Pre-SchoolersAt Lexington Given Tests Past Week By Delpha Jones Dr. Marjorle K. Smith, pedia trician from the state board of health, was In Lexington August 12 assisting Miss Gillis with ex aminations of pre-school chil- Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, August 19, 1948-3 HORSE SHOW ti RACES "JT STYLE SH0W '3" ""TLAgLi pa"de""" IMi UtNUT KMH n-'lfifTt' riHEWORKSDISfUr 5 DANCEs"""" C&Vt$ mmut mat wm jiF!m CARNIVAL LIVESTOCK JSrWi POULTRY . FLOWERS tSS MOKE ARTS 4-M AF.F.A. "fcjftTT COMMERCIAL EXHIIITS dren. Here she was assisted by Mrs. Red Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Yarnell and two daughters, Kohbin and Kay are on an extended trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. George Allyn vis ited their son Carl in Portland last week. Miss Glenna Griffith, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Grif fith, returned Monday from Spray where she visited for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan and son Denny were Portland visitors last week with Denny remaining in Portland for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wallace and two sons are on vacation in Portland and" other places. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding are keep, ing the Wallaces' small son. Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra vis ited In Klamath Falls two days last week, visiting their son Jack who Is employed in the city. On the return trip the O'Harra's vis ited Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs. Trina Parker at their summer home on the Metollus. Frank Papineau spent two days last week In the hospital In Pen. dleton, from a slight accident when a team of horses ran off with hi,m dragging him at the Justus ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and family spent the week end in La Grande and Union, visiting Mr. Jones' mother, Mrs. Rhoda Jones. Earl Miller returned with them from La Grande for a visit. Elmer Hunt spent the week end in La Grande with his family. Melon Stands At Irrigon Get Into Action Past Week By Grace Shoun Everyone seems pleased since the work on the McNary dam is starting again. Among those selling melons now are the Glen Aldrich's, who are trucking them out, the H. H. Whipple's, and the Charles Mc Fall's and the Vernon Jones are running stands. The McCoys are also getting ready to truck out melons. Potato digging and truck- Claire, who had been visiting at the Ruhl home, returned to his home in La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Breshears are visiting their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crump, in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMillan and daughters, Jo and Pat, left Tues day for Elko, Nev., to visit J. L. McMillan. Tuesday night they visited in Baker at the home of Sheriff Fred V. Spence and fam ily, continuing on Wednesday. J. L. (Bunk) McMillan Is a bro ther of Ted. Mr. and Mrs. Cutsforht and sons and daughter Sharon are spend ing a few days at Yellowstone park. Mrs. Norman Nelson is visiting in balom this week. ing out has been going on for two weeks. The grape farmers are busy cultivating and train ing the vines. Lea Bently of Fossil is moving to Irrigon this week end to work in the Ora Thompson garage. He has a wife and four sons. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carter and daughter Loraine are vacation ing on the Oregon beaches. Mrs Mary Bowen Bricker left Monday for Grants Pass where she will teach the coming school year. She taught here In the high school last year. Earl Golden and John Swerin gen and a Pendleton sanding firm are cleaning, painting and refinishing the school house for the coming school term. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shoun spent Tuesday in Walla Walla at the Andrew Shoun home. They all went out to the Homer Hart home at Umapine in the afternoon. C. W. Acock is spending a week at Redmond with his daughter (Mary), Mrs. Adren Allen, and family. James Shoun and Be'.ty Acock took him over Saturday night. Claud and Charles Pelton are up from Oklahoma, visiting his mother, Mrs. Eva Pelton, and bro ther, E. S. Pelton and family. The Peltons are trying putting a crop of late potatoes on the ground the early potatoes were taken from this year. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dexter, sister-in-law, Mrs. E. L. Rucker and son Vallis and family spent a few days at La Grande, Hell's canyon and Troy. Willis Roberts has rented his farm to Mr. Keene and family. He is a McNary worker. The Rob erts family has moved into her mother's, Mrs. Fred Carter's, small house until they can build another on the farm. Mr. Roberts works on the Patterson ferry. Junior Lee of Portland spent the week end with his cousin, Mrs. Willis Roberts and family. He is employed at Pasco. Mr. and Msr. A. C. Houghton have their daughter-in-law and small grandson of Chicago vis iting them. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Browning and daughter Delores spent a week in Pe Ell, returning home Sunday night. B. P, Rand and son Herbert were in Pasco Friday. Herbert is on crutches. He and Lyle Mulkey piled up on their motorcycles two weeks ago to keep from running into a car that stopped in front of them. Herbert was underneath with two bones broken in his leg above the ankle. He spent a week in the Walla Walla general hos pital. Mrs. Harvey Warner took Mrs. Nora Wilson to Pendleton Friday to get the cast removed from her arm and to have it x-rayed. She stepped off a high porch a few weeks ago and broke both bones in her forearm. She is getting along good now. and 1944. The only catch is, this Is 1948. Davis (Calif.) Enterprise. It costs the federal government 10 times as much to educate In dians in Federal schools as in public schools. o The Indiana legislature has passsed a resolution regarding federal aid to states which says: "We have taken a good look at Federal dollars and find that they all lose weight on their journey to Washington and back home again." o While the cost of food has gone up 100 per cent since 1939 the cost of government has gone up 377 per cent, and government now costs more than food. The Oak lyn (N. J.) News. Falling down on his promise to lower taxes and bigger hind outs, the undaunted politician la in with another. This calls for a controlled economy within the framework of free enterprise! Washington (D. C.) Star. o Miss Patricia Kenny Is spend ing her vacation with her par ents, Mr and Mrs. John Kenny and while here is helping her mother In the kitchen during har vest. She will be home ten days. piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM Ul uu rifia A First National Bank Low Cost Checkplan f account helps you keep track of your money. 1 ena wm I your cancelled checks are proof of payment. See cas"iiE(yai& 1 your nearest branch of the First National Bank 1 to open a Low Cost Checkplan account i i I MEET THE FUSSIEST j HOUSEKEEPER IN TOWN j iK53rBB' There are no more fastidious housekeepers than the folks who ! 0""' '$Yl. work In the plants where Mayflower Milk is bottled lor your use. ! Jr 1 1 35 Under their eagle eye every single piece of equipment is taken QA V'wftN opart after every day's operation, washed, scrubbed, inspected ; yw. V " and sterilized. This painstaking cleanliness is an important jST ';' 4 wL "nlt in he lon9 cha'n ' sanitary precautions which make ' V. MaY,lower MiUc 80 sa,e and wholesome. j AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR HEPPNER. OREGON PHONE 2682 , According to Washington re ports an average of 500 new work ers per day have been added to the Federal payroll since the first of the year. No doubt these work ers are qualified to vote. No doubt, too, their boss, a man nam ed Harry Truman, hopes they will vote for, and induce their friends and relatives to vote for guess who? Wei, this system worked quite well in 1936, 1940, Your Sunday Dinner Problem lis Solved Drive down to the Vcitory Cafe at lone and eat a wholesome CHICKEN DINNER your choice from the menu. Good Food Courteous Service You are always welcome at the AIR CONDITIONED Victory Cafe Roy and Betty Lieuallen lone. Oregon AT., AUG. 28 Arlington High School Gym Music by Jimmie Whetmore and His Orchestra Sponsored by Arlington VFW Post 6094 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM It's Larger Softer Smoother Riding ORDINARY TIRE. Your "old type" tire rolls-up-on road obstacles, "shock" goes through car to you! "AIR CUSHION" TIRE. See how it ENVELOPS irregulari ties . . . smothers "shock" before it can reach youl j Riverside "Air Cushion" It's the tire all America is talking about . . . and you cut buy it NOW "Air Cushion" is the Neu Softer, Larger tire that will give your car the superbly mooth ride so widely acclaimed by car manufacturer on their 19-18 and '49 models. Make your 1946 and 1947 car ride like these latest models! Imagine high-speed travel over rough roads in your present car with effortless, finger-tip control, virtually floating over the bumps without feeling road shocks . . . that's what "Air Cushions" will do for you! Why wait! Come in Today ... examine this completely NEW tire yourself . . . then let us mount a et of these big beauties on your car! (No expensive wheel changes necessary!) SIZE Air Cushion Conventional 6.70- 16 replaces 6.00-16 7.60- 16 replaces 6.50- 16 8.20-16 replaces 7.00- 16 l & ""1 r B Sr " I I ?. i I I I ' I fl fvi' ft r l I h , : 1 - . J J I i L v J , Mi :- . Generous Ttade-In Allowance Heppner Motors Your KAISER-FRAZER Dealer