6 Heppner Go2ette Times, Heppner, Oregon, August 12, 1948 Morrow County Fair Cr Rodeo September 2-3-4, 1948 Bigger and Better Levi Strauss Overalls n uwzn'R wQiSt25&26 $300 ILlb V 11 3 Waist 27-28-29 $3 25 MH Waist 30 to 42 $3.45 Hardeman Hat, $10.00, $12.50 Stetson Hat, $12.50, $15.00 Western Rodeo Shirts, $6.59 to 1 3.00 Western Ties, $1 .00, 1 .50, 1 .95 Justin Boots, $24.50, 27.50 Other Boots, $15.95 Let's go Western and Enjoy the Show AI U t kt vviison s men s wear The Store of Personal Service you c4re Cordially. Snvited to VUrt ii during our Mammoth Celebration FORT DALLES CENTENNIAL DAYS August 26 through 29, 1 948 The Dcdjes, Oregon PARADES HORSE SHOW OREGON STATE AAU SWIMMING MEET DRUM & BUGLE CORPS CONTEST WHISKER CONTEST AQUATIC REVUE CARNIVAL STREET DANCES SKATING SHOW CORONATION BALL Grand Historical Pageant "Oregon Trail Cavalcades" Cast of 500. Sorosis Parle A John B. Rogers Production REVELRY ENTERTAINMENT FROM NOON TO MIDNIGHT EVERT DAY Seeing Is Believing Watch our window for the new RB1 1 Hot Point Range The greatest major change in electric range in the past 23 years. -b H3SF1 u1 Everybody is pointing to HOTPOINT Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co STAR gs REPORTER AlaUaatoa prion Dunoon and arala. ulw ap. lu .10, ToUJ 60c Iwy child occupying a aaat eincaUr adrerttaa to 1m ethanrlaai Children: Bat. D"ut baT ticket. Jrto. jt, Ft4. Tu .OS, Total SOc ; Orada and HKh Sanday ahowa oonUnaoiii ftartlaf at 1 p.m. Satnr- chaol Btna.au is r. -a . i, day avanlx alum atari at T p.m. All othor enln - ," u Tmm "rl rtoa .40. rt.rt ,l30 p.,,,. Boxotllca open areningi -1. Total 60c Adult, t Ert. Prda JO, la4. unUl p.m. Friday-Saturday, August 13-14 WESTERN HERITAGE Put-riding, ftuit-punch! ng fast-shoot. njj outdoor fiiterUuiiment with Tim Holt, lu UilU. TENDER YEARS Jo. B. Brown, Jowphls. Bntcalnaoa, June. Mil. A urprli! hit with a charm aJI Iti own. Sunday. Monday, August 15-16 Gentleman's Agreement Oratory Tc. Dorothy atoOulra, J aha OarfUld, Calaala Bolm. Anna aWrara, Jan. Havoo, Albert Dakaar In Inra S. Bobaoa'a navel Uiat bacam tli. Amdeniy Award Pk-tura: Bwt Picture of of the Tear. Btwt lllrertlon, and Beat ttupporUnf Aotraaa. Tor full enjoyment aee it from the atari. PLUS 20 Years of Academy Awards A short subject showing the earliest Award Win ners and on to the present lime. Tueiday, August 17 HI NEIGHBOR era Vague, Boy Acnff, Jean Parker In a rei:wue of a popular cornfest. PLUS Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome Wednesday-Thursday, August 18-19 SAIGON Ala Ladd, Veronica Lake, Donflaa Dick. Action, adventure and romance In the City of Intrigue. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR JULY TERM The minutes of the June, 1948 term were read and approved. On petition signed by more than 100 owners of bovine beef cattle, and hearing held, the County Court orders the begin ning with the fiscal year July 1, 1948, compulsory testing of bo vne beef cattle w ill be required in Morrow County. The Court orders the following Bangs' Disease Claims paid: Charles Coder, $16.00; Peter D. Hiebert, SS.OO; Carl Knlghten, $48.00 and Harold Leighton, $24. The Court ordered that effective as of July 1, 194S, the following salaries will be paid monthly: Deputy Assessor $166.66; Deputy Clerk $175.00; Deputy Tax Col lector, $200.00; Tax Department Office Clerk, $125.00; County Nurse, $225.00, and Janitor, $190. The Court ordered the sale of the NEH of Sec. 30, Twp. 2 N Range 24 E. V. M., for the mini mum price of $240.00. Warrants Issued on the General Fund Bert Johnson, County Ct. $ 22.19 L. D. Neill, County Court 77.00 Ralph I. Thompson, County Court 50.45 Maxine Cox, Deputy Clerk Salary 138.75 Frances Mitchell, Deputy Tax Col. Salary 171.63 Lorine Ledbetter, Dep. Sal. 113.25 Olive B. Hughes, Deputy Assessor Solary 153.45 Sadie Parrish, Supt. Asst. 130.45 Margaret Gillis Co. Nurse Salary . .. 