning at 7 p. j m. The parade Saturday morning will include many 4-H club ani mals. Climax of the show will be the calf scramble on Saturday af ternoon in the Rodeo arena. milk; 148 on overalls; ii on fence; 142 on a plow; 154 on a cake of soap; 201 on a gallon of gasoline and they're all a part ot the purchase price. Many special awards and spe cial contests are being offered I this year by private individuals and organizations interested in ifii pilliilllA ANY TIME OF EMY Pick any hour of the day! Pour your self a glass of Mayflower Milk and savor its fresh, satisfying goodness. It's a standby for mealtime and a mighty enjoyable b e t w e e n-meal drink. Then, too, don't forget the milk shakes, chocolate drinks and other hot weather beverages you can make from Mayflower Milk. It's always time for a health-giving glass of Mayflower Milk. AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR PHANOS Baldwin Acrosonic, Wurlitzer and Hammond Solovox Also good reconditioned pianos For Sale or Rent on Easy Terms JACK MULLIGAN, PIANOS At the Pendleton Music House Pendleton, Oiegon TO THE MOTORING PUBLIC: We are distributors for the TUCHSSK Motor Car The First Completely New Car in Fifty Years Due Soon NOW ON DISPLAY the Jeepster "The Car Built for Fun" CASPERSON & HILDENBRAND 128 S.E. Second St. Pendleton, Oregon TEHE CROWMEWG EVENT of the Pre-Rodeo Season the ueein D amice Honoring ft--"- 4 7 Hi V Queen Betty Saturday Evening AUGUST Heppner Givic Center Pavilion Sponsored by the MORROW COUNTY FAIR and RODEO Music by the Farrows Orchestra Admission $1.25 per person, Tax Included u u HEPPNER, OREGON PHONE 2682