. . -r: u f Ai 111 ic t 1 Q4R Want Ads FOR SALE 1940 Chev 1 12 ton truck; bulk and stock rack; 14, 000 actual miles. See O. W. Her bison or call 11F13. 20c FOR SALE: 1934 Chev 4-dr, r & h, spotlight, seat covers, good rub ber, pt'ppy engine. Cheap trans portation and a good buy. Price drops $25 per week until sold. See at HEPPNER MOTORS. PICTURES, books and boxed sta tionery at Yeager's. 20-21 ALTERATIONS Call 1013. I will call and deliver. Will make ma chine buttonholes. Lennie Lou don. Church street. 19-22p NYLON HOSIERY, sizes 9 to 10 12; children's anklets, sizes 4 to 6 12; In 8 to 10 12 for teen-agers. Yeager's. 20-21 1931 Ford coupe. Pay down $85. Rosewall Motor Compnay. Have your new car undersealed to prevent rust and keep our dust. Rosewall Motor Company. It will be big and better in '48 Morrow County Fair and Ro deo. 19c ALL-OVER eyelet-embroidery, laces, ric rac, skirt facing, ruf fling, all kinds of dress trim, in colors, white, black and plaid. YeageVs 20-21 FOR SALE: Two '41 Chev sedans In need of body and paint work but priced right for some handy man. Might even wholesale same to clear lot, so come down and bargain with HEPPNER MOTORS. 1910 Ford truck, good rubber, 100 h.p. motor, factory bed. This truck is ready to go to work. Pay down $500.00. Rosewall Mo tor Co. Unsurpassed roominess, comfort in riding, and low gas con sumption in the '48 Kaiser au tomobile. Come down and drive HEPPNER MOTORS' Kaiser demoTistrator and see for your self. Top trade-in allowances, especially for late model Chev and Fords given to lucky Kaiser-interested parties. YARD-GCK3DSTncottons, wool ens, rayons, at Yeager's. 20-21 SPORTSMEN: Where are you go ing to carry that deer this fall on your late model cars? The new CAR PAC, seen on our Kai ser demonstrator is the answer to your prayers. Fits any car, can be fitted In five minutes, and is much handier than a trailer. Order now at HEPPNER MOTORS. Buy those famous Firestone All traction tires from Rosewall Motor Company. FOUND Yale key on Main St. No markings. Inquire at Gaz ette Times office. 1918 Ford Super Deluxe fordor se dan, equipped with radio, fresh air heater, undersealed, seat covers. Pay down $700.00. Rose wall Motor Company. WANTED Job as cook in harvest. Mrs. Freddy Paplneau, Lexing- ton, Ore. 20p FOR RENT 3-room apartment at Wightman ranch. Stoves and electricity furnished. Call Her miston 3571 for information. 20p If your car is healing it may need a reverse flush to clear the cooling system. Rosewall Motor Co. I will not be responsible for any bills made by others than my self. W. H. Nichols. 17-20p FOR IMMEDIATE RELIVERY New K-7 International truck. Lexington Implement Co. 15tfc FOR SAI.E-MociVril Farmall Tractor; four wheel two ton trailer. Call 523 or see A. A. Scoutcn. 2np FOR SALE 6 room house, fur nished or unfurnished. See Dr. Dunham. 20-22p We have the large size truck mud flaps $3.00 each. Rosewall Motor Company. 1935 Ford tudor. Pay'down $135. Rosewall Motor Company. mean AC I if a I.'1.'! sum ISTMjOjRDl oiaMiii FOR SALE 14-foot trailer house, used 2 months. $875. Call at Karra's Shoe Shop. 20p We have a Plymouth rebuilt mo tor In stock for immediate In stallation. If your Plymouth has lost Its pep see us. Rose wall Motor Company. (uk &Abfc 1!7 Plymouth se dan. Contact Roy Quackenbush. 19-20p 1930 Ford pickup. Pay down $85. Rosewall Molor Company. FOR SALE Montag all-while en amel wood and coal range In excellent condition. Call 2234. 19-20p. 1936 Dodge pickup. Pay down $115.00. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Electric roaster and 2-burner hot plate. Reasonable. Ph. 24F12, Mrs. Kenneth Pal mcr, Lexington. 19-21p We invite you to drive the new 1919 Ford. The car of the year. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Modern 3-bedroom house and furniture including electric range, Frigidaire and oil stove, on Water street. $5,000 for all. Turner, Van Marter & Co.' 19-20c We have Ford and Mercury mo tors in stock for immediate in stallation. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Model 22x33 12 foot combine. Can be seen in oper ation in field at Julian Rauch's, Lexington, Ore. 19-20p 1937 Chevrolet Town sedanTPay down $175.