Oh'ijj-l ! ! 1 G T 5 f- I C A L SOCIETY PUBLIC A 'J 0 I T 0 R I 'J V. p o t a :: d . ore. Heppner Gazette Times Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, August 26, 1948 Volume 65, Number 23 Registration For Armed Services To Open August 30 Offi ces Set Up In Three Towns to Aid Young Registrants President Truman has pro claimed the Initial Registration In the States, Alaska, Hawaii and the District of Columbia for the period August 30-September 18, 1948, both dates inclusive. The persons to be registered and the dates fixed for them to present themselves are as follows: August 30 Men born in 1922, after August 20, 1922; August 31 Soptember 1 men born in 1923; September 2-3 men born in 1924; September 4-7 men born in 192'5; September 8-9 men born In 1926; September 10-11 men born in 1927; September 13-14 men born In 1928; September 15-16 men born in 1929; September 1718 men born in 1930, prior to Sep tember 19, 1930. "And thereafter in the 'Contin uing Registration' as men become 18 years of age, within five days of the 18th anniversary of the day of their birth," the proclama tion continues. Arrangements have been made in Morrow county to care for the registrations. Mrs. Grace Fields, who had charge of the draft board office during the war, has volunteered to handle the regis trations at Heppner and will be on duty at the Heppner city hall between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. during the period list ed above. A. C. Houghton at Ir rigon and F. C. Russell at Board man will be in charge of the reg istrations in the northern part of the county. Since this service Is on a vol untary basis the registrars will appreciate cooperation of the reg istrants, particularly In the case of Mrs. Fields who has regular work in the afternoon. Random Thoughts.. Do you want a Job for which the remuneration is the satisfac tion of having done the best you could in behalf of your fellow man? If so, the Heppner chamber of commerce would like to have your name. At Monday's luncheon meeting It developed that three county directorships for statewide and national fund raising agencies are or will be open the end of the year. First, there is the commun ity chest, a state. agency. Blaine E. Isom headed this movement for three years, automatically re tiring when he moved out of the county early this year. He com pleted his campaign for 1948 and asked to have a new director ap pointed. Now comes Francis Nlckerson with the information that he is moving to Chicago and with great reluctance will have to sur render the chairmanship of the March of Dimes organization in the county. "Nick" has conduct ed the campaign through two successful seasons and has the work set up in such a mannef that a new director will have practically nothing to do Just the same things he has had to do (and we hope he will not come in and tell the writer what a high regard he has for editorial truth). Last, but not least, there is the matter of the American Red Cross chairmanship. Jack O'Con nor says he posolutely and abso tlvely will not carry on any long er than the end of his term. Like "Nick" he is reluctant to retire but feels that some other worthy soul should be accorded the hon or for a year or two or long en ough to have his or her name recorded in the Red Cross hall of fame. Now, there you are. Three high ly honorable tasks, awaiting three honorable takers. Laying aside any tendency to be facetious, this is a serious matter and calls for serious con sideration. The three men men tioned herein have done good Jobs with these more or less thankless tasks and have not on ly the thanks of organizations they served but the people of the county as well. While rambling down the column It occurs that there might be a solution to this and other problems confronting the com munity wherein volunteer leader ship and assistance are depended upon. Considerable sums of mon ey are raised during the year and much valuable time of certain of our citizens is required in hand ling these financial campaigns and other activities. Take the fair and rodeo, and the secretary ship of the chamber of commerce all non-paying activities that take a heavy toll in time and pa tience of those who carry on the work Why not merge all of these jobs Into one, with each contrtb utlng a proportionate share in making up a sufficient fund to warrant a year-round Job for a competent person. o- C. R. McAllister is spending a few days in Portland, having left for the city sunaay. SWIM PROGRAM POSTPONED Due to several conflicting engagements and disagree