176 in A. J. Chaffee, Janitor Sal. 134.00 Dr. Archie D. McMurdo, Physician Salary 25.73 Susie W. Miller, ct Report er 41.2.") A. B. Chaffee, Justice of the Peace Salary .. . 59.49 J. O. Hager, Justice of the Peace Salary 74.25 Pub. Employes Retirement, Supt. Salary 20.88 First Nat. bank of Port land, Withholding tax . . 148.83 State Tax Commission, Withholding tax on Sal. 79.66 Heppner Gazette Times, Off. Pub. $60.00; Treas urer $16.25 76.25 Jaynes Typewriter Exch., Kural School Board 17.50 Lucy E. Rodgers, 4-H club 150.00 Western Golf Course Sup- . ply Co., Ct. House 1.86 Pacific Power & Light Co., Court House 21.36 State Ind. Acc. Comm., Ct. House 70c, Jan. 30c, Sher. $3.95. Deputy 30c 5.25 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 169.90 Western Union, Sheriff 90 l'ac. Stat. & Pr. Co., Sheriff $4.48, Clerk $28.16, Cir. Ct. $2.50, Justice Ct, $2.50 37.64 Kilham Stat. & Pr. Co., Clk. 11.68 West Coast Pr. & Bind. Co., Clerk 18.10 Master Products Co., Clerk 2.65 Petef D. Hiebert, Bangs' Disease Control 8.00 Pac. Tel & Tel. Co., Current Expense 64.05 Turner, Van Marter & Co.. Insurance 139.00 Archie D. McMurdo, M.D., Coroner 25.60 R. G. McMurtry, Coroner .... 1.50 D. A. Wilson, Coroner 1.50 E. A. Bennett, Coroner 1.50 Edwin Gonty, Coroner 1.50 Jack Van Winkle, Coroner 1.50 J. O. Rasmus, Coroner 1.50 George Gertn, Coroner .. 1.50 Helen O'Donnell, Coroner 10.00 Central Mkt. & Grocery, Jail Expense 11.75 Heppner Market, Jail Exp. 2.31 i Margaret Gillis, Co. Nurse , Expense 121.38 ; Lulu Hager, Emergency (Health) , 4.00 'Archie D. McMurdo, M.D., Insane Expense 5.00 j Children's Farm Home, Juvenile Court 5.00 IS C. Russell. Sheriff $3.00 I Election $4.00 7.00 j Mid-Columbia Type Co., J Sheriff 1850 C. J. D. Bauman, Stamps : and Envelopes 10.00 ' Charles R. Coder, Bangs' Disease Control 16.00 j First Nat. Bank of Port ! land, General Assistance I $1123; Old Age Assist ! ance $1500. Dependent I Children SUSfiOO. Blind Assistance $-12.00, total 3153.00 Warrants Issued on the General Road Fund Darold Hams 197.06 Fred allrrison 14.175 James Newman 133.45 Roy Beckwith 119.55 Fred Booker i an v William C. Heath 9i5d9 Jack Slocum 1S2 63 H. Sherer 1155.43 Walter Gilman 'ji iq H. Wilson 263.93 W. Cunnineham ii 70 Shell Oil Company 35.96 f eenauehtv Machlnorv r,i dt or Sam Forman 28 00 Industrial Air Products Co. .60 Hodce Chevrolet ("n wk Lexington Implement Co. 121.18 First Nat. Bank of Port land m.i .10 State Tax Combission .17 tc State Industrial Acci. Com. 52.04 Kosewall Motor Comnanv 1')4 77 Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. 107.07 Western Auto Suoulv 46 47 City of Heppner Water Department 9 no Owerfs Hardware 15.90 Heppner Motors 24.82 Paul Pettyjohn 11.25 Union Oil Company 347.95 Pac. Power & Lieht Co 9 is How ard Cooper Corp. 2.67 orauen iractor & Equip. 99.59 57.20 15.83 34.80 64.80 54.00 64.80 120.63 218.21 I 111 I II FBI I IlllaWaai F.verv nieht, at midnight, this Norge defrosts itself! Current is turned off, light frost melts from the outside of the sealed freezer, and highest refrigerating efficiency is re stored. You can forget about manual defrosting. 331l3loMon Space One-third more storage in same floor space as a prewar six. Defrosts Itself every night with exclusive Self-D-Froter. Giant Side Freezer holds up to 37 lbs, of frozen food, Coldpack holds up to 12 lbs. of meo ONLY $299.75 Terns A TO f.T'J L. E. DICK Heppner Oregon 13 cpjqco oqd ggrc Jr. ON PENNEY'S SHOES FOR SCHOOL I GIRLS' SHOES! 5.50 Such a low price for this popular top quality brown oxford! rVrU, AA, B, C D widths. 1 loyscuffless tip oxford. . .