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 1910 Chevrolet 1 12 ton, long wheelbase, truck; 8:25 tires; good condition. Call 2242, Heppner. Lyndell Broadfoot. 17-20C FOR SALE 1910 Chevrolet 1 12 ton, long wheelbase truck; 8:25 tires; good condition. Call 2240, Heppner. Lyndell Broadfoot. 17-20c Don't send out of town for any thing automotive until you first try Rosewall Motor Company FOR SALE International D S 30 truck. New engine, new tires, new clutch. Bulk bed. $1500. E M. Baker, lone, Ore. 20-22c 1941 Ford 34 ton Express. Pay down $250.00. Rosewall Motor Company. NOTICE OF ESTRAY Came to my place last fall, one Hereford type 2-year-old bull. No visible marks or brands. Riglittul owner may reclaim same by pay ing feed and advertising bill. V. F. Gentry, Phone 9F21. . 20-22c Legal Advertising NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated July 8, 1948, I am authorized and di reeled to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: NE'4 of Sec. 30, Twp. 2 N., Range 24 E.W.M. for the min imum price of $210.00, cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 14th day of August, 1948 at the hour of 10:00 A.M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon, FRANCES MITHCELL, 17-21 Deputy.. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Ttmos, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a year; single copies. 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor You'll have healthy, wealth, winning livestock when you use Standard Dip and Disinfectant. It's a completely safe germ destroying insecticide. Mix with water as recommended, to treat animals (except cats) and pout try. And use Standard Super Gcrmite solution for cleaning of barns, sheds and pens. Costs only 2 or 3 cents a gallon when mixed properly with water. Rely on this super-strength germicide for keeping sheds and barns clean. SUMMONS NO. 3765 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OK OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OK MORROW. MARGARET WOOiJSON BEKRE and RKRNKJE B. PARK, Plaintiff VI. A. M. STAFFORD and alo ALL OTH- fcH PbKHMNH OR PARTIES UN KNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT. TITLE. ESTATE, LIEN OR INTER EST IN THE REAL ESTATE KKS (TtlBKD IN THE COMI'LAINT HEREIN. Defendant TO: A. M. STAFFORD and alo ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE. LIEN OR INTER EST IN THE HEAL ESTATE DES CRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, the Defendant above named : I.N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you, and each of you. are hereby commanded to appear, and an swer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, in the Court Room of thifl Court, in the County Court HouHe for the County of Morrow and State of Oregon, in Heppner. Oregon, on or before the 23rd day of August, IMS. II you so Ian to appear and an swer the complaint herein. Plaintiffs win apply to the court lor me rellel prayed for In the complaint, to-wit: i. jnai me ueienuanu), ana eacn oi them, be required to set forth their respective claims to the said premises In tills Complaint described. I. That the Defendants, and each of them, have no estate, right, title, Interest Hen, claim or demand In or on Baid premises hereinabove described. or any part thereof. 3. That these Plaintiffs are. an against stiid Defendants, and each of them, the holders of the valid legal title, and the owners In fee. and entitled to the pos session, management and control, of said premises. 4. That said Defendants, and each or them, be forever enjoined and debar red from asserting any right, title, in terest, lien, claim or demand upon the premises hereinabove described, or up on any part thereof, adverse to these Plaintiffs. 5. For such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. The real estate hereinabove mention ed is described as follows: The Northwest Quarter () of Sec tion Twenty-two (22) in Township One (i) North, Range Twenty-six (26) East of the Willamette Merid ian, in the County of Morrow and State of Oregon. This Summons is published by Order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, duly made and entered the 15th day of July, 14S. Date of first publication, July 22, 1948. Uate of last publication. August 19. 1948. WINFREE, MrCULLOUGH, SHULER k SAYRB. Attorneys for the Plaintiffs. 