able weather this week mak ing practice impractical, the swim class program schedul ed for Sunday afternoon, Au gust 29 has been postponed. Announcement wil be made later regarding the date. Friends Gather To Honor Vicar And Mrs. Neville Blunt There was a large ingathering of church membership and friends, Including several min isters of the Eastern Oregon dis trict at the parish house of All Saints Episcopal church Tuesday evening honoring the retiring vi car, Rev. Neville Blunt and Mrs. Blunt. There was a potluck din ner at 6:30, after which there was a short program of talks by Rev. Clarence Kopp of St. Peter's church, La Grande; Rev. E. O. Robathan, Church of the Redeem er, Pendleton, and Francis Nick erson of Heppner, and two vocal solos by Mrs. Ture Peterson, ac companied by Mrs. Blunt. Special guests besides Mr. Kopp and Mr. Robathan, were Mrs. Kopp, Mrs. Robathan and son Da vid; Rev. Arthur Beckwith, Mrs. Beckwith and Mrs. Louise Plant of St. Andrews church, Burns; Rev. Harold E. Parrott and sons Edgar and John, St. Stephen's, Baker; Rev. C. L. Callahan, St. Matthew's, Ontario; Miss Sophia Robertson, Pendleton, and Miss Hazel Morrison, chairman of iso lated and rural work in the dis trict, Klamath Falls. Mrs. R. B .Rice paid a tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Blunt and then presented Mrs. Blunt with a go ing away gift. The Blunts are leaving the first of the week for Medford to make their home. o Mrs. V. R. Runnion Succumbs to Long Illness Sunday Following an illness of several years, death came to the relief of Mrs. V. R. Runnion about 9:30 Sunday evening at the family residence in southeast Heppner. She had hovered near the border for several weeks and after a mo ment of wakefulness Sunday morning slept peacefully on to the end. Services were held at 2 o'clock p.m. in the Masonic hall under the auspices of Ruth chapter No. 32, Order of the Eastern Star, with the Rev. Neville Blunt reading the scriptures and the prayers from the Episcopal prayer book. Hymns were sung by Mrs. Fred Hoskins Jr. and Charles Barlow, accompanied by Mrs C, C. Car michael, lodge organistThe hall was tastefully decorated with the floral tributes of sorrowing friends who had throughout her long illness sought to aid and comfort her. Pallbearers were George Sny der, Robert Grabill, Edward Ac ton, E. C. Dougherty, Dale Brown and J. G. Barratt. The graveside service of the Rebekahs was given by the offi cers of Sans Souci Rebekah lodge. Susie May Freel was born April 22, 1899 at Crawford, Neb. She was married to V. R. Runnion at Lewiston, Idaho, on December 20, 1933. They moved to Oregon in 1936, locating at Heppner which Was her home to the time of death. Besides her husband she is sur vived by two children of previous marriage, Harold C. Hovet of Port land and Mrs. Ruth Gosney of Hood River, and two children of Mr. Runnion, Robert Runnion Jr. of Heppner and Mrs. Geraldlne Dl Simone of Pittsburg, Pa.; five isters, Mrs. Nora McGlemre, Van couver, Wash.; Mrs. Violet Hal- derman, Douglas, Wyo.; Mrs. Henry Northness, Kalama, Wn.; Mrs. Aleck Northness, Moril, Neb., and Mrs. James Clapham, Edgemont, S. D.; two brothers, Earl and Roy Freel, both in Mon tana, and five grandchildren. Mrs. Runnion was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, the Re bekahs and the Degree of Honor. IONE ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grass! of Walla Walla and her sister, Mrs. Cecil Thome of Morgan, made a trip to Portland, Seattle and Grand Coulee last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson went to Kennewlck, Wash., Sunday and took their niece Julia Roun dy back home. Mrs. Gordon White and son Charles are visiting in Forest Grove, 'John Garvcy, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevln, is ex pected from Rhode Island this week. Mrs. Garvey spent the summer here. Rev. Thomas Applebec of Con don conducted services at the Cooperative church Sunday morn ing. Mrs. Ida Coleman and daugh ters Sue and Annbelle, Mrs. Delia Corson and Mrs. Echo Palmatecr and daughter Laurel were Pen dleton visitors Tuesday, Water Pageant To Feature Close of Swimming Lessons Plans have been completed for the annual water pageant mark ing the close of the 948 swimming season at the Heppner municipal tank. Weather permitting, the program will be run through be ginning at 2 o'clock p m.,Sunday, August 29, according to Miss Jackie Tetz, tank manager and swimming instructor. The pa geant is under the auspices of the American Red Cross society, sponsor of the summer swimming program. The