-. . ... . . .3.98 Girls' dress and school shoe 4.49 BOYS' BROWN SCHOOL SHOES 498 Rubber heels, soles for wear; tan side leather for style. Result: a perfect school shoe. 1 to 6, YOUNG MEN'S SCHOOL SHOES 6.90 The popular moccasin in tan side leather with rub ber soles and leather heels. Sizes 6 to 11. T Co. Jack Allen Supply Co. uinon Auto Parts Co. Richard Allstott . William R. Scott Walter W. Hurley timer O. Iverson Rodent Fund Carl McDaniel Joseph Baltrenas CHURCHES ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHUBCH Schedule of services: Mass in Heppner on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass in lone on the Jst and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday--one mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: in lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. . ALL SAINTS CHURCH Schedule of services for Aug ust: No church school during Aug ust. Aug. 8 and 15: No services. Aug. 22 and 29: Holy commun ion 8 a..m Holy communion, 11 a.m. e METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Soriien, Minister"" Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m., Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, superinten dent; Robert Owens, assistant su perintendent; Mrs. J. Palmer Sor iien, superintendent of the pri mary department. We have bible class at the Sunday school hour also classes for all ages. Wednesday, mid-week devo tional service at 7:30 p.m. The Womens Society of Chris tian Service meets the first Wed nesday of each month. . e LEXINGTON CHURCH Bible school begins at 10 o' clock with classes for all ages. The sermon subject for the 11 o' clock service will be 'The Shep herd Heart." At the 8 o'clock evening service the pastor will speak on the "Oddities of the Bi ble." see CHURCH OF CHRIST John Runyan, minister, phone 2615. Bible school, 9:45 a.m.; C. W. Barlow, adult superintendent; Beverly Yocom, junior superin tendent. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Ser mon subjest, "Dry Bones No Preaching." Evening worship, 8 p.m., ser mon subject,"After Death What?" When Jesus gave his instruc tions to the Church, He said, "Whosoever would be greatest among you let him be servant of all." There are none however good or however bad who can say "I can live unto myself." You need the Church and the Church needs you. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT dated July 21, 1948, I am authorized and di rected to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: North forty feet of Lot four In Block fifteen of Will's Addi tion to the Town of lone, Mor row County, State of Oregon, for the minimum price of $35.00, cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 21st day of August, 1948 at the hour of 10:00 A.M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Ore gon sell said property to the high est and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. FRANCES MITCHELL, 18-22 Deputy. t . . w X A AST r"t "iiTllmilHSaaMiil' 1 1' 1 11 11 a - ar -- 1 ' At' r " 5v As shining as your dreams V '. ,-. T BEAUTIFUL INTERNATIONAL STERLING t ni up to your 3reanu ... choose beaotiul, solidj ' Intcmational Sterling for your lifetime tilvcr! ( Come in and let us show you the exquisite International . ' patterns . . . modern or traditional, simple or ornate,! as you lie. And all solid silver .. , artist-designed, each detail finished to perfection. ( j Trices on famous International Sterling bavi not ieen raised! Begin, if you He, with individual place settings! I (as little as $11.38, tax included) and build your set as i you go along. A real value ... for you'll never rued to ! replace your International Sterlingl The lovely flower Vnaucra Ulustxated is Sjiring Glory, f .. - Pd, r Friday - Saturday - Monday Frozen Applesauce-3 lib. Pkgs. .23 Searchlight Matches, 6 box carton 32c Zee Wax Paper, 1 25 ft. roll 20c Doumak Marshmallows, 12 oz. pkg., 2 - 35c Kool Aid, 6 pkgs 25c Raisins, 4 lb. package 57c SOAP 49c i,rSnow35c MOR Lunch Meat 12 oz. Tin Pork Beef Veal Nation's Garden Sweet Peas, No. 303, tin 10c Garden Peaches, Yellow Cling Halves 2'2tin 39c PRODUCE DEPARTMENT Watermelon ... 5c lb. Local Corn . . 49c doz. Cantaoupe ... 1 5c ea. Grapefruit . . 3 for 25c Green Beans . . 15c lb. MEAT DEPARTMENT - Oriole Sliced Bacon 69c lb. Select Steer Short Ribs 45c lb. Ground Beef.. 59c lb. Ham Oregon fhief 73c lb. Court Street Market a?