1016 Spalding Bldg.. Portland. Oregon, 1-?2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned were duly appointed by the Prohiite Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, the Administratrix and Administrator of the estate of NEIL DOHERTY. Deceased, and all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased are hereby re quired to present the same duly veri fied with proper vouchers to the under signed Administratrix or Administrator at lone, Oregon or at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 22nd day of July. 1948 MARGERY DOHERTY, Administratrix. CHARLES J. DOHERTY. Administrator. Jos J. Nys, Attorney for Admlnistrarlx and Administrator. Heppner, Oregon. 18-22 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed bv the Probate Court of the County of Morrow, State fn Oregon, adnumsii atoi of the estate of Guy Huston, deceased, and has accepted such trust. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby required tu present the Hitnie t the administrator, at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner. Oregon wn proper vouchers attached, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published at Heppner, Oregun, this 29th day of Julv, 1H4H FRANK S. PARKER, 19-23 Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed, by the Probate Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Morrow, admin istratrix of the estae of Fred J. Nicho sim. deceased, and ias accepted such trust. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent the same, with vouchers attached to the administratrix, at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner, Oregon, with in six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 8th day of July. 1948. EDITH P. NICHOSON. 16-20 Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Countv the Administrator of the estate of DELLA DORA PAD BERG, deceased, and all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of said deceased are herehy required to pre- sent the same duly verified with proper vouciiers to tne unuersignea Auminis- trator at Heppner, Oregon, or at the if The NEW FRIGIDAIRE Fully Automatic Washer --with live water action! is here AND REAY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Also for Immediate Delivery FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS FRIGIDAIRE HOME FREEZERS DIS HWASHERS - WAFFLE IRONS TOASTERS - COFFEE MAKERS ELECTRIC CLOCKS & Light Fixtures A Complete Stock of ZENITH RADIOS and Many Other Electrical Appliances for the Home. FOR SERVICE CALL 1423 Our highly trained service department offers complete service and repair on all electrical appliances or what ever your needs. Heppner Appliance Co. law office of Jos. J. Nys. Heppner. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 6th day of August, 1948. JOHN H PADBERG, Administrator. Jos. J. Nys, Attorney for Administrator, Heppner, Oregon. 20-24 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OK MORROW. PATRICK CARTY, Plaintiff, vs. R. S. HOWARD, JH Receiver of the TITLE GUARANTEE TRUST COMPANY, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate described herein. Defendants. TO: R. S. Howard, Jr., Receiver of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company, also all other persons or parties un- .lUl,l..a Htfht title M. tate. lien or Interest in' the real estate described herein, DEFEND- a wt3. I.N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby required to aooear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of first publication of this sum mons upon you and if you fail to appear and answer for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the court for relief as prayed for in the said camplaint. to wlt: For a Decree that the plaintiff Is the owner in fee simple of the follow ing described real property, to-wit: All of Section 5 in Township 8 North of Range 26 East of the Wil lamette Meridian. All of Section 83 in Township 5 North of Range 26 East of the Willamette Meridian. And that the plaintiff is the owner In fee simple of the above described land, free from any right, title, estate, lien or interest of you and each of you, and that you or any of you have no right, title, estate, lien or Interest in said iand, or any part thereof, and per petually restrain and enjoin you and each of you, your heirs and assigns, from asserting or claiming any right title, estate, lien or interest In the said lands, or any part thereof, adverse to the plaintiff. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consecutive weeks In the Heppner Gazette Times by order of the Honorable Bert Johnson, Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, which said Order was made and entered on the 3rd day of August, 1948. P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoffice Address: Heppner, Oregon. 20-24 NOTICE OF FIHAL ACCOUNT ground, and whereas upon the showing NOTICE 1h hereby given that Fred I of he State Forester, ft appears to me Rood, administrator, c.t.a of the estate to be necessary to close to unregulated of Thomas J. Humphreys, deceased, j use the following areas within and au has filed his final account with the J""6"1 V he Umatilla , National Forest Probate Court of the State of Oregon, Jeignated as-: Area No P (Mill Creek for the County of Morrow, and said ! Area) All that part of the Mill Creek Court has st Tuesday the 7th day of wTaIer8n,d serving- the city of Walla September. 1948, at the hour of 10:00 alLa; Washington south of Oregon o'clock in the forenoon of said day in , Washington State line Area No -P-the County Court Room of the Morrow ' Beare fallow Area) Those parts of County Court House in Heppner, Ore- ' s - 32 and 33 E- BOUjh the gon, as the time and place fur hearing f-1" pnnp roa5 lhfe on and final settlement of said estate. Part8.0' - 4 f- 33- a.nd 33 1 E All persons having objections to said bounded by the Owing Butte road on nnai account are hereby required to file the same with said Court on before the date set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 5th day of August, 1948. FRED ROOD. 30-24 Administrator, c.t.a. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. MARTHA SHANNON, Plaintiff. ci-t ttrnmnn , vfl Trt.. , , . SYLVESTER J, SHANNON. Defendant. To Sylvester J. Shannon. Defendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. And if you fail to answer, appear or other wise plead herein, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for a Decree of absolute Di vorce and for full and complete custody of Mary Shannon, minor child of plain tiff and defendant. Dated and first published this Bth day of August. 1948. J. O. TURNER. Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoffice address, Heppner, Oregon. 20-24 PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the un regulated use of certain areas is. in my judgment, a menace to life and pro perty on account of the high fire haz ard caused by abnormal amounts oi inflammable debris on the ground from logging operations and beetle-killed timber, ana whereas, upon the showing of the State Forester, it appears to me to be necessary to close to unregulated use the following area designated as: Area No. 15-P Oregon State Board of Forestry. Central Oregon District Kin zua Area: Beginning at the town of Kinzua in Sec. 2. T. 7 S.. R. 22 E. : thence in a southwesterly direction along the Blodsoe Creek road to the I Straw Fork road; thence west along the Straw Fork road to the John Day highway; thence in a southeasterly di- rection along the John Day highway j to the Winlock County road; thence in an easterly direction along the Winlock County road to the Alder Creek road; thence in a northeasterly direction I along the Alder Creek road to the Uma tilla National Forest boundary between j Sec. 23 and Sec. 26. T. 7 S.. K. 24 fc. thence In a westerly direction along the Umatilla National Forest boundary ; and continuing along the Umatilla Na- i uonai r oresi Dounaary to me point where said boundary crosses the old f0 Vheppner APPLlArnvs. Mounment-Heppner road between Sec. 23 and Ber. y. T 6 8 , R. 26 E. ; theme In a northerly direction along the old Monument-Heppner road to the junc tion of the Parker's Mill road: thence In a northwesterly direction along the Parker's Mill road to the Spray-Hepp-ner highway; thence south along the Spray-Heppner highway to the town ship line between Sec. 36. T. 5 S-, R. 25 E. ; and Sec. 6. T. 6 8.. R. 26 E ; them e west along the township line to the nor thwest corner of Sec. 1, T. 6 8 , R. 24 E.; thence due south along section lines three (3 miles to the southwest corner of Sec. 13. T. 6 8.. R. 24 K. ; thence due west along section lines approximately nine and one-half (9' miles to the Cones Mill road: thence In a southeast erly direction along the Cones Mill road to the Oxhead Ridge road: thence In a southerly direction along the Oxhead Ridge road to the Camp 6 road; thence in a westerly direction along the Carnp 5 road to the town of Klnzua in Sec. 2, T. 7 S R. 22 E., the point of begin ning, with the exception of the Camp o roau irom ivirizua to mnzua Lamp no. 1 J fermlts to enter the above area may i obtained at the following places: Fire warden s uince. rurizua. uregon Jlin- i ZUB p.lne Mills Co. Office, Kinzua, Ore- K"": Kinzua wooas uamp no. 6: Lone- Creek Guard Station; Wheeler County Agent's Office. Fossil, Oregon, Now, therefore, I, John H. Hall, Governor of the State of Oregon, by virtue of the authority vested in me under the pro visions of Section 107-210. Oregon Com piled Laws Annotated, as amended by Chapter 2.r,2. Oregon Laws li45. do here by proclaim the unregulated use of the above described areas to be unlawful and that said areas shall be subject to entry only through permit to be Is sued by the Sate Forester, or a fire warden, under which permit entrant shall comply with any and all of the following requirements: (1) To refrain from smoking except In places desig nated as safe in said permit. (2) To build no open fires except in places designated as safe In said permit. (3) To have as a part of his or her equip ment when using campfires, except when traveling as a pedestrian andor camping at improved, designated and posted campgrounds, tools as specified by the forester suitable for extinguish ing fires. This proclamation shall be effective from and after the 5th day of August. 1948. and shall remain in full force and effect until the 31st day of December, 1948. Done at the Capitol in Salem, Oregon, this 30th day of July, 1948. John H. Hall. Governor. Attest: Earl T. Newhry, Secretary of State. PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the un regulated use of certain forest areas is, in my judgment, a menace to life and property on account of the excessive amount of inflammable debris on the the west, the Camas Creek stock drive way on the north and east, and the Camas Creek road on the south; ex cepting the Al bee-Lehman Springs Road. Permits may be secured at Ukiah Ranger Station. Ukiah, Oregon. Area No. -P- (Desolation Creek Area) That oart of T. 6 S.. Rs. 31 and 32 E.. lvinir ' south of the North Fork of John Day River; T. 7 S.. Rs. 31 and 32 E., Sec tions 1. 2. T. 8 S.. R. 31 E.. Sections 1 1 to 6 inclusive. T. 8 S., R. 32 E. ; except ing Pendleton-John Day Highway. Pil- i ot Rock Lumber Company Road, and DeBolation Creek Road. Permits may be secured at the Dale Hanger bnt Area No. -P- (Wilson Creek Area) SV. SN4 Sections 33 and 31 T. 6 S.. K. 26 E.; W SW4. SEVSW4. SWSE.. Section 1; S'-a- NW. W4NE Section ,2; Sections 3. 8. 9. N' Section 10. Sec tion 11; NWH. WNE1. WSSW'i Sertion 12, T. 7 S.. R. 26 E.; excepting j Western Route Road. Permits to enter above-described area may be obtained at Heppner Ranger StAtion. Opal Guard Station. Tunner and Bull Prairie Guard Stations. Area No. -P- (Johnson Creek ' Area) W4 Section 28. T. 6 S.. R. 26 E, Permits to enter above-described area may be obtained at Heppner Raneer Station. Opal Guard Station. Tupper and Bull Prairie Guard Stations. Area No. -P- (Big Rock Flat Area) EH Sec tion 14, T. 6 S., R. 26 E. ; excepting Kinzua Highway. Permits to enter above-described area may be obtained at Heppner Ranger station. Opal Guard Station. Tupper and Bull Prairie Guard Stations. Area No. -P- (Red Hill Area) Section 8. W4 Section 9. W4 Section 16. E Section 17, NEV4N714 Section 20; NEVi. N4NW14. N4SEV4 Section 21; W4. SE1 Section 22, T. 6 S.. R. 27 E.: excepting Western Route Road, Red Hill Road, Little Wall Creek Road, and Kinzua Highway. Permits to enter above-described area may be obtained at Heppner Ranger Station, Opal Guard Million. Tupper and Bull Prairie Guard Stations. Now. therefore, I. John H. Hall, Governor of the State of Oregon, by virtue of the authority vested in me under the provisions of