program will open with ceremonies in which all will par ticipate, followed by a novelty race for eight girls aged six to nine years; a race for seven boys aged six to nine years; a race for four boys aged 10 to 12 years, and a race for four girls aged 10 to 12 years. Prizes for the above races will be donated by Orville Smith of the Heppner Lumber company, and local merchants, and are be ing collected by the Jay-C-ettes. Other numbers on the program are a rope race by the life saving class; a water ballet featuring Rita Dell Johnson, Corabelle Nut ting and Jackie Tetz, instructor; life saving demonstration by the class; diving demonstrations, and water formations by all students. The program will close with awards and finale. Jack O'Connor, county Red Cross director, will act as official announcer. The demonstrations will be free to the public and those in charge will be highly gratified to see the area around the tank filled with spectators. o Conservation Field Day To Be Held In Umatilla County Morrow county farmers who have been asking the question. "What will I do with all the straw I have this year," will have an opportunity to see some of the different methods of handling straw on Tuesday, August 31. The demonstration will be held in Umatilla county on the Harold Barnett ranch 2 miles south and 34 miles west of Adams. The time is 10 a.m., daylight saving time. Those interested will have an opportunity to see different types and makes of farm machinery available for conservation farm ing. This field has 5 to 6000 pounds of straw per acre on it and the slope varies from 5 to 12 or 14 percent. Equipment will in clude various types of stubble beaters, choppers, chisels, and discs and other implements adap ted to fall cultivation. The demonstration will be con ducted under the cooperation of the extension service, the Soil Conservation service, the Indian service, equipment dealers, and Mr. Barnett. CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST John D. Runyan, minister, phone 2615. Bible school 9:45 a.m.; C. W. Barlow, superintendent adult de partment; Zeverly Yocom, super intendent Junior department. Morning worship, 11 a.m., ser mon subject, "There Shall Be a Highway." Evening services, 8 p.m., ser mon subject, "A Rich Man Up a Tree." Choir rehearsal Thursday eve ning, 7. -Bible study Thursday evening, 8. Everybody ought to have a church home. You have a house to live In, a garage fo your car, you have a postoffice address for yourself. I ask you, "Does God know where to find you?" Let's go to church together. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion, 8 a.m. Holy communion, 11 a.m. LEXINGTON CHURCH Geo. H Hatch, minister; Don Campbell, superintendent. Bible school meets each Sun day morning at 10 o'clock. Wor ship services at 11 o'clock. This Sunday the pastor will speak of "Expanding Horizons." At the 8 o'clock evening service we will feature a singspiration and the pastor will talk about "How to Manage Trifles." The public is cordially invited. ... ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of services: Mass In Heppner on the 1st and 3rd Sundflys at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass In lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m on tho 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass In Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: In lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. Queen Betty j , rx. .:! ;. " . , - ; f ' i 1 The queen of the 1948 Mor row County Fair or-d P.orfeo will be the honoree at Sutu.day night's dance in what is the grand finale to the pre-Itideo season. Queen Betty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sme thurst of Lexington, is no nov ice at these affairs for she has served in the capacity of prin cess and knows what it is to Briefs of Community . . More Markets For Northwest Wheat Commission's Aim Expanded markets and new uses for Northwest wheat will be the aim of a project outlined in Pendleton by representatives of Washington, Idaho arid Oregon experiment stations, the U. S. de partment of agriculture and the Oregon Wheat commission. The project, which is expected to start about Sept. 1, will gather complete official information about where Northwest wheat and flour goes. The men who planned the pro ject hope this information will indicate ways of expanding these markets. Mr. and Mrs. John Roscoo f.om Aden, Calif., are visiting this week at the home of Mrs. Ros coe's mother, Mrs Ethel Adams. They were accompanied to Hepp ner by Nancy Adams who had spent the past few weeks in their home. The Roscoes are not re turning to Aden and will proba bly locate in Idaho. The Oregon Wheat commission, which was established by the 1917 legislature, needs this infor mation so it can develop new and expanded markets and uses for Northwest wheat, according to Administrator E J. Bell. He says that unless more mar kets for wheat are found North west wheat growers of this l:c.: face a return to the days of huge surpluses and low prices. Development of new and ex panded markets is one of the pri mary aims of the wheat commis sion. Bell termed it of- "para mount importance." The project, to be financed in part by Hope-Flannagan Re search and Marketing act funds, is expected to supply information that can be useu as a basis for I future plans to increase the de- mand for Northwest wheat, m " said. statricu '. ndJKy wasTgulor a we k of wu i ,?B i I , s,a"f c,n' ' her son Oscar and family. This wil supcn.se the project. The h w , , , M hnH i fcfom"llt'd'w 11 be Pu,b- to Oregon and she w as keenly in ihhed as official statistics ot the toros(ed , h gh ,n ii H ui ii h 1 ;i i I -ih 'i ,i who can use them for the benefit of the Northwest wheat Industry. The project will be financed tne first year with $6,000 put up hy the Research and Marketing Ad ministration, $500 by the Oregon ContirMed on page 6 Committee Outlines Prizes To Be Awarded for Best Showing In Parade Wild west shows with their ac companying parades were not in vogue In Shakespeare's time or he might have been led to de clare that "the parade's the thing." So Important to the an nual rodeos and fairs is the par ade that to attempt to present the shows without that feature would be like trying to put mi a play hy omitting one of the acts As in past years about this time, the committee in charge oi the parade prizes has been func tioning the past day or two and the personnel. J. O. Turner and D. A. Wilson, have come up with the following schedule of prizes for which business houses of the community will be solicited. Three prizes, first, second and third, will be awarded in the float division. There is no classifica tion in this division. First and second prizes will be be the honored guest. Cowgirl and it might be said, cow boyregalia fits in naturally as her attire for she has rid den and worked with horses since a very little girl and is today her dad's right-band "man" in looking after stock, as well as wrangling a bulk truck during harvest She has other accomplishments but pre fers the life of a rancher. t 1t V D CiVififfaf tc at tViO C.'L Lieuallen home in Pendle ton where she is recovering from the effects of a fall suffered in the mountains while she and her husband were at Granite with the sheep. The Schaffers had been huckleberrying when she fell and broke her leg. Mrs Merle Miller and daugh ters Carol and Merlene went to Portland Saturday to spend a few days visiting before school opens. Dorothy, Vesta and Gene Cuts forth, accompanied by their mo ther, Mrs. Alta Kenny, drove to IJortland Sunday night to be in the city a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomp son and family departed Tuesday for Portland and points along the coat. They will go to Vancou ver, B. C, before returning home. They expect to enjoy a vacation of ten days or two weeks. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers is enjoying house guests this week. Her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Victor Bu chanan, accompanied by her mo ther, Mrs. M Smith, is here from her home in Fresno, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grabill and son Bobby visited in Seattle for a few days last week and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Fleck, former Heppner residents. After a couple of days at home they went to Portland for the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stefani Sr. of lone. While in Port land thev attended the wedding of Mr. Stefani's niece Saturday morning. Monday morning they29 at Mayvjlle. He lived in U'firo hack at tVioif ciistimarv ... ... were back at their customary tasks at the Braden Tractor & Equipment company. Mrs. Hilma Anderson is in Pen dleton this week with her daugh ter, Mrs. James J. Farley and granddaughter, Tricia Marie. Mrs. William Cunningham is in St. Anthony's hospital in Pen dleton where she underwent a major surgery Monday. Miss Marjorie Sims is a guest at the home of her aunt and un cle, Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo. Miss Sims will be a member of 1 1" " ZXjI Z September. t.D n,. n.. t 