Section 107-210. Oregon Compiled Laws Annotated, as amended by Chapter 252, Oregon Laws 1945. do hereby proclaim the unregulat ed use of the above-described areas to be unlawful and that said areas should be subject to entry only through permit to be issued by the State Forester, or a fire warden, under which permit en trant shall comply with any and all of the following requirements: (1) To re frain from smoking except in places designated as safe In said permit. (2) To build no open fi-es except in nine- ' designated as safe in said permit (3) neppner oazeiTe i TO have as part of hi" or i er eo'iipment when using campfires. except when traveling as a pedestrian andor ramp ing at itnprovtd. delimitated and posted campgrounds, tools as specified by the forester suitable for extinguishing fires. This proclarnat ion shall he Hfctive from and after the 1st day of August. 1948, and shall remnin in full force arid effect until the fllst day of December, 1948. Done at the Capitol In Salem. Oregon, this 2Mh day of July, 1948. s John H. Hall. Governor. Attest: Earl T. Newbry. Secretary of State. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the Town of Long Creek, Oregon, wil accept sealed bids on Street Improve ments consisting of constructing concrete sidewalks on the North and South sides of Main street, in the Town of Long Creek, Grant County, Oregon, between Summit Street on the West and E street on the East, as provided for in plans and specifications drawn by the City Engineer of the Town of Long Creek now on file and of record in the. office of the Re corder of the said town. All bids must be accompanied by a certi fied check for 157o of the amount bid. Checks will be returned to unsuccessful bidders. All bids must be in and filed with the Council at 8 p.m. on the 9th day of August, 1948. The Council reserves the right to rejsct any and all bids. DATED this 24th day of July, 1948. TOWN OF LONG CREEK, By PHIL WOODALL, 19-21 Recorder. NOTICE OF STREET VACATION Notice is hereby given that G. W. Thompson and Jesse Hall have presented their petition to the Common Council of the City of Heppner, Oregon to vacate the ! . here in town. . A powerful VLtSJ nooy warn to oirBrr n locally-spent income into the pocket of a unafl group of mamrfec-' turers. This they hope to do through tf repeal of Federal restrKtiowr on the manufacture and sale of c4eomargerelcdy8ow mW tation of butter. The interdepend eoee of our tow and it surrowicW ing dairy farmer i in jeopardy. U a good neighbor! , Write y97 Senators to keep the federal Wo law oa the boob! Morrow County Creamery Co. J0 ) 1 imes, neppneiickjun, following portion of Street within the Corporate limits of the City of Heppner, to-wit: That portion of the cast end of Center Street lying be tween Lot 1 in Block 3 and Lot 9 in Block 4 in Morrow' First Addition to the City of Heppner, Oregon; and the Common Council has set Tuesday, September 6, 1948 at the hour of 7:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers in said City as the time and place for hearing objections or remonstrances to the vacation thereof and any objections or re monstrances will be heard by the FOR SALE 960 acres near Eight Mile Center 600 acres farmed; 270 acres in crop this year 230 acres in summerfallow at $5 per acre. Modern home. A bargain at 32$000 MUST SELL QUICK Turner, Van Marter & Co. v 4,., 1 r'-' tr at hom! farmer track .1 a and equipment dealer, do basinet witk, local bank, and spend tKeir Electricity AND Wood or Coal. Welcome warmth for your kitchen when you want it. PLUS speed, convenience, economy, and th clean, controlled cooking heat of electricity. Have all these advantages now in your modern kitchen with this beautiful new Montag combi nation Electric-Wood-and-Coal range. See this new, modern, automatic range at your authorized Montag dealer's today. CVu outfox m1 ' Common Council at said time and place. Dated this 29th day of July, 1948. WALTER BARGER, JR., 19.21 City Recorder. WAKE UP BUSINESS By Advertising In This Newipaper A T our community cath Our nearby dairy with local WPP BUTTER income riejbt- Modernize your kitchen with this Beautiful New Montag Combination Range! ELECTRICITY. WOOD. COAL No L. E. DICK Phone 622 Heppner, Oregon Gilliam r Bisbee