1. "ave enjoyed staying long or hut dreaded the long train ride alone. With Mrs. George were l another son, Ernest, and his two I daughters, Ailene and Mrs. How ard Chiles, Mr. Chiles and their I daughter Carolyn, all of Hamil- ton, Ohio. They left for their homes yesterday. awarded for the best dressed cowboy, the best dressed cowgirl, the oldest cowboy, the oldest cow girl, the best comic get-up and the host child exhibit. All must ho in the parade. Three impartial Judges will he selected to name the winners. According to the county fair and rodeo program, the parade Is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. Sat urday, September 4. Those ex pecting to participate should con. tact Harlan MeCurdy Sr. as early as September 2 to get division as signments. Little intimation has been giv en relative to floats, althoug.i it is known that several Heppner civic groups are planning to have entries. With harvest later than usual the granges have been somewhat handicapped in get ting together for making plans. mere is still time to formulate plans and carry them into reality List Rooms Today There will be many visitors at the Morrow County Fair and Rodeo who will be unable to obtain rooms unless the home owners consent to take them in. Frank Turner has charge of room solicitation and asks that those having spare rooms list them with him at once that he may be able to place the visit ors as they arrive. It must be remembered that the hotel cannot turn over is rooms entirely to fair and ro deo visitors and it is up to home owners to suply as mafTy as possible. School Scheduled To Open Tuesday, September 7th Everything is in readiness for the opening of school, the date of which has been set for Tues day, September 7, according to Leonard Pate, superintendent. Mr. Pate urges that high school stu dents register some time during the next week so that classes may get down to work. Selection of teachers for the coming term has not been an easy task and the board of direc tors and superintendent have closed the ranks more than once only to have someone withdraw. That trouble seems to have been met and now the greatest worry confrontng the officials is to get some of the new teachers housed. Two apartments are needed and some wish rooms in private homes "It is imperative that places be found for the teachers," Supt. Pate said Wednesday evening. 'The situation is serious and we are depending upon the coopera tion of home owners in remedy ing the situation. I hope that people with spare rooms will list them at the superintendent's of fice immediately as we must have housing for these people as soon as they arrive." Renovation and improvement work have been carried on thru out the summer and the school plant is in good condition to start the year's work. The new heating plant has been enclosed, thus in suring more efficiency from that source. Redecorating of rooms and some rearranging of space on the ground floor are further accomplishments towards secur ing more efficiency in carrying on the school work. o David D. McDowell Buried Here Sunday Services were held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Phelps Funeral Home chapel for David Delbert McDowell, 63, whose death occur red Thursday, August 18, at Pen dleton. John Runyan, pastor of the Heppner Church of Christ, of ficiated and Mrs. T. E. Peterson sang hymns accompanied by Mrs. C. C. Dunham at the piano. Inter ment was in the Heppner Masonic cemetery. TUr TViroll irae Virr, Tn,i Gilliam county all of his life. He was married to Lilly May Ken nedy of Condon on March 13, 1907 and to this union were born four children. Mrs. McDowell and three children preceded him in death. Survivors include his daugh ter, Mrs. Clarence Warren of Heppner. and two sisters, Mrs. Cassie Thompson of Pendleton and Mrs Kathv Nelson of Dufur. County Agent News . . Fair time is drawing near! Pre mium lists have been sent out to everyone in the county that we have on the mailing list. If you did not get a premium list they are available at this office. County fairs are held for the purpose of advancing agriculture. Your exhibits will help to make the fair a good one, and at the same time you will be advancing Morrow county's agriculture. Whether you exhibit or not don't forget to attisid the Morrow Coun ty Fair and Rodeo, September 2. 3 and 4. O. W. Cutsforth, Lexington, is the first farmer this year to dis pose of a large quantity of crest ed wheat grass seed harvested on his ranch. Mr. Cutsforth re cently delivered two truck loads of crested wheat to the Watts Seed company at Parma, Idaho. Several other farmers, among them Kenneth Smouse of lone and Randall Martin. Lexington, had their seed cleaned the past week ready for sale. Those farm ers had their seed cleaned by Pa cific Supply Coop., at Redmond. Yields reported throughout the countv arc fairly good. Sonic of the fields were yielding 250 pounds of clean seed per acre un til the recent wind storms which shattered much of it out. The county agent will attend Umatilla Countv fair this week end at which time he will be Judge of the farm produce, crops miscellaneous 411 and booth ex hibits at this fair. Average per capita Federal debt Is estimated at SITS I. The average per capita State debt is $1(5.31. Fair and Rodeo Plans Taking Shape Rapidly Construction Of Rural Electric Line Started This A. M. A brand new truck with a hole digger arrived here Thursday and rural areas of Morrow, Gilliam and Wheeler counties got under way this morning, announces A. A. Scouten, manager of the Col umbia Basin Electric cooperative. The first crew started at the Gla- vey ranch on upper Rhea creek and will work down the creek to Ruggs. A brand new truck with a hole digger arrived here ednesday and will be put into operation on the line Friday morning, Scouten said. Between 40 and 50 poles are being delivered daily and the work of erecting them and string ing the wires will be pushed as fast as labor and equipment will permit. Billy Cochell Hired As Band Director In Ashland Schools Billy Cochell, director of the Heppner school band the past two years, has been hired as band instructor and director of the Ash land schools. This includes sen ior and junior high schools and two grade schools. The Cochells are busy peaking up to move to the Lithia City this week end. Billy has been employed at the Heppner Lumber company plant the past few weeks and had about made up his mind to be a lum berman for a year at least and it took a good bit of debating and pondering to reach a decision to accept. His former superintend ent, George Corwin, helped him make up his mind by pointing out the advantages Ashland of fers not only from good school band set-up but the opportunity to lead the city's municipal band during the summer season. Then there is the opportunity to do special work at Southern Oregon college. These things helped make it clear to him that he should accept and he wired his decision Wednesday morning. The best wishes of the com munity go with the Cochells to their new home. o Francis Nickerson Takes Position in Chicago Business Francis Nickerson returned ov er the week end from Chicago where he spent a week looking into a position offered by his father-in-law, A. O. Bauman, who is an economist and business an. alyst. Nickerson has accepted and is now in the throes" of dis posing of his residence property and making preparations to move his family to the "Windy City." While in the big city, "Nick" purchased residence property in Wilmette, Chicago suburb, secur ing a favorable location with re lation to school, church and shop ping district. Since returning to his home town following the war, Nicker son has been active in the civic life of the community. He is a member of the Heppner city council and was the spark plug in putting through the city-county property trade, a matter that created no small amount of con troversy at the time but which was later accepted as a move in the right direction. He was also a leader in the Junior chamber of commerce and has for the past two years headed the March of Dimes campaign in the county With his energy and ability it is safe to predict that he will make a place for himself in his new endeavor and the Gazette Times joins in wishing him sue cess and happiness. MEETING DATE CHANGED The meeting scheduled by the O. E. S. social club for Septem ber 4 has been postponed until M'ptember 11, according to the committee in charge. The meet ing will be held in the Masonic hallj Miss Betty Adams entertainei a large group of friends Morula; evening in honor of Miss Helei Blake, bride-elect The evenim was pleasantly spent in the pla; room in the basement of the Ad a ms home. The honored gues was presented with a wide va ot v ot guts, ice cream, cake anil coffee were served at the con clu sum of the evening. Miss Blak marriage to Howard Gilliam w vil be an event of Sunday afternoon at All Samis Episcopal church Mrs. Bruna Edwards and chil dren of Prossor, Wash., are visit ing at the John Runyan home this week. Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Runyan are sisters. Other guests Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearson, also of Pros-ser. Buildings and grounds are rapidly taking shape for the 19-18 Morrow County Fair and Rodeo in Heppner September 2-3-4 and present indications are that the public will find everything ship shape next Thursday morning as the annual show opens. This will have been accomplished in the face of erecting new buildings and altering and renovating other structures, announces Nelson An derson, fair board secretary. With the buildings and booths in readiness to receive exhibits, the only worry facing the fair board is getting them filled up, and this appeasr to be unneces sary worry in view of the fact that commercial exhibit booths are more in demand. Individual exhibitors have been a little slow in placing requests for space due. largely to the harvest season, and this is expected to improve with in the next few days. The man agement is stressing the commer cial, individual and farm organ ization booths, including the youth groups such as the 4-H club, Future Farmers of America and the Juvenile Grange. Mrs. Ralph Thompson, superin tendent of the home economics division, suggests and urges that prospective exhibitors study the premium list and inform them selves about the various classifi cationshow many of each pro duct to bring in, how they are grouped, and other details. A new feature this year is the school exhibits division, under supervision of Mrs. Douglas Ogle- tree. This will include exhibits of work done in the schools dur ing the past year of such items as arts, crafts, English and typ ing. Workmen have completed what may be termed as a catwalk over the alley in the new stock pavil ion. It is seven feet above the floor, is three feet wi le and ex tends the length of the building. It is for the purpose of storing halters and other gear and could even serve as a sleeping space for stock tenders. Victor Johnson, Umatilla coun ty agricultural agent, will again judge the livestock and crop ex hibits. Mrs. Thalia Jeweil, home demonstration agent in Union county, has been retained to judge the home economics exhi bits. At the rodeo grounds a crew has been busy clearing weeds from the arena and preparing the track for the race program that will be interspersed with the ro deo events. Repairs have been made to barns and grandstand and everything will be in readi ness to receive and care for the Tucker stock and other animals taking part in the show. c Harry French Dies At Forest Grove A card received by Mr and Mrs. A. V. Wright last Saturday from Mrs. Ada Nelson fold of the death Thursday night of her father, W. H. "Harry" French at a Forest Grove hospital. Services were held at 2 o'clock p.m. Saturday at the Forest Grove mortuary, with in terment in the cemetery there be side the grave of his wife who preceded him in death a number of years ago. Mr. French's passing marks the last of a large family. He was the youngest of 14 children and was 84 years, six months and 13 days of age. He was a resident of Morrow county for many years, leaving here during the recent ivar and making his home on the coast for awhile, later taking res idence with his daughter. Mrs. Nelson, at Forest Grove. During his residence in this county he owned a large ranch in the Blue mountains where he developed a fine herd of cattle. Advancing years forced him to dispose of his ranch and cattle and retire to a lower altitude. The Kinzua Pine Mills company bought the ranch, as it was within their timber holdings, and later leased the place to John Wightman, but it is still referred to as the "French ranch." FORMER GERMAN REFUGEES VISIT RELATIVES HERE On their first trip to the west ern part of the United States since coming to America in No vember KMti. Mrs. Albert Hepp ner and son Max of Cleveland. Ohio, have been guests at the H. A. l ohn home this week. The name Heppner is not co incidental, for Mrs Heppner's late husband was a grand nephew of Henry Heppner, founder of the town to w hich he gave his name. A representative of this news paper was favored with an inter view with the visitors and due to shortage of time an I space comment must be deferred to a later issue. She is librarian in the museum of art in ( love land. Queen Betty Smethurst and (three of her priiu-es-,i-s, (niinu .Ruggles, Lorraine Swaggart and I Lillian Hubbard, were gm-xls of the Soroptimist club of Heppner at the luncheon meeting today (Thursday). Princesses Vent a j Cutsforth and the chaperon of the royal court. Mrs. H. B. Kergu ,son, were absent as they were out of town.